The natives were elemental. They were known for their superpowers and special abilities. Everything revolved around Atohmma being the descendant of the ancestral native elf people and becoming the true leader. She was petite, powerful, wise and envied. Her world was strange, cold and foggy. Many years passed before she realized, that even her fleeting thoughts, had the power to affect, destroy or improve her world. Copyright: Tricia A. Brown (Mystrixxa) @ WEBNOVEL AUTHOR: Mystrixxa
It was cold foggy and somewhat dark here in their world. They were tiny people with colorful taste in clothing. Their hair was lengthy and colorful. They had wings that came out at night only and their pets were ponies and unicorns. The guards were salamanders and they had a Shaman spirit guide and also an oracle known as the Diamond-Back Cobra. There was much history and legends about their world, although there were few of the elder natives, who actually knew the stories.
Atohmma had a favorite tree, a pet pony and many friends, but also many enemies. She usually went about her days playing and singing, but she preferred to teach her friends new tricks and treat them to her creative snack-making skills. There were rivers, lakes, and streams in the underground mountain where they lived. It was all they knew and their treasured home. Everything was a mystery here, in their world. The water was colorful, the mountains were like pastures, the houses were like caves with windows and well furnished, with items built by the native tradesmen. They created their own light and did many things on their own, using their unique powers and abilities, along with teamwork and cooperation.
Everything flourished and they were all happy, but there were times when things became ugly. There were times when, strange things happened, other times when things were unexpectedly changing and the fluctuations in weather and seasons, were unexplained. It was at those times when Atohmma did not know she was partly the cause, and the only solution.