
Avatar The Legend of Korra: Ruthless Wind

An Airbender is a peaceful warrior. an Airbender does not kill. An Airbender witholds his wordly desire. But he is a different Airbender, a man despite using the most peaceful element is the most brutal and scheming.

Marcus_Adderley · Anime e quadrinhos
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38 Chs

Chapter 22

Chapter 22

Sorry for chapter 20 and 21, I kinda wrote it in a rush so that's why the writing was quite bumpy

At the sight of the emergence of the equalist a small and happy smile crept up from Jiran's face. As if he had been expecting it.

His eyes darted around catching many more individuals donning their equalist masks.

'Project Sanctuary, act 2. Start right now' Jiran happily declared inside of his mind. And then he saw all of them pulling out electric gloves from their sleeves.

"Lin, look out!" Tenzin shouted as he saw an equalist right beside her electrocute her.


"Arrgghhh!" Lin fell to the ground spasming.

"Hiya!" Tenzin pushed his palm, sending an airstream towards the equalist who attacked Lin but another one already got behind him.

"Tenzin!" Thankfully Jiran was there to save him. The airbender pushed Tenzin out of the way with a wind gust and attacked the two equalist by sending an air arc.



"They are here!" Jiran shouted, his voice reverberating throughout the entire arena. But he was too late, almost all of the guard was taken out by the equalist.

"Korra! Get out of the water!" Jiran screamed at Korra. Another equalist entered and then he electrocuted the water Korra and the Fire Ferrets were in, thus electrocuting them.

His eyes darted to the arena, where the still celebrating Wolf Bats were waving their hands and there he saw the platform on the side levitate up bringing a newcomer to the scene.

It was Amon and his henchmen. Immediately after, a small but unnoticeable smile appeared on Jiran completely contradicting his worried voice and eyes.

'Finally, took you guys long enough' he thought. Then he jumped from the audience's seat towards the arena with a push of wind.


And with grace, he landed smoothly.

"Amon," He said as if he was addressing his enemy. Then he turned around his head to the Wolf Bats and said:

"I suggest you fuckers get out of this arena, you'll only be a hinder to me" He did even let them answer as he performed a spin back kick generating a huge wave of wind that surged fort and slammed against the wolf bat mercilessly.

After being slammed he heard a cracking sound from the three, probably from their crushed ribs.

But despite that, he doesn't care, they deserve more than those, if it were Jiran's choice he would've done more than breaking their ribs.

"So how are you doing, Amon? Gonna run away once again?" The airbender laughed.

"No, not this time, I brought company." Then from the top, a sudden sound of breaking glass resounded. Jiran looked up and saw dozens of men swinging down from the broken glass ceiling.

"Surprised?" Amon laughed.

"I expected much" Then Jiran suddenly flipped and sent a wind tornado towards the descending equalist.

Some were caught up by the tornado sending them down splashing to the water below the arena and some were lucky enough to survive.

This was the starting signal, immediately after Jiran started, the equalist from the audience's stand jumped to the arena and encircled Jiran.

Amon and his henchmen too did the same, as all of them were completely cornering the Airbender. The crowd gasped and watched in horror as he was surrounded by vicious equalist.

"Folks! It is chaos up here at the Pro-bending arena! First the metal bender cops were taken out one by one by mysterious assailants with electrical gloves, then it was followed by the appearance of the Equalists leader, Amon and now here we are looking at the newest Airbender of the Air Temple Island fighting them!" The announcer shouted and announced from his microphone.

"Jiran!" Tenzin shouted from the bystand, he attempted to jump beside him but Jiran kept him in place.

"Protect the people, Tenzin! I can handle them!"

"No you can't, Airbender. Do not kid yourself" Amon whispered then he gestured at his men, signaling them, and with that all of them rushed forward.

Their gloves crackling in electricity, their footsteps creating a beat. They bulldoze towards Jiran with furious intent.

"Hiya!" But Jiran wasn't going to let them be. He started by sending out powerful wind pressure taking one of the equalist out.

Then in a swift succeeding motion turned around and did a break dance as he swept his legs on the ground sending out wind currents that tripped his enemies.

"Hup!" Following that up, he sent an airblast. Airbast is a classic offensive attack of an airbender, the move sends out compressed air shot from the hands, feet, or mouth.

This was a classic move of every airbender but Jiran isn't your classic airbender. The airblast he sent was far more compressed and far more violent than the conventional Airblast, it was so unorthodox that it would be more appropriate to call it an Air Cannon.

"Dodge!" Amon warned his men but…

The Air Cannon struck, ravaging through the ground and destroying a chunk of the arena.

Almost ¼ of the equalist were taken out, brutally taken out. The crowd, Tenzin, the equalist, gasped at such a feat.

It was so shocking and violent, no Airbender can do such destructiveness willingly. Most airbender, even Aang, uses air as a soft and gentle element to softly subdue their opponent, none uses it for sheer violence like Jiran.

"Let's dance" Jiran smiled. Then he pushed his hands in both directions performing a dome like air-technique called Air Bomb.

Air bomb is a technique that creates a powerful, outward-moving air current in all directions around the bender. Usually performed after landing on the ground from above, this airbending form has great concussive force, and the capacity to completely blow away anything within its radius.

Which was perfect for this situation, with that move almost all of the equalist were pushed out of the arena with only those who were powerful enough to gripped on to ground firmly to remain.

Now with that, the small fries were weeded out making the skilled one the only standing.


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