

Macai is adjusting to his new school and his grades are still looking good. Eyre has continued his duties working at Fire Nation Capital as a general. Captain Hazo teaches Macai every day and Macai steadily advances in his combat skills. One Saturday morning, Macai is in an intense session of sunrise training with Captain Hazo in his backyard.

Part of the sky is bright yellow as the sun shines while the other half is dark blue. Macai sprints across the field back and forth following his drills. Macai does several push-ups, jumping jacks, pull-ups, and dynamic stretches as he trains. Macai is also at the age that he starts lifting some weights and now flaunts a few muscles on his arms, shoulders, legs, and chest.

Macai proceeds to transition to his combat drills. He swiftly shifts his body from side to side, launching orange flames from his right and left hands. This time his flames are different, he is getting sharper and his form is getting better. Now they are light orange, instead of the common orange color. Leaping side to side as he dodges Hazo's counters with ease and smoothly blocks his strikes.

Hazo grins, noticing how much Macai has improved in the last few weeks. Remembering how advanced Macai already was when he first met him, Hazo boldly declares, "Well done Macai, you have grown a lot already. But you still have much to learn. You know how to use your bending well to destroy and to fight. However, bending is so much more than a weapon, it is an art. During our next lesson, we will delve more into getting in touch with bending as an art and learning the spiritual side of bending."


Macai nods his head. Hazo: "For now, you have a visitor." Rosh enters the field and claps. Rosh's father Palu is just a few feet behind him.

Rosh exclaims, "You look exceptional out there Macai. You are really blossoming!"

Macai smiles and shouts, "ROSH!" Macai sprints and hugs his friend.

Macai: "How have you been my old friend?!"

Rosh: "I've been good. Spengi and Barge keep asking about you, unfortunately, they have not been able to come yet."

Macai: "I understand, we all have our priorities."

Rosh: "So are you going to show me around? I'd love to see what it's like out here."

Macai: "Of course." Macai meets with Rosh in the local bowling alley with his friends Kett, Kanna, and Dade.

Dade: "So, this is the royal we heard so much about... Nice to meet you."

Rosh: "Likewise, what do you guys do for fun around here?"

Kett: "The same things I would imagine kids do for fun anywhere. Talk, play games, sports, cards, etc. I think our town has more to do for fun than most places its size. As you see, we have a bowling alley. We also have some bars where people play pool and foosball."

Rosh grins. "Nice. I remember a funny story about when Azula played Macai at pool and Zyger at foosball."

Kett: "So, I heard you're not very fond of Azula."

Rosh: "Well, no not at all. She is..."

Dade: "Don't worry, you can be honest here."

Macai: "Their personalities clash, but that's not why he's here. No drama, guys."

Kett: "Sorry, I didn't mean to take it far. I just couldn't resist and had to ask."

Kanna responds, "We've just heard a lot of stories about her here. She's like a celebrity."

Rosh responds, "She is a celebrity. She's the Princess of the Fire Nation. That's a big deal."

Kanna continues, "To people like us, you're also like a celebrity."

Rosh blushes. "What?! Why?!"

Kanna elaborates, "Well, we've heard so much about you. You also are a student at the Royal Boy's academy. A top student and you know people like Azula and Prince Zuko. That makes you a big shot. Most of us could only dream to live like that."

Rosh responds, "Well, that makes sense. I just forget how big of a deal it is. I'm used to it and people like me live in the shadow of Azula and even Zuko with their shifty reputations."

Kett asks, "Shifty?"

Rosh looks at Macai. Macai nods his head. Rosh, "Azula is thought of as cruel. It is fabricated to some degree but, a lot of it is true."

Macai: "A lot of it is true, but they're often asking for it."

Rosh: "Zuko has a better social reputation besides being awkward. However, he is known for falling short of his father's expectations. Even so, he's one of the top students in the academy."

Kanna laughs. "He's one of the top students yet he's falling short."

Rosh nods his head. "Ozai's standards are very high and he is often compared to his sister. She makes even the most elite students look like chumps."

Dade: "Is she better than Macai?"

Rosh responds, "In the past, it would have been hard for me to answer. They both were really good in different ways, but Azula was still the best in class and mastered the most forms. More goes into things when you fight. Azula was way above me when you consider superficial things. But one day, I had enough of her crap and floored her."

Kanna and Dade shout, "What?!"

Kett: "You decked Azula?!"

Rosh chuckles. "Yes I did."

Dade asks, "How'd that end for you?"

Rosh grins. "Badly, very badly." Everyone burst out laughing. Rosh continues, "But I held my own. Many would have guessed that she would blow me out but I gave her the closest fight I've ever seen her have."

Kett responds, "You probably startled her with your confidence and threw her off guard."

Rosh nods his head. "That's exactly it. If Zuko had more confidence, he would do better versus his sister. He might still come up short, but he could be so much better. I think Zuko is just hurting. He's still growing but, I think his emotions are holding him back."

Dade comments, "Maybe one day Zuko will pass up Azula. Sounds nuts, but maybe it'll happen. If it does, I'll tell people what you said."

Rosh shrugs his shoulders. "You never know with the will of the spirits. But hey, I'm just saying he could do better. I'm not saying he'll beat her. That's a bit of a gamble."

Kett: "Are you getting ready for the tournament?"

Rosh responds, "I'm a year too young for that."

Dade comments, "Aren't you Macai's age?"

Rosh: "I am, but skipped one less grade than he did."

Kanna: "One less, you skipped two grades?!"

Macai: "Yep, but only because my mother helped me, and my father pleaded for me. I would have only skipped one if it was due to my skills. I'm no Azula who can just do it naturally."

Dade comments, "Well, skipping a grade is still impressive. We thought you only skipped one."

Macai shrugs his shoulders. "I was never a huge bragger. I may not hide who I am, but I don't need to say EVERYTHING."

Kett nods his head. "You still say a lot, but I respect it." The group goes horseback-riding then they play some card games. Zyger shows the teens several tricks. After the game of cards, Macai stands up.

Macai: "Attention everyone, I have an announcement to make."

Kett slyly responds, "What is it, Cai?"

Macai smiles. "Cai, Azula used to call me that."

Rosh: "Please don't remind me. The thought of it makes me nauseous."

Kett giggles. "Oh, ha ha ha. It's a good nickname." Kanna and Dade also laugh.

Macai: "I have a couple of other friends that I've known for a little while now. I invited them to this event." Macai's local noble friends Chiko and Kento enter.

Kett glares at Chiko. "Oh, THESE are your friends?!"

Chiko looks back at Kett. "Oh yeah, we forgot that you had friends that you met from downtown. We thought we were just going to see your friends from the Capital."

Macai explains, "My friend Rosh is here, but I wanted you to meet my other friends from this town."

Kett and Dade stand up. Kett says, "I remember that boy (pointing at Chiko). A few months before you met us, when we were out at night, and we unexpectedly saw some young nobles on our side of town. They were partying and engaging in some underage drinking at a city bar. They came because they thought the security was lower at the local bar and wanted to use their noble status to get what they thought they were entitled to. I saw him and three other nobles when Dade and I were out on a late chore."

Rosh asks, "What kind of chore?"

Dade explains, "I did not properly tend to one of my sheep and it had strayed from the rest of my herd. I went out to look for it, but it was getting dark. Kett's father approved of him searching with me. We eventually found the sheep after that, but not before we ran into those nobles. One of them was drunk and tried to start a fight with us."

Kett: "I remember their smug faces when they taunted us."

Macai: "Then what happened?"

One Night In The Town

Kett remembers the night. The sky is dark blue, a full moon is shining in the sky above, and he is in the middle of the town. The noble boys were about eight feet away from them. Chiko stood on the left. The noble boy in the middle has long light brown hair, gold eyes, a long nose, thin eyebrows, light skin, and was of average height (Kyroe). The noble boy on the right had long slanted brown eyes, black hair, a plump nose, thick eyebrows, and was fairly tall (Raiden).

Kett glances at his companion Dade then glances back at the nobles. Raiden laughs and walks toward Kett. Raiden, "Oh, look. Is this what the trash are doing now?"

Dade responds, "Go back uptown Nyarri noble." Chiko gets in Dade's face and glares at him with contempt. Dade looks back at Chiko. "Get out of my face!"

Chiko: "Or what? You touch me and your future is over. My father is a JUDGE." Raiden walked to the right side of Kett and stared him down.

Kett looks at his friend Dade, "Let's get out of here."

Dade turns around and starts to walk away and Kett turns but is pushed by Kyroe. This sends him stumbling two feet forward. Dade immediately reacts then turns and swings at Chiko's face. Chiko ducks and leaps backward. Chiko, "Come on, peasant. Let's see what you're made of. I can tell you're not a bender, so let's go hand to hand."

Kett looks ahead and notices Kyroe. Kyroe leaps toward Kett with a sweeping right kick. Kett rolls right past the attack while Raiden charges him with a right kick toward Kett's stomach. Kett rotates his right arm and blocks it. Kett springs forward and gets a hold of Raiden, snatching his right arm with his left hand and Raider's side with his right.

Kett tosses Raiden into Kyroe and they both fall backward. Dade charges toward Chiko and swings at him with an overhand right punch. Chiko rotates his head left then leaps forward and uppercuts Dade in his gut. Dade glides forward and returns the favor by kneeing Chiko in his stomach. Chiko groans and grabs a hold of Dade with his arm wrapped around Dade's lower left abdomen. Chiko pivots his body and slams Dade into the ground.

Chiko then leaps onto Dade and thrusts his right hand into Dade's nose twice. A loud crack can be heard when the second punch is landed, and Dade is dazed. Kett quickly turns and shifts his hands forward, firing a rapid 5-inch-wide power blast of fire. Chiko quickly turns around as he hears the blast and the flame flies straight into his chest. Chiko rolls several feet back while Dade rises to his feet.

Kett looks up and notices Kyroe fire two rapid orange-yellow flames at him. Kett shifts his arms laterally as he blocks the blasts. Kett flips a few feet behind Kyroe and thrusts his left arm forward, firing a rapid orange flame into Kyroe's midsection. Kyroe stumbles several feet back and Kett looks at Raiden. Kett sees him as a low threat due to him being a non-bender.

Kett commands Raiden, "Stand down." Raiden is standing with his arms behind his back and quickly sprints forward. Kett: "I warned you." Kett shifts his right hand forward and fires an orange flame at Raiden. Raiden dives right and stumbles. Kett taunts, "Had enough?" Raiden tilts his right arm forward and rapidly throws a rock at Kett's nose.

Kett crouches as the rock flies past him. Kett gets back on his feet. "I'm impressed."

Raiden stands on his feet. "Want to see my next trick?" Dade pats Raiden on his right shoulder. Raiden turns around and Dade uppercuts him. Raiden falls to the ground.

Kett nods his head in approval. Suddenly three soldiers rush a few feet behind the boys. Soldier 1: "What happened here!"

Chiko stands up, "They attacked us!" Kett looks at Dade in dismay. Kett runs and grabs ahold of Dade.

Soldier 2: "Wait?!" Kett launches himself and Dade twenty feet away using the technique of rocket propulsion. He does this by releasing fire through his feet then uses the flames to break his fall.

Soldier 3: "Wow, I don't even know how to do that."

Soldier 1: "None of us do. That kid has talent."

Soldier 2: "Should we pursue?!"

Soldier 1: "No, it was just a kid fight. It would only result in the non-noble kids getting a slightly worse punishment and the noble kids getting a slap on the wrist. But no one would get imprisonment or anything serious."

Kyroe pressures the soldiers. "What?! You must make an example out of them!"

Soldier 1: "Normally I would agree but, you came to their side of town causing trouble. We heard about some nobles heading to the bar. So let's all just forget about this." The flashback ends.

Rosh: "Wow, just wow."

Macai: "You learned rocket propulsion?! Nice me too. I guess we're among the special ones to learn it on our own at such a young age."

Kett: "Nice, but you still trained a lot more than I did. Unlike you nobles. Which makes my feat even more impressive."

Rosh reacts, "My goodness, I can only imagine how powerful you will be if you trained with us."

Kett: "Don't, we still have good training here. Especially during the last few years of training. I still think the training in the Fire Nation Capital is the best, but we still have good training. I think I became great because of my circumstances and my life. Not by being spoiled or because some other people wanted me to be great. I'll make due with what I've got, not what I could of or should have had."

Dade announces, "We're proud Nyarri boys. Wouldn't have it any other way."

Rosh: "Oh and Azula also has learned how to do this, so it's not just you two."

Macai: "Of course she did. That girl is so sharp."

Rosh responds, "You have no idea. She's even better than before. One day, during training she just took it to the next level and started bending BLUE FIRE."

Kanna, Dade, Macai, and Kett shout, "BLUE FIRE!!!"

Rosh nods his head in affirmation. "Yes, you heard it right."

Macai: "Wow, that reminds of when we were kids, and we went on that field trip to the Roshu Mountains in the Southern Fire Nation. Do you remember Rosh?"

Rosh: "Oh yeah, I remember."

Shades of Heat

During this time, Macai is seven years old. He goes on a field trip with Rosh, Spengi, Barge, and several other classmates. They follow their teacher, Mr. Booman as they walk through the mountains. The sun is glistening, and the sky is light blue. There are few clouds in the sky, but there is also a nice cool breeze that supplements the heat. It is a blistering 83 Degrees (28.33 Celsius).

Mr. Booman and his class meets with Yash Callus. Yash is a tour guide in the area. He has rare short pale blond hair, yellow skin, long slanted gold eyes, and a long-curved nose. Yash smiles. "Nice to meet you all, kids. Today I am going to take you to a cave that once belonged to a Fire Nation dragon. This dragon was known to breathe yellow fire and it had yellow skin. They called it the Roshu Dragon, and they named these mountains after it. It could blind its foes in battle, and it led other dragons into battle. This dragon spewed flames of a greater length than all the other dragons, but its width was a bit more limited."

Yash escorts the students to a cave within the mountain. There are two guards standing in front of the cave entrance. Yash: "We deem this a sacred place children, enter with respect."

Rosh looks at Macai and pokes him. Rosh whispers, "I'm scared of dragons."

Macai responds, "Don't worry, they're all dead now. The best firebenders can slay them anyway. I'd protect you if anything went wrong."

Rosh's mood changes, "I can protect MYSELF. On second thought, BRING IT ON DRAGONS!!"

The guards light five candles that are located on top of pillars. Yash: "Here are the five classic colors of fire. Of course, when considering dragons and spiritual fire there are even more variants than these. But these colors of fire mimic that of the stars." The students look at each pillar.

Yash: "The first pillar contains a cherry red flame. This is the weakest form of fire with the lowest output of heat. Some of you produce and will produce flames like this because you are still new to the field. In time, most firebenders will create more powerful flames than this. Even so, every flame has its uses and value. Even these flames would be great for candles and powering certain objects."

Yash: "There was a special red dragon, that is called the Cherry Dragon. It released cherry-red fire. Though a bit less hot than the other variants, it was still more than hot enough to instantly kill its prey. Its flames covered a wider radius than the other flame variants when initially fired and the width of the flames would rapidly increase after it spewed it from its mouth. Legend has it that Azulon killed the last Cherry Dragon."

The children gather around the second pillar. Yash continues, "The second flame is the classic orange flame. This is the flame that most firebenders will produce. This is the flame that you will use if a village is burned down, during a forest fire, and in most other cases. These flames have a decent radius and many conventional uses. Most dragons spew this fire."

The students gather around the third pillar. Yash continues, "This is the yellow flame. A bit hotter than the orange variant. It is also brighter. If one is not careful, it can cause temporary or even permanent blindness. Many stories have been told about the symbolic importance of yellow flames. These flames are said to be used by several firebenders during the comet season. Some gifted firebenders can produce yellow flames, but this is a very rare feat. Less than 1% of firebenders can do something like this."

Yash continues, "Remember that flames produced by people and circumstances are not so one-dimensional. It is not uncommon to see fires with a mix of red and orange flames. Some benders may produce flames like this while others may produce slightly hotter flames with a mix of orange and yellow. Now then, gather around the fourth pillar." The fourth pillar consists of a white flame.

Yash smiles, "This white flame was always my favorite. As I said before, this is the lair of the Yellow Dragon, but other students go on similar tours like this consisting of other dragons. There was another Dragon who had white skin and could breathe white fire. It seemed to operate as a loner and its fire stretched a greater radius than that of the other dragons, besides the cherry dragon. White Fire is the most blinding form of fire there is."

Yash continues, "It shines and seems to bring on a sense of judgment when it is unleashed upon its foes. The white power carries a special essence of power, that I don't think the other forms of fire release. Stories tell of an ancient bender with White Fire using his powers to bring peace in an era of turmoil. Legends have it that every few generations, another great bender will return and use white fire to bring peace."

Macai gets chills. Yash: "Even so, it is still the SECOND hottest form of fire."

Mr. Booman asks, "Why do you think white fire brings more of a sense of power than the rest when it's not the hottest?"

Yash responds, "It is still the second hottest version, but power isn't just about raw heat. White fire comes with a special sense of balance. Blue fire is the result of a lack of flaws and it mirrors perfection, though it is not perfect because nothing is in this world. Even so, white fire comes with a balance of both focus and freedom. It has some benefits when compared to blue fire such as being able to blind its foes and it does that even better than yellow fire."

Rosh asks, "Does it come with any special drawbacks?"

Yash says, "Yes, I'm glad you asked this. White fire can expose someone's location, especially at night. The White Dragon would hide during nighttime and only revealed itself during the day. Because at night, it was the most vulnerable of the dragons. Remember that every flame has its pros and cons. None are better than the others in every category, though some have more advantages."

Macai asks, "So blue fire is still the best and red the worst? Because they still have more uses."

Yash responds, "I wouldn't say that. They all have their own uses. Flashier and hotter doesn't necessarily mean better. Being able to blind people is cool, but it gives away one's location. A good bender can beat his opponents with whatever flames he can produce. A bender could have white or blue flames and still lose to a bender with orange or red flames who is more disciplined and has better control of his or her fire."

Spengi asks, "What kind of flames can you produce?"

Yash responds, "Light orange flames. Before we go off-topic, let's look at the fifth pillar. I've gotten a bit off track." The fifth pillar consists of a blue flame.

Yash: "As you can see, this pillar consists of a blue flame. These are the hottest types of flames. There was a blue dragon. Its flames had a respectable length that only the Roshu Dragon was better with. Its flame width was still better than average, though not as special as the White Dragon's. It was believed to be the most powerful of all the dragons. They say the Blue Dragon was the most calculating, cold, manipulative, and strategic dragon. This fire is the rarest to be bent and it takes extreme discipline to yield it; one's bending must be near flawless."

Paz asks, "I heard legends of a spiritual green flame, even though that doesn't make any sense to me. What do you think that would be like?"

Yash responds, "I think a green flame would be between a yellow and blue flame in heat. It's not a natural flame, it would be linked to the spirituals. Though there were a few green dragons. Its heat would probably be about the same as that of white flames though I don't know any specifics about something like that."

The flashback ends. Kanna says, "Wow, that's one of the coolest stories I've ever heard. My father told me there is a legend that some firebenders once rode dragons."

Rosh: "What? That's nuts. I can't imagine why anyone would want to ride those vile beasts. They can't be trusted."

Macai: "I thought they were hunted for sport and Rosh, doesn't your dad collect a lot of animals?"

Rosh: "That's different. Not all animals are equal, Macai. Dragons are just different. I've heard some horror stories about what they can do."

Kett: "There are two sides to every story."

Rosh responds, "Some sides aren't worth listening to."

Macai: "This coming from the same guy who felt bad for Zuko when he didn't follow orders? I'm not talking about when he challenged the General either."

Kett: "I felt really bad for Zuko when his father burned him."

Macai: "Again, that's not what I was referring to."

Rosh: "Sometimes our punishments are just too harsh. In my opinion."

Macai: "That's not our place to question."

Dade interrupts, "So, we're just going to forget about our dispute with Chiko?"

Macai looks at Chiko. "Chiko, what you did is wrong. I think you owe Dade and Kett an apology."

Chiko: "But they are.."

Macai: "People, just like we are. Our background is no reason to mistreat them."

Chiko: "Ok, sorry. I just wanted to fit in with my friends."

Dade: "I don't believe it."

Chiko's brother Kento shouts, "Let's just hug it out guys, enough is enough. I wasn't in the fight, but I never liked unnecessary fights. I have no quarrel with you guys. If Macai likes you all, then that's enough for me. As long as you guys don't cross me."

Dade and Kett hug Chiko. Kento asks, "Can I join in?"

Kett: "Sure." Kento hugs them.

Kanna comments, "Ok, I'm in too."

Macai looks at Rosh. "Should we?"

Kett: "Yes, get in here you prunes." Macai and Rosh join the group hug session.

Zyger responds, "I guess I might as well join in too." Everyone hugs each other.

After the group breaks out of the hug session, Macai comments, "So now what?"

Zyger: "Enough serious talk, it's about time we have some fun." After a long day of fun, bonding, and adventure Rosh returns home and everyone waves him off.

The Price Of Righteousness

One Sunday, Chiko is out with his noble friends Kyroe and Raiden. A girl named Alev is with the group. She has almond-shaped hazel eyes, olive skin, light brown hair, a small nose, and small pointy ears. The group is talking and laughing. Kyroe makes a comment, "Yeah, our spatball team is undefeated. Of course, I'm the star, Raiden is also on the team but Chiko doesn't play spatball."

Chiko: "Nope, football is my sport."

Kyroe: "Of course it is. Chiko is quick with his feet and really knows how to control the ball. He's one of the better players on his team, but isn't quite the star like me."

Alev: "Very nice, you all know I'm a swimming and track star. But not quite as fast as those girls in the Capital. I went to semi-finals before and lost. They had this one girl named Mai and she was an absolute beast. She was so fast that she looked like a blur to the audience and the announcers could barely keep track of her movements."

Chiko: "Dang, that means a lot coming from you Alev."

Alev responds, "Yep and Chiko I heard you were out talking with some peasants. I'm sure your new friend Macai put you up to it. I feel bad for him being forced around a bunch of scum like that, it seems he doesn't have much of a choice."

Chiko comments, "They're actually not that bad. They're actually very nice and cordial. You just have to get to know them. We often come off the wrong foot because we were raised to be like that. I've come to learn it's what's on the inside that counters and our character. Not our upbringing and things we can't control. It's just hard to break that barrier."

Kyroe interrupts, "What?! You're talking like some kind of misguided liberal. We got where we are by being the best. They are poor because they aren't as talented as us."

Chiko responds, "Nope, we come with an advantage of being wealthy and having connections. That's just common sense. I'm not saying that's bad, but I don't like how our leaders don't hire the most talented applicants to the best jobs simply because of parentage. That should change."

Raiden: "You need to stop this bad joke, Chiko."

Chiko: "It's not a joke."

Raiden: "They are a joke. It's not our job to save them. Let them make their own businesses and work together."

Chiko: "They do, but you know that we get all the best low interest loans. You know that we have all the government leaders. You know that we buy out their biggest businesses and properties. You know the game is rigged in our favor and there are no formal controls against it. Raiden, this isn't right. Hopefully one day we can change it."

Raiden: "Have you spoken with your father about this?"

Chiko: "Not recently, but I hope to one day."

Raiden: "Well you should and he'll surely set you straight. You allowed these peasants to brainwash you and it's just sad and embarrassing."

Chiko: "I need to get a break from this." Chiko walks away from his friends.

Alev: "Where are you going?!"

Chiko responds, "Home. Maybe, I'll have that talk with my dad."

Kyroe interrupts Chiko, "Wait." Chiko turns around and Kyroe throws a right jab at Chiko's face. Chiko weaves his head right and punches Kyroe in his stomach. Chiko bends down and grabs a hold of Kyroe's waist. Chiko shoves Kyroe two feet back and Raiden tackles Chiko. Raiden thrusts his right fist into Chiko's right eye, turning it pink.

Raiden slams his right fist into Chiko's nose, turning it red. Chiko presses his right palm on Raiden's chest and ignites it. An orange flame sparks and knocks Raiden off him. Raiden's body flies five feet backward and Raiden lands on his back. The boy rolls side to side as he reacts to his hard fall.

Alev dashes two feet ahead of Chiko and enters her battle stance. Chiko braces himself and Alev swings a diagonal roundhouse kick with her right leg. This kick launches a bright orange swirl of flames at Chiko. Chiko extends both hands horizontally and breaks the flame. Kyroe presses Chiko's left flank and shifts his hand forward, launching a wide brick of fire at Chiko.

Chiko shifts to his block stance but is knocked six feet back by the blow. Chiko rolls in the dirt and slowly rises to his knees. Alev taunts, "We're not done with you yet." Alev flips behind Chiko and Chiko flips to his feet. Chiko quickly turns around and faces Alev as Kyroe rushes a few feet behind him.

Before Chiko can react, Alev shifts her right foot forward like lightning. She lodges her right foot into Chiko's throat and he collapses. Alev chuckles, "You are pathetic." Chiko starts violently coughing and spits out of his mouth as his throat becomes sore. Chiko shakes his head and rapidly spins around in circles, kicking orange whips of fire at his enemies.

Kyroe jumps over the attacks and Alev zooms past the flames and kicks Chiko in his chest. Chiko falls toward Kyroe who shifts his right fist back and thrusts all of his power into the center of Chiko's back. A loud crack is heard as Chiko falls forward. Chiko screams, "Ouhh!"

Kyroe pulls Chiko back up off the ground. "This is what you get, traitor." Alev dives forward and pounds Chiko in his stomach with a right uppercut. Alev rapidly punches Chiko in his chest with a left and right hook. Alev pivots backward then swiftly flips forward and nails Chiko in the chin with an upper right kick. This kick knocks Chiko out.

Kyroe tosses Chiko back into the dirt. Kyroe: "That will show him."

They hear a voice shout, "Now it's your turn." They turn around and notice Kanna with Kett beside her.

Kanna: "I'll take the girl; you deal with the long hair guy."

Alev laughs. "Ha, you think you can take me. That's hilarious."

Kanna: "Let's find out."

Alev fires a volley of rapid light orange flames at Kanna. Kanna sprints past the attacks and gracefully leaps a few feet left of Alev's position. Alev smirks and Kanna dives over the attack and glides toward Alev with a leaping kick, ignited by a dark orange flame. Alev tilts her arms up as she blocks the blow, but Kanna's flames send her sliding a foot backward.

Meanwhile, Kyroe looks at Kett. Kett: "Sorry, I can't let you off the hook for what you did."

Kyroe: "You got lucky last time, but this time you won't last."

Kett yawns, "We both know that's not true." Kyroe shouts and fires a brick of fire at Kett. Kett extends his arms and douses the blow. Kett spins forward and pounds his own power blast at Kyroe. Kyroe rolls right as he narrowly avoids the attack. Kett thrusts both of his arms back as he launches himself towards Kyroe.

Kyroe lifts his right hand and tosses a spiral of fire at Kett. Kett waves his hands around in a circular motion and creates a swirl of fire. Kett absorbs Kyroe's flames with his circle of fire then thrusts his left hand forward, redirecting the flames at Kyroe. The flames knock Kyroe three feet back and the young man shouts as he is overwhelmed.

Alev glances at Kyroe's defeat. Kanna comments, "See, it's over."

Alev shouts, "Never!" Alev rapidly punches four torpedoes of fire at Kanna. Kanna shifts her fists left to right, blocking each attack. Kanna pivots right and pumps two orange flames at Alev. The Nyarri noble shifts her right hand forward and blocks the first flame. The second flame hits Alev in her left arm and Alev spins backward as she reacts to the blow.

Alev winces in pain and pulls her left arm back. Kanna closes in and directs an orange block of fire at her opponent. Alev leaps a foot in front of Kanna and pounces a second time before shouting her battle cry. Alev pops Kanna in the left eye with a quick right jab. Kanna groans, "Eh." Alev kicks Kanna in the stomach and sends her rolling two feet backward.

In an instant, Kanna rolls forward and springs back on her feet. Alev thrusts both of her arms forward and launches a heavy flame into Kanna's stomach. Kanna shouts, "Uhh!" Kanna rolls four feet backward, unconscious.

Kett shouts, "Kanna!" Kett sprints toward Alev who pops four rapid flames at him. Kett thrusts his arms back and launches himself five feet to the left and forward past Alev's attacks. Kett is now only four feet away from Alev. Alev shifts her hands forward and tosses an explosive ball of fire at Kett. Kett flips right and jabs a brick of fire at Alev.

Alev jumps in the air and kicks a rod of fire at Kett's chest. Kett briefly raises his hands and blocks the attack as Alev is still in the air and is descending toward him. Kett then rolls right just as Alev descends in his direction and swings a spinning left kick at Kett to break his guard. Kett ducks his head and readjusts. Alev lands a foot past Kett's position.

Alev turns and looks at Kett again. "Not bad." Five local soldiers approach the young teens, including one Sergeant.

 Fire Nation Soldiers.

Fire Nation sergeant: "Stop it! Stand down and disperse immediately."

Alev interrupts, "They are not from around here. They are from the Inner City."

The sergeant responds, "What?! They came here causing trouble. Then I think I'm going to have to put these kids on trial at the local court. Maybe some juvenile detention time will straighten them out."

A sore Kanna gets up and says, "No, they assaulted Chiko. We came to his defense."

Chiko stands up and the Sergeant looks at him. Sergeant: "Is this true?" Chiko slowly nods his head.

Alev interrupts, "He's lying."

The Sergeant responds, "There is no way to prove this without a trial."

Suddenly, Yosari, Macai's mother notices the dramatic scene. She rushes to the scene and says, "Please officers let this stop here. There is no need for a trial. I know Kanna, Chiko, and Kett personally. They are good children. Please do not do this."

The sergeant realizes that Yosari is from the Fire Nation Capital and is a general's husband. He is not willing to risk a political battle with her or her husband. He nods his head and says, "Yes, I will let it end this one last time. But, if I see poor kids fighting rich kids anymore, it will be a big issue. Disperse everyone."

As the children start leaving, Alev looks at Yosari and points at her. Alev: "Your son is to blame for this. Making poor and rich children talk together. Acting like we are the same when we are not. We have our own way of doing things and he needs to accept it. The more he messes with the natural order of things the more the balance will be off in this town. Eventually, we will come for him, if he keeps it up."

Yosari looks at Alev. "My son is not afraid of you, and he has not done anything wrong. If the children are THIS brainwashed, then the town needs a change of heart. Everything happens for a reason, and he is here for a reason. I suggest you stay out of this or you might be getting yourself into a conflict that is greater than you could have possibly imagined."

Kyroe pokes Alev in the back and an injured Raiden joins them. Kyroe: "We need to go." Alev nods her head, and they depart.