
Avengers earths mightiest heroes: Prime

Thomas_Hodge · Anime e quadrinhos
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29 Chs

Susan! R-18

" Hey, we're back!"

Clark yelled out as he and Susan walked into the resistance base.

" What about Namor?"

Steve asked as he walked up to the two.

" No dice, he doesn't want anything to do with it. And he's going to be a little busy healing for a while."

Clark explained to the man.

" What happened? I thought I told you not to fight him. To make this as peaceful as possible."

Steve explained to the man in slight anger.

" Steve, he put his hands on Sue. Then me. I only retaliated. It isn't my fault the mighty king of Atlantis lets his mouth write checks his ass can't cash."

Clark said to the man while he held his hands up in defense.

" Is that true Susan?"

Steve turned and asked the woman.

" Yes, it is."

Susans replied bluntly.

Steve closed his eyes and took a deep breath before speaking again.

" I see. Forgive me, I'm glad to see you both returned safe. Get some rest you two. We move out in a few hours."

Steve said to the two before walking away to speak with Cage.

" Well, that went about as well as I expected. Come on, let's get something to eat before the long night we have ahead of us."

Clark said to Susan as gestured for her to follow him.

Susan walked behind Clark as his cape fluttered, her heartbeat increasing as she watched gazed upon his strong back.

" Something wrong Susan?"

Clark asked as he turned back to the woman.

" Nothing. Just needed a moment."

Susan said to the man before jogging to catch up with the man.

The two made their way to the bases small kitchen area and took out a few protein packs to eat.

" Man, I gotta say I miss eating real food."

Susan said as she took a bite of her food.

" Yeah, no kidding."

Clark said in agreement.

" What I would give to be able to go to Franks Diner for a greasy hotdog and Ffrench fries."

Susan groaned

" Well, why don't we do that?"

Clark suddenly asked the woman.

" What? No way. We don't have time. Besides what if we get caught?"

Susan asked.

" Well, I'm fast enough to get us out of there no problem. And the others don't seem to know my identity yet. We could sneak out and be back before the raid."

Clark said to the woman as he placed his hand over hers.

" But..."

Susan muttered.

" Come on Sue. If you're worried, I'll keep ya safe. Just trust me."

Clark said proudly as he smiled at the woman.

Sue looked down at his hand over hers and smiled before laughing.

" Okay, okay. But you gotta promise me no fighting."

Susan said to the man.

" Okay, I promise. No fighting."

Clark said to the woman as he got up from his seat. He hurriedly pulled Susan with him making the woman laugh as he picked her up in his arms, bridal carry style.

Clark carried Susan out of the base and flew with her in his arms to New York.

" Is that your disguise? Slick your hair back and throw on a suit and glasses? Clark, you look like such a dork."

Susan said to the man as she laughed at his disguise.

" Oh? You don't like it?"

Clark asked the woman amused by her jokes.

" No! No, I think it's cute on you. You look very handsome Mr. Kent."

Susan said to the man as they walked the streets of New York to Franks diner.

" I thought I was a dork?"

Clark asked the woman with a grin on his face.

" Whatever, Clark."

Susan said to the man as she rolled her eyes.

" Well, you are Mrs. Kent right now. So, what does that say about you? Since you married me."

Clark joked.

" Oh, shut up."

Susan laughed as she punched clark in his arm.

" Ouch."

Clark feigned injury as he rubbed his arm.

" So abusive. I can't believe it."

Clark continued joking as they walked.

" Clark, stop it. We're here."

Susan smiled as she enjoyed Clark's idiotic antics.

Clark opened the door to the diner and held it open for Susan to walk in.

" Hello, Welcome to Frank's Diner!"

The man behind the counter yelled as the two heroes in disguise walked in. He was an older man with white hair and a white mustache and seemed to be really happy to see the two.

" What can I get for you guys?"

Frank asked.

" Hey, can we get two hotdogs and a basket of fries."

Clark said to the man.

" On mine I want ketchup, Mustard, Cole slaw, and chili!"

Susan said to the man.

" Same."

Clark said to the man.

" Alright! Anything to drink?"

Frank asked.

" I'll have a strawberry milkshake."

Susan said to the man.

" And you sir?"

Frank turned and asked Clark.

" Nothing, I'm good."

Clark said to the man.

" Alright! I'll be back with your food."

Frank said to the two as he turned and walked into the kitchen.

" Does he not have a chef?"

Clark asked the woman.

" No, he makes everything himself."

Susan explained to the man.

" Damn, he must make good food to keep this place going by himself."

Clark exclaimed.

" You have no idea, Clark. I remember the last time I got the chance to come here it was the last date Reed and I had before getting married."

Susan explained to the man.

" Wait? You mean Reed hasn't taken you on a date in over five years?"

Clark asked the woman in disbelief.

Susan's good mood suddenly took a turn and her sadness from before returned.

" Reeds been... Busy lately. Most of the time he focuses on his experiments rather than on the me or the kids."

Susan explained to the man.

" Su... I mean Sarah. I know you love him, but you deserve better than that your kids deserve better. Why do you let him do that to you? You've been nothing but loyal to him. You've given him two beautiful children. Why do you stay with a man who chooses his work over his family?"

Clark asked the woman in confusion.

" Because... I don't know Clark. He's been a part of my life ever since I was thirteen. He's the kids father. I don't want to take them from him. And then there's the team. I just can't... I don't want to ruin our friendship. What would the others think?"

Susan asked the man.

" What does it matter what others think? All that matter is how you feel Sarah. Just because you get married doesn't mean you stop being who you are."

Clark said to the woman as he rubbed the top of her hand.

Susan could feel the sincerity and genuine emotion behind every word Clark spoke. She looked up into the man's eyes and smiled.

" Alright! Here ya go you two."

Frank said as he suddenly appeared with the food the two had ordered.

" Thank you. How much is it?"

Clark asked the man.

" It's on the house."

Frank said to the man before walking away again.

" Oh, man this is so awesome! Thanks Frank!"

Susan exclaimed happily as she started eating her Hotdog in an unladly like way.

" Mmm, so good."

Susan moaned.

Clark looked at the woman and smiled as he watched her enjoy herself.

" Let's see what this is all about."

Clark said as he took a bite of his own dog. Clark's eyes popped from the burst of flavor in his mouth.

" Damn, this is good!"

Clark exclaimed.

" I know right."

Susan laughed in agreement.

The two took their time to finish their food and once she was ready Frank brought Susan her milkshake.

" Here you go you two one Milkshake for two."

Frank said to the two as he placed a rather big milkshake on the table with a straw meant for two.

" Oh, no I can't..."

Susan was saying before Clark cut her off.

" Don't worry about it. Right now, we aren't Superman and Invisible woman. We're Clark and Sarah Kent. So, just for now enjoy yourself Susan."

Clark said to the woman

Susan smiled and joined Clark as he took a sip from the milkshake.

The two finished their shake and prepared themselves to journey back to base for the coming battle.

On the way out however the owner of the diner stopped the two.

" Thanks for the food Frank!"

Susan yelled to the man.

" Anytime... Suzie."

Frank said to the woman making her freeze in place.

" Uhm excuse me. But my name is Sarah."

Susan said to the man trying to keep her cover.

" You used to come here all the time ever since you were a child Susan. There's no way I wouldn't recognize you. And you all well Superman."

Frank said to the two shocking them both.

" Don't worry your secret is safe with me. Keep fighting the good fight and hopefully this ridiculous registration act will be revoked. Until then keep fighting the good fight for all of us. The others might not agree. But Franks Diner will always be proud to serve you."

Frank said to the two heroes making them smile.

" Thank you, Frank. We appreciate it very much."

Clark said to the man.

" You know Superman, you and Spiderman were always my favorites. Excelsior!"

Frank said to the man before he and Susan left.

" Well, that was surprising."

Clark said to the woman.

" Yeah, it was. To think he would see through our disguises so easily."

Susan said in disbelief.

" I know right! Guess that shows the strength of old men. They really are remarkable."

Clark said as he laughed.

" Well, disguises aside. Thank you for this Clark, I really needed it."

Susan said to the man as she linked arms with him.

" It sucks that it has to end so soon."

Clark said solemnly.

" It... Doesn't need to end yet. Clark... It's been so long since I've felt so alive. So happy. The last time I had a feeling like this was when I had my kids. Clark I..."

Susan was saying to the man before Clark cut her off.

" Suzie, not right now. I am attracted to you Susan. But we both just lost our partners, and I don't want to build a relationship on pain. I'm not going to take advantage of you like that."

Clark explained to the woman as he held her face in his hands.

" You said right now we were Mr. and Mrs. Kent. Right?"

Susan asked.

" Yeah, I did."

Clark replied.

" Then just for today. Just for right now. I want you to make love to me, Clark."

Susan said to the man.

" Susan."

Clark called out to the woman.

Susan placed her hands on gently on Clarks face.

" There doesn't need to be any strings attached. I just want you Clark. I need you. Please?"

Susan asked the man with tears in her eyes.

Clark placed his hands on Susan's shoulders getting her to drop her hands. Susan hung her head in disappointment as she took this as a sign that Clark said no. However, her eyes shot back up to the man as his hands slowly trailed down from her shoulders to her waist until finally both of his hands rested on her firm ass.

" Mm, Clark."

Susan moaned as Clark squeezed her bottom

Clark leaned down and gently kissed Susan, taking her lips for himself.

Susan moaned as Clark's tongue entered her mouth.

The two kissed each other like that for a moment before separating to catch their breaths.

" Sue, are you sure you want this? Even if it means nothing?"

Clark asked the woman one more time before taking things further.

" Yes."

Susan said to the man as she kissed him again.

Clark and Susan moved their lustful actions to a nearby hotel. Once Clark had gotten the room, he quickly took Susan to bed.

" Last chance."

Clark said to the woman as he placed her down on the bed.

" Stop talking and fill me up. Show me why they call you the man of steel."

Susan said to the man as she wiggled her lovely ass out of her jeans.

Clark immediately stripped out of his clothes before lying down on top of Susan and started kissing her. He then placed his hands on Sues black lace bra and tore it off her chest revealing her beautiful pale breasts. Clark groped her chest as aggressively as he could without hurting her to bad, Moans of pleasure escaping Sue's lips.

Clark broke their kiss and slowly started trailing kisses down her neck.

" Mmm, Clark. Yes."

Susan moaned as Clark continued groping her breasts.

" I love cherries."

Clark said before he started sucking on Sue's cherry nipple.

" AH Clark! Harder."

Susan moaned as Clark gently suckled on her tit.

Clark smiled as he continued sucking until he felt a warm liquid enter his mouth.

" Mmm, Mommy milk. I love it."

Clark moaned as he sucked up the milk coming out of Sue's breasts.

" Clark, do you like my milk?"

Sue asked

" It tastes amazing."

Clark said to the woman.

" I wanna taste yours too."

Susan said to the man.

" I'll give you plenty in a moment."

Clark said to the woman as he released her Nipple.

He then continued his exploration of the woman's body, placing hard kisses all the way down Susan's body. Sucking hard on her body and leaving hickeys all over. He arrived at the waist band of Sue's panties and slowly removed them with his teeth.

" What a naughty girl."

Clark said as he licked the line of pussy juice that was hanging on to her panties.

Clark looked down at Susans beautiful hairy pussy.

" When was the last time Reed's taken the time to admire your body?"

Clark asked as he looked upon Sue in all her naked Glory.

Clark leaned down and took in the scent of Sue's womanhood, He then began lapping up the woman's juices.

Sue moved her hands from the bed to Clark's head as she bucked her hips against the man, trying to force his tongue deeper into her private area.

" Clark, yesssss!"

Susan moaned as Clark continued his assault on her vagina.

" Sue, you taste amazing."

Clark declared as he hungrily drank the woman's fluids.

Sue continued bucking er hips against Clark's face getting faster and faster until finally She Climaxed. She wrapped her legs around Clark's head like a vice and yelled as a torrent of her sweet nectar flowed into Clark's mouth.

Clark swallowed the nectar hungrily before aggressively pulling Sue towards him, making the woman yelp in surprise over the man's sudden show of strength.

Clark separated Sue's legs and directed his man of steel into her pussy eliciting a scream of delight from the woman.

" Oh God!"

Clark declared as he felt Sue's warm walls massaging every inch of his penis. Her Pussy had been stretched from giving birth to two children, but God did it feel amazing. In fact, comparing it to Jen's was like night and day.

" Oh, god you feel so amazing."

Clark declared.

" Mmmm, Clark take me. Fuck me!"

Sue demanded and Clark obliged, he slowly started thrusting into her warm honeypot taking his time to adjust to a speed that would give Sue the best of pleasure. Though he also had to hold back his strength a considerable amount as Sue's body couldn't withstand the pounding Jen's could.

" Oh... GoD! It's so much bigger than Reeds!"

Susan declared into Clark's ear making him more animalistic. Sue's moans slowly turned into grunts as Clark thrusted inside of her harder and harder. In an attempt to help deal with the feeling of her approaching climax, Sue bit down on Clark's shoulder and started digging her nails into the man's back as hard as she could. The bed by now had shattered beneath the two from the force of Clarks rapid thrusting. But Sue didn't care it felt too good even as she was being taken by another man.

" Clark... yes. It's coming. I'm Cumming."

Susan moaned into Clark's ear.

" Suzie, me too. I'm Cumming Susan!"

Clark moaned as he felt his climax coming as well.

Clark lifted the top half is his body off of Sue to see her beautiful breast bouncing up and down violently. He leaned down and kissed the woman. He could feel she was Cumming as every time he would pull out even a little a stream of fluid would squirt all over the bed. But Clark kept on thrusting Making the woman Climax over and over until finally Clark, shot his seed inside of Sue's drenched pussy.

Clark pulled out and the flood he had been thrusting against erupted out of Susan's pussy as her.

After waiting a few seconds to catch their breaths Clark, collapsed Next to Susan.

" Thank you, Clark. For giving me the perfect day."

Susan said to the man.

Though she was happy to have felt wanted, needed, to have felt loved after years of a near one-sided marriage. Clark wasn't. He was attracted to Susan absolutely any man would be. But Clark wasn't sure if Susan was who he wanted to be with. And this thought would stay with him all the way until the brutal battle he would participate in only three hours from now.