
At your service, my lady

After dying due to a terrible disease, Fausto wakes up as the character of his favorite novel. He reincarnated as the most loyal servant of the villainess! Their fate is to die at the hand of the heroine and the prince, but the pent-up feelings from the original character will not allow Fausto to let such an ending happen. Now, with a new body and mixed feelings, Fausto has to find a way to reach a happy ending for himself and his mistress. The method does not matter. He will protect what is precious to him.

Y0Y1S · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
52 Chs

The firsts changes


The doors fell and a squad of red knights heavily armed irrupted in the room tackling me down in the process.

Their spears embraced in fire aiming at me from all directions.


"My lord! We´ll deal with this ungrateful dog at once! Just give us the order!"

Herion was dragged out of his trance. After a deep sigh, he put away his sword and walked to where the empty flask was.

"Captain, for the moment, take a look at this"

The man whose red armor also had golden colors grabbed what Herion picked up.

After watching it closely for a second he put the flask closer to his nose.

Snif, snif... "My lord... This is without a doubt poison, I also notice a slight odor of coffee on the surface tough, this must have been hidden with the coffee beans of the kitchen or the warehouse"

"You idiot! Don´t say that!"


I could only think of the word 'stupid' when Colt´s mouth let go of his true thoughts.

Herion was visibly shocked, there was a sadness that the original story had never expressed.

It was an unexpectedly hurtful punch in my heart.

"Colt... What the boy said... It was true?"


His voice was shaky, his already white skin was more than pale.

"Then why are you so shaken? Why did you try to silence the captain?"

Colt started to step back and stumble in his words, it was evident how his brain was working extra hours to be able to come up with a credible excuse.

I wasn´t patient enough to let that happen, so I intervened to put an end to this.

"Ca-Captain, that flask belongs to Colt, I-I can prove it!"

"...Colt is the owner of this?...."

With his gaze traveling among the current people, the captain nodded as the knights surrounding me divided their attention between me and the other butler.

"My lord, your orders"

Herion´s eyes were filled with rage and sadness, it was suffocating.

"... Show us your proves boy... This is your only chance..."

The knight who tackled me rose me as if I was an old piece of cloth and pushed me out of the office.

The captain stayed behind Herion guarding his back. The other knights were putting handcuffs on Colt´s wrists.

"Move" Told me the knight pocking my back with his spear.

"Argh! O-Over here"

With an immense sea of hostility in my back, I led the way.

It´s not going as smooth as I wanted it to be... But this works...


"Miss Verónica, I beg you, step aside, it could be dangerous to be around him"



The hand of the knight was moved out of the way with a quick slap.

"Huh? Are you insinuating that Dominique is going to hurt me? I see that you´re taking advantage of the situation to the fullest, if not, I can´t think of another reason for you to speak the first thing that comes to your mind"

"Ah, n-no, i-it´s just the protocol so..."


Ignoring all the knights trying to convince her, Verónica placed my arm between hers and walked with me.

"M-My lady, please stop this, you might get into trouble and-"

"Dominique. Stop grieving and do what you have to do"

The gentle voice of Verónica was nowhere to be seen. The only perceptible thing about her was her fierce words.

"... Yes, my lady..."

In all honesty, I had my heart in my throat.

Even with the mixed feelings of Dominique, it was impossible for me to not feel a bit of fear from the lady with a killing gaze.

"Uhuhu~. It´s all right gentlemen, we are both here, and besides, I don´t think that Dominique is stupid enough to hurt my daughter in front of us. Right?"

Though Delilah´s tone was sweet, the fire of her hands and her smile were nothing similar.

"That is correct, master Delilah. Doesn´t matter the situation, I would never do that"

"I know right! See, he said he wouldn´t do it, so everything is fine"


None of the knights dared to defy her even when her logic was so awful.

That means they trust me right?... At least a little...

I didn´t want to assume anything so I didn´t change my respectful and gentle manner.

"Verónica, I understand that you don´t like what is happening, but you have to control yourself. This is serious, if you can´t suppress those impulses you´ll never get the Fotiadis family on the right path"

Just like her daughter. Herion was merciless with his words.

Verónica was bathed with a bucket of cold water and got deprived of her hostility.

She still seemed angry though.

"Forgive me, father, I just..."

"There is the greenhouse. It is the moment for you to show us your proofs, boy"

Herion changed the conversation´s subject as if saying: "That´s it".

Verónica received the message between lines and let my arm free as we all entered in the tiny crystallized structure.

Before I could lead the knights, I gave Colt a discrete eye.

He was nervous, but not as much as I´d expect him to be.

That was risky.

"Where are the proofs, boy?"

With all the attention put on me, I pointed at a certain place in the greenhouse at the same time I studied the reactions of Colt.

Due to his training as a servant, he was very skilled when it came to hiding his emotions.

However, none of that was a problem.

Dominique went through harder training before meeting Verónica. His facade was just a child´s game for me.

"The three plants of the inferior left corner, please, take them out of their pots and then look inside"


Following my instructions, one of the knights got rid of the beautiful flowers as if they were bad herbs by putting them upside down.

When he looked inside the empty container he pulled out a piece of folded paper protected by a bag of cheap fabric.

The other knights followed the example and went to the remaining flowerpots.

A pair of flasks with blue and yellow liquid were found in the second, while a bag filled with coins made of gold was the treasure of the third.

The captain grabbed the paper and unfolded it, then proceeded to read it.

"East, x-352, y-875. 3:45 am... What? Is this some kind of code?"

He was looking at me when he asked that, I was unsure if I should tell him the truth or pretend that I don´t know what that means.

"Captain, please. How can you expect Dominique to know something you don't?" Said Verónica exasperated by the knight´s attitude towards me.

"... You´re right, my lady. Forgive me, Dominique, that was a mistake of mine"

He slightly bowed as an apology.

I awkwardly smiled as if had correctly received his feelings.

"... Don´t sweat it... And, actually, I might have an idea of what that is, but I need confirmation"

We all looked at one individual.

"Tch... Bastard"

He knew that it was over, that´s why he showed his true colors.

"I think you owe us some explanations, mister Colt"

I sounded more than happy when I said that. It wasn´t my intention but when I saw his face go mad I felt one of the biggest pleasures of my life.

Though this can´t compare to what Verónica makes me feel.