
Avatar Legend Of Korra: Two At Once

Kai was transmigrated into the Avatar World, where bending the elements was a common sight to see. But Kai was incredibly special, incredibly might not be even the right word because it's too small to describe his circumstances. Watch as Kai becomes the strongest in the world and maybe create a small harem for himself in the process.

some_writer · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs


"And now, coming into his debut fight! Kai!"

Kai walked out of the curtains alone with a serious expression on his face, showing that he was all about business today.

Kai was currently in an underground fighting ring debuting. It was a stupid idea, but he needed the experience fighting other benders instead of just firebenders.

He also needed the money urgently. Being a sergeant pays well and all, but it's only a monthly wage payment instead of a weekly one in Republic City.

"His opponent on a 5 win streak, Gorlu the Earthbending Beast!!" The crowd cheered loudly for Gorlu who was in the large octagon ring, only wearing light green boxers as his fighting attire. Kai was only wearing red boxers and a tank top.

Kai stepped in the octagon ring before the gate he entered from was closed by the referee. The over 6 feet tall Gorlu smirked down at Kai who stared back stoically.

"I'm gonna crush your body into dust with my Earthbending!" Gorlu taunted. Kai smirked back.

"That's if you survived getting burned into ashes by my flames. Better give up, Gorlu, this fight won't end well for you." Kai taunted back. Gorlu snorted and scowled.

"Me?! I'm not surrendering to a rookie! You're skinny! What can those twigs you call arms do against these?!" Gorlu asked while flexing his muscles at him.

"Oh you'll see." Kai muttered as they stepped away from each other.

"Fighters ready! Remember you two, anything goes except for killing blows!! NOW FIGHT!!!" The crowd cheered loudly as Kai and Gorlu started fighting. They entered their respective fighting stances.

Kai had never fought an earthbender before, so he won't be going on the offensive first. He'll let Gorlu reveal his tricks first. Gorlu got impatient at Kai's passiveness and jabbed the air, making a disc of earth in the arena fly straight towards Kai.

Kai quickly sidestepped it before he raised his arms up. He created long giant fire whips before swinging them towards Gorlu who jumped up before stomping the ground hard.

His stomp created two walls of earth that ensured that he was protected from the fire whips. The whips crashed into the wall, flinging debris and dust everywhere.

Kai immediately fire jetted himself right towards Gorlu and arrived in front of him within mere seconds. Gorlu widened his eyes as Kai raised his glowing right hand.

He raised his arms up, preparing to block Kai's punch. Kai didn't care that his punch was going to be blocked and threw his fist forward.

"Fire Fist!"


The audience gasped in shock as Gorlu was engulfed by Kai's giant dense beam of flames. The flames destroyed part of the ring behind Gorlu.

As soon as the attack was over, the smoke from the flames revealed an unconscious Gorlu whose body was smoking while also severely burned.

Kai stepped aside a little as Gorlu fell forward and landed onto the ground like a wooden plank falling onto the floor. The crowd immediately cheered crazily as Kai exited the ring silently.

And that was Kai's debut in the underground fighting scene.



At the bank, Kai was inserting a bunch of money into the ATM while looking around him cautiously, making sure that no one was approaching him.

"And that's the last of it. I'm able to pay three months worth of rent now. " Kai whispered before burning the black bag that he carried the money with.

Kai exited the bank silently and walked away from it quickly. He heard the sound of a hawk calling before he looked up to see a hawk circling around his position.

'That a messenger hawk?' Kai thought as he held out his left hand. The hawk swooped down and perched on his arm. Kai took the piece of paper strapped to the hawk's leg.

"Good girl." Kai whispered with a smile on his face as he gently scratched the hawk's head. The hawk closed her eyes and enjoyed it before Kai let it fly away.

Kai opened the folded piece of paper and started reading the contents.

'Meet me at my office tomorrow at 10am – Your favorite drill sergeant' Kai hummed before burning the note.

"Wonder what I'm gonna get into."




"Take a seat, Kai." The drill sergeant whose name Kai learned was Lee, beckoned to Kai at the chair. Kao took his seat and Lee started talking.

"I've heard that one of our soldiers have encountered and fought members of the Sons of Anarchy group. The old man who was almost robbed by them gave me a description about who saved him and I immediately figured that it's you." Lee explained to Kai who widened his eyes a little.

"Don't be shocked that we know about them. The Sons of Anarchy group are so dangerous to the level that it even concerns Fire Lord Zuko."

"Yeah, I know about that. But how'd you know that it was me?" Kai asked before Lee snorted.

"Oh please. Black messy hair, golden eyes and explosive punches? There's only one person I know in my platoon who has that attack. " Lee replied before he narrowed his eyes.

"But what I did not know, was that you were once apart of the Sons of Anarchy." Lee added. Kai widened his eyes a little. He expected them to find out about his background as a gang member but he didn't expect them to find out this early.

"We picked them up, interviewed them and boy do they have a lot to say about you. You were recruited by them when you were just a child. Imagine my surprise when I did the math. Right now you are just a teenager yet you're already in the army." Lee went on. Kai remained calm.

"The Fire Lord's wife Lady Mai was in the army when she was just 15, I don't see a problem." Kai explained, making Lee sigh.

"That was during a time of war. At that time children even at the age of 5 were already being recruited to the army, training to become future Fire Nation soldiers. Now it's a time of peace, and that rule was abolished as soon as Fire Lord Zuko took the throne."

"Maybe I can be the exception. I already proved myself to be competent during the tournament thing, just give me a chance."

"I haven't even told the lieutenants about this fiasco yet. If they get word of this, they will have my head for allowing this to happen and your head behind bars for forgery." Lee sighed and leaned back to his office chair.

"Then reduce our chances of letting that happen, sergeant." Kai replied. Lee raised an eyebrow.

"How? You have any bright ideas?"

"Let me take down the Sons of Anarchy." Kai requested seriously. Lee blinked before he chuckled and shook his head.

"I'm sorry, my ears must be full of shit. Did you just say you wanted to take down the Sons of Anarchy?" Lee asked him. Kat maintained his serious demeanor.

"Your ears aren't full of shit, sergeant. Let me take them down." Kai demanded seriously. Lee laughed.

"Hahahahaha!! What makes you think I'll agree to this nonsense? You're telling me you want to take on a large group full of firebenders and maybe some others, on your own? You're powerful, I will admit, but this is too much!"

"I was apart of their group once for years. I know their operations. I know their strengths and weaknesses. They're just an unorganized bunch of terrorists. And get this, I know where their leader is hiding." Kai whispered, making Lee widen his eyes in disbelief.

"You what? Do you even know what you're saying, Kai? We've tracked their leader down for years and found nothing, and now you're claiming to know where he's hiding?!"

"Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. I was that resourceful to the leader that he made me his personal secretary. He trusts me that much to give me the location of his hideout."

"He doesn't even know I've left the gang, just that I've gone over here to manage this part of the Sons of Anarchy's territory on my request." Kai added seriously.

"Do you know how strong he is?" Lee asked him. Kai nodded.

"Who's stronger, him or you?"

"Due to his smarts and experiences in the art of firebending, he might cause me a little trouble."

"But would you lose?"

"Nah, I'd win."




One week later.

"I'm here, sergeant." Kai said while holding a candlestick telephone. He was on a call with Lee.

[Firebending: Expert(1%)]

[Flame Generation: Bright Orange (0%)]

"Are you sure this is the place?" Lee asked him seriously. Kai refrained himself from groaning loudly.

"Yes, this is the headquarters of the territory I've been assigned to manage." Kai replied while staring at the giant warehouse behind him.

"I've ordered the police to seal off the perimeter 2 kilometers around this area so you're free to go gung-ho. Listen....if you're wrong about this and we're attacking a government warehouse—"

"I'll be the one taking the fall, yeah I get it. Trust me sarge. Once the Sons of Anarchy are gone, instead of getting put behind bars, we'll be getting promotions and medals left and right for saving the Fire Nation from potential anarchy and the disposition of the Fire Lord." Kai replied confidently. Lee remained silent on the other side of the call.

"Just deal with it quickly." Lee replied before ending the call. Kai smirked and chuckled before putting the candlestick telephone into a dark red bag.

Kai put the bag in a random bush before he started approaching the warehouse.

There was an iron gate around the warehouse with two guards guarding the front gate. Kai casually walked towards the gates.

"Oh? Is that, Secretary Kai!" One of the two guards shouted.

"What happened? What took you so long to arrive? You were supposed to arrive three weeks ago." The other guard asked, genuinely curious. Kai looked at then seriously.

"It's because I've quit."

"What? What do you mean.

"I've quit, so I'm not apart of the Sons of Anarchy anymore. That means, I'm free to do...this." Kai opened his palms, revealing two bright fireballs.

"What the—"


Within the warehouse, a lot of people who were chatting around suddenly jumped from the sudden explosion.

"What's happening outside?" A person with a black suit asked a guard who was checking the security cameras.

"N-nothing.... I can't see anything from the cameras outside the warehouse. It's just a black screen." The guard replied, making the person with the suit narrow his eyes.


The person widened his eyes and quickly exited the room he was in. He widened his eye in disbelief as he saw the metal gate of the warehouse have a giant hole in it.

Part of the warehouse was one fire and there were several dead guards on the ground with severe burns on their bodies.

Someone walked through the giant hole in the gate. The person with the suit narrowed his eyes and clenched his fists before he scowled.


To be continued...

(Sorry if it's a little bit late. I have business.)