
Chapter 33

If you want to read ahead go and check https://www.patreón.com/cornbringer

Love ya guys!


The massacre continued, with us losing in a humiliating manner. But I was not going to let that trouble me.

So turning to my next target, I ran towards my prey with my sword ready. The assassin barely had time to react as my sword hit him in the chest, leaving a nasty cut on it, followed by a horizontal cut cutting his throat. Killing him.

At the same time, one of the assailants had tried to land a strike on my seemingly wide open back. But thanks to my water sense, I felt the bastard approach, and leapt high backward in retreat, dodging the attack in a flowing motion, like a wave on the sea.

The Assassin who had just tried to attack me was now engaged fighting another bodyguard, ripping him apart. A battle cry echoed in the vicinity as the heavily injured near death firebender bodyguard tried to burn his attacker off him, with a straight punch, followed by a small torrent of fire.

As the assassin dodged, and the firebender died from his injuries I dashed forward to intercept him. This was the perfect opening, the guy had ignored me and this was my chance to kill him for it. Fast like a cat, I sneaked behind, piercing his throat with my blade.

Out of the eighty people that the caravan I was guarding had… only two remained…me and another guard who was bleeding out so technically just me, and only fifteen of the assassin's creed lookalikes had died…and they were easily over a hundred around.

It all hinted that I would have to use water bending soon. Too bad, for the people that hired me though… but oh well.

"It's it worth it to die for… this?" One of the assassins pointed to the caravan.

"That is a very… very, nice question," I chuckled bitterly, as used water bending to lower the temperature around, little by little, "Tell me… is it worth it?"

"You think you will win?" One of the assassins chuckled.

"I am pretty confident in my skill to kill you all… then again… you are welcome to try and prove wrong," I chuckled in amusement, as I focused on the water around their feet.

"Kill them," the leader of the assassins ordered.

But… none of them moved an inch, though they tried, they found themselves in a sticky situation, for their feets were trapped in ice.

"Thanks for the conversation… it gave me more than enough time to… freeze all of you…" I winked at them, appreciating their looks of terror and their futile struggles to escape their imminent death, as above each and every single one of them, shape and deadly ice spears started to form, "It was a very educational way to learn how to use my sword in a real life situation… it was good… but I rather stick to bending for the time being," and with the snap of my fingers… the forest was drowned in screams and blood.

"I wonder… was it really worth it… to die for… a bunch of silk?" I wondered out loud.


"Yeah, you are right… it wasn't," I chuckled.

Taking one of the lizard horses the caravan had, I decided to continue with my journey, not before melting and evaporating all the water I had used… to avoid being discovered.



Early morning, the sun hung high in the sky, and I felt a little bit guilty. I had allowed once again my empath shit to take control… I had effectively enjoyed killing the assassins…..

But nothing would bring me down… not today!

Today I was particularly happy, for I was very close to my destination, all it took to know that was a quick glimpse around, trees and other vegetation around had faces carved into them. It was both beautiful and creepy.

Further away, I could see expansive fields of corn in almost all directions, with a few thatched cottages scattered here and there.

Every now and then, farmers would cross my path, and walking towards the village I was looking for, the village of Hira'a, I would ask every single one of them, they would confirm that.

Fuck yeah!

"Excuse me sir," I stopped a farmer once again, that was passing by, "Is the village of Hira'a in that direction?" I inquired.

"Yes it is," The farmer smiled, "Not many know about us… but we are always happy to have tourists…" he added.

"Perfect," I smiled.


[Aang POV]

Master Gyatso always said a journey is not a journey without its downs… and I never expected that to happen while flying over a swamp, I had been separated from my friends by a wild tornado.

I had to find them… if it wasn't for me… they wouldn't even be here.

"Katara!" I called, "Appa! Momo!" Nothing… the only thing I would hear in return were the echoes of my cry, "Sokka!"

I continued to run through the forest, calling their names, over and over and over, they had to be somewhere around here… and if they were okay, they would probably also be looking for me and the others. So all I could do was keep trying.

Next time… I would follow my instincts…. I was a fool to not do so… I felt the swamp was calling me, I told them to land… but their reluctance… convince me otherwise, and now we are here… but separated.


A girl laughing? I turned around to see a small girl laughing at me, she was wearing a white and green kimono, as for her face the girl turned around before I could see it, and ran chasing a flying boar that had appeared out of nowhere.

"Wait!" I called out, chasing after her.


[Katara POV]

I felt strange in this swamp, lost and yet found, alone yet in company… it was a confusing situation for me…


That voice… mom?!

Gran gran used to say… grief was like the ocean, it came in waves ebbing and flowing. Sometimes the water was calm, and sometimes it was overwhelming. All we could with it… was learn how to swim.

I never did… every day, the painful memory of the day they took my mother from me… drowned in a sea of anger and pain.


"Mom!" I cried out, following her voice, I knew this didn't make any sense, I knew she was dead, but… it didn't matter, just the sound of her voice, would be enough for me… just to remind me a little bit of her.