
Ayanokouji Kiyone (Female Kiyo)

DeAThReAPeR0786 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

Chapter 1

After some time, the bus came and luckily Kiyone found an empty seat next to a black haired beauty.

She noticed that the black haired girl is reading a book whose name is 'Crime and Punishment' by Fyodor Dostoyevsky.

Kiyone: "Hello! Is this your first time reading this book? It's a great pick."

Suzune: "No, I have read this book 3 to 4 times."

Suzune answered without looking up from her book.

Kiyone: "Mind sharing some thoughts of yours about this book?"

Suzune first time avert her gaze from her book and glance at Kiyone.

After laying her gaze, she saw Kiyone's smiling face and she blushed.

Suzune: "O-o-ok!"

Even she don't know why was she stuttering. Suzune is going to convey her thoughts but she got interpreted.

?: "Excuse me, but shouldn't you offer up your seat?"

Suzune glances at what the commotion is about but she immediately loses interest when she understands that the boy is not going to give up his seat. Her gaze lands on Kiyone once more to continue their conversation.

The moment Kiyone understood what the commotion was about and the blonde boy has no interest in giving his seat.

She just raised her hand.

Kiyone: "Ma'am, you can have my seat."

Suzune just stare dumbfounded at her. She wants to talk to her.

Kiyone: "I'm sorry, may be next time"

After Kiyone guided the elder lady to her seat. On the other hand, Suzune really wants to talk to Kiyone She doesn't know why these feelings came from her for a stranger whose name she doesn't even know.

Suzune's Thoughts: 'Why am I getting disappointed I need to focus on catching up with Nii san, this is the last chance I have.'

Suzune is contemplating her thoughts while Kushida is approaching Kiyone.

Kikyo: "Hello! Thanks for giving your seat. That's very kind of you."

Kiyone: "No, it's not a big deal. Anyone in my place can do that for sure."

This is the first time Kushida see Kiyone's smile and she gets flustered. She is staring at Kiyone's face.

Kiyone: "Something is on my face?"

Kikyo: "N-n-no! It's not like that anyway I'm Kushida Kikyo from class D. What about you?"

Kiyone: "Hello Kushida san, I'm Ayanokouji Kiyone from class D too. Let's become friends."

Kushida's face become red after seeing Kiyone's smile again. But Kushida is a fake queen which can hide her emotions well.

After chit chatting with Kushida for the whole bus ride, Kiyone came to the conclusion that Kushida is faking her personality but she didn't care because sometimes Kushida is not faking her emotions and also Kiyone thinks that she has a reason to do that so Kiyone is going to treat her like she do with everyone.

As Kiyone got off the bus, she saw a gate formed from natural rock waiting just ahead. All the young boys and girls dressed in school uniforms were passing through this gate. The Japanese government had created the Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing High School with the express purpose of developing future leaders.

Kiyone after checking the time, she realised that there are only a few minutes left for the entrance ceremony.

Kiyone: "It is almost time for entrance ceremony. Let's go Kushida san, otherwise we are going to be late."

Kiyone quickly grabs Kushida's hand and starts running towards the entrance ceremony but not too fast because she is mindful of her and Kushida's pace so she adjusts her pace according to Kushida's pace.

Kushida's face becomes red and steam is coming out of her face.

Kikyo Pov:

What the hell is happening to me, why is my heart beating so fast when she holds my hand. Her smile is very dangerous, I can tell that almost all boys are going to fall for her. It is impossible for me to become the queen of the school but why I'm not angry with that, I get it that I fall in love with her.

3rd Person Pov:

Before Kushida's thoughts can proceed forward, she tripped her foot and is going to fall but Kiyone catches her but she sprained her ankle.

Kikyo: "Thank you!"

Kushida is thankul for Kiyone to stop her fall, suddenly she realised that her face is buried in Kiyone's breasts. She quickly stand on her feet.

Kikyo: "I'm sorry, it's not my intention."

Kiyone is confused why Kushida apologized to her.

Kiyone: "I don't know why you are apologizing to me but it's fine."

Kushida facepalmed at her reply. She is wondering that this girl is dense as rock.

Kiyone spotted a bench nearby and drag Kushida with her.

Kikyo: "You can go to the entrance ceremony alone otherwise you will be going to be punished."

Kiyone: "How can I leave you alone, you are my friend."

Kikyo: "Friend huh, I never consider anyone friend my whole life. Will you be my friend after this."

Kushida showed her true face to Kiyone because Kushida didn't want Kiyone to face punishment because of her even it means to show her true face.

Kiyone rests Kushida's forehead in her lap and starts patting her head.

Kushida is wondering why she didn't run away who wants to spend their time with a bitch who is faking her personality to get their trust and secrets. Before Kushida's thoughts proceed further Kiyone started speaking.

Kiyone: "I don't care what happened in your past but I got the feeling that you want someone you can relay on, you want a friend who don't judge you because of your past. I can be that friend, you can tell me everything you want. You can act with me however you want because I want to be friend with real you."

We can see Kushida is crying in Kiyone's lap.

Kikyo: "Why why why you don't run away. Why you want to become a friend of a bitch. Why?"

Kiyone: "For me, Kushida is my first friend in this school and I want her to think of me as a genuine friend."

After crying for few minutes more, Kushida compose herself.

Kikyo: "You know, you are an idiot."

Kiyone: "Why is that?"

Kiyone said while tilting her head to which Kushida squealed in her mind.

Kikyo: "Because you became friend with me."

Kiyone: "Then I can be that idiot, you are talking about."

(Kiyone's Rizz >>>>>>>>>)

Kushida is seen blushing, she quickly gets up from Kiyone's lap and hug her.

Kikyo: "Thank You!"

Kiyone smile at the situation. She feels happy to help Kushida which she is seeking for her whole life.

Kikyo: "Can I call you by your first name? It's ok if you refuse-"

Kiyone: "It is okay in return I'm going to call you Kik- , wait how about Kyo? It feels better to call you that. Can I call you Kyo Pleaseee?"

Unbeknownst to Kiyone, she activated her skill which no one can resist which is her puppy eyes.

Kushida is not able to handle the cuteness she is radiating and quickly agreed with her.

This is how Kushida became obsessed with our protagonist. She wants nothing in her life except Kiyone all to herself.


We can see Kushida is riding on Kiyone's back. After an argument about this, Kushida finally agreed to it by Kiyone puppy eyes which she can't resist.

With obsession, Kushida became a pervert also for Kiyone. She quickly take a sniff when there is no prying eyes.

There is a little problem for the both of them that is they don't know where class D room is.

They spotted two people, one is a boy and the other is a girl. The boy is a tall, fair-skinned teenager with light blond hair and light blue eyes. The girl is a teenage girl who could be seen as rough looking. She has waist-length chocolate-brown hair that is adorned by a hair pin in shape of sunflower on the right side along with two ordinary hair-clips on the same side and purple eyes.

Kiyone: "Hello! Are both you second years?"

Miyabi: "Yes, you two look like first years, then what are two doing here? The school is going to start for you guys."

Kiyone: "We don't know where the class room is?"

Asahina smile after seeing Kiyone, she is like a child who forget where is her home.

Miyabi: "In which class do you two belong?"

Kiyone: "I'm Ayanokouji Kiyone and my friend on my back is Kushida Kikyo, we both belong to class D."

Nagumo and Asahina both of their eyes widen at the fact that she is the one who ace the entrance exam with 100% marks.

This is announced in entrance ceremony that there is a student who ace the entrance exam with 100% marks but the student is belong to class D.

Nagumo thought that she was placed in class D because of her social and physical skills but that is not the case after seeing Kiyone, she is carrying a person but she didn't show any signs of fatigue and her social skills are very good.

Nazuna: "Congratulations! Ayanokouji chan, you were the one who creates a history in this school by getting 100% marks in her entrance exam."

Miyabi: "Congratulations! Ayanokouji."

Kushida gasped at this information, even though she didn't understand some problems in the entrance exam.

Kiyone: "Thank you! umm senpais."

Miyabi: "Oh right! We didn't introduce ourselves. I'm Nagumo Miyabi vice president of the student council and she is Asahina Nazuna, my secretary."

Nagumo didn't show on his face but he is captivated by her beauty. If he said that she is the most beautiful girl he ever saw then it is a sentence rather than a compliment.

Both the girls were guided by their senpais to their class room.

When they passed by other classes, Kiyone noticed something strange.

Kiyone: "Nagumo Senpai, can I ask you a question?"

Miyabi: "Yes, you can ask me anything, if it's in my capabilities then I will answer your question."

Asahina is also paying close attention to our protagonist.

Kiyone: "When we were passing by other classes, I noticed something strange. There are four cameras in each corner of every class and there are so many cameras in this hallway."

Asahina is shocked. She didn't expect her cute Kohai to have observation skills which far surpasses the students of class D.

Miyabi: "There are so many cameras because the school monitors bullying very carefully."

Nagumo didn't show on his face but he was shocked too.

Kiyone: "But they are well hidden, if you didn't pay attention very carefully, then you were not able to spot them. If it is for monitoring the bullying, then is it not best for school to install the cameras so that they could be seen by everyone."

Nagumo and Asahina both were impressed by Kiyone's observation skills.

Miyabi: "It's not in my capabilities to answer that but let me ask you a question also."

Kiyone: "I will answer your question if it's within my capabilities."

Miyabi: "You are a smart one. Would you like to join Student Council as a representative of first year?"

Kiyone: "Nagumo senpai, you flatter me too much. I'm sorry but I'm going to refuse. After conversing with you senpai, I came to a conclusion that this school is anything but normal."

Miyabi: "You can call me Miyabi you know that. In return, can I call you Kiyone."

Kiyone: "Yes, you can call me Kiyone, but I'm going to call Yabi senpai and can I call you Nazu senpai Please."

Kiyone again use her skill but this time, it's on her both senpai.

This time Nagumo can't compose him properly.

Nagumo and Asahina both blush very hard.

Miyabi: "You can call me anything you want."

Nazuna: "Fine by me, Kiyone-chan, let's hang out some other time.

After their conversation, Kiyone and Kushida both left for their classes.

Nazuna Pov:

Nazuna: "What is your intention regarding Kiyone-chan, Miyabi."

Miyabi: "I don't think, I can use under handed techniques on her. It pains my heart too."

That is new coming from Miyabi.

Nazuna: "She is too cute to left alone, I'm going to make her mine, Miyabi."

Miyabi: "As if you can, she is mine and mine alone. No one can steal her from me."

Nazuna: "You are talking like she became yours already. How about a competition? Let's see who wins."

Miyabi: "Fine by me, Let's have a competition."

2101 words

Author's Notes

I write 2 chapters in advance if you are wondering how I write this fast. I'm very lazy person so don't expect early updates.

Anyways how's the chapter?