

The atmosphere of the room seemed boisterous. Lili saw Gabby, who looked calm among the room's occupants, which surprised Lili.

Even so, Lili still feels fear when she hears the word devil. Lili also glanced at Baba and Scarla. What Lili saw made her even more surprised. The Queen and her subordinates did not show the slightest fear.

"Are you sure it's a devil?" asked Prime Minister Redrick, making everyone turn to him.

"You mean?" Alejandro frowned.

"Isn't this strange? We all know that Devils lived in the Forest of Death, But that was then, and now the Forest of Death is Queenby Kingdom's Territory, isn't it," said Prime Redrick. He didn't mean to offend Queen Gabby, present at the Imperial meeting. A little spark of fire between the two conflicting Kingdoms was fine for him.

They all now turned to Gabby, they saw Gabby and her subordinates looked calm and not offended by Prime Minister Redrick's words.

What do they think of Queenby Kingdom? They all know the Queenby Kingdom and the Folly Kingdom are in Conflict because of Spinx Kingdom. If it's a Devil, could it be that they would think that it was the Queenby Kingdom's doing to make the Folly Kingdom retreat?

"Relax, let's hear Queenby's opinion, considering that the Queenby Kingdom has already had Diplomatic Relations with the Empire." Emperor Blaise spoke to calm the room.

Gabie was silent for a moment and turned to Alejandro. "As long as the Forest of Death became part of my Royal Territory, I didn't find anything there. Those who are still haunted by the fear of the devil's essence make none of the Kingdoms willing to take the Forest of Death as the Kingdom's Territory. After all, my emissary is currently dealing with the chaos that occurred at the border due to the Dark-Elf Army attacking the Spinx Kingdom's Soldier Camp at the border. Doesn't this look odd? They were attacked simultaneously as the devils appeared?" said Gabby at length quietly.

The Emperor and the rest of the room fell silent hearing Queenby's explanation.

"Dark-Elves?" Emperor Blaise muttered in disbelief that the troops he trained and kept so tightly hidden could move without his knowledge.

Prime Minister Redrick and King Alejandro look nervous at Gabby's explanation. It doesn't feel like they're breaking out in a cold sweat.

"They (Dark-Elves) only follow orders from higher-ups who have the same power level as or above the Queen of Elves. As far as I know, the Elves' Kingdom has fallen, so they turned to the strongest in their opinion. Maybe they could be the vassals of the devils you guys were fighting about or-" Gabby was cut off as she turned to Emperor Blaise.

Emperor Blaise that Gabby was staring at furrowed his brows. "Or?" said Emperor Blaise knowing he was suspicious of Gabby.

"Or there are humans who possess a power level capable of subduing Dark-Elves." continued Gabby calmly.

Gabby's words certainly offended Emperor Blaise, but he wasn't who ordered the Dark-Elves to move.

Emperor Blaise choked as he wanted to speak. Somehow he lost the debate when it came to Dark-Elves.

"Alright, for that Dark-Elf matter we will discuss later, I will send an envoy to help the Queenby Kingdom investigate it. Now let's talk about the Devil," said Emperor Blaise changing the subject.

Gabby smiled faintly. "There's no need to trouble Your Majesty. My envoy has taken care of it," said Gabby looking at Emperor Blaise. "It doesn't matter who their superiors are. At least my envoy has already annihilated them for disturbing the Kingdom under my auspices." continued Gabby making the Emperor surprised.

The emperor clenched his fists at Gabby's words. How could the Dark Elves be eradicated so quickly? They are Elf warriors who have abilities above humans.

"A-alright," said Emperor Blaise slightly disapprovingly.

"So what should I do, Your Majesty?" said Alejandro trying to avoid discussing the Spinx Kingdom's border raids.

Emperor Blaise turned to Alejandro and looked at him. "Let's put aside the Queenby Kingdom Conflict and your Kingdom. If it's true, we have to deal with that Devil," said Emperor Blaise to Alejandro's relief.

"What do you think Crown Prince Livian is?" Emperor Blaise turned to Livian, the Crown Prince of the Onyx Kingdom.

"Looks like we'll have to leave this matter to Queen Gabby, considering that the Forest of Death that was once a Devil's lair is now Queenby's Royal Territory," said Livian trying to scapegoat Gabby.

Alejandro does not accept that the Queenby Kingdom investigates him. If he were caught having a relationship with that devil, it would also expose the Spinx Kingdom's border attack.

"Why the Queenby Kingdom? Queen Gabby already said she didn't find anything in the Forest of Death," said Alejandro nervously. "Isn't the Imperial Authority greater in that Devil matter?" he continued in a cold sweat.

Emperor Blaise narrowed his eyes at Alejandro. "Why is it King Alejandro?" asked the Emperor suspiciously of Alejandro. "The Forest of Death is Queenby's Royal Territory. We can't interfere if Queen Gabby doesn't allow us to investigate." continued Emperor Blaise.

Alejandro was nervous, and now he felt the Emperor did suspect him. "That…that," nervous Alejandro. "Very well, Your Majesty, if it can save my Kingdom from the Devils," said Alejandro, speechless.

Emperor Blaise turned to Gabie. "How's Queen Gabby? Let's forget the conflict between your Kingdom and the Alejandro Kingdom for a moment," said Emperor Blaise mediating the ongoing Conflict between the Queenby Kingdom and the Folly Kingdom.

"If that's what Your Majesty wants, I'll think about it. But don't stop me from plucking the roots of the thorny bush. If I find that Devil and his Companion, I won't hesitate with either of them." Gabby said, smiling but sounding stern.

Emperor Blaise nodded. "Alright, enough until here first our meeting. I hope we can share some information about this," said Emperor Blaise closing the meeting.

Finally, the Imperial Meeting was over. They all left the room, as did Gabby and the others.

Behind them, Concubine Yona looked furious because, during the meeting, no one paid attention to her and wanted to talk to her to ask her opinion.

Concubine Yona glared at Lili and Gabby from the corner of the room.

Gabby glanced at Concubine Yona, looking at her sharply. She knew that Concubine Yona was swearing at her with Lili.

"Lili, all around you is full of thorny grass," Gabby said without looking back.

Lili certainly understood what Gabby meant. "That's right, Your Majesty," replied Lili.