
Avatar The Last Airbender: Cold Paths

"Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them."—William Shakespeare. This story is about the latter. A man with no recollection of his name, finds himself in the world of Avatar. Forcing to accept the idea that the show he once watched as a kid is not, in fact, fictional has taken a massive toll on him, torn as he is between the awesomeness of his new found powers as well as it's absurdity of how everything came to be, he will do what humans do best, he will overcome and adapt and greatness will follow. to read chapters ahead go to www.patreón.com/cornbringer.

CORNBRINGER · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
114 Chs

Chapter 106

If you want to read my other works go to: https://www.patreón.com/cornbringer


Vaatu was right; if I wanted to have a chance to win, I had to fight Life out of her realm of control, so without waiting for her to take the initiative, I called Chesire to create a portal to the spiritual world and grabbed Azula jumping into the portal.

The sudden jump into the spiritual world and my immediate action surprised Azula; at this, she simply stared at me for a long second before asking, "Do you have any plan?" she asked.

I didn't know what to say; at the moment, my plan was to improvise until I figured out how to kill the metaphysical manifestation of Life, "It's not a plan, it's more of an... idea," I muttered, looking down.

"So we are just gonna winged," Her mouth curved into a smile.

"I suppose we are," I smirked.

"How different things are," Azula added, a frown forming on her face, "I have never been without a plan this long,"

"Well… I'm sure we will figure something out," I sighed, not really sure If I believed that myself, but one of us had to believe.

"A wise move, coming to the realm where ironically I am on my weakest," A voice behind us commented; Life had finally arrived.

"So… we fight… how ironic," I added with a tight-lipped smile.

"Fight… how barbaric of you," Life remarked, amused for some unknown reason, "I said I was going to kill you, but not that I was going to fight you, there is a big difference in two,"

"I somehow feel insulted," Azula spoke, her eyes narrowing at the spirit in front of us.

"So, how exactly do you plan on killing us?" I asked; maybe I could use her own overconfidence against her.

"I control life, and while it's not my realm… I have good enough control to decide who gets to have my blessing," Life smiled, "Meaning the moment I decide you two are unworthy of my blessing, your lives end,"

"I am having an awesome day," Azula muttered.

"So, it was good while it lasted…" Life sang, God, I hated the bitch, "Now die," I closed my eyes for a second and nothing happened; I waited a few more seconds and nothing.

"Inferring with our realm, it's not something we will approve of," A disembodied husky voice growled, a growl I was all too familiar with, "We will not. Tolerate this Gaia," added a honeyed sweet melodic voice; there was no mistaking, Kindred was here.

"Kindred," Life spoke, her lips pressed together in annoyance, "Is there a reason you are interfering with my work?" she inquired, eyes narrowing her gaze going behind us.

"You are taking our prey," From the shadows, the wolf appeared, baring his teeth in anger, "We do not decide who is born, but we get to decide who dies," The lamb followed close behind the wolf, her voice calm like a river.

"Always so righteous, never breaking any rules… you realise that if you don't allow me to end their life with my realm… they will die in combat, right?" Life inquired with an exasperated sigh.

"That is up to you, and him… but interfering with our domain to get what you want," Lamb leaned forward, her furry hands going to her quiver, "Will result in our wrath!" the wolf growled, shaking the very earth beneath us.

"I will take a wild guess and say, these two are the personifications of death, right?" Azula inquired with a soft whisper.

"Yep," I nodded with a half-smile, "They killed me hundreds of times,"

"Do I wanna know?" Azula asked, tilting her in confusion.

"No," I replied.

"So be it, if I have to dirty my hands with blood to see my goal be fulfilled, then I shall gladly do it," Life stated, "Is that good enough for you, Kindred?"

"It is," Lamp replied, turning her gaze over me, "You are not destined to die today, don't make us start our hunt today…" and with that, both the lamb and the wolf disappeared.

"Alright then," Life sneered, lifting her hand up, her palm aimed at us, "Let's end this charade, shall we?"

Energy, like I had never felt before, started to gather on her palm, creating a sphere of spiritual energy, and doubts began to surge within me. Could I really beat her? If so, how? What I felt coming from her was leagues above my Avatar state.

"Isn't this a bit unfair," A bunny appeared in front of Life, startling her, "I think its quite unfair to kill him without giving him a shot… Gaia," that bunny I recognized him, he was the only primordial that didn't mind fuck me that time.

"Sol, your interference is… getting on my nerves," Life stated, her fists shaking in anger.

"He is also a primordial?" Azula asked, and I nodded, "Of what? Carrots?"

"Of the energy within the spirits," Sol chuckled, "But I do like carrots, so I guess of that too,"

I snorted at that, "So… now what?" I asked.

"Now he leaves!" Life fumed, clenching her jaw.

"No, I don't," Sol snorted, "I won't let you use my realm to fight them,"

"I'm not using your realm," Life replied, her lips pressed into a thin line.

"Oh, then what was that you were about to use to kill them?" Sol inquired, his voice flat and emotionless.

"I… this is ridiculous!" Life frowned, narrowing her eyes at Sol in anger.

"Ridiculous or not, it's my realm… and I get to decided who uses it and who doesn't," Sol stated, crossing his arms.

"So every one of you will now interfere with what's right?!" Life barked, "Why?!"

"Because… you are not being fair," Sol snapped, "As primordials, we have to be impartial; we can't interfere with human nor other spirits, we can merely guide them, but that's it! YOU have completely disregarded what we stand for, and now you are using your powers to fight a human that by no means will have a chance against your power, even with Vaatu inside of him!"

"I won't stop," Life stated.

"Then let's make this a fair fight, shall we?" Sol hissed, his form changing, and I couldn't help but wonder why was he so mad with Life, why was he so eager to protect me.