
Chapter 42: A new team.

"I swear to you, if I hear just one more time that Liesl kidnapped someone in front of everybody, I'll kill her myself."

The person talking had a very exhausted voice, incredibly exhausted actually.

It had been two days since two troublesome people were put under the poor vice captain Moblit, the first of the two, the male, had disappeared to go who knows where, while the other had somehow kidnapped five different people.

Well, not really somehow, everybody saw how she did it, she just walked up to them, knock them out and she than proceeded to carry the unconscious person away.

People had tried to stop her, but anything they did was futile.

If they encircled her she'd jump over their heads and run away, if they put her back against the wall she'd parkour her way out of it, once again stepping on their heads in the process.

Sure, she never failed to release the kidnapped person after a bit, but none of the victims wanted to talk about it.

"And where the fuck is Klemens!" his speech was slurred.

Poor Moblit, two days and he had already given in to alcoholism, he wasn't drinking a very alcohol heavy wine, but it was still more than enough to intoxicate the man after he drank enough of it.

"Oh, I feel you, those two are gigantic pains in the ass." replied his interlocutor, himself being drunk as well.

The person was hiding his face and was wearing baggy clothes that hid his proportions.

At first Moblit seemed suspicious of the individual, but the drunk Moblit didn't care, the mysterious individual was a good listener and that was enough.

"Oh, you know 'em?"

"Better than you think, that girl is especially bothersome, isn't that right?" asked a slightly weird and obviously altered voice from the mysterious man.

"Actually I think that Klemens is more of a problem than her," replied the drunk man while ignoring his mysterious interlocutor's flinching motion, "With Liesl at least I know where she is and the people she kidnaps don't show any abnormalities afterward, but I don't even know were that guy is!"

The hidden man coughed slightly, "Oh, come on, I can't believe that a man hiding could bring more trouble than a person kidnapping people and doing who knows what on them."

"You have no idea, man, I'd love to throw them back to the captain, but no, they need to stay under me for the time being."

"Why didn't you try asking your superior to have them transferred?"

"You think I didn't already do that? I did it the moment I got the report about the second kidnapping, which, by the way, came fifteen minutes after I told her to not do it again after the first time, she's probably just done it to mess with me."

Poor Moblit had no idea how true what he just said was, both of the rebellious teenagers just decided to mess with him as much as possible.

The worst thing was that he couldn't do anything, those were assets too precious in the fight against titans to be disposed of just because of some pranks and they knew it.

"Oh my, seems like you're having a lot of fun Moblit." a voice from behind greeted.

"Who is... Captain!" poor drunk Moblit stood in attention after recognizing his immediate superior, captain Hange with a dangerous smile on her face.

"Oh, Moblit, Moblit, Moblit, what are you doing here?"

"Captain, I ended my duties for the day and am currently in my free time."

"Oh, is that so? I thought I told you to keep an eye on those you monsters, do you know what they are currently doing?" she asked with a dangerous smile on her face.

The poor vice captain gulped in uneasiness and thought to himself, 'Fuck me, what have they done this time?'

"N-no captain, I don't know."

"Well, I have no idea were the girl in, but you're currently drinking with Ackerman, but you didn't even seem to realize."

Moblit's head snapped toward the mysterious man in big clothes who hid his face, this time, the man was no longer hiding anything, revealing the youthful face of the person that plagues his rants this entire time.

"Hi captain, how are you doing?" said the young Ackerman.

"Oh, everything is fine, I was just searching for you and your friend, I have finally decided what to make of the two of you, from now on Moblit is relieved of the duty of taking care of you."

Moblit, who was trembling from realizing that he had been played like a fiddle by the boy, turned to face his captain, in his eyes there were tears of joy.

"YES!" he exclaimed.

'Was that all it took to make him like this? This poor guy doesn't seem that resistant to people messing with him...' were Klemens' thoughts about his temporary overseer, but he was now more interested about what his captain said.

"So? What are we going to do?"

"I'll tell you after we catch the girl too, the explanation is long and I can't be bothered to repeat it more than once."

"Oh, okay..." he then turned toward another table in the tavern and said, "Hey Lie, get over here."

Moblit and Hange's faced the direction in which their subordinate slash nightmare had talked and there they saw another slightly hidden figure.

"Oh come on, couldn't you have kept it going a bit longer?" said the figure as she stood up.

"Nah, this entire charade got boring really fast anyway."

"For you maybe, mister killjoy, I was still having fun."

Hange and Moblit were outwardly impassible, but on the inside Moblit was screaming.

"Here we are, what are our duties captain?"

Hange took a deep breath and replied, "You two are going to be the head of a new special team under me, you'll have to pick three people in the entire corps as you teammates, I've discussed this with Erwin already."

"Sounds cool, but why?"

"Because, hopefully, having other people's lives on your shoulders will teach you to act seriously" obviously she couldn't say that, what she actually said was, "You'll be the spear head in our future titan extermination missions, a team with the sole purpose being to kill as many enemies as possible."

"Do we get a name?" asked Liesl.


"I'll name us anyway, I'll tell you later what I decide."

"Just tell me other members of your team after you're done selecting them and remember, they need to be good, no messing around, we need an extermination team."

"Aye, aye captain." replied the girl with her usual happy go lucky tone, but underneath all of that, she was already thinking of who to take in.

They needed to be good, have drive and potential, Annie was off as she might have problems with fighting in the first line against her ex companions, so that left them with a good deal of different candidates.

She had already in mind a few people, but that would have to wait until she discussed this with Klemens, they were in this together after all and this would be his team as much as it's going to be hers.

But that could wait for the next day, there were no emergencies at the moment after all.


"Who did you think about?" asked the raven haired boy.

"You already know I've got candidates?"

"Obviously, now, out with it, if they're agreeable and capable of handling themselves well enough I don't have other standards."

"Well, I thought that being the strongest singularly isn't the most important thing in a team."

"Yeah, we can do what we've done just because we work together."

"Yeah, in Trost many titans would have passed through us if we didn't have the other to keep them occupied to permit a stop or to clean up those who passed, so I was thinking, what if we take in an already established and well oiled group add them to our team?"

"Sounds good, they'd already have good teamwork while we're the main attack force they could clean up and cover us if we're somehow overwhelmed, but where do we find a team like that?"

"Oh, don't worry, I've got just the candidates, they're also very good individually and have a good head on their shoulders."

As those words rang out between the two monstrous recruits, three particular people felt a shiver going down their spines.

"Oh, who?" asked the boy.

"You'll know soon enough, we need to fetch them first."

Klemens shrugged, if she wanted to surprise him so much who was he to deny her the pleasure?

And most of all, if she trusted these three people enough to add them to their team they must be good, she wouldn't joke around when lives are on the line.

But well, if they weren't up to standard or untrustworthy he'd just refuse them, he had the right to veto after all.

"Where are they?"

"How should I know?" she replied, she wasn't an officer who had the records of everyone in the corp, why would she know?

"Then, what do we do?"

They remained in silence for a second, but it was Klemens himself who broke the silence.

"Let's ask vice captain Moblit, it's probable that he knows if they are under him."

"What if he doesn't know?"

"Then we'll go to captain Hange and if that doesn't work either we'll just ask the commander himself, the captain did say that she talked with him about this, so it's probable that he'll tell us."

"What if they don't know either?" she knew perfectly that it wasn't possible, there weren't that many people in the scouts and the apex not having records on who is where is likely impossible.

At this point she just wanted to mess with him.

"I don't know, we'll search every square inch of every military base or something, anyway, let's go to the vice captain first."

"Oh yeah, he'll love to see us, we're his favorite subordinates after all, aren't we?" she asked with a mischievous grin on her face.

"I hope so, he's my favorite superior."

"Let's ask him when we get to him, deal?"


The two left their room and started their legendary quest in search for teammates, thee candidates whose location was unknown and three likely people who knew where they were.


They violently broke in Moblit's office without knocking and almost knocked the door off its hinges, he wasn't their direct superior now after all, making him jump on his chair and grab a gun to defend himself from the assailer.

After recognizing the two people who almost destroyed his door a helpless smile erupted on his face and for a moment, he debated internally wether to shoot them anyway.

Realizing it was probably useless even if he did that, as these two were seemingly unkillable even by a horde of titans, he gave up on his idea.

"Stark, Ackerman, what can I do for you?"

"We're looking for someone, but before that we had a question for you, vice captain Moblit."

At her words he gulped down the saliva in his mouth, it was obvious from her tone that whatever she wanted to ask wouldn't be good for his health.

"Ask ahead." he replied even if he felt deep down that he'd regret asking this question.

"You've been our favorite superior, vice captain, so we were wandering wether we were you favorite subordinate of all time too? I like to think that we were the perfect subordinates even if we haven't been under your command for long."

And because of that question, Moblit suddenly became incredibly close to have a brain aneurism.

Nyelloo, as i said last time, i released a new original novel, only four chaps for now, but i'm putting most of my time and efforts in that so i'd like if you enjoyed it.

Don't forget to comment and leave your stones, see ya

LordHornZcreators' thoughts