
ATG: God of Shadows

After an unexpected twist of fate, Alex is reincarnated into the dangerous and thrilling world of Against the Gods—but he's not alone. Armed with a powerful, upgraded version of the Shadow Monarch's abilities and a mysterious Book of Cultivation that holds secrets to unparalleled power, Alex is set on a path that will defy fate itself. Witness as he gathers a legion of shadow warriors, masters forbidden cultivation techniques, and reshapes the world around him. With his unique powers and the knowledge of a past life, Alex will either become the greatest hero or the most terrifying villain this world has ever seen. Join the adventure where shadows come to life, and power knows no bounds! Follow Alex's Journey with Shadow Monarch Powers in the World of Against the Gods! Unlock upto 10 advanced chapters now by following my Ko-Fi Account: https://ko-fi.com/funny_cultivator/tiers

Funny_Cultivator · Anime e quadrinhos
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30 Chs

Chapter 13: Meeting the Icy Heroine

It was already morning and the sun had started to rise. The rays of the sun shined on Alex's face. Alex had made some calculations before sleeping last night, he remembered that in the novel, the crystals were used as a currency in the Realm of Gods.

The weight of 1 Purple Veined Heaven Crystal(Purple Profound Stone)in the God Realm is 50 grams and the weight of 1 Purple Veined Divine Crystal(Purple Profound Crystal ) is also 50 grams but it is equal to 1000 Purple Profound Stones so it basically means currently Alex had 1000 Purple Profound Crystals or 1 million Purple Profound Stones which wasn't much in the Realm of Gods at all.

5kg of Purple Veined Divine Crystal was enough for someone to become a peak Sovereign Realm Cultivator, and Alex had 50kg of it.

But Alex only needed them to bargain some deals on this planet, not for his own cultivation.

"Hmm, now let's clean my clothes and get going."


Saying so, Alex sent a wave of Profound Energy on his clothes to wipe of any dirt off them. It was just a formality as they did not seem to catch any dirt nor smell as Alex had been wearing them from the day he came here. Solo leveling outfits for the win.

After that, Alex flew into the sky and directly went inside the Floating Cloud City. He just randomly started to wander. Due to his clothes, Alex was getting a lot of attention, which Alex did not care about but just felt a bit weird about being stared at.

Soon, he found the place he was looking for. In front of him was an pavilion with Xia Manor written on top of it.

He started to walk near the pavilion's entrance and just as the guards were about to stop him, Alex released the his aura, he suppressed it to the level of a Sky Profound Realm Cultivator but it was still enough to scare the guards even though it wasn't being targeted at anyone.

Alex just said with a smile, "Please tell the head of the Xia family that I want to meet him."

The guard hurriedly said, "P-Please wait a minute" and just as he was about to go inside, a middle aged man came out from the manor in hurry.

He dismissed the guard with a wave of his hand and looked at Alex.

He cupped his hands at Alex.

"I am the head of Xia family, Xia Hongyi. Who might you be, esteemed guest?"

Alex just smiled at the respect he was getting from the man.

"You do not have to worry about anything. I am here make a deal with you and your daughter."

Hearing his daughter's name, he became even more vigilant than he was before, but still invited Alex inside his house.

Xia Hongyi said, "Let's talk inside esteemed guest" and showed the way inside.

Alex just nodded and followed him.

Soon they went inside and sat around a what seemed like a floor table from Japan.

Alex looked at Xia Hongyi and spoke, " What I want to say has something...actually everything to do with your daughter Xia Qingyue, so I would like her to be present here as well."

Xia Hongyi tensed at the mention of his daughter once again.

Alex noticed that and said, "You do not need to worry, if I actually wanted to hurt someone then nobody on this entire star realm could stop me from hurting my target."

This made Xia Hongyi a bit surprised at the utter confidence he felt behind those words.

He did not know whether or not someone from the world could challenge the man in front of him, but he certainly knew that he himself could not nor could any practitioner in the entire Floating Cloud city.

So, he just asked a maid to call for his daughter and also arrange three cups of tea.

Hongyi looked at Alex, thinking that Alex might now share the purpose behind his visit, but Alex just closed his eyes and just started to wait for the person he wanted to meet.

Hongyi, helpless could only sigh a bit and wait for his daughter to come.

Within a few minutes, the door opened and a new person stood at the door. 

Alex also looked at the door with excitement in his heart and the moment he saw the person on the door, he was absolutely stunned.

The figure spoke in an ethereal voice, "Father, you called me?"

Xia Hongyi, nodded his head and said, "Have a seat Qingyue."

As the door slowly creaked open more to capacitate her entrance, she stepped into the room, immediately drawing all attention. The room seemed to still as if the world itself held its breath to admire the person who had just entered.

Xia Qingyue, the daughter of Xia Hongyi, was a vision of ethereal beauty that could only be described as otherworldly. Her presence seemed to illuminate the room, casting an almost divine aura that left Alex momentarily speechless.

Her skin was as flawless and smooth as the purest jade, possessing a delicate translucence that seemed to glow with an inner light. Her face was a masterpiece of elegance and grace, with features so exquisitely sculpted they could rival the finest work of art. Her almond-shaped eyes, framed by long, dark lashes, shimmered with a depth of intelligence and serenity. They were a striking shade of icy blue, as clear and cold as the most pristine winter sky, yet holding within them a calm, unearthly beauty that seemed to pierce through one's soul.

Her long, silky hair cascaded down her back like a waterfall of midnight silk, contrasting starkly against her pale skin. Each strand shimmered with a dark luster, catching the light in a way that made it appear almost liquid, flowing and rippling with her every movement. Her hair was adorned with a simple yet elegant silver hairpin, adding to her noble bearing.

Xia Qingyue's figure was slender yet graceful, possessing an ethereal elegance that was both alluring and distant. She was dressed in a flowing white robe that seemed to be woven from the finest silks, adorned with delicate silver embroidery that sparkled like stars against the night sky. The robe hugged her curves subtly, accentuating her feminine grace without being ostentatious. The hem of her robe brushed lightly against the floor as she moved, creating a soft, whispering sound that was almost hypnotic.

As she approached, her movements were fluid and graceful, like a celestial being descending from the heavens. Each step she took was as light as a feather, and she seemed to glide rather than walk. Her presence was serene and composed, exuding a quiet dignity that commanded respect without the need for words.

Alex couldn't help but be captivated by her beauty, his heart racing as he took in every detail. In his previous life, he had seen many beautiful women, both in person and on screen, but none could compare to the goddess-like figure standing before him now. Her beauty was so striking, so pure, that it was almost impossible to believe she was real.

For a moment, time seemed to freeze as Alex found himself lost in her gaze, unable to tear his eyes away. It wasn't just her physical beauty that captivated him, but the sense of calm and otherworldly serenity that radiated from her. She was like a lotus blooming in the depths of a tranquil lake, untouched by the turmoil of the world around her.

Finally, Xia Qingyue approached the table where Alex and her father were seated. She moved with such grace and poise that it was as if she were floating on air. As she gracefully took her seat, her presence filled the room, commanding an aura of quiet strength and confidence that was beyond her years.

Xia Hongyi, seeing his daughter's arrival, couldn't help but feel a mixture of pride and protectiveness. He knew his daughter was an extraordinary beauty, but even he was taken aback by the way Alex seemed to be completely entranced by her presence.

Xia Hongyi just coughed a bit and that seemed to get Alex out of his trance and he became a bit embarrassed about his behavior, but even so, he couldn't apologize now. It would ruin the cool image he had till now.

Alex regained his composure and waited for Hongyi to tell her why he had called her.

Xia Hongyi understood the situation and looked at Qingyue and said, "Yue'r, this esteemed guest wanted to speak of some matters and he wanted that to happen in your presence."

Alex took from there and looked in the beautiful eyes of the hell of an asian bombshell in front of him and said," Hello, Xia Qingyue. My name is Alex and I am gonna marry you."

The room suddenly turned completely silent. Alex himself was flabbergasted at what he just said and his face started to turn a bit red as he realized that the planning he had done of looking cool in front of her went into water.....or more like ice, considering the sudden drop of temperature inside the room.

The only thing that Alex could think of right now was, 'Ah shit! I massively fucked up. I really shouldn't have watched Naruto 10 times!!'