

When we last left off Astro was in the clutches of the evil mayor in a town he did not grow up in. When he woke up he felt a cold damp floor like the floor of a prison. He soon realized without even looking that he was captured. He got up and sure enough, he saw bars and stone walls. A couple of people were outside his cell talking in low muttering voices. He could clearly hear what they were saying and he soon realized he was gonna die. They were talking about having a public burning to show that the vultures were not messing around. He knew he had to escape but how did he? The hit in the head had drained all his power and he could barely move. He found a rock at the edge of the room and crawled towards it. When he got to it he found it was hollow and that he was tricked into thinking he could escape. Gas released from the rock and his vision went black. When he woke up he was in a carriage with bars. It was day and they were strolling past big crowds towards a big platform. He knew it was the hanging platform and quickly formed a plan in his mind. When the sun hit the wagon driver's eyes he let go of the rope to block his eyes. Astro leaned to the left and the carriage turned left directly in the crowd. Astro had grown some strength in the time he was knocked out from the gas and he kicked the door open to disappear into the crowd. TO BE CONTINUED