
Chapter 76

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Also new novel coming up next Monday, Percy Jackson: The God of Magic.

Love ya!


For days I trained at the fire nation base focusing solely on my lightning bending, and little by little I was cutting down the time I needed to control and form my chi to generate lightning. If I kept progressing like I was, in less the a month I would be able to snap my fingers and electrocute people, needless to say I was delighted with this development, showing that apparently fire was the element I had the strongest connection.

"Let's try this again," I sighed, as I slowly generated a lightning bolt on my right now, "Chidori Ripoff!" I was training and that name was a joke so don't judge me!

"You certainly want to be the best lightning bender," Azula commented, as she entered the training ground, "So how is the training going?"

"Well, I no longer have to dance…. so that's an improvement, but... I still have to do some moves to get the desired result," I replied while demonstrating what I meant, creating another lighting bolt and shooting it a rock nearby that exploded upon impact.

"Impressive," Azula muttered in surprise, "Perhaps I should train too," she added.

"Sure," I chuckled, "but for now I'm going back to my tent, I really need to rest,"

"Very well, I shall accompany you," Azula stated.

"Sure," I nodded, "We can totally hangout,"

As we walked inside the tent, I took my shirt off and jumped to the bed, Azula blushed but soon recovered, sitting on my bed, "So, what do you like to do when you are not training?" Azula inquired, putting her hand on my leg.

"I… well, to be honest, I'm all training, so I guess I don't have hobbies," I replied.

"I suppose we are the same," Azula chuckled, "I don't have any hobbies just goals, goals I always achieve one way or another,"

"I suppose you are right," I nodded, grabbing her hand and pulling her in for a kiss, "But if I have to be honest, I enjoy my time with you more than anything right now,"

Azula chuckled, "Are you calling me a hobby?"

"No," I chuckled, kissing her once again.


[Azula POV]

I didn't plan on this happening, and for me that was very weird, everything in my life had been according to a plan, my plan, to achieve my ideal of perfection and yet. Tonight I went off the plan, and what started as a friendly talk with my boyfriend with a few playfully kisses ended with me on his bed, naked, smelling like him and him smelling like me.

I wasn't mad, I was happy, excited, somehow fulfilled. I had taken Ty Lee's advice about being more sure of myself when it came to my boyfriend, and now here I was.

I had broken so many rules, I had thrown nobility customs, alongside my plans out of the window, and everything was for him and I had enjoyed it.

And now, I just couldn't get enough of him, we were both tired on the bed. That much was clear and I was certainly sore after it, but I didn't care. I didn't want to sleep, not now, not after what we had done, and the best part was he didn't want to sleep either, he wanted me, only me.

Seeing his eyes only looking at me, like I was the only thing in the world, made me feel powerful, craving something only he could provide, a feeling I could feel with him.

Our connection had always been primal, and tonight was no different, seeing him fueled with desire made me crave his touch, and push the boundaries expected of us.

And I had enjoyed every second of this rule breaking activity.

The feeling of his weight on top of me, the way we both claimed each other like beasts on heat, was like nothing I had expected or read about, before today sex was nothing but a tool a means to and end to keep the bloodline alive, something I would have to do, but not enjoy, but now it was something beautiful, I didn't expect to hold something so vanal, so dear.

I wanted to kiss him, bite him, taste his pleasure. I wanted to watch his face while he claimed me. I wanted his sweat to drop onto me. I wanted to drop mine on him.

I knew he was stronger than me, he had proved that the day we met, but on the bed when I wanted to take control. He didn't fight it, he just accepted me, and in a way no one ever before had done. He submitted to my will not out fear, but out love, and with carnal desires that were never there before I remember how I got on top of him. I'd never done anything like that before, I was untouched, a maiden and even then, there I was on top of him, I couldn't really believe what I was doing, but it felt right, it felt empowering.

It was so intoxicating so I held him and guided him inside me, it was marvelous how I could feel his groans of pleasure, I'll never forget such an experience. In the end, I was in charge and he liked it. He liked how I held his hands down. He liked pretending he was trying to break free and failing.

Or the feeling when I let my bare breast touch his face. And almost immediately he went mad; bucking in and out like an animal in heat making me feel he was about to split me in two.

All of those experiences engraved in my mind, as the night I claimed him, and the night he claimed me.


[Akira POV]

I don't know how, but I had sex with Azula, one moment I was kissing her, and the next thing I know we were both naked, lusting like a pair of animals, and I enjoyed every second of it.

My empathic powers went haywire the moment we started to go beyond kisses, numbing my mind in a deep state of ecstasy that I knew I couldn't get out. And now, that she was in my arms I felt guilty, not that I had slept with her, but that I was hiding so much from her.

—-So that was human coitus… disgusting,— Vaatu commented, —I hope you already have a cub on the coming, I do not want to see that again,—


Author note: Alright first and foremost, I wanted to clarify I don't write lemons, or sex scenes or whatever people call them, but for this two I wanted to describe without going into much detail their first time.

Now, do not expect any sex scenes! I don't write porn.

Happy New Year!