
Coming from the comfty couch.

'' Has he already woken up? with the humor of the young Count, things are not going to end simply, you know? ''

'' ugh, it wasn't my problem that he tried to approach her highness Melssey with a malicious intention.''

''sigh, you know that they are now married? I don't know if you should meddle in nobility conflicts. ''

'' and as you say it, but it was only a quickly arranged marriage, and I will not let him disrespect her highness or anyone will, much less someone with such a bad reputation as him! ''

a couple of voices could be heard to the giddy Eugene, he could only remember being laughing when watching a Tv program, and when he threw a bunch of popcorn with spicy sauce in his mouth they had been caught in his throat, he tried to expel them but he failed as he had fallen out of the seat, his last memories were the laughter of the television and the screams of suffering in one of the most famous contest programs of the Asian region.

The language of the strangely arguing people was none he had ever heard before but was strangely known to him so he could understand what they were saying.

when Eugene opened his eyes the first thing he looked at, was a young lady in her early 20s with fierce red hair and pupils of the same color, on her body she wore heavy metal armor and under her shoulder rested a helmet that did not appear to be light, and on one side of it, a sheath of more than 4 feet's contained a threatening sword that made Eugene see with a shiver, that this was not his apartment where he used to work and entertain himself daily.

the girl's gaze was sharp and arrogant, unlike the man next to her that seemed quite mediocre in appearance compared to the woman who had such a strong presence, with neat and sharp features the girl looked at him and frowned slightly in clear disgust.

'' Zacharias Shut up! Count Navara is already awake... I apologize for the abrupt past event, I just want to make it clear to you that not because you are far from the Royal territories you can behave improperly towards your Highness, the marriage between you and Princess Melssey it was simply a political settlement, nothing is expected of you so do not take actions that invite retaliation by the other nobles of the royal family ... '' the girl said with a challenging tone and looked at Eugene who did not understand what the girl was talking about.

'' ... I see I'll keep that in mind in the future ... accidents happen so let's not take small problems to be bigger issues... '' Eugene raised his head and said slowly and dismally, as he raised his head and neck pain was pronounced with it.

'' It is good that you understand it, now if you excuse me I must attend to the needs of her highness's as an escort, with your permission '' the girl remained silent before saying this when she saw that Eugene did not react violently as she was used from the beginning of the journey to the new territories of the Kingdom of Zatrias.

'' I appreciate the gesture ... '' Eugene had said but the girl had already taken her helmet under her arm and put it on without looking at him any longer, going out of the room with a marked step.

''ugh, my apologies Count Navara, Ignice would do anything for the safety of Princess Melssey, she has been her escort for a few years but she has lived with her almost for as long as she can remember...'' the man said in a humble tone as he lowered his head, Eugene could remember something that was not exactly his life experiences at this moment.

'' I understand that it was a misunderstanding, don't worry about it Zacharias, let me rest, later we will talk about it. '' Eugene just wanted a little peace of mind to organize his ideas, for his part Zacharias was surprised by the calm that the Count of Navara was taking everything because even when he was only 17 years old he was known to have an explosive and despotic character that in the capital had caused more than one problem for his father the Duke of Noctus.

'' Well, I will bring you something to eat in a few more moments, it has been almost 5 days of travel so we should arrive at the port of Velmeron tomorrow. '' Zacharias left, taking a second look at the young Count, and then left the room.

Eugene could breathe in relief and feel the sway of the waves on the sea, he could not believe that he was in a boat since a few moments ago he was in his room on the second floor of his house.

not only that but what seemed most unreal was that this place was not even the earth, because in the memories that he now had in his head his name was Altior Navara, second son of the Duke of Noctus - Agapio III Noctus, worse still because his Father was a well-known opponent of the royal faction of the nobles and an ambitious figure who wanted to take the crown of the kingdom.

The Duchy of Noctus had always been a strong contender for the crown of the kingdom since the time of its founding and with each generation, the frustration of being ruled by the royal capital had been growing, the Noctus lineage was known for its cruelty to its political rivals as well with their allies and vassals, the Noctus family motto was 'If the night is not feared then it is not respected'.

for his part, Altior Navara was the son of his father's second marriage and more than anything else had been the product of forced marriage by the Royal family with an ascending noble family that was not on the same level as the Ducal Noctus family, this had been part of a strategy to misalign the internal forces of the ancient Noble Faction to which the Noctus family belonged and smooth over rough edges with the New ascendant Noble Faction.

As a result, he had been born, but ... his father had not accepted him under his name at first and received the name of his mother from the Navara family, these were political issues that his predecessor had not paid much attention to and his memories were rather hazy, but if one thing was certain, it was that his childhood was anything but a happy one.

'' sigh, what a difficult life, and I was complaining about having to tolerate seeing my father arrive home drunk.'' Eugene sighed because there wasn't much to do about it, at least he could give thanks for being someone young again and had not reincarnated in the body of an old man.

he looks around in the room and there was not much clothing, just a black fur coat with feathers around the neck and a table with some kind of oil lamp that precariously illuminated the room, he could see a couple of books on the table and next to it a group of good size chests with some locks made in a rustic way.

"So those must be my belongings, right? too few of them to be a noble ..." Altior Navara just shook his head slowly and felt a slight pain in his neck again, in those memories of what had happened a few hours ago on the deck, this appeared in his mind and also the reason why he was in this boat for more than 5 days.

in his memories he could see how a girl with white milky skin and a cold and expressionless face looked at him with boredom, while he was furious because the girl did not want to lend him the bathtub because with that he required to enter her rooms, as well as less she would borrow from the flower extract perfumes that he used to use in the capital and that only she carried with her on the boat.

In his fury, he tried to approach the girl to force her to grant his demands, but before he could reach her, his eyes had caught a quick movement on his right, and that was the red-haired girl in armor moving quickly with his sheathed sword in hand and hitting a blow to the nape of his neck, just a feeling of surprise and doubt before losing consciousness was what remained in this fragment of memory.

'' so... after all, it was his fault that he was refused to use the bathtub... in addition to trying to use his position as... husband...'' when he finished saying this a chill ran through his back and remembered the conversation between Zacharias and Ignice, he was now husband and wife with the First Princess of the Danarioth Royal Family.

23-year-old Melssey Danarioth, well-known for being a woman of virtue and integrity in the Kingdom, was the king's favorite daughter and thanks to been raised in the conflicts of the kingdom she had resulted in being a skilled diplomat and someone stoic and confident of herself, it was because of this that the King had not arranged a marriage for her even though her age was already far beyond the girls who had a marriage arrange since childhood.

The kingdom of Zatrias was located in the westernmost part of the continent and was known as the sunset kingdom, so it had a fairly prominent coast compared to the kingdoms of the interior of the continent, at the same time that it gave it the security of reducing the border conflict with other kingdoms due to delimitations of territory but also brought other types of disadvantages, such as a greater internal conflict and also the insecurity of not being able to protect the coasts.

And that was the reason why the kingdom of Zatrias had to adopt an important maritime development policy for several generations, thereby giving a better development of its marine fleet technologically and militarily, in addition to giving significant growth in port cities.

With this, about 120 years ago, disputes with some of the Overseas Kingdoms had arisen because on the other side of the sea there were more unexplored territories as well as kingdoms that had arisen after the colonization of people from the central continent who had been displaced for different reasons.

In those years the kingdom of Zatrias had dedicated itself to conquering these wild kingdoms in the outer territories and making them part of the kingdom.

the contests had been fierce with the inhabitants of these small kingdoms but being part of the same culture it had not been so difficult to integrate them and now they were one more region of the kingdom in which the nobles who were not pleasing to the Royal family eye or the factions of the nobles will be finished sent to it.

Being an unpleasant son, his destiny had been to end up on one of these islands as a forgotten minor noble.

'' ugh things get more and more complicated, and with this guy's memories so fuzzy or that he didn't pay much attention to his surroundings. '' Altior threw himself on the bed while feeling his body quite weak, his head was empty of Any thought while he felt the throbbing of his temples and calmed down in this strange situation, but his tranquility would not last long because a strong challenge was about to appear in front of him.

'' Your Highness invites you to eat with her on deck, Count Navara? '' the voice of Zacharias woke him up from his moment of tranquility and his nervousness increased at least twice as he had to face the girl who was now his wife and was also known for having a sharp and shrewd mind.

'' But it seems that... things will only get more complicated from here...'' Altior Navara muttered to calm his anxiety and got up hesitantly to go see his nominal Wife.