
AU: Jessie’s Pokémon Journey

In an alternate universe where Jessie and neither of her companions are a part of Team Rocket. Jessie goes on her very own Pokémon journey to become a Pokémon Master. Will she be able to conquer that difficult quest? She will meet friends and foes alike in the world of Pokémon on her very own journey.

PT26 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
74 Chs

First Trainer Battle

"Deep in Viridian forest, we see our heroes, Jessie, Domino, and Meowth trying to get out of the forest and arrive at Pewter City, so Jessie can challenge the gym leader and earn her first badge, but something is gonna happen unexpectedly!"

Jessie, Domino, and Meowth are both seen walking through the forest. They're trying to find a way out of here in the Viridian Forest, but no luck so far.

"This forest is gonna take forever to get out…" Jessie says, tired from walking a lot.

"My legs feel like literal Jell-O. Can we listen to some music at least?" Meowth suggested.

"Today's music isn't good anymore, being honest here," Jessie replies.

"I'm gonna have to agree with Jessie here, besides I love hearing the Pidgeys tweeting anyway." Domino looks up to see some Pidgey fly by and smiles.

"You people are really making this situation tougher than it already is. I think I'm gonna literally die out here in this forest." Meowth legs started jiggling then he fell to the ground. "I'm okay…"

"Meowth, just make this easier for yourself and get back in your Poké Ball." Jessie pulls out Meowth's Poké Ball and gets on one knee.

Meowth peaks up and swipes his Poké Ball out of Jessie's hands. "I already told you, Jess! I don't like being in my Poké Ball!"

"Fine, continue torching yourself by walking in this forest. I was only trying to help!" Jessie replies and continues walking.

Meowth gets up and starts following them. "Hey Jessie, what's today's music anyways?"

Jessie just shrugs at Meowth's question. "I don't know, I never heard of it."


"I agree with the cat," Domino adds.

"I'm too busy becoming a Pokémon master!" Jessie replies.

The trio both hear shaking in the bushes as which got their attention as a yellow mouse Pokèmon pops out of the bushes.


"Woah, what's that Pokémon?!" Jessie immediately pulls out her Pokédex from her purse.

"Pikachu, the electric mouse Pokémon. It keeps its tail raised to monitor its surroundings. If you yank its tail, it will try to bite you."

"Ugh. I hate Pikachu!" Meowth said in annoyance.

"Wow, I never expected to find a Pikachu in this forest. I thought this forest was just filled with bug Pokémon only." Jessie says, kinda shocked.

"Well duh you can, they're just really rare here," Domino responded.

"Do we really need another electric type traveling with us?" Meowth asked.

"A rare Pokémon around these parts huh?" Jessie smirks. "Alright Meowth, I want you to battle it! So I can catch it!"

"I'm gonna have fun beating that loser up!" Meowth says, ready to battle the Pikachu.

"Pika." Pikachu doesn't look happy at all from the fact Meowth called it a loser.

"Meowth use Scratch!" Jessie commanded.

Meowth used Scratch super hard on Pikachu and he landed the hit, however that just made Pikachu even madder than before.

Jessie wonders what move Pikachu will use. Pikachu creates illusions of itself.

"Oh wow, more Pikachu to catch!" Jessie says, not thinking they're illusions at all.

Domino facepalms. "No you idiot, it's a Double Team! A move that creates illusions of the Pokémon that is using the move!"

"Watch. I can still land a hit." Meowth attempts to scratch Pikachu again but ends up hitting an illusion as Pikachu uses Thunderbolt at Meowth.

"CHUUUUUU" the Pikachu cries out.

"Meowth dodge it quickly, and use Fury Swipes!" Jessie immediately commanded.

Meowth almost dodges the Thunderbolt completely, but still gets hit a little. "I think they got a little bit of static in me." Meowth uses Fury Swipes, but Pikachu dodges the attack as it uses Thunderbolt again on Meowth.

"Meowth dodge it!" Jessie commanded Meowth to dodge once again.

Meowth completely dodges the Thunderbolt this time. "Okay. This time. I will land a hit."

The title screen shows

"First Trainer Battle!"

"Alright Meowth, another Scratch," Jessie commanded once more.

Meowth uses Scratch and lands the hit on Pikachu this time.

"You're mine!" Jessie pulls out and throws an empty Poké Ball right at the Pikachu.

"PI-" Pikachu gets hit now in the Poké Ball.

The Poké Ball starts shaking as Jessie and Meowth wait for a successful catch, after a few seconds have passed, the Poké Ball clicks, signaling a successful catch.

"Did it actually click?" Meowth asked.

"It did!" Domino responded.

"Good. Now keep Pikachu in that Poké Ball and away from me." Meowth demanded.

Jessie picks up Pikachu's Poké Ball. "I caught a Pikachu!" Jessie poses.

Meowth slowly claps, because he thinks Jessie earned it this time. "Woo hoo. Way to go."

"Wow, I can't believe it, you actually caught every possible Pokémon you can find in this forest." Domino pointed out to Jessie.

Jessie smirks. "I told ya, I'm becoming the greatest trainer of all time!"

That's kinda impressive. Like you got a full team now?" Meowth says.

"A full team, you mean there's a limit?" Jessie questioned, dumbfounded.

Domino facepalms. "You always throw my hopes out. Yes, there's a limit to how many Pokémon you can have on your team. You can have up to six Pokémon."

"So let's see…" Jessie starts counting her fingers. "Meowth, Elekid, Metapod, Kakuna, Pidgeotto, and then Pikachu. One, two, three, four, five, and six. I do have a full team!"

Domino and Meowth have enough of Jessie's stupidity, they both facepalm. Domino notices something and she screams and immediately hides behind Jessie.

"NOW WHAT?! STOP BEING SUCH A WIMP DOMINO!" Meowth shouted from Domino's screaming.

"I see another bug!" Domino points at a Weedle nearby.

"Oh, another Weedle huh? Bugs really 'bug' you huh, Domino?" Jessie starts chuckling at her joke.

"That's not funny, you know I hate bugs!" Domino yelled at Jessie because of her joke.

"Well, time to catch it!" Jessie declared.

"Didn't you already just catch one?!" Domino pointed out.

"YEAH, YOU JUST CAUGHT ONE!" Meowth added.

"You can never have too many Weedles. Plus a true Pokémon master doesn't care if you already caught a Pokémon. You catch it anyway!" Jessie says with confidence.

"Your stupidity gives me a headache. Sometimes I just wanna believe you'll say something smart." Meowth says to Jessie, but she ignores him.

Jessie was about to throw a Poké Ball when she remembered something. "Oh, I almost forgot, you have to weaken a Pokémon first before you catch it."

"Don't waste the Poké Ball!" Meowth says.

"Alright let's see what my Pikachu can do! Pikachu, I choose you!" Jessie sends her Pikachu out, and as it busts out of the Poké Ball, it starts electrocuting Jessie.

"PIKACHUUUUUU!" It cried out while electrocuting Jessie as she screamed in pain.

Meowth just looks on at Pikachu electrocuting his trainer. "Dang that Pikachu really hates ya."

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" Jessie yelled at Pikachu with anger, and Pikachu starts yelling back at her.

"I can translate it…" Meowth suggested it to Jessie.

"Please do." Jessie accepts.

"'I hate you. You caught me for no reason and you're an idiot.'" Meowth translated. "Geez. Really hates ya, Jessie."

Jessie's anger goes to a grin. "Okay, You snooze you lose, I still have Pidgeotto, Metapod, Kakuna, and Elekid to do the job and they give me the respect I deserve."

"You deserve to have your head examined." Domino insulted.

Jessie just ignores Domino and returns Pikachu. "Ungrateful little rat."

However, Jessie doesn't know that Pokémon can hear inside their Poké Balls as Pikachu zaps Jessie from inside their Poké Ball. "AW COME ON!"

Weedle appears to be crawling on Domino as she looks down and screams in fear as she runs away. "Don't just stand there, catch it!" Domino yells out while running away.

"She changed her mind pretty quickly." Meowth pointed out.

"Have no fear, Jessie is here! Pidgeotto, I choose you!" Jessie sends out Pidgeotto. "Pidgeotto, Gust attack!"

Pidgeotto uses Gust on the Weedle as it gets sent back. Pidgeotto goes up in the air as Weedle tries to get away from Pidgeotto, but it swoops down and uses Gust again on Weedle.

"That's the way to do it!" Jessie says, cheering for Pidgeotto.

The scene cuts to Domino stomping her way into the forest. "This forest is filled with disgusting bugs!" Domino accidentally trips on a rock on the ground and falls into a Caterpie nest. Domino immediately gets up, screams, and accidentally bumps into someone.

"Hey, how dare you bump into me! I challenge you to a Pokémon battle right here and right now!" The trainer says, pulling out a Poké Ball.

Domino immediately perks up. "I-I'm sorry for bumping into you. I'm not in a mood to battle in this forest."

The trainer slowly puts their Poké Ball away. "Alas, my search continues. I advise you to refrain from further screaming your lungs out while passing through this forest unless you really want to attract a horde of Beedrills. May I ask you something, are you a trainer that comes from Pallet?"

Domino immediately shakes her head no. "I'm not a trainer from Pallet, but I do know someone who is." Domino tells the trainer where Jessie is at.

"My appreciation." The Trainer leaves.

As the trainer starts heading in that direction. Domino starts thinking that this stranger could be a Pokémon thief and gasps. "What have I done?!"

The scene cuts back to the battle between Pidgeotto and Weedle as the Weedle was about to use its poison stinger.

"Watch out for its poison stinger!" Jessie warns Pidgeotto as it flies up to dodge the stinger. "Nice work!"

Pidgeotto uses Gust again on the Weedle as it gets flung back to a tree, looking weak.

"Alright Weedle, I got you now!" Jessie pulls out an empty Poké Ball and is about to catch it when the same stranger from earlier, with Domino, approaches behind her.

"Greetings, are you a Pokémon trainer, especially from the town of Pallet?" The trainer asks Jessie.

Jessie looks at the trainer. "I'm a Pokémon trainer from Pallet, but I'm kinda busy here."

"I have found you at last!" The trainer draws their Poké Ball.

"JESSIE, THAT'S A POKÉMON THIEF!" Domino screamed out while running towards them.

The trainer pulls out a Poké Ball. "I challenge you to a Pokémon battle right now!"

"You don't scare me and there's no way you're stealing my Pokémon!" Jessie declared.

"I am no Pokémon thief." The trainer says, making clear for himself that he is in fact not a Pokémon thief.

"Who are you then?" Domino asked.

"I am Luke. I am also shrewd, fearless, and completely invincible in combat. I have been searching the forest for a trainer from Pallet Town, this girl has told me I could find one nearby. Which is you!" Luke says while pointing at Domino.

Jessie and Meowth glare at Domino, while she rubs her head in embarrassment. "Sorry."

"So, I'm guessing you want a Pokémon battle against me?" Jessie assumed.

"That's right, a Pokémon battle! Let us see who will be victorious." Luke responded while pulling out a Poké Ball.

Jessie remembers something. "Oh no, I forgot about Weedle!" As Jessie looks back, she sees the Weedle crawling away. "I'll get it! Go Poké Ball!" Jessie tosses the Poké Ball at the Weedle but misses as it gets away. "UGH!" Jessie looks up in the air and sees Pidgeotto still flying. "Pidgeotto return!" Jessie returns Pidgeotto as she turns to Luke with annoyance. "That Weedle only got away because you distracted me!"

"Don't blame your failure on me. Your Pokémon handling is dimwitted and clumsy." Luke insulted, directing at Jessie.

"You know it's bad when everyone has the same opinion about you!" Meowth added.

"Oh yeah, what do you know about Pokémon? I bet I can beat you in a Pokémon battle blindfolded!" Jessie insulted back at Luke.

"There is one way to find out," Luke says.

"This is my first ever Pokémon battle, let's see what I can do! Pidgeotto do your stuff!" Jessie sends out Pidgeotto, but the Pokémon looks tired from the last battle with Weedle. "Uhh…"

"Jessie, do you know you have to let your Pokémon rest for a while?" Domino told Jessie as she is just embarrassed as Meowth is just shaking his head so much.

"Only an idiot goes into battle with a tired-out Pokémon! Your blunder will cost you dearly! Pinsir, assume battle mode!" Luke throws a Pokéball in the air as Pinsir leaps out from it.

"Woah, that's a Pinsir?" Jessie pulls out her Pokédex from her purse to identify this Pokémon.

"Pinsir. This fearsome Pokémon uses its powerful claws to put the squeeze on its opponents."

"That Pinsir looks really tough, but I'm sure Pidgeotto can beat it! Pidgeotto, Sand Attack!" Jessie commanded.

Pidgeotto uses Sand Attack as Pinsir is now in a cloud of sand.

"That's child's play! Pinsir, Tackle it!" Luke commanded Pinsir.

Pinsir tackles Pidgeotto and just like that, Pidgeotto already faints from being too tired.

"Uh oh… Pidgeotto return!" Jessie returns Pidgeotto to its Poké Ball.

Luke laughs. "Your Pokémon is beaten! Idiot, are you ready to surrender?"

"No way, a true Pokémon master never surrenders! Metapod I choose you!" Jessie sends out Metapod.

"Watch and weep as Pinsir crushes your Metapod in half!" Luke says.

Jessie starts imagining Pinsir crushing Metapod in half. "Those claws…"

"Jessie call off Metapod, not even a bug deserves this!" Domino demanded.

"This match has already been won in my favor!" Luke declares.

Pinsir picks up Metapod, about to crush it with its claws.

Jessie starts sweating, really worried, and trying to think of something quick. "HARDEN!"

As Metapod uses Harden, the point ends on its claws breaking as soon as they try to crush Metapod with them Luke looks shocked.

"Woah that actually worked?!" Domino said in shock as well.

"Who's the idiot now huh?" Jessie teased with a chuckle.

"Pinsir! Return!" Luke returns Pinsir. "Clever, quite clever. Poké Ball, go!" Luke sends out his next Pokémon which is Metapod.

"Metapod?" Jessie questioned.

"Metapod, Harden, like hers!" Luke commanded his Metapod as Luke's Metapod uses Harden.

"Maximum hardness, Metapod!" Jessie also commanded her Metapod to Harden as well which Jessie's Metapod does so.

Hours go by as the Metapod's shadows even move. We see Domino relaxing on a chair with sunglasses and Meowth eating popcorn.

"Can I have some?" Domino asked.

"Get your own." Meowth denied.

"More power Metapod, Luke's weakening!" Jessie says to her Metapod.

"Harder! You're the stronger Metapod!" Luke also says to his Metapod.

The scene cuts to Cassidy and Butch carrying a paper tank with Mondo relaxing on top of it.

"I'm tired as hell!" Butch whined.

"Butch stop whining!" Cassidy demanded in annoyance at Butch's whining.

"Cassidy, there's no damn point in dragging this tank around," Butch says.

"Yes, there is, to protect us from Beedrills. Ever been stung by one? It hurts like a bitch." Cassidy responded.

Mondo looks down at Cassidy and Butch. "Hey, down there! Quit chattering! Get a move on!"

"What are you doing up there?!" Cassidy questioned Mondo because of his relaxation.

"Why don't you come and help us, you lazy ass?" Butch added in.

"Aw, wish I could, but due to me being 5 feet tall and 7 inches unlike you 6-foot tall giants, I'm riding lookout," Mondo explained.

"Well look out for this!" Cassidy says before she and Butch tosses the tank aside

Mondo falls off the tank and starts chasing them. "COME BACK HERE YOU JERKS!"

The scene cuts back to the battle.

Jessie growls. "A little more!"

"Metapod, full power!" Luke commands.

"We could be stuck in this forest for the rest of our lives. People can be so stubborn." Domino says.

"Those two are so stubborn, yeah." Meowth agreed.

Jessie and Luke both fall to the ground.

"Don't. Give. Up." Jessie says.

Luke just grunts and continues to be stubborn.

"YOU TWO ARE MORE HARD-HEADED THAN YOUR METAPODS!" Domino screams out at the two.

"KEEP IT FIGHTING! FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!" Meowth screams out, wanting to continue this battle.

The gang hears buzzing in the distance as they both look at where that buzzing sound is coming from.

"Now what?" Meowth questioned.

"What's that noise?" Domino added in.

Luke's eyes widen, knowing what the noise is. "A Beedrill swarm approaches! Our match must be postponed! Metapod, return!" Luke returns his Metapod.

Bee-like Pokémon started popping up from the trees, flying towards the gang, most likely they're the Beedrill.

"Beedrill swarm!" Jessie pulls out her Pokédex from her purse.

"Beedrill. This Pokémon is an evolved form of Weedle, following its Kakuna stage. Its sting is highly poisonous."

"The Weedle that got away from you has informed the rest of its kind! Good day!" Luke immediately run away from the swarm of Beedrill.

"Yeah, why are we all just standing here?! WE GOTTA MOVE!" Meowth demanded.

One of the Beedrills swoops down and grabs Jessie's Metapod.

Jessie gasps. "Metapod return!" Jessie tries to return Metapod, but it's too far away. "Oh no, it got away!"

Another Beedrill appears and tries to sting Jessie, but Elekid burst out of its Poké Ball. "ELE!" Elekid hits the Beedrill with a Thundershock but also hits Jessie, Domino, and Meowth in the process.

The Beedrill flies away as Jessie and Meowth are both dizzy from the Thundershock.

"Come on, let's move it!" Domino grabs Jessie's arm and runs away from the Beedrill with Meowth as Elekid hops on Jessie's shoulder.

Jessie looks back. "But Metapod…"

"BUT THE BEEDRILL TOO!" Meowth screamed back at Jessie.

The three are still running away from the Beedrill, but they're gaining on them.

Domino looks back and notices the Beedrill are getting closer. "CRAP THEY'RE GAINING ON US!"

"RUN FASTER!" Meowth demanded.

Elekid is hanging onto Jessie's shoulder pretty tight as the three soon hide behind a bush as the Beedrill fly by. Luke is also hiding behind the bush as well with them.

Meowth peaks out from the bushes and spots many Kakuna on a bark of a tree. "I swear, nobody better move."

Luka gasps at the nest full of Kakuna. "A whole hive of Kakunas…"

Jessie whispers. "I have a Kakuna."

"Good for you, idiot." Luke insulted.

"I'm gonna ignore the fact you just insulted me…" Jessie looks around and spots her Metapod near a tree. "Hey, it's Metapod!"

Domino immediately closes Jessie's mouth. "Keep your voice down!"

Everyone stays in silence as the Kakuna start slowly hatching. Elekid growls at them and more Beedrill come out from the Kakuna.

"Beedrill… they evolved!" Domino pointed out.

Elekid just angrily shouts at the Beedrill as they face towards the four, about to sting them as the four immediately run away from them, screaming.

Luke spots a cabin nearby. "A cabin, I think we can make it!" Luke immediately gets inside the cabin as the rest get in as well and immediately closes the door.

Three of the Beedrill stung the door, leaving holes in it as they fly away. The four are out of breath from running. They breathe heavily to catch their breath.

"You know what they say. That was close." Meowth said, still catching his breath.

Luke turns to Jessie and crosses his arms in anger. "I hope you've learned your lesson, idiot! You letting that Weedle escapes almost cost our lives!"

"Take back that stupid idiot crap!" Jessie fired back at Luke.

"I do take it back because not even an idiot would abandon her own Pokémon as you did." Luke fire's directly back at Jessie.

"I tried to save Metapod…" Jessie clutches her fist.

"Your Metapod will pay for its trainer's inexperience. The other trainers from Pallet would never have been so irresponsible!" Luke says.

"Other trainers from Pallet? So you fought Pokémon battles with Leaf and the others?" Jessie asked in confusion.

"Ah, there were three spectacular matches, each more challenging than the last. All three really know how to raise Pokémon." Luke has flashbacks of the previous three Pallet Town trainers, including Leaf, beating him in a battle. "Even though I was defeated all three times, I was inspired to redouble my own training. I had been eagerly preparing for that day when, finally, I would beat the next Pokémon trainer from Pallet."

"So that's why you were mostly interested in battling a trainer from Pallet!" Domino pointed out.

"Compared to those other three, this one here is a joke!" Luke insulted.

Jessie growls at the insult but doesn't say anything back as the scene cuts to nightfall. Everyone is sleeping except for Jessie, who is still awake. "Metapod." Then it cuts back to dawn with Jessie crawling through the grass as she looks up. "Hmm…"

Mondo and Cubone both crash lands right next to Jessie. "Do you know what Cubone's favorite game is?"

"GET OFF!" Jessie demanded.

"Batter up!" Mondo commands Cubone to swing its bone club, as it does so like a baseball bat, and bats it at Jessie as she cries in pain.

"GUESS WHO!" A familiar voice is heard from Jessie.

"HUH?!" Jessie looks up to see Team Rocket on top of a big rock.

"Prepare for trouble!"

"And make it double!"

"To infect the world with devastation!"

"To blight all people in every nation!"

"To denounce the goodness of-"

"GUYS, NOT THIS AGAIN, NOT NOW!" Jessie yells out, cutting off Team Rocket's motto.

"HEY!" Butch shouted in anger.

Cassidy growls at the fact of being interrupted. "Never interrupt the Team Rocket motto!"

"But the Beedrill-" Jessie tries to warn them.

Cassidy clears her throat to start the motto again, ignoring Jessie. "To denounce the goodness of truth and love!"

"To extend our wrath to the stars above!"


"And Butch! Of course!"

"Keep it down or we're gonna be Beedrills' next stung victims!" Jessie tried to warn Team Rocket once more about the Beedrill

"We're Team Rocket, circling Earth all day and night!"

"Surrender to us now or you will surely lose the fight!"

"I'm Mondo! Alright!" As Mondo jumps up, pyro sets off behind Team Rocket which wakes up the Beedrill and starts swarming the four.

"OH NO, CRAP!" Jessie yells out, seeing the Beedrill.

"Little girl, why don't you just give up and hand over Meowth and Elekid? There's no point in resisting us, so be smart and hand them over!" Cassidy demanded.

"I don't have Meowth and Elekid with me right now, even if I did, I will never give them up to you three clowns!" Jessie starts running away from the Beedrill.

"COME BACK HERE!" Team Rocket and Cubone start chasing Jessie.

"If I make it past the Beedrill, maybe they will go after Team Rocket." Jessie sees the Beedrill coming as she dives and manages to avoid the Beedrill. While they have their attention on Team Rocket now.

"Huh? Guys!" Mondo immediately returns Cubone to their Poké Ball.

"The tank will come in handy now!" Cassidy says with confidence.

"It was worth the struggle dragging it here," Butch adds.

But as Team Rocket pulls out the tank, it appears that a bunch of Weedle are eating it.

"WHAT?!" Cassidy yelled out in shock.

"They're eating the tank?!" Mondo pointed out, also shocked as well.

"But we made it from paper to reduce the weight! What the fuck?!" Butch said, confused and shocked at the same time.

"Who knew?!" Cassidy questioned.

"Numskulls!" Mondo insulted.

The Beedrill are getting closer to Team Rocket and they immediately run away screaming.

The scene cuts to Jessie seeing Metapod. "There you are! Into the Poké Ball Metapod." Jessie pulls out Metapod's Poké Ball.

"Metapod." Metapod shakes their head no, signaling they don't want to.

"B-but how-" Jessie cuts off her sentence from seeing a Beedrill swooping in, trying to attack Metapod. "Let's go." Jessie grabs Metapod and starts running. "I didn't abandon you Metapod, I got sidetracked, it was all Luke's fault-" Jessie was cut off mid-sentence once again, but this time by tripping as she screams and falls on the ground. "No, it wasn't Luke's fault… It was my fault. If I was a real Pokémon master I would stop making all of these stupid excuses. I swear I will never run away and abandon you like that ever again. No more excuses."

A Beedrill swoops in and is about to sting Jessie as Domino, Luke, and Meowth both arrive with a net over them.

"Jessie!" Domino yelled out.

"Watch out for the Twin Needle attack!" Luke warned.

"Meowth dat's right!" Meowth agreed.

Metapod jumps in front of the way to take the sting, leaving a little hole in its midsection.

"Metapod!" Jessie immediately catches her Metapod.

The Beedrill noticed its stinger broke and flew away.

"Are you hurt, Metapod?!" Jessie immediately asked her Pokémon, looking worried.

However, the tiny hole from the midsection of Metapod starts glowing white as a purple Butterfly starts slowly coming out from it.

Meowth gasps from this. "Y-You're finally a Butterfree!" Meowth sheds a tear while Jessie is in shock.

"Freeeee!" It cries out and starts flying around with Meowth cheering for the Pokémon.

"Butterfree…" Jessie slowly smiles.

"It's so beautiful." Domino also smiles as well.

Jessie pulls out her Pokédex from her purse to identify her new fully evolved Pokémon.

"Butterfree. One week after Caterpie evolves into Metapod, it again evolves into Butterfree."

"Geez Domino, I thought you were scared of bugs." Meowth pointed out at Domino suddenly not being scared of Butterfree.

"Uhh guys, here comes the other Beedrill." Domino also pointed out with more Beedrill coming their way.

"Aww man!" Meowth said in disbelief.

Jessie turns to Butterfree. "Butterfree?"

Butterfree nods at Jessie.

"Yeah, alright Butterfree, knock them out with your sleeping powder!" Jessie commanded Butterfree.

Butterfree uses sleeping powder on Beedrill, Weedle, and even Team Rocket as they all fall asleep from the move.

"YAY, you put all of them to sleep, Butterfree you're the best!" Jessie cheers on In excitement.

"HAHA! AW YEAH!" Meowth also cheers on Butterfree.

Luke looks at Jessie. "You were able to handle your Pokémon so well, just after they evolved! Most impressive!"

"We still haven't finished our battle!" Jessie pointed out. "Let's finish it right here and right now!"

"Very well, we shall finish our battle. Let's do this!" Luke agrees as the scene time skips to Jessie and Luke getting ready to continue their battle.

"Alright Butterfree, are you ready to do this?" Jessie asked her new fully evolved Pokémon, Butterfree, as it nodded in agreement and flew over to the battlefield, looking ready to battle.

"Metapod, go!" Luke sends out Metapod into battle as the battle is ready to continue.

"Butterfree, Tackle!" Jessie commanded.

"Metapod, Harden, let's go!" Luke commanded back.

As Butterfree dives at Metapod for a Tackle, Metapod Hardens, which causes Butterfree to take damage from trying Tackle Metapod's hard shell.

"Butterfree, use Tackle again!" Jessie commanded the move once more.

"Metapod, Harden!" Luke commanded the same move as well.

Metapod Hardens as Butterfree uses Tackle again, but once again, the hard green shell of Metapod deals damage to Butterfree from using Tackle.

"AW CRAP!" Jessie yelled out, looking worried about how much damage Butterfree has been taking.

"COME ON BUTTERFREE!" Meowth also yelled out, cheering for Butterfree in this battle.

Luke laughs. "Only one move and my Metapod as your Butterfree beat already!"

"This battle isn't over yet!" Jessie declared and started thinking. "I can't use physical moves, that would damage Butterfree. Losing to a Pokémon that only knows Harden, would be really embarrassing." Jessie whispers to herself and tries to think of a strategy. "I got it! Butterfree, Sleep Powder!"

Butterfree uses Sleep Powder as it puts Metapod to sleep.

"NO, METAPOD! WAKE UP!" Luke tries to wake up his Metapod by screaming.

"Alright Butterfree, Gust!"

"Freeeee!" Butterfree cries out as it uses Gust and flings the Metapod to a tree as it hits the bark, drops on the ground, and faints.

"METAPOD!" Luke cried out.

"Metapod is unable to battle. Therefore Jessie and Butterfree win this Pokémon Battle!" Domino declared, being the referee for this battle.

"I did it… I DID IT, I WON MY VERY FIRST POKÉMON BATTLE, WOOHOO!" Jessie celebrates with Butterfree as Meowth is clapping in the background.

"Metapod return." Luke returns his Metapod and walks up to Jessie. "That was a good battle, I see you do have great bonds with your Pokémon."

Jessie nods in approval. "Thank you so much. I'm glad we got to finish our battle."

"Compared with you my friend, I am the idiot. But I will keep perfecting my technique. This trail will lead you to Pewter City!" Luke shows the trial to the three that will lead to Pewter City.

Jessie nods again. "Thank you for showing us the way to Pewter City. I can't wait to get my first-ever gym badge!"

"At least it wasn't Metapod versus Metapod again," Domino said, relieved.

"Don't listen to her. I need a perfect time to nap and eat." Meowth says, as Domino just rolls her eyes at that statement.

"Until then Luke, goodbye!" Jessie says farewell to Luke.

"See ya!" Domino added in.

The gang walks off, waving goodbye at Luke as Luke is waving goodbye back at them.

"With Team Rocket avoided for now, Jessie and friends set their sites at Pewter City and Jessie's goal of getting her very first gym badge."

The scene cuts to Team Rocket in paper-made cocoons hanging on the tree and near the Beedrill.

"Do you have any more bright ideas?" Butch asks Cassidy, sarcastically.

"Unlike you, at least I have ideas." Cassidy immediately responded.

"Yeah. As in, they're all bad." Mondo threw a shot at Cassidy.

"AND WHO ASKED?!" Cassidy yells at Mondo, firing back at the insult.

However, Cassidy's yell got the Beedrills' attention as they all started swarming Team Rocket. Team Rocket looks afraid and sweating in fear as the Beedrill start stinging Team Rocket as they start screaming in pain.