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Quin_lilian · História
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5 Chs


I thought to put one finger on my butthole and one on my clit, but to do that I would have to lean forward too much and I was afraid of the blanket falling down. That would have to wait for a more private session.

As the girl on the screen said "do me doggie", he pulled his dick from her pussy to let her off the couch.

She knelt on the floor and spread her knees and lowered her head to a waiting pillow. I must have been distracted the first time I saw this, because I hadn't noticed that, before he sunk his dick back into her, he licked her pussy and dragged his tongue from there back up to her asshole.

She closed her eyes and moaned a long "ohhhhh."

As he put his dick back to her pussy I could hold off no longer.

I tipped my head back and let out a stifled gutty moan. I was cumming. My two fingers were sliding on either side of my clit.

It never felt it so big!

I dug my fingers hard into myself letting out, Hmmmt, Hmmmt, Hmmmt, Hmmmt, Hmmmt, as I wanted to rut against myself.

I came 3 times right in a row and probably would have went for more except I didn't want to take my eyes off the screen.

Sounds in the room told me I was not the only one cumming.

We all made different noises, some high pitched hums, some guttural grunts, but I think we were all cumming about the same time.

The guy on the screen was now on his feet bent over her kissing her while sawing in and out of her. She told him to touch her ass. He pulled from for a second and grabbed a bottle of some kind of lube. He pushed back into her and began filling the dimple of her butt with the lube. He would then push it in with his thumb.

My clit was sensitive, but I wanted another orgasm so I put a finger inside me, which I really hadn't done much, afraid of

"breaking" myself.

I was sawing my middle finger in small strokes in and out of my little pussy without really touching my clit and I felt a new and different kind of orgasm building deep within me.

The guy on the screen had just pulled from the girl's pussy and was putting lines of the liquid lube along his cock. Once he put a dollop on the tip I knew he was going to push that big thing up her butt.

I still could not believe how easily it just slid right in.

It was a lot sexier this time than the first time I saw it, maybe because I had touched my own nether hole and found that it was responsive.

She was having somewhat of a tough time taking it in herself at first, but she never asked him to stop, just to go slow.

Soon, he had a rhythm and she was cumming to beat the band making noises like I never heard before.

She said something about seeing his face and he pulled from her as she flipped to her back. He took the pillow her head was on and put it under her butt and she lifted her legs way up beside her head.

Her butthole was tipped right up to him and open for him. He took the lube bottle and squirted a clear shot right into her dilated hole.

He positioned his penis right there and drove into her butt. Her eyes rolled back and she began meeting his strokes. When she got to the part where she was like vibrating and turning red, where I thought she was convulsing and passing out, she started the squirting.

As she did that I started to cum again myself. But, this was an orgasm, not from my clit, but from inside me. No matter where it was from, it was getting harder and harder not to scream out.

Just then the girl on the screen gave here blood curdling report to her orgasms as she had to push the guy from her body. She vibrated like she had an electric wire going through her and she sprayed 3 times into the air from her pussy.

I noticed this time that the guy tried to catch them in his mouth and he did get a good shot of the third volley.

She let out a big sigh and smiled at him and he stuck his dick right back in her butthole.

I was, in the meantime, having my second and third vaginal orgasm from my stroking. I let out some ooo's and ahh's as they came over me.

They were different from the violent orgasms from my clit, but felt as good.

My hand was soaked, as I suspected my pajama bottoms were, as I pulled my middle finger from my slit and brought it along with my index finger back to my now rested clit.

He began sawing in earnest in her ass again and she was starting to have one of those loud electric orgasms when he said he was cumming.

She pushed at his stomach and pulled herself back and spun around to get her head near his cock.

She was squirting as she did this, I hadn't seen that the first time through.

Where does that fluid come from?

I don't know a lot about men and how they cum, but I always thought they had to have contact with their hand, another hand or vagina or something to ejaculate. But, he sat back on his haunches almost barking like a dog and, without touching his penis, shot 6 huge shots of white thick cum, she catching each in her mouth.

She swallowed some and then let it run out over his dick. As she stroked his dick with her cum slathered hands I came one more time from rubbing my clit.

I let out a loud groan, louder than any noise I had made yet that night.

Meg and Kim, as if they planned it let out loud groans together, as if they were punched in the stomach. I could see Meg from the corner of my eye, dropping her head back resigning herself to the orgasm.

The girl on the screen was just making an O with her thumb and forefinger at the base of the guys cock, where it met his balls, and drew it forward to wipe the cum from his cock.

Once she brought it up to a pinch at the tip she wiped the load from her fingers to her mouth and breasts.

She looked at his dick again and he groaned a little and a pearl size drop of cum came out. She licked it off, showed it to him and swallowed.

That particular act, I thought was very sexy.

Then, she took the dick, that had been up her bowels, into her mouth and licked it clean. She kissed him and mouthed "I Love You" to him.

It was over. I just came my last time, a gentle soothing orgasm from my clit.

The previous cums had desensitized me a little. But, I had found something new with the orgasms I had from putting my fingers IN myself.

I was steeped in my own reverie when Jenny let loose with a long loud grunt as if she were trying to pass a bowling ball.

I was back in the room now. I was out of my sexually induced state of private pleasure.

I put my head back and closed my eyes as I listened to the others finish their deeds and then sigh, as I had, only to drop their heads back to rest and contemplate what had just happened.

"If I wasn't convinced those two were not totally in love and committed to each other, that would have been a disgusting display", Jenny said through still slightly labored breathing. "I can't believe how hot they made that."

"Pretty good way to sum it up, Jen", Megan said. "A lot of what they did never crossed my mind and if someone ever suggested it, I would have to call the Police. Good Lord Jesus Christ, that was hot."

"I never had an O that good ever before. That guy was hot. The girl was awesome. I imagined myself in her place. I couldn't have done it, but I admire her for the commitment she had to her man, his pleasure and hers.". Kim said.

"They did things I never heard or thought of either, Jen."

"I was stunned", I said. "I never thought I could get off that much watching things like that. I agree there were things I never heard or thought of in their repertoire. They were hot to watch.

I really got off."

We all put our heads back and let out long breaths. I think the other three were thinking the same thing that I was; How about the four of us, what did WE just do. We just blindly did one of the most personal things a living creature can do, in front of each other because we were seduced by a tape.

We were put in a sexually induced state and did something we would never ever think we COULD do.

Was sex that powerful?

Is that why your parents try to keep you from being alone together?

Would you do ANYTHING, like the girl in the video scene, if you were hot enough?

Do you lose all control? Could I, could we, control ourselves if we were put in such a state?

Megan broke my thought process by throwing off her blanket and standing up. "I don't know about you guys, but I am bushed. I could fall asleep standing on my head. Fold your blanket and put them on the top shelf of that closet. Kim, grab that video and put it away. I wouldn't want to forget it and have my Dad find it tomorrow."

With that, Megan disappeared into the bathroom as we all stood up and followed her orders. We were just putting the last blanket in the closet when Meg came out of the john, unlocked the door to the TV-Study room and crossed to her bedroom.

She stopped about one step out of the room and said, "Before you guys come in my room and touch anything,... uhhhh... ummmm... wash your hands."

With that she smiled big and we all laughed. I hadn't been sure if Meg was tired or remorseful by her robotic actions after she got up. Now I knew she was just tired. I didn't want anyone to feel bad about this.

Kim grabbed her tape and went into the bathroom with her shoulder bag leaving Jennifer and me in the room.

I looked at Jenny and went to hug her, saying "Now you know, and we know, why you did what you did when you went on your little honeymoon with Rick. Look how easy we got carried away by just watching that video.

Sexuality and curiosity can be very powerful. Don't ever be ashamed about that again.

You are a fine person and a great friend. Don't let that cloud hang over you.

It could have been any one of us."

Jen tightened her hug with me and then broke it, looking me square in the eye. "Thanks, I was thinking the same thing and wondered if I was fooling myself, doing so. I guess I wasn't.

Thanks. It was great to hear from you. I hope the others understand like you."

"I'm sure they do", I said as the bathroom door opened and Kim came out.

"Whose next", Kim blurted as she whisked past us.

"I'm so tuckered I almost fell asleep sitting on the throne."

Jen and I chuckled as Kim passed and Jen went right to the bathroom.

"I can't hold it any longer, if you don't mind", Jen said.

"No, go ahead", I said as I picked up the room a little for Meg.

There was still a lot of Heidi Stewarts pizza left and empty soda glasses. I turned off the TV and that left me in a dark room. I felt my way to the light switch and turned it on.

Just then Meg and Kim came back in.

Meg said, "I better pick up. So my Mom doesn't have to in the... Oh, you got food and cups together. Thanks."

I noticed as Meg and Kim went around the room picking up and straightening that they had both shed their panties. It was easily discernable through the thin PJ bottoms.

Jen opened the bathroom door and I saw she had lost hers too. As I made a beeline for the bathroom I knew I would get rid of mine too, and for the same reason, they were soaking wet.

It was quite a night. I felt more like a woman, almost as if I had sex with the guy in the video.

I sighed as I stripped off my bottoms and panties and sat on the toilet. This night was going to change my relationship with Billy. If it didn't, he would be gone from my life.

I couldn't wait for him any longer.

My sexuality was awake.

As much as I wanted to feel a man inside me, I wanted it to be a man I loved.

Also, Heidi Stewart's words rang in my ears, about how pregnancy ruined her life. I wouldn't let that happen to me.

I kicked my panties aside, put on my bottoms, washed my hands, grabbed a tissue and rolled it around my soiled underwear.

I tucked that into the waistband of my PJs and pulled my top down over the waist. I switched off the light and went to Megan's room where the other three had already gotten into bed or sleeping bags.

Getting to sleep tonight would not be a problem.

If I had dreamed that night, I didn't remember. But, as I struggled to become awake, I also struggled to place where I was. I heard voices talking in low tones. Suddenly the events of last night in Megan's TV room came home and I realized the voices I heard. As my eyes focused and fluttered open I heard one of the voices, Megan's speak to me.

"Earth to Carree, welcome to reality. It's Saturday"

"Oh, good morning!" I managed.

"Not quite" said Kim, as I found the other voice that brought me out of my sleep. "It's one thirty in the after noon. Jennifer is in the shower. Megan's already had hers. You and me are next, but if we want any hot water, it might be a good idea to go down and catch a coffee first. Jen has been in there a long time."

Just as Kim finished saying that, the door swung open and Jennifer came in with towel wrapped around her and another in her hair.

"What no robe, Jen?", Megan asked. "You could have given my Dad quite an eyeful if he came up."

"I'm sure I don't have anything that he hasn't seen before, although I would be pretty embarrassed. My robe takes up half my overnight bag, so it was the robe or my dryer, and I love my dryer", Jen said.

"Geez", Kim said, "You were in there an AWfully l-o-n- g time, you could have saved US some hot water, or were you too busy to think about us."

With that Jennifer turned a bright red as she blushed a guilty look.

"Oh my God", Megan said. "You did it again in the shower didn't you, you old horn toad."

"Sorry, I couldn't even wash without arousing myself, besides, that video is etched pretty good in my brain.

My period is due, and I'm always extra horny then", Jen admitted.

"We weren't grilling you", I said, "Just busting on you. YOU were the one who blushed when Meg said it."

Jen sat on her bed and began drying and combing out her hair. We were all waiting for her to finish that and put on some clothes so we could go downstairs for coffee.

Meg looked around at me and said, "You and Kim better put on some underwear too. You can see right through your bottoms."

"I have a robe", I said. "Me too" Kim echoed." Don't worry, we'll be decent."

It was quiet in the room for a minute while we watched Jen stroke her hair out.

I had to get something out into the open. "Is everybody OK with last night? No regrets? No remorse?

No great pangs of guilt? If so, lets talk about it."

"I'm OK", Meg said as Kim and Jen echoed the same. "

But" Meg continued, "Lets finish the pact we made last night. We did, what we did, as something four good girlfriends do, and probably do once in their life,.

together, like that. I think it made us closer as friends and sisters. But, once we leave this room to go downstairs, it never happened. We never mention it again even amongst ourselves. It's gone. It's just in our memories, and I am sure we all will remember it as long as we live. But, it's gone. We never speak of it again. Fair enough? I am not ashamed of it, but a lot more can be made of it than it was, and the more we speak of it, the better the chance it gets out."

"It sounds good to me", I said. "You're right", Jen chimed in. "I think its best we leave it right here, and never return to it. Kim, you can't even girl-talk it your sisters. OK?"

"Signed in blood", Kim said.

"Say goodbye to it girls, and lets go downstairs for coffee.", Megan said rising.

"Then Carree and Kim can shower and my Dad can drop you home on his way to pick up my mom at the mall."

The door clicked shut and, as far as I know, no one, until now, ever spoke another word about it. It was a special night that was never repeated, at least with me.

I couldn't wait to see Billy on Sunday night when he got home. He had explaining to do about the stories he was telling about us to his friends. He also had to get a little aggressive with me if he really planned on making me a part of his life. I would wait no more for his hormones to kick in.

Sunday came and went without my even hearing from Billy and by 7:30 I was more than peeved. I decided to call him. I had gotten my period Saturday night and was not in the best of moods Sunday anyway. He was going to hear from me.

When I dialed I hoped he would answer the phone so I didn't have to make any small talk with his Mom or Dad, and I got my wish.

"Well, were you ever going to call me, or were you going to let 3 whole days go by without talking to me!!", I spat into the phone when I heard his voice.

"Well, uh.I just got home a couple hours ago and I took a nap and." he started before I interrupted.

"A couple hours ago!! I've been staring at the phone to make it ring and you have been home a couple hours? You better start adding something to this relationship to make me want to see you again. I was hoping you would miss me, for God's sake."

"Jeepers Carree, let get a word in. I don't feel good. I didn't want to call you feeling so rotten, so I thought a nap would make me feel better. But, it hasn't and your call makes me feel worse. What got into you this weekend?", Billy questioned.

I wasn't going to let him up. "Maybe a lot got into me this weekend. Maybe a senior picked me up at the dance Friday and took me to the lake and... and... Oh SHIT, Billy, I got my damned period and I feel like crap and I just wanted to hear your voice. Then, you never called. I'm sorry for taking my frustration, pain and anger out on you. I wanted you to cheer me up. It's my hormones talking."