
Awakening Into One's Own (Apothecaries Awakening) (Psuedo - LitRPG)

Are you looking for: *Realistic Dungeons *Crossing between split time-lines *Believable progressive growth *Apothecary work with an eccentric teacher *And more? Andrew thought they were testing for a Virtual Reality. He was half-right. No one really knew how the global medical and scientific empire, Millennial Enterprises came about. All that they knew was that they had risen from the ashes of World War III, and brought about miracle-like changes never before seen to a world in desperate need of a savior. Now, nearly half a century after the war, having contributed the most towards society's restoration, and despite introducing the necessary technology years before, they were finally dipping their own toes into the Virtual Reality sector. Jumping at an opportunity to participate, Andrew felt that he finally might have an in on getting his sister's currently incurable ailment resolved. It was a horrifically mutated disease like few others that came about in the aftermath of the war. Not all was as it seems though. Powerful corporations always have an agenda. It just wasn't known, what was their intention and what was the catch? ********** Warning!!: This is a slow burn story focused on Mental and Emotional development(with violence sprinkled in), as that is the basis behind the main character's power. ********** This becomes a Truer Lit-RPG with far more action at the start of Book 2, but I won't ruin the surprise. ********** Monday/Wednesday/Friday releases

Jade_Theif · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
68 Chs

Chapter 8 Paradise & the Poisoned Fruit (Part 1/7)

Too soon it felt, Victoria led me back into her home in my now clean clothes and odor free body. I definitely have to find ways or excuses to go back and visit her backyard garden paradise as often as I can. I felt that the stimulation was very good for me on a deep level. However, as we entered the house, Victoria impressed upon me the seriousness of maintaining secrecy regarding the details of her backyard garden. From what I could see, it appeared far larger on the inside when compared to the outside. I wondered if there was some kind of spacial magic at work there. Pushing those thoughts to the back of my mind to be saved for later, I got ready for dinner.


It was almost dinner time and so my master went about starting the makings of the evening meal. I offered to help out with anything that she could want, but instead she had me sit down and begin reading a new book. It was called Utilizing Monster Parts for Potions. My eyes lit up as I recognized it for being of use for what I now had.


Before I was able to dig into it, she spoke up in warning. "You must not let others know that I have shared this with you. Although it does not blatantly come out and speak on it, it touches the bare edges of a couple of taboo subjects. Discussion of such is strictly prohibited with those that are uninitiated. So be aware that I may not be able to answer certain questions that you may have."


"Thank you." I gratefully replied. I felt a trickle of warmth pass through me at her distinct show of trust in me. With excitement I began reading.


In the start, it spoke of how there were many different types of monsters and animals of which have been proven to be very efficacious in the creation of potent remedies, potions, and even permanent enhancement elixirs. The main parts of animals usable in apothecary work was dependent upon several factors. Almost every creature that produced a core could have said core utilized in potions.


There were however certain cores to be wary of in the creation of consumable products. The more rounded nubs or points that a core contained, then the more powerful that creature was and the greater the possibility that it could retain a stronger remnant will. Such a will could prove devastating or deadly to the consumer of a potion made with said core. 


When creating your requested potions, one must be aware of the strength level of the intended recipient. Generally, potions of most any element may be consumed by any individual that has successfully assimilated an elemental stone of at least 1 tier higher than the materials utilized in the creation of the potion. There were exceptions in the case of strong opposing alignments. For example, if a client of a strong primary nocturnal affinity and vampiric traits consumed a potion, which was heavily saturated with light elemental ingredients, and a general nature-based healing factor, then said client would likely be killed by the conflicting energies triggered by its consumption.


It went on to say that each core has an elemental affinity of 1 or more elements which can aid in its classification for which catalysts to mix with it. It had a small excerpt that stated slimes were one of the few exceptions that stood out from the normal classification, as they had a pseudo core that doubled as their nuclei. As such, it did not have a true elemental affinity as it was primarily acidic in nature. Slimes could however survive, adapt to, and thrive in a great array of different elements, which could affect some of the acidic characteristics it presented with.


As for other creatures and their various body parts, there were many uses. For example, use of the blood of a troll, could have strong regenerative properties, capable of restoring missing limbs with the appropriate accompanying catalysts. Venomous snakes gall aided in general lower-level anti-venom properties and their venom itself could be utilized in the creation of higher tier venom resistance potions.


This was a treasure trove of knowledge! Not wanting to wait to reach the part that spoke more on slimes and their core or nuclei uses, I flipped past several more pages of instructions before I reached a part more specifically on slimes.


Slimes are primarily utilized for the creation of acids by alchemists, apothecaries, and metal artisans. Some elements or compounds utilized by each profession, can be more easily extracted from their origin through exposure to the acid of a slime, in order to leech them from their initial binding form. For example, Zinc is far more efficiently extracted from its ore through the use of certain acids. 


Slime acid can also be utilized in a more offensive effect, such as to cause acid burns upon monsters that lack in scales or other hardened defenses. The book unfortunately did not give any mention of how to increase the strength of acids. It did however suggest the use of fragile glass to contain the acid to allow for easier splatter upon thrown impact.


"Victoria," I interrupted her with my question. "Do you have any fragile glass tubes or containers that can hold the concentrated slime acid for use in self-defense?"


She readily replied saying. "That would normally be something you'd ask a glass maker or alchemist for, but in this case, I actually do have a few. Along with that I also have a several crush resistant pouches. They are designed to better protect the potions I sell. It would be incredibly unfortunate if say mid-fight with a monster, that your life saving potion is crushed in your pocket before you have a chance to use it."


My eyes lit up in surprise at that revelation. It really made sense. "Could I buy some from you?"


"Hmm. How about we do a trade?" She countered. Give me half of the slime cores you got and I'll furnish you with the necessary glass and pouches to handle the rest."


"I'd be happy with that. I did save some cores for my friend that I met while in the Sewers, but other than that, you can have half of the rest. I just hope that I can substitute say four more regular cores for the one advanced core."


Her eyes lit up in surprise at my mention of an advanced core. "You dealt with an advanced slime?" The doubt in her voice was a bit heavy but I laughed it off as it wasn't me who did it. 


*Haha* "No, that was our group leader who slew the two advanced slimes, which we encountered right at the end of our venture into the sewers. At the end, he gave me the opportunity to voluntarily risk my life in procuring the slime cores. There were six bodies that were found in the sewers, resulting in a very large presence of slimes. During our decimation of the massing normal slimes, two advanced slimes had hidden themselves beneath the bodies and caught us unaware of their presence at the end. One of them was directly confronted and killed by the group leader, while the other ended up killing one of the convicts before also being dispatched by the leader."


Victoria had an expression that spoke of dissatisfaction regarding the situation. Due to such, I added on by saying. "Please don't hold it against the soldiers. In my opinion they took adequate precautions just in case the slimes were too much for us to handle. Overall, I am very grateful for the experience."


"No," She interrupted. "I'm not discounting the efforts and precautions of the soldiers. What is bothering me are the six bodies that you found in the end." Pausing as if to think for a moment, she then continued. "I had heard that one of the slum lords had fled after killing six of his henchmen. I'm wondering if this had any connection to those six men that held you up previously at the Red District."


My eyes widened at the implications and bizarre connection. It would actually make sense that this was a possibility. Concern ran through me as I hesitantly brought up my thought. "I know I told you about my altercation with them, but did you do. . ."


Victoria cut me off mid-sentence with a shake of her head. "No, I did not involve myself, as you appeared to be satisfied with their own act of apology. Perhaps the slum lord who oversaw them did not feel as satisfied or safe regarding my potential response to his thugs' actions." Grimacing at the implications, she added. "It is very unfortunate for him that he decided to tamper with the ground level sewer drain, as I assume he had to do such to slip the bodies down there. For that, he does deserve death. In case they aren't already aware, I'll have to notify Monroe about this likely connection so that he can inform the proper authorities."


I rolled my eyes as she seemed only too happy at the thought that she'd need to contact Monroe for something official.


Turning her eyes back to me she finally answered my request for exchange. "Yes, I'd be fine with trading four regular slime cores for you to keep the one advanced core. You will need specially treated glass to contain that one's acid though, and I'll get it for you."


This was great! After handing off the cores that Tillamook had collected and after I gave Victoria her allotment, then I should be left over with seven regular core slimes and one advanced core slime by which to protect myself with. Admittedly, I doubt that I'd need them anytime soon, but it doesn't hurt to be prepared.


You know as the saying goes. 'It is better to be a warrior in a garden, than to be a gardener in a war.' That quote has had varying sources listed as its origin point, however, no one can for sure pin down the true originator. Such repetition, diversity, and obscurity in its origins, I'd say, adds to its practical value and application to everyday life more than anything else could. For what better way to learn if not by the painful lessons of our forefathers?


I still had much left to read from this new book, however dinner was ready and I set the book aside to delve into this delicious food prepared by my master.




The very next morning Victoria informed me of the need to procure some griffin feces. Apparently, she had just finished cultivating her older batch of now ready to use compost, and needed to replenish the key component to her newer batches.


Following breakfast, studying, the routine test, and lunch, I was promptly sent on my way with a wheel barrow to the nearest City Barracks housing Griffin Riders.


Looking at the map in my hands, and comparing the distance that I was from the red district. I then roughly measured the distance that I was to that of the barracks. It appeared that it was about half as long to get to the barracks. Setting out with the wheel barrow in front of me, I looked on morosely at the occasional carriage that would ride past me. I had to head past Gertrude's shop for the direction I was going this time. I wanted to go in to say hi, but considering what I was carrying with me, I figured it wouldn't be appropriate.


On I continued and watched as I headed south towards the designated point on the map. The trip took me about 40 minutes by foot, and I was not looking forward to the journey back. As I approached the guarded entrance to the barracks, my sash once again came in handy as I was stopped.


Bowing deeply to me, one of the two guardsmen spoke. "Greetings Apprentice. We see you are wearing the colors of the Apothecary Victoria." Seeing my return nod, he continued. "By the presence of the wheel barrow, would I be wrong in assuming that you have come for the griffin feces?"