
Chapter 36

He decided to go to his house and invite carla to go to deanna's house, since he wants to cook for them. Also claudine didn't want to let go of him so he just let her hug his arm while mikasa hugs his other hand.

"By the way, claudine, don't you have your own family? Where are they?" He asks her, she shakes her head in fear as she starts to remember what happened to her family. Looking at her reaction albert only sighed as he knows he just brought up something that he shouldn't.

"Th-they all got eaten by the titans... it's strange isn't it? Even though my family died, I always think of you recently." She said with a saddened voice, albert wipes her tears off and said "that's okay, if you can forget about that tragedy for a little bit, you can be with me from time to time, okay?"

Hearing his words claudine brightened up and only nodded in agreement.

"Ahem! Albert, I'm still here." Mikasa said, albert looks at her only smiling slightly.

"Don't worry you will get plenty of time with me later" he whispered to her ears, she turned red as if thinking of something and only nodded as an answer.

Soon they got to carla, going to deanna they started to have some food that he cooked.

"Albert, when did you learn how to cook? This is so delicious!" Carla and the other girls complimented, he smile at them and didn't answer their question.

After eating and talking to each other, albert went inside a room together with mikasa. Soon eren came and saw carla and deanna tidying up the table.

"EREN! WHERE WERE YOU!?" She asks him angrily, she is worried about him since he is still her child and the fact that eren came back late got her worried. She knows that eren came home late, because she left a letter in their house that they are in deanna's house.

"Sorry mom"

Carla sighed and gave him the food that they left for him. Eren started eating and seems to be distracted by something.




Inside the room, mikasa and albert is hugging while claudine sits down beside albert. Since albert ordered her to stay put, she doesn't want to disobey him. For some reason whenever albert orders her she has the urge to not disobey him.

"Albert....what will you do if that woman wakes up? Are you planning to leave her here?" Mikasa asks him, albert already considered this option, but he only has little time until they start going to training camp again. Leaving an unknown girl with deanna and carla is dangerous. He only has two options, leave her with carla or leave her in the streets. Leaving her in the streets is a hard option, since she has the face of his past beloved sister. Leaving her with carla and deanna is risky as well.

"Anyways, let's just wait for her to wake up" he said, since he gave up on thinking what to do, he is sure that he will come up with something else.

"Claudine, do you have any idea what to do?" Mikasa asks her, claudine looks up and started to think, she only ended up shaking her head.

A/n: sorry for the chapter I really can't think of which plot I will use. Also I want to improve his relationship with historia....