
chapter 17

few hours later bolin and mako arrived with a bunch of people wearing green clothes then the mako delivered Zaheers words "zaheer says that if ypu don't give yourself up he will go to the northern Air temple and wipe out the new air nation"

Tonraq said "maybe he's bluffing" "Zaheer doesn't bluff he just killed the earth queen" mako said and then korra replied "We need to radio tenzin and warn him that the red lotus is coming"

"I agree, unfortunately the air ships radio was destroyed" mako said with disstain and tonraq said in his deep voice "there's a portable radio in the jeep but the signal will never make it to the northern Air temple"

Lin said with her hands on her hips "we need to get to a place that has a strong Radio transmitter, the metal clan will have one"

"Let's go we'll radio Su on the way hopefully she can alert tenzin by the time we get to Zoufu"

We got back on the air ship and zuko on his dragon then made haste for Zoufu. Once we arrived Suyin was waiting for us and she said "we couldn't reach tenzin, I hope Zaheer hasn't made it there yet I should have never let Opal go"

Then in the radio room korra said "I can't wait around while a mad man is headed for the Northern Air temple, why won't they pick up the radio" and opal said "I'm getting my air ship ready, with the full force of the metal clan security force backing us up they won't win"

"We'll never make it up there before Zaheer" mako said then korra said "there might be another way to to win buy its a long shot, Zaheer is always meditating in the spirit world and I know exactly where he goes Xai Bua's Grove if I could find him there maybe could somehow trap him"

"We can't protect you in there, I don't like it" lin said And Asami reinforced Korra's statement "I'll watch over her as she meditates"

"I'm going to help Su load the airship" lin said And tonraq agreed I just went with Lin. Once we got there I started lifting supplies onto the air ship I just did as I was told. Soon everyone borded the ship, we headed for the planning room to discuss strategy but I was killing every member of the Red lotus once I arrive.

You do not mess with the airbenders and live especially if I'm alive, suyins plan was to go in head on which lin offered a rebuttal to "ok better plan we come up from the valleyscale the side of the mountain and take them off guard" and Tonraq said "that could work" but suyin pointed out a a flaw in the plan "that'll give them the high ground, if there lava bender spots us he'll melt the mountain side"

"Nah better plan just drop me in and I'll show them pain" I said and lin said "this is no time for jokes bash" and then I said "your plans aren't much better" "it doesn't matter none of these plans will work, the second Zaheer realizes we're up to something he'll wipe out the airbenders" korra said while looking out the window at the dark sky's.

This turned korra into a goth, then suyin said "and opal is one of those airbenders, believe me I understand what's at stake" and korra replied like a goth person would in a low voice trying to be edgy "Then I think you'll agree, the only plan that will work is for me to give myself up"

'What, no, korra'' that's basically what the crowd said then korra said "I talked it over with fire lord Zuko, and I've given it a lot of thought, I have to do this" "You can't expect us sit by and just let Zaheer take you" Asami said like a bitch

Then korra spoke" The world has been out of balance for far too long it needs the air nation back, I can't let Zaheer destroy it and everyone we love, help me save the airbenders then you can worry about saving me"

Tonraq said "we're with you, korra" "yes whatever you need we're here" then I said "nah I'm not I'm still on me verses Zaheer and his gang, I will show you why I said The earth is my element I just let other people borrow it" I heard that from the one dude who was being 1v6ed in the kyoshi world but I'm still a better bender then him so it's mine.

"Enough, stop playing around, now is not the time!" Said Lin with fury people looked at me bit I knew that once we get there I'm going down before korra and I'm killing all of them.

Korra then said as she walked away "I'm gonna go radio Zaheer" I walked out of the room under false pretences of "I'm going to sleep" but really I going to give Zaheer another deal. Surprisingly no one thought that I months actually fall through on my promise.

Korra left the radio room, I waited a few minutes before I went on the radio "Zaheer, I have a different deal for you" and I waited for him to pick up the radio "hello whom am I speaking to" it was Zaheer alright I responded to him "Zaheer my name is Bashann beifong and my deal is me verses you and your allies holding the air temple hostage, to the death if you win you get the avatar and keep the airbenders, I don't need to tell you what happens if I win"

"Deal, Mr.Beifong, meet me at laghima's peak 8 am, alone" said Zaheer like the Snake he is, I went to my room but didn't go to sleep when it was 4:30 am, I snuck outside and headed for Laghima's peak.

When I arrived I started meditating on a chair I made myself. After the sun rose I opened my eyes and stopped meditating I just sat there and stared at nature and its beautiful.

Soon Zaheer and his allies showed up except for the combustion lady "Well Bashann its time to start our fight" Zaheer said I replied "it will be over before it even started"

"3...2...1....GO" screamed Zaheer who then started sucking the air out of me they all started laughing at me. They would soon pay, the water bender lady with no arms raised her water arms and turned the tips into ice blades she moved it back but before she could hit me I stopped it with water bending.

She was astonished and Zaheer said "why won't you die already I've been sucking the air out of you for a whole minute" I responded as I stopped his airbending, I went into the avatar state but he knew something was wrong when my eyes glowed white ish Grey showing that Vaatu's streangth was becoming one in my own "it's over Zaheer, I am The Dark Avatar and remember There Is always someone who stands above you in strength or morality" I turned the ice blades back and it slowly Pierced the water benders stomach.

She screamed in pain the lava bender tried to earth bend or lava bend but I stopped him. I blood bended all of them so they couldn't move then I started flying with Airbending. I snapped all three of their necks then I threw the two besides Zaheer off the cliff.

I ran over to there air ship and up to the control room and headed for the air temple so the Combustion bender doesn't murder the airbenders. I saw the combustion bender waiting for the airship and as soon as I docked and opened the door I threw a metal spike into the ladies combustion eye thing I didn't want, to kill her at least not yet so I made sure it didn't Pierce her skull to much.

She fell limp, I walked around until I found the airbenders tenzin was tied up and gagged while the rest of the airbenders were a few meters behind him.

I used a rock and made it into a blade I cut tenzin free then I freed the rest of the airbenders tenzin said "Thank you, Thank You" "Follow me I've got an airship outside we can go and report to the others, I did this with out the others knowing also the other three of the Red lotus are dead I kept the combustion bender alive for questioning" I replied and tenzins jaw dropped after I said this with little care knowing the strength I must possess.

He went to the airship with me and the other airbenders and we set course for the other air ship which was parked a few miles away we started flying for there airship I checked the clock on the ship it was 6:52 am and we would get there around 7:00 am

I sat down and closed my eyes for the next 8 minutes then I opened my eyes then lowered the airship next to the other ship and asked tenzin to watch the ship while I attach the metal cables that will hold the ship in place.