
Avatar Fanfiction Series (MAYA)

Maya alongside Sokka and Katara, joined avatar Aang to help him save the world from the conquer of the fire nation. Through their travels they unravel mysteries of the physical and the spiritual world, but little did Maya know that her life itself is a mystery waiting to be discovered. Through the help of her mother's letters and the help of her friends, one by one she will uncover secrets about her mother's life that was kept a secret from her.

GirlBehindBars_ · Anime e quadrinhos
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51 Chs


Water, earth, fire, air...

Our grandmother used to tell me stories about the old days, a time of peace— when the Avatar kept the balance between the water tribes, earth kingdom, fire nation, and air nomads. But that all changed when the fire nation attacked. Only the Avatar can master all four elements. Only he can stop the ruthless fire benders, but when the world needed him most he vanished.

A hundred years have passed and the fire nation is nearing victory in the war. Two years ago, Katara and Sokka's father alongside the other men of the southern water tribe, journeyed to the earth kingdom to help fight against the fire nation, leaving us three to look after the whole tribe.

Some people believe that the Avatar was never reborn into the air nomads and that the Avatar cycle has been broken. But I haven't lost hope. I still believe that somehow, the Avatar will return to save the world, and if ever, I get lucky to meet him, I will vow loyalty and pledge to help him fight against the fire nation and win the war.

Up until now, I am still angry at what the fire nation did to me, my mom, Katara and Sokka's mom, the whole southern water tribe, and the world. The memories are still fresh as if they just occurred yesterday...


"Whatever you do Maya, do not ever!— Don't come out of this chest. Do you understand me?" I looked at my mother's eyes as she said those words. It was filled with fear, anger, and concern. Droplets of tears also started to build up in her eyes as she held tightly onto my hands. I nodded my head in reply.

She closed the chest that I was hiding in and just right after she did that, there was a knock on the door, followed by the sound of it crashing— as if someone kicked it open.

"Are you a water bender?" a man's voice can be heard.

"No, I'm not. I am a non-bender," my mother replied sternly.

"Prove it," the man demanded.

After that, I heard fading footsteps. It seemed like they have went away. Everything went silent. Thoughts suddenly came into my head. What if they already killed Mom? What if they took her away? What is going on outside? I want to see it! I want to know!

Suddenly, one of the fire nation soldiers found me out. He took me out of the chest and dragged me outside of the house to where my mom and the other fire nation soldiers were.

"Sir! We found a hidden child inside the house of that woman!" the soldier said while holding onto my arm.

"You said you were alone..." said the soldier who was standing in front of my mom.

"Mommy! I'm scared!" I shouted as the grip of the fire nation soldier tightens.

"Maya!— Please, sir! I'm sorry! I'm the water bender! My daughter is not! Don't take her away please!" my mom begged the soldier.

"Why did you hide her, if she's not a bender?" the soldier asked. My mom knelt, clasped her hands, and pleaded once more.

"Please! I beg of you! Don't take my child away! Take me instead!" Mom cried. I started crying too when I heard her say those words.

"Mom! No!" I shouted.

"Enough! You already lied to us once. What makes you think we will believe you again?" The soldier said as she kicked my mom in the face.

He walked closer to my mother and she held her face with one hand.

"Unfortunately for you, we're not taking any prisoners today," I heard the soldier say. "Kill them!" he shouted.

"NO! NO! LET GO OF ME! MOM!!!" I yelled while trying to escape the soldier's grip.

I pushed him and tried running away but I can't. I was just a frilly young girl.

Suddenly, the soldier who was holding me went flying through the air! He was whipped by water! I looked at Mom and I saw how angry she was.

She's waterbending!

"A water bender! Apprehend her!" the head soldier shouted, and one by one they started attacking my mother but she was ruthless.

I just stood there watching her, thinking that I too would want to become a water bender someday— as great as my mom.

But my thoughts were stopped when I heard Mom's voice.

"Maya! Runaway! Go to where Hakoda is! He will protect you!" my mom yelled as she struggled to fight the fire nation soldiers.

"But... I don't want to leave you!" I argued back.


No... I don't want to leave my mother! I will fight with her!

I took the courage and held back my tears.

When I saw that Mom was having a hard time— fighting everyone at once, I grabbed one of the fire nation weapons that was left on the ground and hit one of the soldiers in the thighs.

I injured one of the soldiers and he was growling in pain as he lay down on the ground. I ran towards where Mom was, but I underestimated the circumstances.

Another soldier had already raised his sword behind me and was ready to attack. I was frozen and wasn't able to do anything but close my eyes.

I waited for the pain of being stabbed to sink into me but when I opened my eyes, it was my mom instead that got stabbed.

Fear, anger, guilt, sadness, and regret. Those were the feelings I felt at that time. If only I listened to Mom. If only I just run away instead of staying. If only... If only...

"MOM!!!!!!" I yelled as I cried.

"Maya..." was Mom's last words before she lost consciousness. Just when I thought that the soldier was going to attack me next, Hakoda, pushed him away.

"Maya! Are you alright?" He said and he reached out his hands to me. "Mommy... My mother..." was all I could say as I grabbed his hands. He looked at Mom and looked back at me with a sad look.

"You should go hide," he said. I couldn't say anything, and I just kept on crying. Sokka came in and Hakoda told him to take me to their house.

I looked around and I saw that the men of our tribe were able to defeat some of the fire nation soldiers but I also heard one of them say that they just suddenly left.

When the raid was over. I was settled in with Hakoda's family.

I heard from the tribesmen that, the raiders didn't do that much damage to the tribe, but they killed both Aunt Kaya and my mother.

That day of the fire nation raid was the turning point of my life.

I swear with all that I've got, I will do whatever it takes to avenge my mom and stop the fire nation from all this craziness.

Hi guys! This is the author speaking! I would just like to give you guys an introduction as well as a precaution that everything I created in this story are mainly all from my delusional mind, and that this story won't follow completely the original script of the Avatar The Last Airbender series, because some parts are twisted to fit the author's goal.

Anyway, for anyone whose a fan of the ATLA series, I hope you guys will like this! I promise I won't disappoint you! I have been planning this series for years and I only had the courage (and time) to start it now.

Also for all the Zutara fans (including me), REJOICE! For in this series, the Zutara ship is canon HAHA! (Sorry not sorry Kataang shippers).

So to anyone who stumbled upon this story or who was interested enough to click the story— thank you! I hope you'll enjoy my version of the ATLA Series.

That's enough for the introduction! Off we go to the story! Have fun!



The main concept of Avatar isn't originally mine. It belongs to the creators Michael Dante Dimartino and Bryan Konietzko. I am not claiming the idea for it. Proper credits to the Authors are given.

However, some of the characters are mine and are fictionally created. Do not, in any way, use these characters without my permission.

The video linked to this part is not mine as well. The song is an original composition by NerdOut. Proper credits to the owners are given. If you want to hear more from them, subscribe to their youtube channel.

[All Rights Reserved]

This book was not made with the intention to make money out of it, and it is for entertainment purposes only.

No one is permitted to copy or repost this story to any other sites, especially without my permission.

GirlBehindBars_creators' thoughts