
Attribute system in Danmachi

Once again our main character Akira is back. For his excellent work in the naruto world, he has been granted a vacation to another world. Since his love for mythical lore, the goddess has selected the world of FATE..Cough..Cough..No world of Danmachi is selected. So lets us see how what changes he brings to danmachi. ___________________________ For advance chapters: p@treon.com/Uchiha_Itachi007 (replace @ with a ) PS: You can read my previous book Attribute system in Naruto which is still ongoing. Disclaimer: All the media and characters other than MC belong to their respective owner

Uchiha_Itachi007 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs



After the blast, Ais tried to regain consciousness. She opened her eyes slightly. The first thing she saw was Lefiya unconscious on the ground. She saw the air filled with orange mist and the ground filled with blood. She tried to move her but was unable to do so. Fearful of the condition of her Familia, she tried to speak up. But found no sound coming from her mouth. A feeling of dread filled her mind. As her vision started to become hazy, blood from her wounds started to fill her vision. Before she lost her vision she seems to hear the sound of music.

[♪Back from the Dead- Song by Skillet♪]

She woke up again this time feeling much better. She stood up using her sword as support. Looking around she saw all her familia in an unconscious state. She walked toward Lefiya that was nearest to her.



Hearing the roars of the monsters. She turned around to see the battlefield. Akira and Asterius were still standing. All the monsters that were present before the fight on this floor were annihilated only clue to their existence were irregular magic stones all around the ground.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

The cracks in the ground kept increasing.


With a loud noise, the ground beneath Akira breaks apart. Showing the pit of darkness with no bottom in sight. Looking at Akira falling, Ais thinks of choosing between an unknown adventurer or a magic device that gives power.

In a split second, she arrives at her decision she jumps toward Akira but by then, it was too late. Looking at Akira who just slipped by her hand. She jumped after him into the pit. But a hand caught her ankle stopping her.

"What are you doing, Ais" Bete caught her.

"Let me go" Ais looked up to Bete while hanging on her leg

"You don't know how deep this goes or if he is alive, the familia need you right now." Bete shouts at her.

Looking down to the darkness and at the injured Bete. She decided to fight to protect her family 'I am sorry' she apologizes in her mind. Understanding the impossibility of Akira's survival.

Coming out she stands.

"Aiiiiss your clothes" Bete turns his head due to shame. His face was blood red due to embarrassment.

Confused Ais looked down at her clothes. Other than her skirt there was not a single piece of clothing on her body. Covering her front she pouts and says "Pervert".

"It's not my fault" Bete said while still not looking directly at her.

Looking around she found the broken familia flag. She used it as a makeshift dress. Looking back she saw minotaur still standing. His masked face still looking at them. Behind him, a hoard of variant monsters rushed toward them from the lower floors.


The mask cracked and fell apart. Revealing a normal minotaur. Looking at the two of them he roared showing his dominance. After roaring he turned back and went back into the dungeon. His figure become diffused in the incoming hoard.

"You wake others up. I will take care of the monster" Bete grinned. After seeing such powerful figures battle it out his heart yearned for the battle.

Ais nodded in reply and went to wake others for the upcoming battle.


After the explosion, Akira felt the brunt of the attack. One second he felt pain another he felt nothing. Suddenly he woke up still standing there his clothes were repairing themselves but his body was fully healed. He felt tired. He tried to stay awake but due to mind down he was getting in and out of consciousness. He heard the new song. Looking at the jukebox he called out 'status'.

[♪Back from the Dead- Song by Skillet♪: one-time resurrection only if the soul is still there]

'Looks like I am lucky' he thought. Hearing Asterius roar he knew he lost the fight. He had a smile on his face but still felt frustrated inside by seeing not a scratch on Asterius.


With the breaking of ground, he fell into the pit. While falling he could feel the joy of the dungeon. As if showing him his inevitable defeat he was falling through many floors. As if the dungeon prepared this hole before the fight. Falling on his back he could see the light getting farther away. He saw Ais jumping for him but was stopped by Bete.

'You damn wolf. Don't let me see your face again' he smiled wryly.

Feeling his speed, he went through his inventory and took out cushions and all the things that could soften his blow.


Crashing at the floor he felt his body in pain.


The jukebox crashed right beside his head inches away from making his head a paste.

[♪Back from the Dead- Song by Skillet♪]

'Somebody is feeling better, I can't believe this thing is still working' he thought. Looking around he could see a big shiny wall made up of crystal.

'Ah, maybe it's the 17th floor.' He coughed up blood by trying to speak 'Death by bleeding out. Not the worst way to die'.

Crack! Crack! BOOM!

With a bang the crystal wall broke. The dungeon had spawned a Goliath to finish the job.

'Death by being crushed alive now that is a bad way to die. So much love Dungeon. Ah, I should have known about impressing crazy girls will be the death of me.' He thought.

'Well if I am gonna die. I should die wearing my signature clothes' He searches through his inventory in his mind. 'Found it! Equip'

His clothes changed into a ninja outfit. With a long, black cloak with red clouds, a red interior, and a chin-high collar. A rain shinobi headband on his head.

[Item: Akatsuki clothes (rare)

Owner: Akira

Materials: All second-generation Akatsuki member's chakra

Properties: Auto repair, Villain Aura, Wolf pack, Unknown(Locked)]

[Villain Aura: As a qualified villain everybody standing in the opposite faction will feel pressured]

[Wolf Pack: The more Akasuki are present the more buff in strength they get]

'Ah. What is going to happen to me? Will I go back to Naruto World or just die? Ah, I really hope I see Konan one more time'. With the vibrations of Goliath walking Akira knew his end was near. Looking at the massive fist coming to crush him Akira closes his eyes hoping to wake up in a better place.


"Shinra Tensei"


For advance chapters: p@treon.com/Uchiha_Itachi007 (replace @ with a )