

The world was shrouded in a night lit up by a reddish light. The Human and Demi-Human races just stared blankly at the sky. The living beings seemed to have no soul to distract themselves from the object in the sky.

Everyone was in their dream, the dream they wanted the most, whether it was becoming a ruler, someone famous, or a wish they could only achieve in dreams.

What was still conscious was that saintess essences like Elves and other Divine Beasts were indeed born from Sacred Essence.

The Phoenix Emperor and the Four Phoenix brothers of the Azruth Empire, who were sacred contract beasts, couldn't help but stand by as they watched their contract Human lose their souls.

All the sacred beasts sprang out from the corners of the continents in that world. They seemed to be reborn because of the appearance of the Red Solar Eclipse. Right now, all living things other than sacred essence are just shells of life that are already empty and devoid of content.

"I'm back." A beautiful woman like an angel appeared next to the man who had been looking at the Khaaslonia Continent in the sky. She is the Goddess of Life.

Not long after, a huge portal appeared in the sky. From that portal appeared dozens of figures in the form of white-winged humans ranging from about a dozen.

"We're finally back."

"I'll tear that despicable creature to pieces."

"It's time for us to take this world back."

"After living in a different dimension, we can finally breathe in the world we have created."

"Yes, we should take that Essence and return to the sky palace. We will change the current world order."

Chatter after chatter came out of their mouths. They are the Gods who have created this world to get the attention of the Mother and the Father.

"You still remember our agreement, don't you?" The man who was the most different in stature among the other Gods began to make his voice.

"Don't worry, Valhalla. All we want is the Mother and Father Essence. For the throne, you can have it later." Reply to the God of Death. It flapped its wings towards Valhalla and the Goddess of Life.

The God of Death was the leader of all the previous Gods until now.

"Good." Valhalla cracked a crooked smile.

"Before that, we'd better wait for the God of Lightning Ariel. Because we need information from him right now." Valhalla said he knew that Ariel, who had previously been imprisoned by the Great Old Ones of this dimension, had escaped.

Not long after, a man appeared with half a white wing on his left back, and he was the God of Lightning Ariel.

"Long time no see my brothers and sisters."


"Damn it, what happened? Hey Dullahan!" Shushu shook Dullahan's shoulder, but the result was still Dullahan looked like he had lost his soul.

Scarla's brows twitched. How could an Undead like Dullahan be like this? Is Dullahans not Undead in this world?

Scarla turned her head and looked at every human staring blankly at the sky. Scarla was confused by the current events.

"Shushu, we better head back to the palace." Scarla opened the portal. Shushu agreed, and they entered the portal leaving the Dullahan who had lost his soul.

Arriving at the palace, the atmosphere still looks the same. The palace maids seemed to be looking at the sky blankly, just like what happened in Rold's city.

"Miss Shushu, Miss Scarla… cough." Xora limped toward them.

"What happened?" Scarla saw that Xora was seriously injured. She could see that Xora's injuries resulted from a holy magic attack.

"Your Majesty, where? Red Solar Eclipse." Xora gasped. She didn't have the energy to speak until she fell unconscious.

"Xora… Xora! Hey!" Shushu patted Xora's cheek, waking her up. She knew that Xora was unconscious not because of an injury but because of a strange incident tonight.

"They have returned" Lucia came near Shushu and Scarla. Lucia's face looked very sad and frightened.

"Who? Who's back?!" Shushu shouted.

"They are my brothers and sisters." Lucia started to sob because she knew there would be another war between Gods. She couldn't do anything because she was the lowest level Goddess of her brothers and sisters. Alicia could only stay silent behind Lucia.

Scarla fell silent, watching Lucia start to shed tears. Shushu clenched her fists and finally realized that tonight was the night of the Red Sun Eclipse, meaning that all the Gods in this world have returned and will hunt Gabby.

Shushu pulled Scarla and Lucis' hands. "Come on."

Shushu pulled them towards the Imperial throne room, and she wished Gabby was on her throne.

After they reached the throne room, they stopped. They saw a figure with an aura of glory greater than anything they had ever encountered.

Shushu and Scarla fell silent, looking at the figure sitting on the throne of the Imperial Palace. It was evident that it was their lady, only that now Gabby's hair had changed colour from what had been a solid black colour to Black on the left and White on the right.

The aura Gabby gave off made Shushu and Scarla remember their former lord.

Lucia and Alicia knelt before Gabby, sitting with her eyes closed.

"We miss you." Lucia clasped her hands on her chest and spoke in a prayerful tone.

Slowly Gabby opened her eyes. Her once purple pupils had now turned black on the right and white on the left, as opposed to her hair.

Shushu and Scarla could see that Baba was also kneeling beside Gabby.


Shushu and Scarla twisted their bodies as they felt an extremely sacred Essence begin approaching them. Likewise, Lucia and Alicia, who got up, began approaching Gabby.

Shushu and Scarla took a step back when they saw a portal at the end of the room. Their current position was between Gabby and the portal.

One by one, a figure appears that Shushu believes to be the Gods of this world. Shushu clenched her jaw when she saw the figure of the God she had cursed and hated the most in her life.

"Valhalla." Shushu and Scarla muttered in unison.