
Attack of the Lewd Monster Harem

THREE DAYS LEFT UNTIL THE SPECIAL PROMOTION!!!! ***SPECIAL ONCE IN A LIFETIME PROMOTION!!!!*** From September 30th at midnight to October 31st at midnight, if you donate a Magic Castle (5,000 coins) or above then you can have yourself or a character of your choice appear in future chapters of the story. This special promotion will only be done once and then never again. Please see the exact details in the Special Promotion Details post in the Auxiliary section. ***Discord is open!*** https://discord.gg/cR2KY2R4sF James Keller is summoned to an alternate Earth where a rift opened allowing nightmarish creatures to roam free. Ninety-nine percent of all men have been killed fighting these beasts leaving behind millions of women and children. Large walls made of iron or stone have been erected around each of the twelve remaining kingdoms. These walls have lasted for decades against even the toughest monsters. In this new world men have now become so valuable to society that they are all treated like kings and have huge harems of beautiful women. To even become a slave to a man is still considered a privilege. Now James must survive in a world filled with monstrous beasts straight of his nightmares. Meanwhile he must navigate through a world where every beautiful woman desperately wants to have his babies. Can he survive and become the legendary hero the world needs to stop the apocalypse? Will his little friend survive being tapped by hundreds of voracious and desperate women? Find out in the dark fantasy story of Attack of the Lewd Monster Harem! *** I update ALMH with 8 chapters per week.*** BONUSES: Level 1: 50 power stones = 1 bonus Chapter per week. Level 2: 100 power stones = 2 bonus Chapters per week. Level 3: 200 power stones = 3 bonus Chapters per week. Level 4: 250 power stones + 1,000 coins of gifts = 1 bonus Chapter per day + 1 Chapter per week of an Alternate world story that you vote for. Level 5: 300 power stones +2,000 coins of gifts = 2 bonus Chapters per day + 2 Alternate world Chapters + 1 fully illustrated photo of your favorite character.

HaremKing777 · Fantasia
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123 Chs

ALMH Chapter 6: The Royal Ball 18+

James rose from his sleep feeling refreshed. He found his mood lifted by a good night's sleep and the anticipation of a grand ball to come. He immediately got up and ready, knowing he wanted to make a good impression on Sasha before the evening's festivities.

As he walked out of his room, he noticed that the palace was buzzing with activity and excitement. People were moving about in a flurry trying to get things ready for the incoming guests from all over the kingdom. The smell of fresh baked goods and fresh coffee filled his nostrils as he made his way to the dining room.

Sasha and the priestess were seated at the table and saw him enter. Sasha smiled, a little embarrassed that she'd just been discussing the need for James to find more wives for the future of their kingdom. James noticed that Sasha was blushing, and he liked how cute she was.

"Good morning James." The priestess welcomed him with a warm inviting smile.

"Good morning priestess." James replied, matching her with a smile of his own.

"Call me Yori, my name is Yori Weshad honey." Yori corrected him, bending her wrist playfully.

"Heh, okay, good morning, Yori." James replied.

"My Lord, the king is about to make a welcome speech. As is customary, you will have the first dance with your chosen lady. If you want to dance with Sasha, you'd better hurry up with picking because I don't think she'll be waiting for you." Yori instructed while staring at Sasha as she nervously shifted in her seat.

James replied, smirking and teasing her while looking over his shoulder and finding Sasha's eyes on him.

"Oh, I don't know, maybe I won't pick her after all." James feigned disinterest, teasing her.

"Oh, really now?" yori asked, raising an eyebrow at his coyness.

"Well then if you're too scared to say it I'll tell you now, dear, you will be dancing with Sasha. Now I suggest you hurry because there's no telling what other women have their eyes on you" she teased in return, nudging him towards Sasha.

Yori could see Sasha becoming uncomfortable with the thought of losing the first dance with James.

Yori pressed again, "You should hurry before your choice gets snatched up by another suitor!" Yori nudged him again, her expression playful and teasing.

James continued smirking at Yori and looking back to Sasha sitting in the room. "I'll take my chances with the women." he joked, smiling coyly at Sasha, who looked embarrassed once again and looked away quickly, blushing slightly, unable to meet his gaze.

Sasha was blushing as she looked away from James and kept busy by examining the room and its many decorations.

Yori nudged him again, clearly enjoying James's squirms as Sasha continued to ignore him. "My Lord, the king is about to make his entrance." Yori warned him. James finally shook his head with a smile on his face and turned towards Sasha, "I choose... you." he said with confidence, his voice carrying across the room.

Sasha could still feel the color rising in her face but finally managed to return his gaze, shyly bowing her head and smiling warmly back at him.

Sasha couldn't help but be captivated by James's confidence and his obvious attraction to her. She found herself looking at him more and more often and her thoughts were often drawn to him in a way she wasn't used to. As the ball continued to come together she caught herself watching him more and more, especially whenever he helped move tables or bend over to lift up a few barrels.

Before they knew it the ball was about to begin. James dressed himself in a gold and silver suit with coat tails. His winged collar was studded with jewels, and he admired himself in the mirror. He could look dashing if he really put in the effort. James took a deep breath and prepared himself. He stepped out into the hallway and made his way down to the ball room. As soon as he arrived he could hear the excited chatter of hundreds of people as they conversed and partied in the ball room.

The moment James stepped over the threshold every man and woman in the ballroom turned to get a look at him. The men seemed to be sizing their competition while the women ogled and salivated at the sight of him. James was a bit unsteady as he slowly walked into the ball room.

"God, it's like prom night all over again." James thought to himself, smiling and nodding to those he walked by.

James noticed a beautiful woman in front of him in a sparkly red dress that was open in the back. Her silky raven locks cascaded down her shoulders and back in ringlets. It took him a second before he realized that it was his Sasha. James picked up his walking speed so he didn't have to feel so alone. He stopped just behind her and leaned in to whisper in her ear.

"Hey gorgeous. Fancy meeting you here." James purred with a bit of a sexy husk.

Sasha turned her head to see who it was at first but almost immediately melted into his words. With rosy red cheeks she looked into his eyes.

"Hello handsome, I was wondering when you would find me." Sasha replied, fighting through the flutters in her stomach.

James wrapped his arm around her waist and his other hand rested on her naked shoulder, moving the thin strap just a little to the right.

"I'll always find you, especially in a sexy dress like this." James cooed, kissing the nape of her neck.

Sasha fought back a wave of pleasure and managed to catch herself before she made any inappropriate noises.

"N, not here!" She stammered, looking back and forth around the room.

"You don't like it?" James teased.

"I never said that." Sasha admitted, looking down at her red heels.

Suddenly two doors opened upstairs near the balcony and the King and Queen entered the ballroom. Trumpets announced their arrival with fan fare and rose pedals.

King Herod addressed the crowd, "Greetings to you all, we join here tonight in celebration of new leadership. James has made sacrifices beyond measure to take upon this mantle. I am honored for the opportunity to welcome him to this royal ball."

There were shouts and cheers of support and admiration from the crowd and James flashed Sasha a smile as the noise died down, their eyes meeting for a moment. It was their first dance and it was about to begin. The crowd waited in anticipation.

The king's speech concluded with a welcome for the entire kingdom. He praised James for his bravery and leadership, and for all his hard work. He also praised Sasha for her commitment to the kingdom, to James, and to Yori for her work as a priestess.

Sasha stood next to James as they were ready to begin the dance when she felt his hand find hers and he squeezed it gently. Her breath hitched and she felt her heart rate skyrocket as she looked back at him.

She felt almost overwhelmed with everything happening around her, and the pressure of dancing with James for the first time, but she couldn't help but also feel a rush of excitement at the same time. She looked at him with wide eyes, nervous yet eager for the start of the dance.

Sasha looked over at James in anticipation as she found his eyes again. She was nervous but also excited for their first dance. As the dance began, she found herself moving in time with his moves and the music, feeling slightly overwhelmed but also full of energy. She found it a bit challenging to keep up with James since he was such a talented dancer, but she was also enjoying it.

She was happy to be with him, and her eyes remained glued to his from across the room, her expression gentle and sweet. All the while, the king and guests watched them dance intently.

In the center of the ballroom, Sasha and James notice a strange man with a black owl mask covering his face staring at them from afar. They could see his eyes dart left and right as he looked them over, assessing them like a predator. No one knew who he was or where he had come from, as he was wearing a black mask that covered his entire face, a black suit that blended in with the night sky, and a long black cape to match. James noticed Sasha staring at him and gave her a warning look to stay away, and Sasha nodded in understanding.

The couple dance divinely, finding their rhythm together and even nailing several moves James had seen in the movies. The audience cheered and applauded the wonderful couple and the music picked up again for the next selection. Many couples joined the dance floor and began to dance to the music.

As Sasha and James approach the table filled with wine, they notice that the man in the black suit and mask is standing by the wine selection, his back to them. They both see the man's mask shift slightly and notice the owl's head facing in their direction, indicating he'd heard them and was well aware of their approach. Sasha picks out two glasses of wine and hands one to James, who takes it with a thanks and takes a sip. Sasha turns to look at James and notices his gaze fixed on the man in black.

Sasha looks around the room, noticing the guests were all looking at the man in his black owl mask as if waiting for something. Sasha takes a sip of her wine, glancing at the man. Something about his mask fascinates her, despite James' warning not to look at him. Sasha notices James' gaze fixated on the man, and takes another drink, watching him through the corner of her eye, a slight gleam in her eye as she watches. Sasha looks back at James, waiting to see if he has anything to say about the man in black, her gaze filled with curiosity.

It took James a moment to pull away from the fascination and mystery of the man in black. He turned his gaze back towards Sasha, a slight hint of irritation in his eyes. "What?" he asked her. Sasha shrugged and took another drink of her wine, her gaze shifting back towards the man in black as if trying to puzzle out his identity under the mask. Before she could answer him, an uproar of applause began to fill the room, and James turned to look at the stage, where King Herod stood with a raised glass, his guests joining him as he began to speak.

"My lords and ladies, please allow me to express my sincere appreciation for being a part of this magnificent occasion. I could not be more pleased with the way you have all come together to honor our newest lord, James. You honor him with your presence and with the love you show for the kingdom in our time of renewal.

James has worked with remarkable determination and courage to unite our people and lead us forward. He has endured great hardship and given his all, and I am extremely proud of him."

"It is customary at the ball for the first couple to dance to make a speech and to introduce themselves to the people. I invite our dear James to approach the podium." There was again an uproar of applause as James approached the podium and stepped up to make his speech. Sasha was captivated as he approached the podium, her interest shifting away from the man in black and onto James and his speech.

James knew this might happen and tried to come up with a speech before hand. But for moment his speech disappeared from his mind and he felt his heart skip a beat.

"Thank you everyone, eh." James looked over at Sasha who seemed to be beaming up at him with such confidence that he felt himself steady and the words came back to him.

"Greetings my lords and ladies, I'm deeply honored today to be addressing you all.

I have seen the difficulties this kingdom has faced and the struggle your people have had over these past few years, and I am grateful to have the opportunity to lead you into a new era of renewal and progress. I will dedicate all of my energy and efforts towards making this kingdom strong once more, with a prosperous and inclusive future. It is with great pleasure that I welcome you all to this ball, where we may enjoy each other's company."

Sasha took a sip of her wine as James finished his speech. She knew he would be good at speaking to the public and getting support. She saw the eyes of her fellow guests turn back to the man in the black suit with the owl mask again. Sasha's eyes followed, and she continued to watch through the corner of her eye. She was intrigued by the mystery and wanted to know who he really was. And what was up with that annoying mask? The man seemed very confident, yet was not showing his face. Sasha wondered what he was hiding behind it.

James walked back to Sasha and reached out to take her hand. Sasha's gaze immediately shifted back to him, her eyes filled with the excitement of the event and anticipation for their next dance. She took his hand and followed him onto the dance floor while the man in the black owl mask was still lurking in the background, watching them from afar. Sasha and James danced alongside each other, James leading the dance as the two of them danced elegantly to the music. Sasha felt a surge of excitement and joy sweep over her as she danced with her beloved again.

Sasha danced alongside James, the two of them matching each other's moves and gliding through the crowds elegantly. Sasha was so taken in with her dance that she didn't notice the man in the black costume watching her and James from afar with a smirk as they danced together. Sasha felt the weight of the man's gaze on her and suddenly felt a wave of unease wash over her. She stopped dancing and looked over at the man, and it took a moment before she could see past the black owl's mask in order to see who was beneath it.

Sasha looked at the man in the black mask, her eyes widening in shock as she finally recognized him. It was Mathias Cronch. James noticed Sasha's expression change and he looked over to her, seeing her staring at the man in the black suit. He saw the man smile at her, and James looked furious as he realized that Mathias was trying to steal her away from him! Sasha could feel a cold, predatory gleam in Mathias' eyes as he returned her gaze, and her heart started to pound in her chest. What did Mathias want from her and James?

Sasha and James' dance is cut short as King Herod stands up to make another announcement. Her Majesty the Queen of Karneth is joining the ball! All eyes are on Her Majesty as she approaches the podium, flanked by her entourage. "My good people, I present to you my wife, Queen Rosa. As many of you know, my wife has been away from us for some time while she recovers from her ailment. Thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers over the years. I am pleased to announce that Her Majesty is fully recovered and will be with us today to celebrate our new lord."

Queen Rosa entered the ballroom looking positively breathtaking. Sasha felt like she was dreaming and was mesmerized by the sight of Rosa stepping out to stand beside James. The queen's eyes met Sasha's and she quickly looked away, feeling bashful, but then Sasha had to peek back. How could she not look at her, she was so beautiful. Sasha was so enraptured that she almost forgot about the man in black and his dirty plan.

Queen Rosa takes her place by James's side, and the crowd bursts into applause and cheers again. The man in black is watching the scene and his eyes flick from Rosa to Sasha to James, a hint of annoyance evident in how quickly he shifts his eyes around. Sasha could feel Mathias's gaze on her back, and it made her anxious, but she can't tear her eyes away from Rosa. Rosa is breathtaking, like a ray of sunshine breaking forth through the clouds and filling the room with its warmth and beauty.

As Rosa stepped up to the podium to welcome the guests to the guests, the masked man stepped closer to Sasha.

The Queen starts to speak, her voice filled with grace and elegance.

"Thank you all for coming here tonight on this joyous occasion. As my husband has mentioned, I have been away from Karneth for some time to recover from an ailment, but I am pleased to say that I am finally well and ready to rejoin the public life of the kingdom.

I am most aggrieved that I missed the first dance of the evening, but I heard it was a glorious affair." The queen smiled and shifted to look towards Sasha.

Sasha felt her heart start to pound in her chest as she realized the Queen was addressing her! She felt the weight of a hundred gazes on her, all of them eagerly awaiting to see what she would do. Sasha felt her pulse race, and a shiver run down her spine as she felt the eyes of the King, the Queen, and the man in black all on her at once. She could feel Mathias's cold, predatory gaze on the back of her neck and it took all of her willpower to not turn around and look back.

Sasha watched Rosa's lips move but couldn't understand a word of what the Queen was saying. Her mind was swimming and she felt herself start to panic. What did the Queen want her to do? Sasha glanced around, looking for guidance or for some sort of sign. She took a look at James and saw his eyes were also turned towards her, and he had a strange look on his face. She wasn't sure what it meant but he looked like he was trying to tell her something.

Sasha looked back over at the Queen.

Sasha knew she had to make a decision and soon, and as she felt the weight of everyone's eyes on her, the Queen's words finally sunk in: "Sasha, would you like to take the hand of our new lord, James, for another dance?" Sasha's eyes widened in surprise at the question and she instantly felt a tug between the two forces of Rosa and Mathias. Sasha took a deep breath and looked back at James, the man she loved and the man who loved her back. She knew what she had to do.

Sasha stepped up beside James and smiled at him as the crowd of guests erupted into applause. Sasha was still filled with fear and anxiety, but she could not help but be happy as she held James's hand, the man she loved.

They stepped onto the stage and danced together to the music, feeling the weight of everyone's eyes on them. Sasha felt like she was in a dream, dancing with the man she loved as everyone else watched. She couldn't help herself and she stole a glance back at Mathias, who gave her a dirty smirk and shifted his gaze back towards Rosa.

Sasha and James danced throughout the ball together, surrounded by the love and admiration of their guests. They were so engaged in each other that they barely noticed Mathias' lingering gaze, as he stewed in the corner, feeling the sting of rejection and rage boiling within him. He could not accept that Sasha had chosen James and so he hatched a bold plan.

Sasha felt the music draw to a close, and she and James shared a brief look, and a silent understanding. They finished the dance and applauded as everyone else did.

"Would you like to dance with me?"Mathias' words cut through the music and applause. Sasha felt her blood freeze in her veins as she saw Mathias' cold eyes watching her every move. Sasha turned to look at James, whose face had hardened and changed to one of determination.

He looked straight back at Mathias. Sasha's heart was racing, but her mind knew what she had to do. She had to turn down Mathis' offer, in order to stay loyal to James and his feelings.

Sasha turned to Mathias and shook her head. "I'm sorry, Mathias, but no." Sasha's eyes were filled with resolve and her voice was steady despite her pounding heart. Mathias let out a low, sinister, and frustrated growl and Sasha shuddered as she saw his expression. James was watching Mathias and Sasha saw him tense up. Sasha could practically see the gears turning in Mathis' mind as he stared at her. She couldn't help but hold James's hand tighter and look up at him with a sort of reassurance that this would all be okay.

Mathias' face turned to ice as he glared angrily at Sasha. James, however, looked determined and he could feel the anxiety pouring off of Sasha. He stepped in and gave Sasha a reassuring squeeze of the hand and looked at Mathias, who was boiling with rage and frustration. Sasha knew she had made an enemy today as she looked at the man who had been trying to steal her from James all night long. His expression and his gaze both terrified her. She took a step back behind James, feeling the need to put him between her and Mathias.

Sasha was right to put James between her and Mathias, for the man's eyes quickly found her again and his gaze turned murderous. He took a step forward, and although this would be risky, James moved forward as well. Sasha took a deep breath and put her faith in him; this was about more than just dancing with a stranger.

This was about Sasha. "Let's dance." Mathias' gaze snapped to James, and James raised his left eyebrow at him, like a threat. The man was not used to being challenged so openly, and his hand crept towards the handle of his sword.

Sasha's eyes widened as she saw Mathias' hand go to the handle of his sword. She took a step back and stepped out from behind James as he and Mathias engaged in a silent standoff. The music had stopped and the party-goers were watching the spectacle as the two men circled each other. Sasha saw Mathis's pupils contract with a mixture of rage, disdain, and fear. She also looked at James, who was also clearly feeling those same emotions, yet he stood firm.

Mathias's hand gripped the handle tighter and he looked at Sasha, who stepped up beside James and glanced back at the Bomboran man, who had not given up the fight yet and was still watching her every move. Sasha took James's hand and held it tightly, standing by her man as Mathias circled around them. The two men circled each other, watching for an opening. Suddenly Mathias lunged at James and James parried the blow and spun around to try to cut into his shoulder.

Mathias stepped backward and missed the swing. Sasha watched the two men duel with rapt attention, feeling her heart beating wildly in her chest and her emotions running wild. The tables had begun to be flipped, and chairs had been thrown across the room. James had deflected Mathias's sword and done a graceful backflip over him. The two men were engaged in an epic back-and-forth duel, their swords clashing like thunder. Sasha was caught up in the drama and was unable to step in and calm her feelings. There was so much rage, frustration and passion swirling in the air that the tension was almost palpable.

Sasha watched the two men continue to duel, their swords clanging against each other as their movements and expressions became increasingly intense and aggressive. Sasha felt the excitement of the fight rising within her, and she couldn't help but feel a little invested in the outcome. She saw Mathias's anger and determination building and James's face becoming more serious with every strike. Sasha tried to stay levelheaded, but she could feel her heart pounding in her ears and her emotions growing more and more engaged in the fight. Every strike, every blow, every move was like a surge of adrenaline straight to her system.

The two men continued their duel. Sasha saw Mathias' rage building more with each strike, but she also saw James' determination grow with every parry. The room was silent as everyone watched the duel with bated breath, but Sasha's heart was pounding in her ears. She felt a surge of joy and excitement from seeing Mathias and James fighting for her. She was so caught up in the emotion of the fight and the energy of the room that she felt like she was watching a play. Every strike, every blow, every movement was a thrill and Sasha could not tear her eyes away from the spectacle.

James fought with everything he had, his feelings for Sasha, his very life on the line. He was disgusted and enraged by this sniveling pompous bastard of a man. Mathias gave James a grim and wicked smirk as he feigned a step back in retreat only to swipe right with his blade and managed to cut a gash into James' forearm.

"Dammit!" James growled, now feeling the searing pain racing up his arm.

"Be a good boy and lay down your sword!" Mathias instructed. "You know you are no match for me." He boasted, standing straighter and prouder than before.

James hated him and wanted this to be finished quickly.

Sasha can see that James and Mathias are both exhausted, their strength and energy draining as the duel goes on. But they are both so determined to win, they fight through their exhaustion, desperate to prove their worth to Sasha. She sees James slip up and trip, exposing himself to an attack. Sasha feels the tension rising as she waits to see what will happen.

She watched nervously as Mathias aimed his sword at James's throat, getting ready to strike.

Sasha watched in shock as James miraculously ducked down and dodged the blade, her heart pounding in her ears. She saw James spin around and cut open Mathias's shirt with his sword, revealing a horrid scar across his chest. She noticed the scar was shaped like a skull. She was stunned by the sight and her heart raced with fear. She also noticed how quickly the tide had turned in the duel and she felt herself rooting for James. Mathias lay on the ground under James's foot and his shirt was torn open, exposing his chest, and he was breathing rapidly and frantically.

James stared down his opponent and growled, "Never lay a hand on her again or you will not see another sun rise."

Mathias' face was filled with terror and he repeatedly says he was defeated. But, as soon as James lowered his sword Mathias growled in rage and pulled a dagger from his suit pocket and aimed for James' chest. Sasha screamed in terror as the dagger neared his neck.

Whizzing by at incredible speed an arrow knocked the dagger away from James and sent it skittering across the marble floor. James takes this opportunity to stab his sword through Mathias' chest and turned the sword to eviscerate him. Blood pooled in his mouth almost immediately as he began to drown. The crowd was filled with shock and horror, many backing away while some come forward to watch.

In seconds Mathias stopped twitching and his eyes went dark.

Sasha watched through her tears as Mathias's eyes go dark and the guards came in and carted him away.

She rushes over to James and wrapped her arms around his neck as the crowd began to applaud and cheer for the heroes. She's so happy that James made it out alive. Sasha and James kiss passionately, their passion and energy feeding into the crowd's excitement and celebration.

Sasha and James walk over to their table and sit down. Yori quickly joins them and consoles Sasha.

Sasha looks up at Yori and nods, wiping at her eyes and still feeling emotional. She takes a deep breath and looks down at James, whose arm is wrapped around her. She smiles at him and leans into him, her heart pounding out of her chest and her emotions still running high. She looks around at the room, taking in the atmosphere and the cheer of the celebration, and she feels herself come back to reality. She turns back to Yori and James with the biggest smile on her face.

James is relieved that it's finally over and Yori is starting to dress his wound.

"That's a nasty cut you have there." Yori admitted, pressing a cotton like material on his wound.

"Yeah, it stings a little. But, I'm just glad it's over." James said, sighing with relief.

James thought back to the battle. There was one thing he couldn't explain. Who shot the arrow that saved his life. He searched around the room but couldn't find anyone looking at him that would seem the type.

"I think maybe you should get changed sweetie. Maybe take a minute to freshen up." Yori proposed to Sasha.

Sasha looked over to James and wanted him to give her an answer of whether it was okay or not.

James nodded and Yori helped Sasha to her feet. The two of them disappeared into the crowd and James sat back in his chair.

James pondered who could have

shot the arrow that saved his life. Then he heard a clink sound and looked up to see a hooded figure standing atop of the chandelier. The crowd only had a second or two to react before several smoke bombs exploded and caused the ball room to fill with a thick layer of smoke. James felt someone grab him and suddenly he was hoisted up into the air. Before he knew it he was on top of the castle roof through a hole that was perfectly cut. The hooded figure, though small in stature, seemed to have more strength than they should have.

The hooded figure jumped off of the castle and a glider opened from their back allowing them to slowly descend down to a carriage. They entered the carriage and James tried to escape but the hooded figure blew a green powder into his face and he passed out.

The hooded figure gently set James inside the carriage and closed the door. They took a seat across from James, their eyes fixed on him.

The next thing James knew he was waking up from what felt like a really deep dream. Groggy still from the drug he tried to make out the figure in front of him.

The hooded figure began to speak to him, but their voice is masked by a raspy, mechanical sound. They seem friendly, but also oddly sinister.

"Hello there, dearie," the voice says. "I hope my little stunt didn't hurt ya too much."

"W,who are you?" James manages to spit out.

As if on cue, the hooded figure removes their hood, revealing a small, mouse-like woman with bright orange eyes and a mischievous smile. She's adorned with an ornately carved wooden mask, its expression a playful grimace and its eyes hollowed out holes through which her bright eyes can shine. She's wrapped in a green cloak and dressed in simple, brown clothes that blend into the darkness. On her belt hangs a small pouch filled with green powder.

The woman takes a seat across from James and smiles warmly at him. Her voice is sweet and soothing, though she speaks with a strange accent.

"I like to have a little fun now and again, you know," the woman explains with another mischievous smile.

"But I don't know what a handsome prince like you is doing out by himself this time of night."

"Who are you?" James asked, his voice still slightly raspy and groggy. The effects of the powder were fading now that he was getting used to it, but he could tell it made him slightly more suggestible.

James could sort of see that the figure in front of him seemed to be female. She had perfect glossy green lips that hypnotized him as she spoke.

"Oh, how silly of me," the woman said, reaching out for a piece of fabric and tying it over his eyes.

The woman tied the fabric over James' eyes and he could feel her lean forward and touch his shoulder. Her touch was soft and delicate, but it sent a tingle down his spine. He could feel the woman lift his chin slightly and her voice came out softly but still held a slight air of menace.

"Do you enjoy a little mystery?" she asked, her face still invisible underneath the hood. "Well, there's no need to be so frightened- it's just little old me."

The woman held a small vial up to his lips.

"Take a little of this," she murmured into his ear, her voice still soft and lilting, but with just enough edge to make James pause.

"You want me to drink that?" He asked, warily.

"It won't do you any harm. And it'll make the mystery of me a little less…confusing for you."

James took a moment to think about it, and then decided to take the offer and drank the contents of the vial.

James immediately felt a rush of vertigo as he drank the substance in the vial. The world began to spin and he felt his footing go, his vision was fuzzy and he found it difficult to focus. He leaned back against his seat as the woman's voice came out in a low, melodic purr, her voice still soft and lilting but now with a distinctly otherworldly charm to it. He blinked rapidly and tried to clear his vision, but everything was still blurry and the world was still spinning. The woman chuckled softly, her voice sounding almost hypnotic as she continued to speak to him.

The woman's voice was soothing, her words flowing like liquid honey and she spoke in a sing song cadence that James found difficult to resist. Her presence was enticing, almost hypnotic, and it felt like her words and her voice were pulling him into a trance.

"I'm here to help you, dearie," she cooed, the words falling from her lips in a musical cadence that James couldn't help but fall into. "I know you must have so many questions. Who am I?" she asked, her voice flowing like sweet syrup, "Why have I taken you?"

"No need to worry so," the woman whispered, her words coming out like soothing, syrupy tendrils that wrap around his mind. "I am here to guide you. To show you the beauty of the world... "

The woman's voice trailed off and James couldn't help but feel his eyelids getting heavier and heavier. He managed to force his eyes open and look at her, but he's started to feel himself slipping into the spell of her words and her voice.

"And help you along... " she continued, her words sending him deeper and deeper into a trance-like state.

"And help you along, on your great journey..." the woman continued, "My friends and I have been watching you for quite some time, dearie. We can see that you're different, that you are... special."

Her words continued to pull James deeper into the trance, her voice hypnotic as it washed over him. He can see the woman through a haze, but he can't make out her features. Her clothes seem to move and flow like liquid, swirling around her in a mystical manner. Her voice was hypnotic, his breathing slowed as he fell deeper into her trance.

Somewhere in the haze he could hear clothes coming off. The hood and cape falling to the floor along with the underwrappings.

The attractive woman walked over to him and slowly pulled down his pants. His dick springs free and she began stroking it. She whispered in his ear "you belong to me now" and bit his neck playfully.

He moaned softly and arched his back. She took control of his body by holding onto his arms tightly while she continued to stroke his cock. She looked deep into his eyes and said "I own you". Then she lowered herself onto his hard member and started riding him wildly.

Her soft milky skin felt good against his rough thighs. Every thrust milking his throbbing member, bringing him closer and closer to the edge.

"That's it darling relax and let me take you to heaven." She instructed him while moaning with pleasure.

A flash of Sasha's face makeed him remember his surroundings for a moment and he tried to buck her off. But the drug is too strong and she leaned into him and pinned him to the back of the seat.

"Tsk, tsk, you're such a naughty boy James. Looks like I might have to punish you." She taunted him, squeezing his member with her strong inner muscles.

The tighter she made it the harder it was to resist the bubbling feeling in his balls to release. The woman laughed as she could see him losing the fight, his resistance failing with every thrust and pump of her tight pussy.

He groaned loudly as she rode him faster. The speed and power of her thrusts threatening to bring him to climax at any moment.

"Give into me! You know you want to. Doesn't it feel good dearie? Are you gonna cum?" She teased him with her sweet and seductive voice.

James couldn't take it any longer, the pleasure had spread throughout his entire body. He could feel the pressure building at the bottom of his shaft. He wrapped his arms around her slim waist and started to thrust along with her.

She laughed at his obedience and pet his head lovingly. She then turned around and bent over the seat exposing her ass. She grabbed his cock and slid it between her cheeks teasing his cock with her soft and wet pussy lips. She took in his cock inch by inch until she had slid down to the base. As she fucked him doggy style she commanded him to "cum inside my tight little hole."

James couldn't hold back for another second, he felt his cum rising inside his shaft and gathering under the head ready to burst.

She smiled and says "exactly". She increased her speed while continuing to squeeze with her inner muscles to keep it nice and tight. It was like her pussy was milking his cock, forcing the cum out with a powerful suction.

In the heat of the moment the blindfold slipped off his face and he saw the beautiful woman riding him. Her silky green hair reached down to just above her buttocks and caressed the top of his thighs.

He moaned louder and louder as he looked into her orange eyes. She rode him faster and faster, and soon they were both on the brink of climaxing.

"Cum inside me! Fill my pussy with your cum!" She cried out in pleasure.

Finally James pushed his member in deeper and came inside her womb. His powerful spurts quickly filled her to the brim and then began to leak out around the hole. White cream covered her ass and James thigh as it dripped down from their orgasms.

The woman's breathing was rapid and heavy as she slid off of him and turned in his lap. She leaned in and passionately kissed him, their tongues dancing inside their mouth.

James felt the world become heavy again and his vision rapidly faded. The drug from the vial now reached its purpose wore off and was putting him to sleep.

Before he fell unconscious he noticed one last peculiar thing about the woman. She had long curled ears.

"An elf?"

***I hope you guys loved this chapter. I know I loved writing it. As of this chapter we are out of the tutorial and into the story proper. This is when the fun begins and James's adventure finally starts. Thanks again for reading and I will see you all tomorrow for the next exciting chapter of ALMH!***