
Attack on Titan: Reborn

Man gets reincarnated into the world of Attack on Titan with some wishes.

Tr0llFac3 · Anime e quadrinhos
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4 Chs

The Start of Something Astronomical

After Mark ran back to his house, he sat on his bed and began to think about the implications of what he just heard. He was in the tribe of Marley. Mark didn't know how he was never told this, as everyone called the village home, or 'the village'. In all 10 years of his life, he had never heard anyone call it Marley. He doubted that any of the children even know its name.

Should he leave the village and never come back? Should he try to make the village less bloodthirst and become pacifists? Karl already made that mistake. Or, should he embrace Marley and make it become a super power of the world. 

"The hallucigenia didn't say I had to take over Eldia, just to create a empire like no other. And to conquer the world. Maybe I should merge the two tribes and create a utopia that knows no bounds."

"*Sigh*, I'm getting ahead of myself. I better focus on now, and not decades in the future." Mark finished his inner thoughts and began to walk out of his house and see what the village was doing.

As he walked out, he saw that the villagers were immediately starting production of the altar for him. Mark didn't even believe how much progress they made in only a couple of hours. They already made a foundation and they started to make a statue of his titan form.

If mark wanted he could probably stay in his titan form for years at a time and help them build a megalopolis. He could completely merge with his god role, and become someone with a god complex, or he could merge both of his lives, and become emperor of the Marley nation.

While Mark was thinking the chief walked up to him and said, "Mark, we need your strength, help us make this statue. Once you become of age, you will take me over to become chief of Marley. I am becoming too old to lead, I will be your advisor and head priest of the church to the Founder Eren." 

"I thank you for your benevolence chief." While Mark was sucking up to the chief, he was thinking internally. 'I don't even know this old farts name, and he wants me to become to leader of his tribe, once I become I'm going to need to have lots of children to take full advantage of the founding titans power.'

"Let me help you with the statue." Mark picked up the huge block of marble that was quickly mined and realized that since he transformed for the first time, his physical strength became much stronger than even a fully grown Ackerman Adult.

"You have grown even stronger Mark, you truly are suitable to become the chief." As Mark picked the block up and moved it to the foundation to be chiseled, the chief talked to himself. 

Mark dropped the marble block near the feet of his statue, the only parts of the statue built yet was the feet, and that was almost 4 feet tall. The estimated size of the statue at full size is around 15-20 meters or 46-65 feet.

While being a gross underestimation of his true size, it was the best they could do with their limited technology and low population. Honestly, it made Mark feel like the people truly worshipped him. They probably thought he was a demon or the devil itself, but they worshipped him nonetheless.

 Mark continued to bring more and more blocks of marble to the statue, the once the individual pieces of marble were chiseled. He put the pieces together, the lower leg on top of the feet, the upper leg, the torso, shoulder, arms, hands, head. Mark had to climb a wooden tower and hook multiple ropes to the piece or marble and hauled it up from the top of the tower then place it onto the top of the statue.

Finally, the statue was complete, in record time. The while village chipping in and helping. It was completed in merely 3 weeks. though it was much faster because of Mark lifting the marble by himself. Now every day at 6 pm everyone MUST come to the statue and offer a piece of food by the foot of the statue and pray earnestly for the approval of the Founder Eren.

Every Friday at midnight, the chief and his closest personnel, including Mark sacrifice an entire cow by putting it in the forest and when they come back it's gone, with blood everywhere.

The first time they gave Mark a cow, nothing was in the woods, but when they came back on Friday. They found an entire church made out of mesmerizing crystal and in the inside is a pen made for a cow. 

After that day, they fervently worshipped Mark even more than normal. 

~Time Skip~

Its been 5 years since the crystal church was made. And Mark was at a all time high, ever since he has been worshipped he has gotten more and more arrogant, sometimes defying the chief because of his pride. Because of this the chief has gotten suspicious of what was happening with Mark, or if it was just puberty hitting him extra hard. 

Mark has gotten even stronger these past few years. He has also grew taller, if when he was 10 years old he was around 5'2 or 5'3. Now he is 5'11, 6'0. And he's still growing.

15 is when children become adults, according to Marleyan tradition. Mark is undergoing the ceremony to become the chief of the village at the moment. 

"As chief of Marley, I have seen how Mark has proven himself throughout his years of life in this village, from being the most powerful warrior we have, to being the smartest tactician in our village. He not is powerful in the sense of military, he is powerful emotionally, he understands the people of our village and he cares for them. He also fervently worships the Founder Eren, as he was there the day he appeared." 

"As chief of this village, I transfer my leadership to Mark Yeager, The new chief of this village. I shall become his advisor and head priest of the church to the Founder Eren." As the old chief finished his speech, the rest of the village broke out in cheers, and Mark stood up on the makeshift stage next to the statue of himself in titan form. 

"As chief of this village, I swear that I will not only defend those of our village, I will also defend those outside our village from the tyrants that rule over them, I will invite them to join us, and to create a utopia where it doesn't matter what race you are, it only matters that you are apart of us, the Yeager empire."

The crowd broke out of their stupor and roared in cheer of the speech given by their new chi-emperor.

"Please address me as Emperor and not chief, as I will make our small tribe into a empire worthy of creating world peace under one banner." (By world peace he means conquering the world :D)

"Emperor" "Emperor" "Emperor"

Mark walked off stage and strutted towards towards the old chief, and said. "how do you like my welcoming speech, sir."

"it was truly inspiration Emperor Mark, what a great title for someone as impressive as you."

"thank you, its time we expand our tribe and welcome the neighboring villages to join us, don't you think." The chief nodded and Mark turned away and walked towards the chiefs, or otherwise known as the emperors house. He wanted to renovate it soon.

Mark roamed around the house, and realized that it truly was was better than his old house, but when compared to a modern house it was truly caveman like.

After exploring the house, mark reconvened with the chiefs old council and held a meeting.

"Hello everyone, you all saw my speech, so please refer to me as emperor Mark. I want me and 20 other people to go to all the neighboring villages and ask them to join our empire. If they refuse, tell me. And I'll convince them. If they willingly join the empire, give them a higher position then those that resist. That might make the offer harder to deny."

"remember, 20 per village. Ill go by myself, I'm the greatest warrior this village has to offer. Ill be okay, I want everyone ready to go by morning."

As Mark told everyone the plan, they all nodded in agreement. "Yes emperor, it will be done."

~Time Skip~ Morning.

After five years, the population of their village has almost doubled. So there were about 80 men who could ride a horse and fight. there were about 10 villages within a 100 mile distance, which would take around 3 days of riding. So they'll talk to the ones closest, and mark will get the ones far away in his titan form. 

Mark is planning on paying Eldia a visit, but he won't do anything to them because he needs them to conquer Ymir's village so he can find her. He'll tell Karl fritz that if he has a slave named Ymir, then Mark will trade something of equal value for her, or he'll destroy their entire tribe.

After all the teams disbanded and started riding towards their respective villages. Mark sprinted to the nearest forest and got ready to transform for the second time.

As he found a secluded spot in the forest, he willed himself to transform, without the need to harm himself. A golden pillar of light burst through the top of the trees, and pierced the clouds. The nearby villagers of Marks empire saw the golden light and immediately groveled on the floor.

Mark in his titan form walked towards the village and said in his gravelly voice.

"I have heard that your emperor has requested to invite the other villages to join you. I shall help you in your conquest and will become the symbol for your empire."

As he said this he walked in the direction of the Eldia tribe, with 2 other tribes in the same direction that he will get on the way.

As he walked away the villagers slowly got up and looked at the colossal 200 meter tall being walking away and whispered among themselves.

"Emperor Mark is blessed by god." "Emperor Mark has the power of god on his side." "God is helping our empire."

As they processed the words spoken by the 'Founder Eren' they realized that the rise of their empire is imminent, and that they will be the elite, as they were the original villagers.

Marks titan body slowly faded in the horizon as he walked away.