
Attack on Titan: Reborn

Man gets reincarnated into the world of Attack on Titan with some wishes.

Tr0llFac3 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

To Hell.

 When I say this in retrospect, it doesn't seem that bad, just crossing the road. But when a cosmic entity just says "Fuck you" and runs you over with a truck. Kind of stings a little. When you first get hit you don't feel anything, but when you do feel, it overwhelms you. Makes you scream at the top of your lungs, of course, unless they were crushed.

That's how I died, the classic 'Truck Kun' trope, original am I right. Next thing I know I'm in a meeting room with some random ass godly being. I don't know how the fuck this all happened. By the way, the names Mark. 

~Pov Change~

"So what now, do I get my soul tortured for eternity or see the pearly gates?" Mark asked the 'entity' in front of him. It looked familiar but he couldn't put his finger on what it was. The being looked worm like, with tentacles for legs coming out the bottom, but spikes almost as long as its legs if not longer out on top. its body went on for what looked like forever, but from what he could see it was curled up in a circle, making it able to fit in the room.

The being didn't speak, it didn't even have a mouth, just 'feelers' in the place where a mouth would be on a worm. "No, I am not that barbaric, some of my other friends might do that, but not here, It doesn't matter what kind of life you lived. You could be a mass murderer and rapist, and I wouldn't care. Everyone that dies come to me, though for you, I let you skip the line."

Mark didn't know what to say, he didn't expect the worm to say there was no hell or heaven. "So what now, if there isn't a heaven or hell where do I go now, and why did you let me 'skip' the line."

Again the worm spoke in marks mind, but this time images appeared around the room, they looked holographic but there was no machine in the whole room. There was no blue light like in movies, the holograms were perfect in color. Not a single mismatch, they looked exactly like if you were looking through your own eyes, they played marks memories.

Every. Single. One.

The good, the bad, and the worst.

"These are your memories correct? I know that you were not a good person, but you weren't bad either. You wouldn't go out of your way to help someone, but you wouldn't hurt anyone either. That's rare in a human. Not impossible, but not something you see everyday. You may think that you see people like that every day, but that's their brain. I'm talking about their soul." The worm slowly shrank in size until it was 20 feet long, it then slithered around the room until it reached mark, it circled around him sizing him up, but paid more attention to his spine. Which felt odd to Mark.

"You didn't answer my question, what's going to happen to me." Mark was impatient as he looked at the worm circling him.

"I'll send you to my favorite world, but if I like you I'll give you a gift and a special surprise." The worm stopped circling mark and crawled to the other side of the room and spoke. 

"The world your going to is the world of Attack On Titan, I assume you know what that is, knowing your anime and manga hobby." When the worm said this, Marks world fell apart, the pieces of the puzzle fell together, the worm, was a hallucigenia otherwise known as the 'source of all living matter'. It looking at his spine, if what it said is true then he's fucked. 

He isn't strong like the Ackerman's, he's not gonna be a titan shifter, so unless he gets those wishes he is royally fucked.

"Wait, wait, wait. I can't go to Attack on Titan, I'll die, it wont be entertaining for you. I'm not an Ackerman, I can pretty much guarantee, that I'm not gonna be a titan shifter, and even if I am, I'll only live for 13 years. You said you'll give me wishes if you like me right, please I'll do anything, I'll commit mass genocide, kill all the titans, get a harem, I don't care as long as you give me a change to live" Mark was crying while groveling in front of the hallucigenia. 

"You make a fair point, it won't be entertaining if you die, fine I liked you anyway, but I was gonna give you one wish, because of your logic and reasoning, I'll give you 3. But, they must be related to the verse, so no wishing for Viltrumite or Kryptonian powers or Saiyan race."

Mark was sobbing tears of joy from hearing this, "Thank you, Thank you so much, whatever you want me to do, ill do it!"

The worm thought for a second, then through marks imagination he saw a devious grin appear on the worms blank face. 

"Alright, I do have two requests, I will reincarnate you at the time that Ymir fritz is born, your job is to create the Eldian empire with her, the second request is that you become a powerful titan shifter and entertain me, maybe commit some genocide on the way. Harem wouldn't be bad either. I want you to judge my character and see what I like, and then base your life on that. I will pop up every now and again to talk and see your progress in person, but I am always watching from up here. Always."

"There will be some changes from the original timeline, but not all will be bad, a lot of them will be very entertaining, if that's all then state your wishes. And then we will see what you do."

Mark slowly stopped crying while the worm was explaining things, he wiped his eyes and stood up. "Before I state my wishes, am I going to be born with a titan or will I have to find the Source of all living matter in the tree, also is that you or a avatar of you."

"You will be born with the founding titan, not the split version that Fritz had, no, the real version, with all nine of them combined into one. No it is not me, It is a weaker more inferior version I put in the world, If I truly ever bonded with anyone they would quite literally become a god, but except for being only able to use the founding titan powers on people of their own race, they can use it for everyone of any race, even people not from your planet. You could manipulate the body structure and anatomy of lets say Saiyan's, and make them weaker, stronger, unable to breed, make them breed ten times more. Anything. You could also erase memories, create new ones. make them undying, make them immortal, make them loyal, or disloyal to their own people, the possibilities are endless, I haven't even found the full power of my powers because I have no offspring. If I did the power scale of the multiverse would tip in our power."

"Does that answer your question, Markus"

"Yes it does, anyway, I shall state my wishes. I want to be a Ackerman who can transform into a titan with no issues with the curse of Ymir since I should be the new progenitor right? I also want to be a royal blooded titan, I read a theory that Zeke had the power to turn people into titans, and he had a stronger beast titan because of his royal blood. So I want a unique power that royal blood would give me. For my last wish I want complete access to the power of the founding titan even after my death so that if anyone wishes to get rid of my empire like fritz, I can stop him from doing so." 

"All wishes granted, and yes you are the new progenitor. But for the last one because I doubt you'll purposefully die, you'll live a much longer life than a normal human because you'll regenerate constantly so unless you want to die. You can't."

Mark took note of the last comment and said, "I feel that living for thousands of years would be lonely and boring. So I'll probably live until I get bored of my empire and just kill myself, and split the titans up and see what happens."

"That's where your wrong, after you successfully conquer the world and create your empire, you'll live until you die of old age, and then ill drag you back here. Where I'll send you to a new world, but you can keep one power from this world and I'll give you one wish for the new one, so you and me will never be bored. and who knows, maybe Ill bond with you if I begin to like you."

"That's sounds... Interesting, anyway I'm ready now, send me out." Mark began to walk towards the worm.

"Alright, one last things, titan shifters will be much more powerful and bigger in this world, so I would hesitate before I give people powers, or if you split your power up."

"Anyway, goodbye Markus. Hope you do well in your world."

A portal slowly appeared behind Mark, rotating in place in a circular motion. Mark slowly walked up to the portal and took one last look behind him. "goodbye, let this be the beginning of a long partnership." he walked through the portal and appeared In the world of Attack On Titan.