

In a world where magic abilities mean everything Arthur was born with body abilities and no magical abilities. even with all his weaknesses he strives to the best. THIS IS MY FIRST BOOK BARE WITH IT!

Vasfly · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

The tower


Endless Drifting..

As Arthur drifted in the milky white void of the tower he took this time to reminisce about what happened before he got into the tower.

'it all happened too fast, the bandits, the kidnapping, the death of my mother, and the unknown whereabouts of my father.'

This is my last chance to leave the tower early before crippling my future, normally someone would enter on The Day of the gods when they turned 16. That day was 5 days away and I would have turned 16 in 2 days if only this could have turned out differently.'

My family usually saves up enough to let me have my favorite meal at the local tavern, I really hope they are okay.'

' What will happen if I become skilless? Will my bones be turned into sticks? Maybe I will only have one skill, at least that's better than dying.'

as he was thinking about what would happen to him the white liquid of the tower slowly enveloped him and like a cocoon healed his wounds and dissolved the blood.

SYSTEM: Evolution process starting

SYSTEM: User is under 16

SYSTEM: The user did not enter on The Day of the gods


SYSTEM: The user has entered the tower early. Evolution will cause great pain.

SYSTEM: If the user faints the Evolution processes will fail.

Gritting his teeth, Arthur endured the pain remembering his mother's last words

'Arthur run away from the village with your sister, and please promise me you will protect her'

Knowing his sister had been kidnaped his eyes flickered with determination.

The evolution completed 3 hours later, this is usually a pleasant experience but was not for arthur. The system also usually displays the people's top skills and allows for their friends to converse excitedly about the start of their adventures once the process is completed. But this did not occur for Arthur because as soon as the evolution finished Arthur collapsed on the floor curling into a ball, with pain radiating off of him. After he calmed down a bit he finally looked up at the system.


Name: Arthur

Cultivation Tier: 1

Magic Attribute: None

Exp: 0

Stats: Strength 11, dexterity 9, endurance 10, intelligence 4, Charm 7

HP 25/25 (Healthy)

Mana 0/0

Body Skills

Unique - Conquers will - Level 0 Exp Required 0/100 - Your will can never break, The stronger your will the stronger your body.

Legendary - Conquers Body - Level 0 - Your body will grow stronger from injuries -(0/100) until the next upgrade.

Common - Thick bones - Level 0 Exp Required 0/100 - Your Bones have thickened making you bigger and stronger.

Rare - Compact muscles - Level 0 Exp Required 0/100 - Your body becomes compact making your muscles stronger but making a gain in size much more difficult.

Uncommon - Quick veins - Level 0 Exp Required 0/100- Bloods Flow through your body faster increase in recovery speed, slight increase in cognitive speed.

Magic skills


... A young man laying on the floor was stunned to see this

"5-5 Body skills aren't that rare and are well ... Useless? I have also gotten no magic skills. I don't think anyone has gotten a punishment so severe as this before! magic rules everything. Who cares if you have a strong body if people can just pelt you with magic spells from far away!?"

"Well, I shouldn't be complaining even though this is a huge step back in my skills... A unique skill?????? I thought those were just myths! Also aren't legendary skills only for royal blood? it's nearly impossible to receive a skill this rare normally! This isn't what's important right now though, I need to save my sister!'

'Unfortunately, those bandits were not bandits, they were nobles, I could have sworn I heard one of them mention it. If I am going to beat them then I will need to get stronger first.'

Arthur got up wiping all the sweat off of him and started walking to the huge doors of the tower while looking down and mumbled to himself "no magic huh? how am i going to become stronger without magic?" Arthur put his hand on the door and the system rang in his head.

SYSTEM: Would you like to exit the tower?


SYSTEM: Exiting tower.

His eyes went dark again and he woke up outside the tower, looking up at the sky Arthur realized that it has only been a few hours since he has been in the tower and now it is the dead of night. Knowing that it might be dangerous he laid his tired body against the door of the tower and fell asleep knowing that the tower will not permit any magic beast in its radius.


Arthur snapped his eyes open to a worried looking old merchant who was staring at him.

"Boy, are you ok? Your shirt is torn and you were knocked out cold."

"I am sorry I fell asleep"

"Asleep? on the foot of the tower? What are you, crazy? You should go home, your parents are properly worried sick about you."

Arthurs's eyes sharpened when he heard that, 'Parents? My mother died and my father probably joined her.'

That's what Arthur thought but he could never say that to the old man so instead he said.

"Sir, I am an adventurer my parents are far away from here"

"Oh an adventurer huh? a young one at that, why don't you go sleep in the town, their prices are reasonable."

"Can you point me in the direction of the city?"

"Just follow the road on the left you should be there in about 30 minutes if you travel on foot"

"Alright thanks."

Arthur walked away from the old man but after walking for around 3 minutes he remembered something hurriedly "The village! those are bandits there, what will happen to that old man! It-its fine my sister is more important I'm sure the bandits left by now right?"

Arthur stood still and taking a look back, thought to himself

'Should I go?'

'The old man he was so nice to me'

biting his lip Arthur ran full speed towards the village, his new body gave him twice the speed that he had before. After a while, Arthur made it back to the village that was still covered in ash and blood from the raid he saw a bandit ruffly grabbing the merchant and another one going into the wagon

'It's not the ones who chased me. Who are these people then?'

Without thinking like those fairy tale heroes Arthur's mom used to sing to him he rushed into the fray drop-kicking the bandit grabbing the old man.

The old man, with a terrified look in his eyes said

"Young man, what are you doing? They will kill you!"

Arthur, not caring about the old man's words, started punching the man that was on the floor over and over until he heard a rustling from his back.

'The other bandit must have left the wagon to see what the fuss is about' without a second thought Arthur picked up the bandit's sword and rushed at the bandit turning the corner, driving the sword through his heart as blood sprayed all over him.

Arthur, after having killed a man for the first time, felt surprised at his actions. He has taken another human being's life.

SYSTEM: you have killed two Tier:1 humans

SYSTEM: 5 exp granted for each kill

The old man slowly backed off and pointed at Arthur with a shaking finger.

"you have killed two bandits with such cruelty, you must be an assassin or killer!"

"I am only a simple villager."