A world in its dying days, the end of the world being held back by a powerful lord, death and decay slowly overtaking the world. That was the premise for the new full dive game anyways, one inspired by rpgs of the past. An interesting enough premise to draw people in, yet little did they know this would likely be the last game they ever played. Magic and mystery awaits, who will survive and who will become the one true lord? Only time will tell.
Another dreamless sleep, nothing but an unending darkness soothed Ryder's tired mind as he let it consume him.
It was far too relaxing, this unending nothingness enveloping every aspect of his being.
Was this what the end felt like? Or was this something different? He couldn't know for sure, though it was too relaxing.
[How are you feeling?] Astaroth's voice spoke in his mind, it was more defined now, clear and crisp.
It held no aggression, if anything it was genuine curiosity.
[I know an awakening is tiresome, not just for me.]
Ryder took a moment to contemplate how he felt right now, keeping his eyes closed as he relaxed. "I'm tired, sure, but I feel better than I ever have… It's strange, I feel…"
A small chuckle escapes Ryder at this notion. "Yeah, that's one way to put it, I guess I feel whole now." he lets out a tired sigh as a wave of cool air rushes over him, the waking world calling to him. "You know, before now I'd always just blindly wandered through life, I never really had a goal up until this point."
[And you do now?] Astaroth calmly asked, surprising Ryder.
"Yeah, you're one with me, right? Can't you read my mind and see what it is?" He softly asks in return.
[I could, but from what I learned while forming that'd be something you would find displeasing.]
[You prefer your privacy, and I shall respect that.]
[We are one, but that does not mean I shall force myself into every crevice of your soul.]
Ryder couldn't help but smile at this, it was certainly a reassuring statement. "Thanks, but if we're truly going to work together as one then we'll need that kind of link."
[Are you certain?] Astaroth seems hesitant, caught off guard by this sudden request from Ryder.
"Yeah, I know I struggled a bit to accept this power fully, but I know now that I can't let myself falter like that, not if I want to get everyone out of here alive." he speaks in a more confident tone now, his demeanor seeming to have shifted ever so slightly.
[Then I shall do as you ask, though I suggest you return to the waking world now, your new vassal is awaiting you.]
"My what-" Ryder begins, only to be surprised by the sensation of warmth washing over him as a bright light blinds him for a moment.
Upon opening his eyes it becomes clear that Ryder was resting in a bed room, the light shining in from the window hitting his face.
It was a humble place, the bed being just big enough to fit Ryder, there was next to no decoration in the room save for a few framed pictures.
There was also a dresser and a desk nearby, however resting in the chair in front of the desk was the woman from before.
He white hair now flowing freely, a silver sword resting across her lap.
Though the most noticeable thing was her attire, it was pitch black and bore the sigil of the black flame on it, was she the new vassal?
Slowly Ryder sat up, now feeling an intense pain and soreness shoot through his body, was this the price of awakening the full power of the Black Flame?
Or perhaps it was just the toll the fight had taken on him, either way it was painful to move properly right now.
As he tried to stand up though it was too much, a searing pain shot through his veins causing him to let out a stifled hiss and mentally curse at himself.
That seemed to be enough to awaken the woman though, as her eyes quickly shot open and she grabbed her sword, only pausing and relaxing upon realizing it was Ryder who'd awoken.
"Ah, you're up now…" she spoke in a slightly embarrassed voice, now letting her sword rest on her lap once more. "How are you feeling? I know fighting a daemon can take a lot out of you, especially if it's a daemon lord."
"I'm alright for the most part, just really sore, it hurts to move too quickly." he replies, now making himself sit on the edge of the bed. "Are you alright? It seemed like you were in trouble."
She looks at him surprised for a moment before smiling. "I'm alright, though you never really get used to being the host for a Daemon Lord."
"Wait, you were possessed by that thing?" Ryder asks, now the one caught off guard. "I thought he was just holding you hostage!"
"No, he is possessing me, we made a deal and as a result he resides within me now." she places a hand over her heart, feeling the cold flowing from it. "And though you beat him you did not slay him, for Reckham is immortal and undying, no matter what you do he will return eventually."
Ryder sits there, processing that information for a moment before continuing. "So, even though I cut his head off, he'll come back?"
Alice nods and holds her hand out, creating what looks like a crystal made of ice. "This is one piece of him, so long as any energy remains in this world he'll slowly recover." as she says this it becomes apparent that the crystal is growing ever so slightly, tiny little spikes forming on it. "So that's why he stays sealed within people like me, we suppress his power."
"Okay, then what happened to you? If you don't mind me asking, that is." Ryder cautiously spoke, feeling it was a sensitive subject.
"That-" Alice begins, her voice slightly cracking as she pauses and looks away.
"It's alright, you don't have to explain it." he replies, trying to keep his calm tone. "I'm just glad we worked things out." a small smile forms on his face, it's a bit awkward but it seems to help ease Alice's mind a bit.
"Yeah… I'm glad it was you who found me, most people would've cut me down after that display." her expression is a bit more grim now, a bitter memory rising in her mind now.
Ryder, upon seeing this, takes a deep breath and thinks of something to try and change the subject. "Well hey, we're both alive and that's all that matters! Now then, why don't we get something to eat and I can tell you about my friends, you'll probably meet them soon enough anyways."
After hearing this Alice gains the faintest hint of a smile. "Yeah, I think that'd be nice… but I don't know what food will still be good here." She quietly says while standing up and moving to Ryder, offering him a hand.
"Fine by me, if you don't have anything then we'll just break out some of my rations." he casually replies while taking her hand, accepting her help in standing up.
Though his body still ached he made sure to stand strong, if not for himself then to make her not worry further.
With that the two of them began making their way out of the bedroom, where now Ryder could get a good look at the mansion.
It was the same as in the vision for the most part, though it was slightly older and more worn down than back then, she must've been trapped in that vision for a while.
Even the portraits look covered in dust.
To Ryder though it felt more homey this way strangely enough, the atmosphere was way more comforting than the vision.
Perhaps it was the lighting, perhaps it was Alice's welcoming nature, he couldn't fully tell.
Quietly she led him to the dining room where she helped him sit down, possibly realizing just how bad his condition was.
"Wait here, I'll go check the kitchen first." Alice said with surprising warmth and in a surprisingly motherly tone.
Not even waiting for a response she quickly darted to the kitchen, leaving Ryder alone with his thoughts now.
A serene calm flowed through his mind for the first time since he'd been in this world, not a single worry in his mind as he looked out a nearby window.
The outside had changed drastically, though he couldn't help but feel how bizarrely familiar it all felt.
The calm atmosphere.
Alice's humming coming from the kitchen.
Being one with Astaroth.
Even the time of day it was all taking place.
It all felt so surreal, like a half remembered dream.
Then, as if drawn by fate itself, Ryder stood up and moved to the window, each step feeling like a mile with pain shooting through his body.
Lightly he placed his hand upon the glass pane, the feeling of a memory shooting through his mind, feeling as if something or someone should be coming into view soon.
He waited, hoping to confirm his feeling, and just when he was going to give up he saw them.
Coming up on the clearing was the entire group he'd been worried about.
Aranea, Laurence, Oto… all of them were safe and sound.
With a relieved sigh he let himself fully relax now, the strange feeling fading from his mind as he made his way to the front door.
Using all the strength he had, Ryder pushed the doors open and happily went to greet them, happy he'd been successful in helping them.
Upon stepping outside he happily waved to them, most of them returning the favor despite being surprised he was still alive.
Shade could still be seen among them, yet Ryder wasn't surprised… why was that?
By all means he should rightfully despise this murderer, yet for some reason he couldn't bring himself to harbor anger for him.
In fact, if anything he felt sorry for him, pity was the only true emotion there as he locked eyes with the Lord Hunter.
Shade was the first to break eye contact, but not before Ryder could get a good look, noticing regret and sorrow among other things in those dark orbs.
"Good to see you're still up and kicking." Aranea says with a hint of pride in her voice, a warm smile on her face as she is the first to approach. "Honestly a little surprised you beat the boss by yourself."
"I told you he'd be fine!" Teach loudly boasted, crossing his arms approvingly. "He's my Lord after all, nothing will stop him!"
"Ryder." Melia called out, slowly approaching him.
She was fully healed now, though she looked nervous. "Sorry I couldn't have been of help, thank you for not leaving me for dead though…"
"Hey, don't think anything of it." Ryder calmly replied. "I'm just glad you're alright, that all of you are." he says as he looks out among the group.
Before Ryder could continue he heard a few footsteps behind him, then came the surprised voice of Alice as she moved up to his side.
"Well, I wasn't expecting your friends to arrive so soon, please come on in." she says with a kind smile and welcoming voice. "I know it's not in the best shape right now but it's better than nothing."
Everyone stood still for a moment, processing who this was before finally Teach broke the silence, his uproarious laughter catching everyone off guard.
"Now you really are a true Lord Candidate! Not one but two Vassals? Not to mention someone of the Wolfsbane tradition!" Teach happily claps in amusement. "You truly are an interesting fellow!"
Now it was Alice's turn to be confused as she stared at Teach. "You know my family?"
"Of course I do!" he replies while walking up to her. "Your family was quite famous from my time!" with a smile he turns back to the rest of the group. "Come, let us drink and share stories before planning our next move! Consider it our morale booster after that terrible storm!"
Before Alice or Ryder could reject everyone was swept inside, following Teach's uplifting attitude.
Yet as they all moved inside Ryder couldn't help but notice something most seemed to miss.
It was a subtle movement, a blink and you miss it moment.
When Alice had stepped beside him someone had reacted, the Lord Hunter's facade had faltered.
Shade had fear in his eyes, so much so that it surprised Ryder.
Then came his movement, his hand rested on the handle of his sword, ready to draw it and strike at a moment's notice.
Something about her made Shade afraid, uncertain, ready to fight for his life.
What was it?
Ryder looked at Shade, he seemed back to "normal" now.
Yet he clearly knew something no one else did, what though?
He needed to talk with Shade, to know what he was hiding and why.
Why did he help them?
Why did he stick around?
Why did he feel like he could trust Shade?
So once Shade tried to leave he was confronted by Ryder.
Ryder blocked the front door and locked eyes with Shade, a fierce determination and unshakable resolve coming from him.
Then came the first question.
"Who are you?"
Ryder's voice was surprisingly commanding, yet not harsh, it was enough to freeze Shade on the spot.
Shade had his hood raised to the point that his eyes were no longer visible, though just from the slight movement of his face it was clear he was surprised by Ryder's question.
The Lord Hunter didn't respond right away, seeming to examine the situation before finally responding.
"Why does that matter to you? All you should be concerned about is surviving to the next day, after all if I hadn't been there to save you and your little friend then you likely would've died."
"My point exactly." Ryder replies, standing his ground. "You, the person who slaughtered countless of us, took the time to carve out charms to save Melia and I." He pauses, thinking for a moment before continuing. "Now, we could chalk this up to being just a random act of kindness but I think there's more to it than that."
"And what evidence would you have to back that up?" Shade replied coldly, clearly growing a bit impatient with this entire exchange.
"Nothing solid, but seeing your reaction to both the Black Flame and Alice? It makes it feel like there's more there than I could ever hope to know." Ryder calmly admits, now looking to the side as he does so, an odd sense of shame washing over him.
"Every time I think of you it's like this fog takes over my mind, like I'm forgetting something important… not just to me but to you as well."
Shade scoffs at this, shaking his head a little. "You're just a fool reading too much into things that have no depth."
"I suppose I am a fool then, for thinking you'd give me any answers regarding anything." Ryder sighs heavily, truly feeling like an idiot.
Slowly he moves aside, giving Shade access to the door.
Shade stoically walks to the door, opening up and gazing out into the clearing, pausing as a thought shoots through his mind.
He knows he shouldn't say any more, but with how much everything has changed as is he feels as though he needs to say this.
"You are a fool, if you want to worry about anyone then worry about your friends and your vassals, especially that white haired one… she holds another secret, one that only her and Teach would know."
Ryder's eyes widened at this, quickly looking back to where Shade was, only to be greeted with the door hanging wide open and an empty space where he once stood.
Those final words ringing in his mind, raising more questions than before, a fair bit of alarming ones at that.
Wasting no time he went to go find Teach, hoping the pirate would have some answers for him.
Meanwhile, just outside the mansion, Shade finally let out a sigh of relief as he heard Ryder leave.
It was alarming to him, seeing all these changes and knowing how close Ryder was to figuring out the truth… but for now he needed to keep moving on his own, just for a little while longer anyway.
Yet before he could get too far from the mansion he paused, sensing a presence behind him.
One he personally knew all too well, one that he couldn't hide anything from.
"What are you doing here, Witch of Destruction." Shade's voice was cold and filled with venom as he looked back, a new figure appearing behind him.
Standing there was none other than Yuria, her usual mischievous smile on her face, seeming to not care about the situation.
"I suppose I could ask the same of you, Lord Hunter Shade… or perhaps I should call you something more fitting? Such as… Priscilla's Favored?"
Just as Yuria finished talking there was a blade resting by her throat.
Moving faster than the eye could track, Shade had drawn his weapon and raised it to her, a dangerous look of fear and hatred in his eyes.
"How do you know-"
"How do I know of my own ancestor?" Yuria seems unfazed by the sword, in fact she seems rather calm. "You have your secrets, just as I have my own." lightly she grabs hold of the blade, and with ease moves it away from her neck. "However, I think we can help each other… you're not a normal Lord Hunter after all, are you?"
Shade couldn't even say anything, too stunned by the witch before him, practically frozen like a deer in headlights as she smiled at him.
Out of everything in this world, she was always the one thing he could never predict.
With a nervous tone in his voice he finally responds.
"What do you need?"