
Astral Calamity

The Astral Calamity is a cyclic phenomenon that occurs every time humanity becomes too advanced too quickly. It is said the Astral Calamity is caused by an Avatar who is said to have some form of hatred against humanity for what happened 70,000 years ago. In the present day, humanity has split into different factions to combat the Astral or simply take advantage of it and abuse the sacred energy to create monsters known as Calamity Monsters and use the power to become a False Avatar. One thing is for certain, everyone knows how dangerous the Astral can be.

IndifferentLeo · Fantasia
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9 Chs

Era of True Calamity

Over the course of 70,000 years, we have ran through many Divisions of the famous Calamity Slayers.

"Here she comes! Ready your weapons!" A general yelled.

Genesis Crest, Dawn Walkers, Flagreisa, Scarlet Ones, Liberation, Death Raiders, Xeno Strykers, Evergreen, Eternal Lasting, Stingers, Blood Lilies, Platinum Royals, Sky Heroes, and the recent one, Rebel Blades.

"This is it! We will take her down once and for all! We will save humanity!" A woman yelled.

She always comes when we advance too far. It's almost like she hates when we get too far in life. She hates when we are close enough to kill an Avatar because she knows the first one we will target is her. The Avatar of Calamity.

"Here she comes!" Another man yelled.

This was it...Her fated appearance and the End of Humanity.

"Pathetic Mortals! You are to believe that I would allow you to advance so easily?! WRONG! Now, this is where humanity ends! Say goodbye to your world!" The Avatar of Calamity bellowed and opened multiple portals behind her.

"Don't back down! Charge forward!" A woman yelled and ran ahead with the rest of the army. They all yelled in unison and engaged battle against the Avatar of Calamity.

The 30th Division, Bright Heroes, was destroyed in one blow. They had no hopes of winning a battle against an Avatar of her level. It was all wasted efforts because no matter what they do...they end up getting destroyed in the end. We simply can not win.

It's been 20 years since the 30th Division has been eradicated, humanity has been successfully restored with the help of the Avatar of Humanity. The 31st Division, Sacred Guardians, was created and I was amongst their ranks.

"Vera Tsukiyomi, you're falling behind. What's the matter?" My captain said and looked back at me.

I looked at my captain then shook my head and caught up with the group. To me it was pointless to try and advance when we all knew the outcome of the future. I had no say in the matter since I was the lowest ranking one of the Division. The only reason I joined was because my mother wanted me to. It was her final request to me before dying in a fire with my dad. She said to find a good husband who would protect me at all costs, find good friends who will stand beside me.

"Let's stop here. The Frostpoint City should be up ahead. We will be there in another two hours worth of travel." My captain said.

We all set up camp and I helped one of my allies make a bonfire and we all sat around the fire. I looked at the flames and stared. My allies were talking and I was completely tuning them out. None of them knew the dangers of advancing. We went 20 years without the Avatar of Calamity appearing. We were only trying to complete a hopeless dream. An impossible one.

"Hey Vera!" One of the women pat my back. "Why are you just spacing out? You've been acting strange recently."

I moved my eyes to look at her. I looked back at the flames. "You wouldn't understand what I am going through. You all don't understand what you're getting into. We are safer as we are. Why are we advancing knowing it will just end the same?"

"Why shouldn't we advance? It's the only way we can beat the Avatar of Calamity." The woman said.

"Humanity has been fighting her for 70,000 years. Not even once have we gotten close to winning." I said.

"That's where we alter history! At Frostpoint City, there is a woman who can control the Astral. It's like you but way better! We wouldn't be as far as we are without you." One of the guys said and gave me a thumbs up.

I softly scoffed and closed my eyes. "Sounds like you all are only using me. Oh wait, that's exactly what's happening. I'm not viewed as an asset of the team, I'm more known as The Tool."

"I mean that's the point." Another smirked and stood up. She walked over to me then gripped my hair. "You're worthless otherwise. You have no combat experience. You just listen to our commands like a good little peasant."

I looked at the woman and glared. I am only a tool to them because they were too weak to handle the power of the Astral. Like I said I can't do anything about it because they hold more authority than I do.

"That's enough." The captain said. "Let's stay focused on the task at hand. Once we meet up with Shella, we have to report back to Hickshel HQ and get the process done for us to wield Astral."

"Yeah and once that's done, you'll be truly useless!" The woman laughed.

"Lydia. I said that's enough." The captain said and tossed her cigarette into the fire.

Lydia scoffed and rolled her eyes then walked away from me then sat back down. I looked back at the fire and watched it burn. Ten minutes pass and I noticed the fire shaking a lot more. I looked up from the flames and heard light thumping. I felt the vibrations on the ground and looked around.

"Vera what's the matter?" The captain asked. "Why are you looking around franti-"

We all heard a roar then a blizzard was summoned. I stood up and looked around, feeling powerful Calamity Energy in the area. The roar sounded again and I looked up at the summit of the mountains then noticed a Calamity Monster.

"It's a Calamity Monster!" One of the guys pointed.

"It's the Winter Demon, Froznaught. What's that thing doing here of all places?" The captain asked and had a bead of sweat rolling down her face.

Froznaught looked at us and had smoke coming from its mouth. It roared again then I noticed slight flashing in the sky.

"It's a Fusillade!" I called out.

Icicles began to crash down onto the ground and we all did out best to avoid the attacks. I deflected a few icicles and noticed Froznaught was gone. I heard a scream and looked to my left. Froznaught had ate one of my allies and everyone was petrified, paralyzed with fear. The person Froznaught ate...was the captain.

Froznaught roared and charged up a beam with its mouth then unleashed it at all of us. I dove out the way and grunted as I hit the ground. I looked back and noticed the rest of my allies were hit and eradicated. I looked back at Froznaught and stood up then took a few steps back.

"This is an S-Tier Calamity Monster. I can't fight this thing alone..!" I said to myself and felt my heart beating faster. I was on the verge of hyperventilating.

Froznaught looked at me and grinned. My heart stopped, Froznaught was aware of what it was doing and not some mindless beast. I did what I knew was the best option and ran. Froznaught chased after me and roared.

"Fuck..! Fuck! It's actually chasing me!" I yelled then tripped a bit, but didn't fall and kept running.

I heard a pained roar and looked back, seeing a woman striking a weak spot on its head. Froznaught fell to the ground and another woman blasted it with a beam of Astral Energy through its head, subduing Froznaught for now.

They made their way to me and I looked at them.

"Hurry with us. There's not enough time to explain anything. Froznaught has impeccable recovery so we need to hurry." One of the two women said then took my hand, running off.

I hurried behind her and the second woman followed behind us, making sure we had enough time to escape before Froznaught recovered. Once we left his line of sight, we were home free. I looked at the two women like my saviors and knew I had to repay them.

"Who are you two?" I asked.

"My name is Shella Seki." The first woman who held my hand said.

"And my name is Mitsu Ryuuzouji." The second woman said, who seemed to be a kunoichi.

Shella was the woman the 31st Division was supposed to meet. Since I was the lone survivor, I completed the mission for them. The Captain's death wasn't in vain, but she and the others will never have the opportunity to complete their goal.