
Ayanokouji in Shadow Slave

It is as you think . Ayanokouji in Shadow Slave . To be clear this is an 15 y.o Kiyotaka who have not yet entered Tokyo ANHS and he is in his physical prime . Updates: 3-4 chaps a day

Rick_playback · Anime e quadrinhos
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61 Chs

Chapter 29

Name: Kiyotaka

True Name: Angel of War

Rank: Dreamer

Class: Beast

Soul Core: Dormant

War Fragments: [612/1000]

Memories: [Bloodsword], [Tunic of Warrior], [Torch], [Eye of the Night], [Blood Fervor], [Wing of Fall]

Echoes: [Asher]

Attributes: [The Seeker of Freedom], [Flame of Divinity], [Child of War], [Bloodborne Ascendant]

Aspect: [Warrior of the End]

Aspect Rank: Divine

Aspect Description: [You are a miraculous survivor of the bloodline of the Goddess of War. The last warrior who stood his ground against all odds and defied his fate.]

Aspect Legacy: [Bloodbound Warfare]

Legacy Description: [The legacy that has been incorporated with the help of divinity and limitless potential. Allows the bearer to always passively reach the limits of what is possible within a rank.]

Innate Ability: [Broken Limits]

Ability Description: [An ability that makes it possible for you to temporarily break free from your power limits and gain strength beyond your Rank and Level]

Dormant Ability: [Blood Manipulation]

Ability Description: [Allows the user to manipulate blood]


'The legacy description shows that it elevates me to the peak of what a Dreamer can achieve. And by the sound of it, it will be the same for every rank...meaning just by pure physical stats alone I will always be at the top...'

'And if I use my Innate Ability to the fullest...I will become as strong as the next rank for a temporary period?'

At that moment, Kiyotaka felt an urge to go and kill Gulang and the other Sleepers around him right away.

'Pity...that would have been the fastest method, but not necessarily the best...I still need the members of my cohort to reach their limits as Sleepers...'

As he thought about his cohort, he decided to progress through his previous plan.


Nephis was sleeping in her tent outside the castle. By now, she had become akin to a leader and a symbol of hope for the tenants. The tent was modest but functional, set up with a sturdy canvas and reinforced poles. Inside, it was sparsely furnished, with only a small cot for Nephis and another for Cassie. A wooden chest held their few personal belongings. There were always guards around her tent. Of course, no one was too close to ensure her privacy except Cassie, who also slept next to her.

As they were both peacefully sleeping, someone with a cloak quietly slipped inside their tent. Nephis woke up suddenly and summoned her battle gear out of instinct, putting the sword at the intruder's throat. Living a life full of assassination attempts from her childhood and being pursued by the finest assassins, it wasn't hard for her to notice someone slipping inside.

"Identify yourself."

Cassie also woke up by that moment due to the sound of Nephis's sword and was about to call for the guards when they both heard a familiar monotone voice from beneath the cloak.

"It's me."

Nephis slightly relaxed as she drew her sword away.

"You'd better have an explanation for intruding in the tent of two women at night, Kiyotaka."

Kiyotaka spoke under the cover of the cloak.

"Let's discuss the upcoming battle."

The two women momentarily froze, not knowing what to say. The silence hung as no one spoke for a while. Cassie was the first to break the silence.

"Kiyotaka...you know about our plans to overthrow Gulang?"

Kiyotaka responded in the same monotone voice.

"I do, and I plan to help you out."


It had been a few days since Kiyotaka visited the girls. He was currently strolling around the castle, mapping the layout in his mind. He identified a few weak spots and formulated ways they could be breached. In his mind, a full 3D visual view of many variations of battle scenarios surfaced. He accounted for all the known facts and probable assumptions, the aspects of the guards and their flaws, and the strengths and weaknesses of his allies.

The castle halls were grand yet oppressive, with high ceilings that made every sound echo. Tapestries depicting battles long past lined the stone walls, and torches cast flickering shadows, adding to the eerie atmosphere. As he walked past one of the rooms, a handmaiden approached him and asked him to follow her. Knowing where this was going, he let himself be led towards one of the rooms. The handmaiden stopped right before the door and gestured for him to go further himself. Preparing for a potential trap, Kiyotaka steeled himself, though it didn't show on his poker face.

Stepping inside, he found himself in a large, dimly lit chamber. The room was opulently decorated, with luxurious rugs and ornate furniture. Tens of handmaidens were scattered around, their expressions wary and poised, ready to pounce on him at any moment. At the center of the room stood Seishan, observing him with a mixture of wariness and hope. As he slowly approached her, the handmaidens stirred and became a little restless. One of them was even about to strike at him with a knife from behind but stopped when she received a glare from Seishan. At this moment, no one noticed a slight cut on his forearm. Ignoring the moment, Kiyotaka broke the silence.

"To what do I owe your presence, Lady Seishan?"

Seishan smiled softly.

"Vice Captain, an Elite Hunter, your position opens up many possibilities for you. Yet by observing you, I couldn't help but notice your disinterest in the lavish lifestyle that you could have had."

Kiyotaka remained silent and indifferently looked at her.

Seeing that he wouldn't respond, Seishan continued.

"Lady Changing Star and I knew each other from the waking world. Our relationship wouldn't be considered as best friends, but enough to form a bond here, in this accursed Dream Realm."

Kiyotaka finally spoke.

"How is that relevant?"

Seishan smiled.

"Because she talked to me about how you visited her and talked about something with her. The contents of your conversation remain a mystery to me, but I know that you are ready to support her too...but I can't trust you, no matter how handsome you may look."

Kiyotaka was left speechless. He hadn't accounted for the fact that Nephis had some relationship with Seishan when he hadn't seen them conversing or acknowledging each other at all during his stay.

'They must have developed a unique way of communication...if they want proof, I will give them one.'


Seishan was looking at the Vice Captain with hope. There was a chance that he was sent to Nephis by Gulang to fool her, but Seishan didn't believe it. Still, she had to check it out herself and eliminate a possible traitor before he screwed up their plan.

As she was about to speak again, she noticed a faint smell of blood permeating the air, spreading throughout the wide room. Just as she was about to question what was happening, her handmaidens dropped to the ground one by one. Some became alert and looked around but still got knocked out. Soon, all the handmaidens were on the floor, unconscious but not dead.

As Seishan looked in horror at this sight, she also felt disturbances within her blood system. As someone with an Aspect related to the control of blood and daughter of Ki Song, she easily identified the problem and got rid of it.

The next moment, she looked at the one who did it and was left speechless. Kiyotaka was walking back, the drops of blood returning to him from the maidens as he absorbed it into his veins. The room seemed to grow darker, the flickering torchlight casting grotesque shadows as if the very walls were closing in.

The handmaidens' faces were pale, their bodies seemed limp and lifeless. Slowly, one by one, the handmaidens woke up with confusion. Seishan looked at the scene terrified, yet amazed. Kiyotaka didn't speak, but his answer was clear: he didn't need them, but he would help them anyway. The strength demonstration she witnessed was like something out of a horror movie, and it excited her a lot.

'I must get my hands on him...I must try and recruit him to the Song Clan if we ever leave...no, when we leave this place.'


Kiyotaka didnt like to demonstate his powers openly and preferred to ubderperform . His father always nagged him about it in the white room when he purposefully scorred lower in academic tests. But today he felt that this was the most effective way to make Handmaidens beleive him and also fear him at the same time . It would put him in a unique position that wont let him be ordered by others . He will become akin to a independent contractor in their quest of rebellion.

As he thought so , he recalled the history of Dark City and Bright Castle.

Fifteen years ago or so, a group of powerful and desperate Sleepers managed to reach this city and claim the castle for themselves. Not because it had a Gateway, but because it was the only place that could keep them safe. At least for a while. Ever since then, a few lucky or resourceful people would find their way to the castle each solstice, only to get stuck here with the rest of them. Most sleepers stay in the city outskirts potentially risking an attack against the nightmare creatures that prowl the outskirts.

The first lord of the castle led an expedition to find the way out of the Forgotten Shore and never returned. The second ruler, the last member of the original cohort, tried to reach the Gateway but perished too. A man named Gunlaug became the third ruler. If a sleeper wants to enter and live in the safety of the castle walls, protected and provided for by his hunters, they need to pay a tribute of one soul shard each week. Under his protection, sleepers do not need to worry about the nightmare creatures outside. Unless they are rich with an abundance of soul shards, they can work under different factions depending on their Aspect ability.

'This temporary peace and stability will end at last...'

The chapters are now will be around 1500 words each. I plan to post 3-4 chaps a day

Rick_playbackcreators' thoughts