
Astral Pilot

Pilot is a gripping science fiction tale that follows Gurnes, a brilliant yet lazy spaceship pilot, as he navigates the vast Alexis galaxy in search of easy riches. With an uncanny knack for flying and an unparalleled understanding of space navigation, Gurnes becomes known for his ability to find shortcuts and exploit loopholes to maximize his gains. However, his carefree lifestyle and disregard for authority soon land him in trouble when the Yerl Faction places a bounty on his head for constantly destroying and stealing their weapon shipments. Driven by a desire for personal gain, Gurnes initially evades the Yerl Faction's relentless pursuit, using his piloting skills and resourcefulness to outwit his enemies. But everything changes when he discovers that the captain in charge of a small task force hunting him down was the one responsible for his sister's death. Consumed by a thirst for revenge, Gurnes goes to great lengths to seek justice, even if it means putting his own life at risk.

Terryhorse · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs


As I piloted the Stardancer through the stars, my mind wandered, reflecting on the unique path that led me to become the genius pilot I am today.

I never fit the mold of the typical pilot. While others obsessed over their reputations and sought glory, I found solace in the simplicity of profit. Money was my driving force, my compass in the vast expanse of the Alexis galaxy. But it was more than just greed; it was a challenge to outsmart the system, to uncover hidden opportunities that others overlooked.

I prided myself on my ability to find shortcuts and exploit loopholes. It was a game, a thrilling pursuit of wealth that fueled my lazy genius. I became known as the pilot who always had a plan, who could navigate the labyrinth of trade routes and evade authorities with ease. My reputation grew, and with it came both admiration and resentment.

The Stardancer, my faithful vessel, was a testament to my resourcefulness and ingenuity. It wasn't the shiniest or most sophisticated ship in the galaxy, but it was mine. I had meticulously assembled it from salvaged parts and improvised systems, each modification tailored to suit my needs. It was a reflection of my unconventional nature, a symbol of my ability to make the most of what I had.

But my laziness often threatened to overshadow my brilliance. I was notorious for cutting corners during maintenance, only addressing the bare minimum to keep the Stardancer operational. There were times when I pushed my luck too far, and the ship teetered on the brink of catastrophe. Yet, I always managed to find a way out, relying on my instincts and the intimate knowledge I had of my ship.

It wasn't just the physical aspect of piloting that set me apart; it was the way my mind worked. I had an innate understanding of astrogation charts and hyperspace routes, as if the secrets of the cosmos were whispered into my ear. My calculations were effortless, my decisions instinctive. It was a gift that I never fully understood, but one that I used to my advantage.

As I soared through the Alexis galaxy, my name became synonymous with audacity and adventure. Stories of my exploits spread like wildfire, whispered in hushed tones in spaceports and celebrated in the raucous taverns of far-flung worlds. I became a folk hero of sorts, admired by fellow pilots who saw in me a freedom they longed for but could never grasp.

But as I reveled in my reputation, a nagging restlessness tugged at the back of my mind. The endless pursuit of profit, while thrilling, felt hollow. There had to be something more, a purpose that transcended material wealth. I yearned for a challenge that would test my mettle, something that would force me to confront the deeper layers of my being.

Little did I know that the Yerl Faction, with its relentless pursuit and a bounty on my head, would be the catalyst for that transformation. Their presence in my life would ignite a fire within me, pushing me beyond my comfort zone and into a realm where revenge and redemption intertwined.

As I guided the Stardancer through the abyss, I knew that the Yerl Faction's pursuit would change everything. The lazy genius within me would be tested like never before, and the boundaries of my skills would be pushed to their limits. But little did I realize that this journey would lead me not only to confront the Yerl Faction but also the darkest corners of my own soul.

Chapter 1 marked the beginning of a tumultuous path that would shape me into more than just a genius pilot. It was a journey of self-discovery, where I would confront the ghosts of my past and find a purpose that transcended personal gain. The Alexis galaxy was my canvas, and the stars were my guide. Was I ready to face the challenges that lay ahead? No, but the funny thing is that they come to you whether you are ready or not, but usually when you aren't. What can you do? Nothing. But if you can't avoid it...

Face it head on.

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