
Chapter 4 Life on the line

Both the sides were worried and frighten by the other one. Nina have her Slimmer Roster, a gun whose only one ammo is enough to kill nearly any one. However, she had no more ammos for now.

On the other side Slovak soldiers were acting tough, but their hearts were panicked too, they were anxious about the power of that gun and frankly don't want to witness another shot of that gun. But after detecting some signs of nervousness, they decided to give it a try.

"You three would die here and now". The two Slovak soldiers without any delays proceeding at the morally wounded girl. Who herself desperate about how to solve the situation. Their eyes clearly tells they want to end this as fast as possible, and knows well they have to give justice to Festo's soul too.

"Are you forgetting". Micah hasten in between, hindering the way to Nina.     

"What the hell are you talking young boy". Roomie scowl at the boy. The eyes were full of revulsion.

"Can't you see what Nina did to your friend". Cried Emmet.

"Shut your mouth. Don't add insult to our injury. We know and I swear not a single one of you can get out alive". Grieved Waxier.

Both are plodding towards the bitch who is practically guarded by two rats.

"Nina come on what's wrong. Show them the power of your gun".

"Yes, Emmet is right, all you need is just one shot, and Bam bloody Slovaks were lost forever".

"What you mean by lost forever". The two hissed, pissing their lips off, face directed to the boy.

"I mean after rocket shoot your blue decent pecky body were turned into black holy ashes, which were blew away by the winds, not even a piece of you is left on site. You two were lost forever but still I regret".

"Why you regret?". Roomie said

"Do you miss us".

"No not really, who would ever miss a creepy things like you instead I miss puppies. You two are really disgusting even you make sky shame by born you have no sense. You are dumb and well your styles and looks both are awfully bad…".

Listening this Emmet was about to chuckle, but after spotting foul Slovaks. He decided to suppressed it.

"Shut up! You Jerk". Directing his gun was about to trigger down the whole bullets on poor small child.

But before he do, "Cool down Roomie don't get angry, anger only makes thing worse".

"Alright, I think you are right". Heave out a sigh of relief.

"Yeah! Of course you have to calm him down after all you two are jokers, and your late friend was also a joker. He was bald, seems like God shaved down his brain too".

Roomie's hands and legs were convulsing, heart is exigently itched to annihilate the boy.

Waxier was closely observing the state of behaviour which Roomie's body retaliating to the boy. His deduction appraising him the fact, Roomie can't able to hold longer.

"Roomie keep yourself cool".

"I am cool, I am cool Waxier. No worries". Creature was sneering at his fellow companion who in turn was about to lose his own temper. "I am cool".

"Doesn't matter, you two are nasty bad faced mopping servants who only kisses their master's feet and always begging their pardon, ultimately throwing down the entire frustration to the small kids like us".

"I think you are right Micah. After all they can't able to stand against their master, for the sake of their own justice, throwing their ultimate exasperation on us, poor soldiers can't even hold up their own right, pitiful".

"What the hell do the two of you are even talking". Waxier who once was advising Roomie about keep his head cool now himself was heating and burning like a midday summer sun.

Sensing them yelling in wrath, the boys knows pretty well their teasing worked and it really irritating these two. They were chortling at them right in front of them without any shame.

The girl is discerning the events which are currently going on at the site. As Emmet and Micah was continuously mocking the two. While creatures can possibly lose their temper at any time.

'This is bad, if they continues surely the three graves would be dig down here, I have to stop them'.

"Hey! Emmet Micah stop". Grab down the two who were already busy in sneering the blues.

"No we can't we are in power now".

"We are in p-power". Stammered down the girl, her eyes were distended.

'We are out of ammos, we don't even have other weapons not even basic pistol to counter, and he say we are in power'.

"Nina why you react so tangle". Emmet grinning at the sexy girl who was yet seems somewhat disturbed about this whole events.

"Yes give them a great unforgettable death".

"Micah, how do I give them death. When I myself was whole out of my ammos and though I don't have grenades nor guns to counter, even I woes about the fact how to kill them". Her howl was really an ear piercing event, even for aliens like Roomie and Waxier.

But though the sound torn down their ears, the two yet somehow able to listen what she said and that is enough to boost their spirit. They were smirking like a devil who found out a weapon which ultimately can destroy the God.

"What". Two boy are in dread. Now regretting their mocking, which they thought as the most pleasurable thing on the Earth.

But what happens now, as the thing which you have done in past you can't change it. The moment was gone, giving you the tag of the accuser of that deed which you attempted in that moment. And God says 'Everyone's time comes' the theory proves true here too.

The two contemptuous kids who seems happy and cheerful even chortling in their mocking time. Currently have blank faces, there's no smile, no happiness not even a relief. The expression is the mixture of terror, fright and worry something which we call anxious in decent language.

The Slovakians were merry, jovial, satisfied and buoyant. Aliens were honestly glad to attack on them.

"So what are you saying". Roomie's eyes were devoting a derisive gaze to the small boy who frankly started the whole razz. "We are mopping servants".

"We are blue jokers".

"No-No pls. Forgive us after all we are—".

"God shove down Festo's brain". Waxier said yet continue to traipse toward the three helpless unpowered humans.

"We are always begging Pardon's to our masters". Roomie added.

"We kiss our master's feet".

"Well Micah doesn't mean that, he was trying to say how loyal you are to your master". Emmet making foul attempts to save Micah. Indeed to protect himself and Nina too.

"Our looks are awfully bad"

The two striding closer and closer. One feet they strolled forward, two step the kids back off to Nina.

"Hey Roomie don't you think we haven't need to catch, after all we have guns".

"Oh! Yeah I forgot we have and well". Roomie ceases his movement further.

Waxier was already fed up of this nonsense, and wanted to finish this job as soon as possible but these two good for nothing kids take more time than expected they even haven't imagine a rough guy like Festo could ever died by the hands of a mere slushy girl.

His weary face contemplating up in the sky. "Its already evening". Diverted his gaze up to the entrance of the site from where they rushed down here 'Like mad dogs we are so desperate about killing the boy. But here we are now, empty handed as before, furthermore we even lose one of our friend in battle. No lives taken, one life given. A grieved deficit deal'. Slowly turn on his face to the three jittery humans, face depicting the fury however the eyes were still watery, as Festo's death will hit him hard not only him. Roomie too was in despair.

"Enough now, no more plays or foul plays". Waxier's eyes were transparent, his one hand was hold down the button a small piece of equipment which decided the fate of three humans.

Before Waxier Roomie was already begin to trigger down the bullets.

The fear of bullets make them immensely agitated, it make their body seized. The boys were precarious to dodge but their body won't respond.

"Emmet". The dread of death make boy feeble.

'Damn it I can save Micah, but I can't able to move my feet. How the hell I save him, saving in this condition I can't even able to save my self'. White eyeball beholding the view of scattering bullets. The boy was 100% sure this might be their end.

'Why the hell they can't move'. Her tactical eyes continuously monitoring the bullets, 'If they can't do anything they will die. I have to save them before its too late'. She grab down the frozen kids, the two were yet in twitch she was leering at bullets, in a flash prance off to far right.