

in the world of makomegalos , seraphine dawnshadow 16 years old girl go on a journey to find the frog hermit A man filled with mystery, she is moved towards him by her grandmother's stories and her grandfather's manuscripts about him, and for that, Seraphine Dawnshadow will do whatever it takes to meet him.

bruriah_calfurai · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

To and in Lotrag

Early tomorrow morning, Sera woke up to find Ash in front of her waving his sword and flexing his muscles. She asked him: How long had it been since the sun rose? 

Ash : 2 hours

Sera : How long have you been awake?

Ash: 4 hours

Sera : You are a hard worker, get ready, we will leave now

  Ash: Where are you taking us now?

Sera: the royal capital 

Ash : We are going to Serath then, it will take three days from here to the capital  

Sera : yes We better hurry

The two packed their belongings and headed northeast to the borders of the Kingdom of Surreal. The border was not far from them. The village of Flos Nevis is a village that does not belong to any of the kingdoms, in order to preserve the neutrality of pride in the achievements of the hero Zaharik. The royal capital was not far from the borders of the Kingdom itself. In the far east of the Kingdom, the cites of kaluprakash,kalundhakar,argyropylaport wich are the majors cities at the east cost of the kingdom overlooks at the chromare Sea, which is the only separator between the four human continents and the demonic continent terradaimona Ash and Sera walked for a day and a half before arriving at the border city  lotarge

During the day and a half, Sera and Ash crossed the distance from Flos Nevis to Lotrag, reluctantly due to the large number of lakes and swamps. While they were half a night away from Lotrag, they passed a pond with frogs gathered around it. Sera stood contemplating the view, while Ash continued walking without realizing that she had stopped until he turned around and saw her standing by the lake and the wind play with her silver hair, and her radiant silver eyes look at the frogs as a king looks at a crown  

Ash: What's wrong Sera?

Sera : Do you hear frogs croaking?   My grandfather mentions in his manuscripts that no frog croaks without being heard by the frog hermit 

Sera walked, lifting her cloak from her legs, and entered the water. She walked to one of the frogs. The frog was pure green in the palm of her hand, with big eyes. Sera picked it up and whispered close to it. 

Sera: Do you hear me, hermit? I am Seraphine Dawnshadow, granddaughter of the Hunter of Light. I am on my way to you, and I swear that I will not die until I reach you. Even if my limbs are cut off and my mind is gone, even if I die, I will rise from the grave and walk to you.

The frog croaked normally while Sera put it down and left the lake while Ash waited for her a little further away near a few bushes on a small hill. Sera reached him and they continued their walk towards Lotrag

After eight hours, Sera and Ash arrived at the walls of the city of Lotrag. It was nearly five o'clock in the evening, the sun was warm and the wind was gentle. Sera and Ash walked to the gate guards and asked for permission to enter after paying the entrance fee of five copper coins. 

The two guards opened the gate for them to enter Lotrag. Sera did not walk near her shops or markets without imagining her grandfather and grandmother walking here as well. For every inch of Lotrag's dirt that Sera stepped on, she was only thinking about every person who had set foot here before her. What kind of feelings he carried at this moment when he set foot on this soil? Where was he heading? Did he thought for a moment that here would walk a woman like me?

While Sera was swimming in the endless sea of her imagination and thoughts, Ash sighed a sigh of relief to see the statue of Zaharik standing in the middle of the city. The statue was so elaborate that it almost seemed to the viewer that the sculpture here was standing under a rock cover. Zaharik's silky hair reached the back of his neck, a mole under his lip, and the  bright sun necklace  , ash looked at it, while Sera did not turn her eyes to the statue until later. In Sera's eyes, the hero Zaharik was nothing but someone who followed his ambition and spread his ideas, which for her was not an interesting thing to try to discover, since the greatest hero, Zaharik, seemed superficial in Sera's eyes.  The traditional good-seeking hero who killed the tyrant king, there was nothing interesting about him for Sera, who continued walking, attracting Ash, who almost stumbled because of her.  

Ash: What's wrong with you now? What happened to you pulling me by the hand like this? 

Sira did not answer him, but simply walked towards the city's stores, bought some medicines and treatment elixirs, and headed directly to the outer gate. 

Ash: You're not thinking of continuing the journey directly, are you? Please no, we have just arrived here. Let us rest a little before we start on our way

Sera: Stop whining like a little kid, Ash. We only have a day and a half to go  

While Sera was dragging Ash by his arm towards the outer gate, they heard an explosion, followed by a large scattering of stones and dust 

Sera turned back to see what had happened when she was surprised by a burning fire near the mayor's building

Ash ran towards the place and Sera followed him flying to see near the explosion two men standing with long white aprons with red patterns on the shoulders.