

Description Trent a teenager woke up and found himself being used a test subject for a drug. He managed to escape but his sister was kidnapping by the same people. Trent discovered the world in a new light and many secrets about the awakeneds underworld. What are the government hiding?, where is his sister?. Well read and find out.

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22 Chs


Trent continues to kick him.

Trent: Get up all of you. (He raised his hand and click). They all carry their guns And kill themselves).

Trent turns to Myles.

Trent: you betrayed your comrades because of power, It has controlled you. You are a threat, I must eliminate you.

Trent claps and time unfreeze, everybody is suprised, he waves at Myles telling him to come forward and place his hand on his head.

Trent: ERAZE‼️.

Myles body begins to crumble like dust and trent towards metal overload.

Trent: How is my sister.

Metal overload: she has been used by the professor for the project, she is in a bad state.

Trent:(he begins to bleed from his nose). Why no.

Immediately black energy burst out from Trent but he faints immediately and metal overload quickly recovered, he tries to stab trent but wendy blasts him away. Metal overload creates a wide blast of fire and escapes.

Morgan: That was black zone level. My God.

Wendy: No time to talk, everybody go help the injured now.

Everybody rushes around trying to save others.

Author: time skip😉.

11:00am,5|11|3030. Sabali island.

Metal overload is seen walking in with blood all over his body. Mark is sitting on a chair with coffee in his hand in his office as guards drag metal overload in.

Mark: You have been pretty banged up, don't you think.

Metal overload: sir,I underestimated the boy. I promise it won't happen next time.

Mark: next time?. There will be no next time my boy(walking toward him). I told you don't fail me (kicks him), and you did. But you are old school now because I have someone to replace you anyway.

Metal overload: no, you can't do that. I spend my life been loyal to you what betray me now.

Mark:(kicks him again). Am not betraying you, it quite simple. You failed me and I replace you.(turns to the darkness). Come here my little princess

Yuki walks out.

Metal overload:(starts laughing).

Mark: what is funny?.

Metal overload: Nothing,am just happy because her brother is coming for you and when he catches you. You will realize how f*cked you are then.

Mark: SHUTUP‼️. I will handle him, and for you I won't kill you yet. I want you to witness my victory with your eyes. Take him away to the cell.

Metal overload: You will regret this, motherf*cker.

They drags him away as he struggles.

Mark: so, my princess how do you like your new Position.

Yuki: am not your princess and if my brother gets hurt, you are so dead.

Mark: calm down princess. Let me show you around.


In a room, trent is seen sleeping on a bed and James is Beside him.

Trent wakes up.

Trent: my head, wendy are you there?

James: so you don't miss me right. Anyway no, she been hear for the past two days.

Trent: two days (gets up immediately).

James: calm down bro, you suffered mental exhausation real bad. So chill.

Wendy walkes in with food on a tray.

Wendy:(not looking) Hey James, I brought you food.(looks at the bed).

Trent you are awake (hurries toward the bed). How are you feeling??

Trent: better, Thanks for your help.

How are things going in the base.

James: pretty banged up but they will have to relocate because mark won't stop hunting them. This is more troublesome than you think.

Trent: and Barry?

James: he fine now,Much more better.

Trent: Good to hear, guys we will be moving soon. Don't want to cause anymore trouble.

Wendy: Good idea.

Sometime later. Trent, wendy and James are seen packed up.

Barry: who would have thought you were a black level. Man those guys are absolutely rare.

Trent: what can I say, am lucky I guess.

Morgan: we hope you use your abilities for Good And not become like varlord.

Trent: who that?

Wendy: you are not qualified to know yet. Let get moving before it gets dark, Bye.

Trent: By the way, when am done with this I promise to help you out with your revolution more appropriately.

They began to chat and walk away.

Barry: trent walker. What an interesting guy.

7:00pm,5|11|3030 somewhere.

Trent, wendy and James are seen surrounded by armed people with a girl with them.

Trent: how did we get into this situation,can't I just get atleast a day without trouble.

Wendy: ask the Author. It becoming annoying.

Author: never. Get ready for ACTION‼️.

Some hours before now.

>Character introduction> Sonia bankz

A mysterious girl, who the author don't know who she is yet.

Sonia: Do what do you say boys, Am telling you it pure dyamic. It can even kill a black level awakened, so are you buying or not.

>Character introduction> General Jai

A dangerous drug and arms dealer know for hunting down awakeneds for fun. He has one of biggest cyber Network in the world.

General: Are you sure these are real. Why do I believe you.

Sonia: come on, we been doing business for a while now,I can't lie to you right.

General: If you are lying, I will track you down and kill you myself.

Sonia: No need for all the tough acts.

General: what is your price.


General: 320.

Sonia: for the sneaking in and been uncaught. 390


Sonia: Because you are my closest and heaviest customer 450.

General: what the f*ck, you just increased it.

Sonia: do you want it or not 500..

General: fine, stop.

Sonia: Good, that why I love doing business with you.

General:(pointing), you give her the money.

The guard runs and gives her the money in a bag. Sonia opens it and smiles.

Sonia: Good, see you next time.


James: on the map here, there is a city ahead but if we take this valley we will get there faster.

Wendy: this the valley the territory of that General Jai.

Trent: who that?.

Wendy: a crazy guy who hunts awakeneds for fun and money.

Trent: tough guy. I will actually want to avoid him as much as possible.

James: don't worry. If we take this path, we won't cross paths with him as long as we stay quiet.

Wendy: okay. Fine let take it.

Back to General Jai. A guard runs and wishpers in his ear.

General: half of the boxes are empty, tell spider to organize a team and chase after that b*tch now.

Guard: Yes sir.(runs out)

Sonia is seen in a restaurant eating.

Sonia: before he finds out, I will be long gone (laughing).

Sonia heard noise coming from outside, she goes closer to listen.

Guard: where did she go?

Man: she was here a minute ago, But I have no idea now.

Guard leader: search the area.

Sonia: damn it.

Sonia waits until it is clear and moves out but was caught by a guard from behind.

Guard: I have her.

Sonia quickly takes out a knife from her utility belt and stabs his hand and slash his face. The guard immediately let go holding his face.

Guard: AHHH, my eyes, you f*cking b*tch.

Sonia encounters more guards and begins to run, she runs into the forest with several injures until she sees some individual walking ahead. They don't seem to be Jai men.

Sonia runs to them.

Sonia: please help me. They want to kill me(she faints).

Trent: who??.

They are surrounded immediately.

Author: sly shot I will say.

Sonia: SHUTUP‼️. A girl got to do what a girl got to do. Duh.

Author: please like and comment what you think about this chapter. Thanks alot☺️.

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