
At a bar new York city

Millie works as a barrister at a bar and he is a mysterious type

petty_8681 · Adolescente
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3 Chs

At a bar new York city

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Hi guys I am going to be releasing one chapter of this novel per day depending on the views and comments I get.

If you want me to release more chapters just let me know...and don't forget to give it a start! Thank you 😊

Chapter 1

It was shining brightly in new York city the night was filled with so many events and at a bar we found a young lady working as a barrister

"One more glass and that's it for the night" Millie said to her customer who usually over drinks every night

"You act like you paid for my drink" the man said halfly drunk  "give me one more glass!!"

"If you yell at me I'll call the guards to kick you out"

"Sorry sorry..I won't yell" he brought out his wallet and paid before walking out of the bar, it was like Millie was the boss here even though she wasn't the fact that she's the only girl working at this bar made other men have a sense of respect for her and she uses that to her advantage.

Ares drove his friend Kai down to a bar for a drink but he wasn't in the mood to drink tonight

"Two glasses and you get back here" ares said to Kai before he got out of the car

"Three drinks come on" Kai tried to negotiate

"No!! You can't keep me waiting here"

"Then why don't you just come in!!"

"I told you... I am not in the mood for drinks okay" Kai sighed and moved closer to the car

"Listen Ares... there's a hot girl working behind the bar I have been trying to get her all this time but..but if you come in with me I might just change my mind and let you have her instead"

"She's not even yours dude...just go! three drinks fine okay"

"That's more like it" Kai said happily and walked into the bar

Millie who was feeling a little exhausted after selling a few drinks saw Kai walk through the door and rolled her eyes

"I knew you'd be excited to see me" Kai said as he approached the bar

"Don't you ever get tired of drinking"

"I never get tired of seeing your face..Millie" he said in a sweet way but Millie was not moved by it

"Is it whiskey or vody?"

"I'll go with whiskey today  I am in a pretty good mood"

"Why did your parents finally give you freedom?"

"Wow...you are really good at ruining my mood"

"Am glad I could help"

"....do you have any plans after you're done?" He asked after sipping his drink

"Yeah...I plan on going home to get a good night's rest"

"Come on when are you ever going to give me a chance to take you out?... don't you want to date?"

"You're not my type when will you ever understand that!!" She was feeling frustrated she has told him so many times to leave her alone but he never listens

Ares went through his social media page for a while then suddenly got bored it's been 15 minutes and Kia isn't back yet, ares tried calling him but he didn't pick he was too busy talking to Millie. Ares waited a little longer but he was loosing his patients he decided to go call him out.

Ares walked into the bar he was quite lively he looked around for Kai and finally found him

"Kai! What the fuck men" he said as he walked up to him

"Ares you finally came in!"

"Here's your fourth glass" Millie who had her back facing them finally turned, her gaze fell on Ares she felt a cold blood run down her veins he was intimidating she admitted to herself she couldn't stop herself from staring at the gorgeousness that was standing before her, ares on the other hand was stunt she had beautiful brown eyes and her hair as black and beautiful he definitely couldn't stop staring, his green eyes pairs through hers without breaking

"Do you need a drink?" Millie asked and swallowed

"Oh no his not in the mood to drink.."

"Actually.....I would love a glass of vody please" he sat down


"Coming right up"

"I thought you said you didn't want a drink"

"I don't remember saying that" Ares denied

"Oh you bad boy you like what you see don't you!!"

"Stop Kai"

"Here you go" she dropped the glass on the table before she could remove her hand Ares grab the glass Millie felt an electric shock the moment his hand touched hers she quickly pulled her hand away

"Thank you" he said without taking his eyes off her

"Please excuse me I need to use the bathroom" Kai walked away from the bar

Ares sipped his drink quietly without taking his eyes off Millie he watched her attend to the other customers it was quite amusing

"Do you need another glass?" Millie suddenly asked bring ares back to reality

"Uhm..yeah sure...looks like Kai is taking his time in the bathroom"

"Yeah...his probably flirting with some girls in there...he might take a while so you should just leave without him"

"...it's fine I'll wait for him" his eyes sharply paired into hers

"...Okay then" Millie pulled a chair from behind the bar and sat down

"Yo!! Millie one more glass over here" a customer shouted

"Does he think I am a waiter or something... Steve deal with him" she said to one of her coworker

"Okay" he took a drink and walked to the man's table

Millie turned to face Ares who was smiling at her, she squeezed her eyebrows at him

"Why are you smiling?"


"That man gave my name away didn't he"

"You have a nice though...am Ares"

"Nice to meet you Ares" she smiled at him

"Do you have plans for tonight...I mean after you're done here?"

"...hmmm no..not really, why?"

"I know a really cool place where we can watch fireworks it's really beautiful at night, if you don't mind we could watch it together...I mean.....watch it with me" his thick voice kept Millies heart on race she bit her lips

"...sure I would love too"

"Ok....do you want to get out of here now?!!"

"Yes please...but wait what about Kai?"

"Am sure he can get home on his own"

They walked out the bar, Ares opened the car for Millie to get in

"This is your car?" She had to ask,she has never seen such an expensive car before


"Nothing...it looks cool" she got in and he closed the door.

Chapter 2

They arrived at a shore, a yacht was already waiting for them, they both got on it and it took off.

"Did you plan this before?" She wondered how the yacht was available so fast

"All I did was make a phone call" he handed her a Champaign and they both click

"It's really beautiful out here" the view of New York City from afar was mesmerizing  she couldn't stop smiling at it as the cold breeze kept blowing her hair,  Ares watched her beautiful smile he was speachless and at the back of his mind he was glad he walked into the bar

"Do you come here often?" She asked

"...no I haven't been here in a while" the boat finally stopped "looks like we've arrived"

"When does the fire work start?"

".... now" the sound of the fireworks began to explode in the sky, Millie looked up at it she kept smiling non-stop for so many years she has never been able to experience new things or see new things,the colourful fireworks sparking in the sky made her so excited

"What do you think?"

"They're beautiful...oh! Look at that one!!" She pointed. they were both smiling every single time a beautiful fireworks lights up the sky.

"That was really nice" Millie said the moment they took a few steps away from the shore

"Yeah I enjoyed it as well" Ares suddenly noticed some men wearing suits and glasses walking towards him, he gave them a sign to wait

"I guess I have to go home now" Millie turned to face him "is something wrong?"

"Ugh?!..no uhm...wait for me in the car I'll be right back" he gave her the car keys

"Where are you off too?"

"I just need to quickly take care of something I'll be right back" he walked away before she could say anything.

Millie went to sit in the car she scrolled through some old pictures then she went through her social media page, it took over an hour but he didn't come back. Millie waited and waited she didn't have his number so she couldn't call, once the clock hit 1:30 am in the morning she moved to the driver's side and drove the car home.

She walked into her apartment and met her roommates still working on her laptop

"You're home early" Sofia said switching off her laptop

"I don't want to talk about it Sofia"

"Why? Did a guy ditch you or something...no actually I am sure it's not a guy, so what is it?" She followed Millie to her room and watched change her clothes

"What are you still doing up so late?" Millie changed the topic

"I just started a new novel...I was updating a few chapters"

"That's sweet...am tired I need to sleep"

"Alright...good night" she switched off the lights and walked out of the room

Millie was feeling a little worried about Ares she wondered if he was alright, she kept thinking of possible scenarios that prevented him from coming back to the car before she finally doze off.

Chapter 3

Sofia yawned out of her room feeling exhausted

"Millie you're up early?"

"Yeah I had to make breakfast, the rest is on the table I have to leave now...bye" she carried her bag and walked out of the room

"Why was she in such a hurry?" Sofia suddenly remembered Millie grabbing a car key, she rushed to the window and saw her entering a Lamborghini, Sofia jaws dropped she couldn't even scream "what in the world is going on with you girl" she said as she watched the car disappear.

Millie went back to the same place she took off last night she was hoping to see Ares there but after waiting over an hour he didn't show up she had to drive down to work.

Millie works as a teacher in a small middle school where she teaches from 8 in the morning till 3 in the evening and then by 5-7 she goes to work in a restaurant as a waiter and then in the evening by 8 she works three hours at the bar, she does all this work to keep her mind off some things.

Four years ago she lost her parents and her two siblings in a fire accident, a girl who came from a wealthy family with power and connection ended up loosing everything over night since then Millie believed she didn't deserve to be happy and just lived her life doing different kind of jobs even though she could get herself a normal job like other people.

Ares arrived at his house the next day he slowly unlocked the door and walked in while checking his phone, there was a GPS tracker in his car he was checking the location where it was

"You're home!!" Kai shouted coming out of nowhere

"Oh my God!!" He was halfly scared to death "what the fuck men. How did you get into my house?"

"You gave me a spare key remember?"

"No Kai I don't remember giving you any spare keys"

"Oh you liar....how about we talk about how you ditched me at the bar"

"I didn't ditch you I went out with Millie"

She allowed you take her out?"

"Yes why?"

"I guess I am really not her type, so what happened did you guys make out or something?"

"Nope...my dad's men showed up out of nowhere"

"Hooo! How come your face is not injured, did Millie save you or something"

"You need to return the spare key alright"

"Why? do you plan on bringing a girl over or something...oh no you plan on bringing Millie over?"

"Why do you keep over reacting every time she is involved?"

"Because I like Millie a lot... she's so pretty and so hard to get, you know what I mean"

"Hmmmm...I need to leave"

"But you just got here"

"I need to get my car back" he walked out of the house

Late at night Millie returns to her work at the bar she kept servicing drinks to the customers she had almost forgotten about yesterday

"Are you feeling okay?" One of the customers asked as he sipped his whiskey

"....yeah, I am fine"

"Do you want a drink?" The man was obviously trying to flirt with her

"Just drink up and leave already" Millie said out of frustration

"Sorry" the man finished up paid and left the bar, Millie had her back facing the counter as she concentrated on cleaning the glasses

"One glass of body please" Millie paused that voice definitely sounded familiar she turned and saw Ares sitting on the counter she had almost forgotten how intimidating he was "hi...Millie" she grabbed her bag and brought out his car keys and put it on the table

"There! No more ties" she said and continued to clean the glasses

"...I know you're mad. Something came up last night"

"You don't have to explain we don't really know each other"

"Come on Millie, don't be like that"

"Why?" She looked around the bar, there were so many people "... let's talk when I am done"

"Okay then I'll wait outside" he walked out of the bar and went to sit in his car.

Chapter 4

Millie's shift was over and she finally walked out of the bar she saw Ares still waiting for her but he was talking over the phone the moment he saw her cut the call and smiled

"You really waited" she said as she approached him

"Of course, shall we go for a ride"

"...Why not?" They both got into the car and drove off

Ares went on high speed on a clear road after making sure Millie was safely putting on her seatbelt the ride was fun but short, once the car stopped they both got out of it

"That was so fun" Millie said happily "where are we?" She asked looking at a tall building

"Let's go in" he took her hand and walked her inside before arriving at the main garden Ares used his hand to cover her eyes

"You promise you can't see anything?"

"I can't see a thing"

"Good" Ares finally stopped "are you ready?" Millie nodded, he slowly removed his hands.

Millie slowly opened her eyes her jaw dropped there was a long line of candles and flowers lit all over the floor leading to a table that was also lit up with candles Millie was speachless

"What do you think?"

"....this is for me?"

Ares chuckled

"I wanted to properly apologize for leaving you in the car all night, so.... welcome to our first official date"

"Oh my God!" she walked up to the table it was decorated beautifully, Ares pulled the chair for her to sit. The waiters walked in holding a try they placed a wine and steaks on the table once they were done they bowed and walked out

"Bon appetit!" Ares said

"How in the world do you have time to plan all this?"

"Well I figured you'll be mad so I thought of something I could do"

"What really happened last night?"

"Hmm...some issues at work came up I had to quickly take care of it"

"At midnight?"

"Well...I had to fly back to Chicago"

"Wow...it must have been really important" she said and cut a piece from her steak and put in her mouth "...the steak is really nice"

"Yeah.... it's one of the best"

"So... what kind of business do you do exactly?"

"All kinds"

"All kinds like what?"

"...how about we talk about that later, I just want to keep staring at you"

"Oh please"

"You don't believe me?" Millie gazed deep into his green eyes and swallowed

"I find you to be a little intimidating...I don't know why?"

"I see...that explains why you act do shy most times"


"Yeah even when you're mad you're shy...and beautiful" Millie choked on her food

"Thanks" she took a sip from the wine "just so you know....this is the longest have had with guys"

"Why? You never dated?"

"I didn't have the time to, dating isn't really my thing" Ares took a sip from his wine without breaking his gaze with hers

"We should finish up and leave" he said


"welcome to my small home" Ares said the moment they both walked in

"It is quite small....what? Did you expect me to say no way your house is so big!" She teased Ares smiled

"Do you want a drink?"


"BRB" he went to the kitchen, Millie kept walking around the living room, it was really spacious and fancy but she couldn't find a single picture of him or his family around the house

"Here you go red wine" he handed her glass

"Thanks...uhm..." She wanted to ask about his family but she didn't want him to think she's moving too fast

"I don't have a family picture because this is not my family house, I only come to this house whenever I am in new York" he explained like he could read her mind

"I see" she took a sip from the wine,Ares suddenly walked up to her almost gumming him body with hers, he stared deep into her eyes and slowly took the glass cup from her without breaking his gaze, he put the glass cup on a table he slowly took off his shirt right in front of her, Millie swallowed nervously

"Are you ready?" His deep thick voice asked

"Hm" she slowly nodded Ares grabbed her thighs and lifted her up she wrapped her hands around his neck and slowly walked upstairs. Ares placed her on the bed and laid on top of her Millie breathes sharply and swallowed Ares moved in and gave her passionate kiss while holding her hands down to the bed.

hi guys!

am releasing two chapters of my new novel please leave a comment and let me know how you feel about it

petty_8681creators' thoughts