
Aura Recovery, What's that supposed to do with my Farming

After losing both of his parents, he had lost sight of what to do. Just trying to pursue his passed away father’s dream, he felt tired. Faced with setbacks one after another, he decided to take a rest which he hadn’t taken for a long time. He decided to do something during this off-time, that is to become a farmer, inhering the farm which was left by his uncle. But soon, he faced things supernatural and it would continue on so, Would he decide to return to pursue his father’s dream for him or would he just choose to relax and decide to become a farmer fully. What about the supernatural things which he was facing?

The_King09 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
25 Chs


Seeing Li Wei who had came out, grandpa Zou took a good look at him and then took out his reading glasses from his pockets and put it on.

"Li Wei, you seem different," 

Grandpa Zou remarked, noticing Li Wei's less thin and more toned body.

"I was wearing a coat before so grandpa Zou didn't see how I was."

Li Wei smiled sheepishly.

"I've been wearing a coat and layers because it gets cold at night in this valley. You probably didn't notice my figure before. Also, the good sleep here has helped a lot."

Grandpa Zou nodded, still examining him. "I'm glad to see you're taking care of yourself. It's important to stay healthy."

"Yes, the sleep here has been really restful. I feel much better," Li Wei agreed.

Li Wei quickly sighed in relief upon knowing that it hade fooled grandpa Zou successfully. He didn't lie that what he had worn though since upon his arrival and whenever grandpa Zou saw him, he had been always wearing coats since it was quite cold here.

"Well, it's good to see you looking healthier and happier."

"Grandpa Zou, do you know if there's anyone around here who could give me a haircut?" Li Wei asked.

Grandpa Zou shook his head. "No, unfortunately not. The person who usually cuts hair in our village has gone to town for work. He only comes back once in a while, and it seems you've just missed him by a bit of time."

Li Wei sighed, running a hand through his overgrown hair. 

"I guess I'll have to wait then."

"Grandpa Zou, you don't need to deliver food to me every day. I can cook for myself. I don't feel right relying on you so much, especially if I decide to stay for a while."

"But Li Wei, you've just returned, and it's the least I can do to help you settle in."

"I appreciate that, Grandpa Zou, truly," Li Wei said earnestly. 

"But I can't always depend on you. It would be unfair, especially if I'm going to be here for a longer period. I want to be more self-sufficient."

With some back and forth between them, 

"You've always been a responsible young man, Li Wei. I understand where you're coming from."

Grandpa Zou sighed and said.

"Just promise me you won't hesitate to ask for help if you need it. You're like a grandson to me, Li Wei."

Li Wei's heart warmed at the words. 

"I promise, Grandpa Zou."

Grandpa Zou patted Li Wei on the shoulder. "Good lad. Now, if you ever need any advice on anything, you know where to find me."

As Grandpa Zou was about to leave, a thought crossed Li Wei's mind. 

"Grandpa Zou, could I ask you about something?"

"Of course, Li Wei. What is it?" Grandpa Zou turned back

"Do you know anything about the cave in the east woods?" Li Wei asked

"I heard some rumours about it when I was a kid."

"The cave in the east woods?"

Grandpa Zou's eyes thought for a moment before his eyes lit up with recognition

"Oh, that cave, beside the waterfall"

Grandpa Zou chuckled. "There were all sorts of rumours about that cave years ago. People said it was haunted, that strange noises came from it at night, and that anyone who went in never came out. But it was just gossip."

"So, it's not haunted?" Li Wei asked, a bit surprised.

"No, not at all," Grandpa Zou said with a smile. "A group went to explore it a while back, and they found nothing inside. The cave is small, and there are no resources or anything of interest. It's just a regular cave and very small at that even"

Li Wei nodded, 

"You said it's beside the waterfall?

"Yes," Grandpa Zou confirmed. "At the waterfall, there's a path to the right that leads to the cave. It's not far from there."

"I won't question it but be careful if you have any intentions to go there though there should not be anything that would be dangerous around there"

"Looks like it might rain," Grandpa Zou remarked, glancing at the sky.

Li Wei nodded. "Yeah, it seems like it."

"Take care, Li Wei,"

Grandpa Zou said before leaving, stepping outside and opening his umbrella before walking down the path to the village. Li Wei closed the door behind him and looked out the window at the darkening sky. He wanted to take more notice of the weather now since he would need to do things outside such as his farms. He could use his phone but it would waste data and in the long run it would be too wasteful. 

Then he remembered the old TV which his uncle put in his room which was the other bedroom which Li Wei didn't sleep at. He approached the television, an old model that had been sitting unused for a while. He pressed the power button, but nothing happened.

After a moment of frustration, he realized the plug wasn't connected. He facepalmed himself and then plugged it in.

"Of course, it's always something simple that I struggle with," he muttered with a chuckle

This time, when he turned the TV on, it powered up immediately. The screen flickered to life, and after adjusting the antenna a bit, he managed to get a clear signal. He flipped through the channels until he found the local news station, which was broadcasting the weather report.

"...and for the next few days, we can expect intermittent rain showers, with a high chance of thunderstorms tomorrow evening," the weather reporter was saying. "Temperatures will remain mild, making it a good time for indoor activities or catching up on chores."

Li Wei took note of the forecast. It was good to know that rain was expected, as it meant he wouldn't need to worry about watering the crops for the next few days. 

However, the possibility of thunderstorms meant he should prioritize tasks that needed to be done outside but seeing that the rain isn't stopping soon, he decided to do it the next day while he thought out his goals.