
Chapter 26

Happy reading!


Melissa is inside her flowery garden, right inside her house, she is busy watering the flowers, the whole of the garden looked so enchanted and beautiful with strange and beautiful butterflies, birds and floating pink roses with yellow petals, the flowers she is watering are living flowers and they were all talking to her like a chatter. She kept on petting them and watering them at the same time, she sings with a soft hum pronounced from the depth of her heart. She is clad in a flowery yellow gown, her golden long hair locks is down on her shoulders, revealing it's full length.

Then suddenly a knock is been heard from the front door.

"Someone is knocking Melissa," one of the floating pink roses said in a soft low tone.

The chirping birds flew down immediately and hid at the depth of the living flowers.

"Who could be knocking at this early noon?" Melissa muttered to herself and kept the water can she was holding.

"It's sad to say this, but it's time for you all to go," Melissa said to the magical creatures sadly.

"Goodbye Melissa," All of the creatures said sadly and hid themselves, the flowers covered themselves.

"Goodbye," Melissa said once more and made a click with two of her fingers, and immediately the whole of the garden transformed to one of her rooms, and then she transformed herself to an old woman. She left the room and walked to the front door to check out who was knocking on the door.

The knock continues.

"Who is that?" Melissa who is now an old woman asked and then turned the door knob open.

A little girl of about eight years stood in front of the Melissa's door holding a purple hibiscus on her hand and smiling cutely, her blue eyes looked so round and cute.

"Hello ma'am," the little girl greeted politely showing off her white teeth.

"Well hello young lady, how can I help you?" Melissa asked with a crooked voice, she leans on the door for support by holding it with one of her hand, and holds her waist with her other hand for balance.

"I'm extremely sorry to disturb you ma'am," the young girl said with pleading eyes, that looked like, it could pop out of her eyeballs.

"It's okay darling, so tell me, what do you come to me for?" Melissa asked softly but in her thoughts she is impatient, but she just didn't want to play the role of the rude old woman, who would make a little sweet and cute young girl cry just on the first day she met her and oh yes the little girl is cute and sweet and she is really beautiful.

The young girl had a long brown hair, she was about three feet tall, she is clad in a long turquoise gown.

"Nothing really, I just came to give you this," the girl said lifting up her hand, in the attempt to give Melissa the hibiscus flower on her hand.

"Oh really!, Well thank you darling, that is so thoughtful of you," Melissa said and took the flower from the young girl's hand and lifted it to her nose and inhaled the sweet fragrance coming from it. "This flower smells really nice, thanks for being kind," Melissa said.

"You are welcome ma'am, I am glad you like it," the girl replied with a smile.

Melissa chuckled and inhaled the flower again, as the scent of the hibiscus flower swimed into her nostrils, she felt a sharp pain in her throat, it felt like a piercing needle, she then starts feeling like she is going to choke, the flower falls down from her hands and she uses both of her hands to hold he throat, she starts coughing immediately, the veins on her throat becomes more visible and she immediately transforms back to her normal young and beautiful self and she lands on the floor with her back as she rotates her body on the floor.

"Oh my God, am so sorry ma'am I was forced by someone to give the hibiscus flower to you, I didn't know it would be harmful to you," the young girl said and knelt down with her both knees on the floor and tried to see if she could help Melissa out. Melissa kept on choking like someone loosing her breath and could die any second. "How am I going to help you?, Please let me know," the girl asked, she looked scared and worried at the same time confused. Melissa pointed out her hand at the hibiscus flower lying down close to her. The young girl got the message and immediately picked the flower and threw it far away from Melissa. Then Melissa's body began to turn back to normal and she regains her full self again, Melissa stands up on her feet.

The young girl became happy and less worried.

"I'm glad you are okay now ma'am," the young girl said excitedly.

"You should go now, I will be fine," Melissa said weakly.

"Believe me ma'am I didn't do this purposely, I thought it was a harmless flower," the young girl said pleadingly, she looked sober.

"I feel awful, what if it killed you, I wouldn't have been able to live with myself," the young girl adds looking really sad.

"You don't have to explain yourself, I'm sure you were manipulated to do this" Melissa replied holding the girl's hand.

"What's your name?" Melissa asked.

"Claire," the girl replied

"Claire, that's a nice name, you shouldn't worry about me anymore ok, I can take care of myself ok," Melissa said assuringly and the girl replied with a nod.

"I sense danger, you should run along now I'm sure your parents would be worried sick, go now before something bad happens" Melissa said and opened the front door wider for the girl to go out.

"Something like what?" Norma Elspeth asked with a very low voice, she is standing before the front door right at the front of Melissa and the girl, as Melissa opens the door.

Fear gripped the girl at the sight of Norma Elspeth.

"Hello Melissa, I can see you look perfectly fine," Norma Elspeth said with a sneer and smiled evily, then she looked straight at the young girl, the young girl trembled immediately and hid herself behind Melissa and started crying silently within herself. Melissa used the back of her hand to hold Claire tight.

The look in Norma Elspeth eyes was pure anguish and hatred, she only wanted to kill and destroy the guardians of Monaserus, and if anything tries to block her path or even anyone, she won't mind to kill it too, even if it's her best friend. To her no one else mattered cause her heart is filled with black magic.

She needed no counterpart.

"What do you want here Elspeth?" Melissa asked. The Little girl was still behind her trembling.

"Well I want us to talk, just for old times sake," Norma Elspeth wiggled her hair and pouted her red lips as the words flowed out of her mouth.

"We have nothing to talk about, ever since you sold your soul to evil, nothing connects us to each other anymore," Melissa stood her ground as the words poured out.

An evil smile crept into Norma Elspeth face and she walks forward into Melissa's house and the door closed by itself. She walks into the house with her head faced down, her eyes swept the floor of the shabby looking house.

Melissa's outlook is confident and bold, but inside of her she was tensed and afraid.

Norma Elspeth stopped walking all of a sudden and lifts the side of her hair with her hand as she lifts up her head slowly, her eyes has already turned red, then she smiled evily again.

"Since you want it the hard way, then, you will get it that way," Norma Elspeth said as she lifts up her hand, the little girl behind Melissa also began to go up according to the movement of Norma Elspeth's hand. Norma Elspeth hardened her hand and her face and the little girl lifts up her hand and holds her neck hard and chokes for air.

"Stop it," Melissa shouted as she tries to save the girl, but Norma Elspeth was faster, she moved her other hand and Melissa was pulled away from the girl and was kept in a chair and her hands are tied with a cloth. All this happened really fast, Melissa tried all she could to free her hand from the tied cloth, but the magic that controlled it was stronger than she thought.

Norma Elspeth's eyes is now completely red in colour as she had her hand up controlling the little girl's hand to strangle herself to death.

"You shouldn't do this to her, she has done nothing wrong," Melissa says amidst tears.

"The life of this little girl is in your hands, tell me where that guardian is, tell me his name and I will let her go," Norma Elspeth demanded and looked back at the floating girl who is almost at the peak of death.






Hello everyone sorry for the late update, I had a cold but, so sad nobody cares to ask, but I'm glad am getting better.

Please support me by voting, commenting and following thanks love you all kisses.