
Azaki : the devil warrior

After becoming a host for an ancient demon, 15 year old azaki embarks on the journey of a lifetime as he learns what it means to be a warrior

Rossi_billionz · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Ch 3) birth of a warrior

azaki walks deeper into the forest and finds an odd looking tree in the middle of the forest and out of nowhere a giant dragon spirit appears in front of him, with the length of a phyton and the width of an anaconda. the spirit continues to stare at him. moments after azaki and the spirit are transported to an alternate realm. suddenly azaki right arm start to hurts as he looks at the arm and sees a mark of a dragon on it quite similar to how the spirit looks like.

then his eyes begin to glow red. the dragon then stretches out his right hand index finger towards azaki and uses it to touch him in the forehead. immediately azaki is transported back to the mortal realm, not too long after tashima finds him but he's unconscious.

Tashima : azaki azakiiiii can you hear me, oh no what happened. I better get you out of here

she gets him up on his feet and puts his hand around her neck as she helps him walk towards a small pool of water ahead of them. she reaches there then drops him right in front of the pool and fetches some water with her hand and pours it right on his face. immediately azaki wakes up.

Tashima : oh thank God you're alive, for a moment there I thought you were dead. what happened?

Azaki : honestly I don't know, I thought I heard some voices calling to me and when I went to look for them there was this big giant spirit who appeared to me and then.....

Tashima : I'm gonna stop you right there cause I don't get what you're saying at all. maybe you slipped and fell then hit your head so hard that you became unconscious. any way the good news is that you're alive. ok let's go if we know we're ever gonna get outta here.

Azaki : can you help me up?

Tashima : sure.

she helps him get up and they start walking.


Tashima : ok let's stop here, I need a minute to catch my breath.

Azaki : me too.

tashima turns her head towards another direction as she looks and sees a ray of light coming from a far distance.

Tashima : hey I see a light coming from that area, maybe it's a way out.

Azaki : but I don't have enough strength to walk.

Tashima : fine I'll help you.

she helps him get up puts his arm around her neck and walks him towards the direction of the light. lucky for them it was a way out. it was actually the entrance to the forest which means there were back at the market.

Tashima : azaki we did it, we made it out.

minutes later People began to leave the market and run away because they were shocked to see someone return from the forest. moments after their arrival at the market guards began to show up.

after all the guards had assembled they began throwing their rope towards them and as the rope connects and coils like a snake around a human being they start dragging them towards opposite directions then they arrest them.

Tashima : ahh!!!

tashima yells aggressively as she tries to free herself from the grasp of the guard holding her.

Tashima : let us go you don't understand we're not spirits we just got lost in the forest.

Guard : oh yeah then how did you get out , don't worry when we get to the castle this one will be punished even more for trying to lie to a royal guard.

The guard pushes tashima towards a barrel of watermelon ahead of him. the impact causes the fruit to start falling from the barrel straight to tashima body.

tashima tries to stop the incoming fruits by blocking with her hands but is hit to the head by a falling watermelon, she walks a little back to regain her senses as she slips on a already broken part of the watermelon and falls to the ground thus injuring and bruising parts of her body like her knee, elbow,head, legs and arm.

Guard : that's weird, I thought spirits can't get injured. any way it doesn't matter, tie her up and put her in the wagon.

azaki seeing the brutality of how his sister was treated bursted into an uncontrollable rage and emitted out a red energy wave from his body that tore the ropes that were binding him and pushed all the guards near him to different directions. he stood up with his eyes glowing red and a visible but large red aura surrounding him.

Guard : I told you he's a spirit, take him down

the guard yelled as he commanded the other guards to commence a full force assault on azaki. with a swift movement azaki deflected all the guards attack and threw them in different directions. the force at which he threw them was so hard that most of the guards could not stand up but few resisted the pain and continued on yet another futile attempt to stop him. azaki stretched forth his hand towards the incoming guards and used his powers to levitate them and throw them towards barrels,carts and fruits in the market.

Tashima : azaki what happened to you.

Tashima says with her eyebrows in amazement to the display of power produced from azaki. while she wondered about what she was seeing. a guard shot a flare to call for help. meanwhile azaki continued to decimate the guards as more approached him but this time with weapons. some archers among the guards shot him arrows but their effort was meaningless. as azaki turned and saw the incoming arrows, his eyes glowed even more red than before and the arrows paused in mid air. with his right hand stretched towards the arrows, the arrows changed their directions to the archers and flew back to them with even greater speed thus piercing the guards. some of the guards even died in this incident. as he walked towards the remaining the guards to finish them up he was electrocuted and fell on his knees. he turned back and saw several guards shooting electric blast at him. the electric blast was produced from their gloves, these guards came as a result of the flare they saw and arrived on the scene after the incident with the archers. azaki tried to withstand the pain of the electricity coursing through his vein but eventually got worn out and fainted.

Guard : men, that kid is something else. we have to bring him to azeyl before we can know what to do with him and don't forget to bring the girl as well.