
Astral Anomalies

In a world on the brink of collapse, Caelum Voss has one goal: to find solace atop a secluded mountain. But luck has other plans. Every step he takes to escape the chaos inadvertently plunges him deeper into the heart of the unfolding apocalypse. Can a man just trying to mind his business navigate a world refusing to let him be?

QTV · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
48 Chs


The streets become a blur as we race away from the pulsating monstrosity. The creature's form seems to shift and flow, melding with its surroundings only to reappear meters closer. It's like trying to outpace a nightmare.

Jenna and I dash into an alleyway, our footsteps echoing loudly. The creature's eyes, numerous and malicious, fixate on us as it hovers closer. Its advance isn't hurried, rather deliberate and menacing, savoring our terror.

Suddenly, a fleshy tendril shoots out, wrapping around Jenna's ankle and dragging her back. Without thinking, I reach for her, grabbing her hand just in time and pulling with all my strength. The creature's eyes narrow in apparent annoyance, but with a collective heave, we manage to free Jenna from its grip. We stumble forward, panting heavily, with the alleyway opening up into a square.

"There!" Jenna points to a dilapidated building with scaffolding. "Up there! We might be able to confuse it from a vantage point."

We scramble up, my enhanced strength allowing me to push Jenna to safety just as another appendage tries to ensnare us. The sound of tearing metal reverberates in the air. The scaffolding shudders, almost dislodging us, but we finally make it onto the roof.

For a brief moment, we're granted a respite. Jenna and I hunch over, gasping for breath, our hands on our knees. But the distant sounds of the creature's pursuit echo ominously. We watch in dread as its eyes lock onto us once more, tendrils coiling and flexing in preparation.

"We need a plan!" Jenna exclaims.

"Alright, alright," I rack my brain, searching for any semblance of a solution. "That thing seems to be driven by its eyes. If we can blind it, or at least obscure its vision, we might get a chance to escape."

Jenna nods in agreement, "I noticed it recoiled when its eyes were hit. Do you think fire would work?"

A wild plan forms in my mind. "There's an old fireworks store near here. If we can get there, we might have a shot."

Jenna raises an eyebrow, "Fireworks? Against that?"

"We have to try!" I retort.

We make a break for it, jumping from one roof to another, the creature's eyes tracking us intently. Just as we're about to reach the store, a tendril lashes out, grazing my arm and leaving a searing pain in its wake. I hiss, clutching the wound, but there's no time to stop. Jenna pulls me forward, and we crash through the store's window.

The inside is a chaotic mess. Faded posters of fireworks displays hang on the walls, and rows of shelving hold dusty boxes and pyrotechnics. We grab whatever we can, stuffing our bags with rockets and flares.

Our pursuer's roars echo outside. Its eyes peer into the store, tendrils creeping in, searching for us. Jenna lights a flare, its bright red light illuminating the creature's grotesque form. "Get back, you freak!" She screams, hurling the flare directly into one of its eyes.

The beast recoils with a sound of pain and fury. Seizing the moment, I light a firework, aiming it at the creature. The rocket shoots out, exploding in a burst of colors right in front of the monster's face. The creature's form seems to waver, its eyes closing momentarily.

We make our exit, setting off more fireworks as distractions. It works for a while, but the creature seems to be learning, adapting. Its pursuit becomes more aggressive, its tendrils reaching out with renewed vigor.

As we near a bridge, Jenna stops. "Listen, I've got an idea. Lure it to the middle of the bridge, then set off the fireworks. The explosion might weaken the bridge and send it crashing down."

It's a long shot, but I nod. Jenna lights a series of rockets, placing them on the bridge's edge. I start taunting the creature, drawing it towards the trap.

Everything goes according to plan, at first. The creature nears the center of the bridge, just as Jenna gives me the signal. I light the fireworks, and the bridge explodes in a burst of color, smoke, and noise. The bridge trembles, pieces of it falling into the abyss below. The creature, caught off guard, looks like it's about to plummet.

For a moment, hope surges. But then, to our horror, tendrils shoot out, anchoring the creature to the remaining parts of the bridge. It pulls itself up, its eyes now filled with pure rage.

"We need to go, NOW!" Jenna yells.


The streets of the city turned into a horrifying gauntlet. As Jenna and I sprinted, weaving in and out of the twisting alleys, we felt the menacing presence of the monstrous entity behind us, its many eyes watching. Just as we were gaining some distance, the creature unleashed a new terror.

Suddenly, the city seemed to come alive. From the shadows of every nook and cranny, more monsters poured forth. They were smaller, more agile, and while they didn't exude the same raw power as the behemoth that was now orchestrating their moves, they were a significant threat.

"Dammit! It's using the others as its pawns!" Jenna shouted, gripping a makeshift weapon she'd fashioned from a broken piece of metal.

The air was filled with an eerie cacophony: the scraping of claws against pavement, monstrous growls, and the hissing of what sounded like predatory snakes. As the onslaught continued, I grabbed a steel rod from a nearby construction site, swinging it to keep the monsters at bay. The rod connected with one, sending it flying into a wall, but another three took its place.

Jenna, on the other hand, was having better luck. Her hunting experience made her adept at predicting the creatures' movements. With each graceful move, she incapacitated one monster after another, using her environment to her advantage.

However, it wasn't long before the sheer number of monsters started to overwhelm us. A swift creature lunged at Jenna from her blind spot, grazing her arm with its sharp claws, leaving a trail of blood. I swung my rod, knocking it away just in time.

"We can't keep this up," Jenna grunted, wincing from the pain. "We need to find the others!"

Suddenly, a gunshot echoed through the air, drawing the attention of some of the monsters. A few streets down, we saw Leo, his large knife in one hand, and a pistol in the other. He was flanked by Jake, who fired a rifle with controlled bursts. However, the firearms only seemed to slow the monsters, the bullets doing minimal damage.

"We have to regroup!" Jenna yelled, her voice hoarse from the dust and exertion. We dashed towards our allies, the monsters closing in from all directions.

As we neared Leo and Jake, Mara, Finn, and Lydia emerged from an alley, providing covering fire with handguns. Their shots, although less effective than those from the rifles, did manage to distract the creatures, giving Jenna and me a momentary reprieve. Lara, Liam, Rosie, and Nate joined the fray, hurling Molotov cocktails, creating fiery barriers between us and the relentless horde.

"Draken! Jenna! This way!" Mara shouted, motioning us towards a nearby building. Leo and Jake, who were now running low on ammunition, provided the rear guard, ensuring that the path to the building was clear.

Inside, the atmosphere was thick with tension. "We need to barricade the entrances," Leo commanded, his voice cold and decisive. Jake and I worked together, pushing heavy furniture against the doors and windows.

The monstrous sounds outside grew louder, and I could see the shadows of the beasts through the gaps in the barricades. We were trapped, but at least we were together. As the group caught their breath, Jenna collapsed into a chair, trying to bandage her bleeding arm.

"We can't stay here long," she said, her voice tinged with pain. "That main monster... it's toying with us."

Pushing away from the barricaded doors and windows, we moved to the middle floor of the building. The dim lighting painted a foreboding atmosphere, but we needed a vantage point. I led the group to a window that overlooked the city square. Drawing the blinds slightly, I peered out.

The behemoth of a monster, pulsating with malevolence, sat in the center of the square. It was surrounded by its smaller minions, almost as if they were guarding it. Interestingly, though, I noticed the massive city clock tower to one side, and old fuel containers nearby.

"We could use the clock tower," Jenna suggested, her voice raspy but determined. "If we could cause an explosion near that creature, it might weaken or destroy it."

Lydia nodded in agreement. "The old fuel containers are right there. A well-placed shot could cause a huge explosion."

Mara shook her head. "It's too risky. We need to get as far away from here as possible. Fighting that thing... it's a suicide mission."

Rosie clenched her fists, "I'm with Mara. We've already lost too much. Why should we risk more?"

Jake interjected, "Because if we run, it'll just find us again. It's toying with us. We need to make a stand."

Liam, adjusting his beanie, weighed in, "I think we should vote. It's the fairest way."

Arguments broke out, voices overlapped, the tension thick in the air. Through the chaos, Leo's booming voice silenced everyone, "Enough!"

He pointed towards the creature. "Look at that thing! It's not just our problem. Soon, it will be everyone's problem. If we have a chance to stop it, then we take it. We might not get another."

I stepped in, my voice calm but assertive. "Leo's right. We need to do this. But we do it smart. We need a distraction, draw the smaller creatures away, and then strike the main one."

The group exchanged glances, uncertainty evident in their eyes, but a fire of determination slowly sparked.

Nate adjusted his glasses, "I can rig a few of the cars outside to act as distractions. Set off their alarms, maybe even get one to explode."

Lara added, "I can help with that. While you're busy with the cars, the rest of us can position ourselves for the main attack."

The plan was set.

★ ★

The sun began to dip below the horizon, casting eerie shadows across the city square. The monster, sitting majestically in the middle, seemed even more menacing in the dim light. The smaller creatures prowled around it, waiting for their next command.

Inside the building, the group prepared for their mission. Nate and Lara were busy wiring cars with whatever makeshift explosives they could find, including gas tanks and fireworks. Jenna, still nursing her wounded arm, took the lead with the main assault team which consisted of herself, Draken, Leo, Jake, and Lydia. The rest, including Mara, Rosie, Finn, and Liam, would serve as a distraction, drawing the smaller creatures away from the main target.

"Remember, timing is everything," Draken reminded them. "Once those cars go up, we need to move fast."

Nate nodded, adjusting his glasses. "I'll remotely detonate the cars on your signal. That should give you a good window."

Outside, the first hint of their plan went awry. One of the creatures spotted Nate as he was setting up the last car. It let out a deafening screech, alerting the others.

"Damn it!" Lara shouted, setting off one of the rigged cars prematurely. The explosion sent several monsters flying and caught the attention of the horde.

"We need to move now!" Leo yelled, leading the charge out of the building.

The distraction team sprang into action, hurling Molotov cocktails and firing shots, drawing the attention of the smaller creatures and leading them away from the square.

The main assault team moved stealthily but quickly, using the chaos as a cover. They reached the old fuel containers adjacent to the clock tower. Lydia positioned herself for a clear shot. "I hope I don't miss."

"Wait for my signal," Draken whispered, watching the behemoth closely.

As the second and third cars exploded in quick succession, the square was enveloped in smoke and fire. The monsters screeched in confusion and pain. Now was their chance.

"Now!" Draken shouted.

Lydia fired, her bullet striking the fuel container dead center. A massive explosion rocked the square, and a fireball ascended, threatening to consume the monster.

But as the flames reached their climax, a dark, shimmering barrier appeared around the monster, deflecting the explosion outward. The barrier absorbed the brunt of the blast, leaving the creature seemingly unscathed. It let out a deep, mocking laugh, its many eyes gleaming with malevolence.

The group stared in shock and disbelief. Their ace in the hole had failed.

"No... No way..." Jenna whispered, despair evident in her voice.

Mara and the others, hearing the explosion, rushed back to the square, only to be met with the sight of the unharmed monster and the demoralized assault team.

The creature, sensing its advantage, began to advance, its tendrils reaching out hungrily. The smaller creatures, now regrouped, moved in from all sides, cutting off any escape routes.

The group was surrounded, backs together, facing the overwhelming might of the monster and its minions.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 

-Jenna's POV

The silence was palpable. In a bizarre twist of events, even the monstrous behemoth and its army of smaller creatures had ceased their relentless advance, seemingly taken aback by the sudden emergence of the two strangers from the manhole.

The shadows cast by the last rays of the setting sun danced eerily around us. Every single sound, every single movement seemed amplified a thousand times over. The hushed whispers of my teammates, the subdued growls of the creatures surrounding us, and the faint, rhythmic beat of my heart were all I could focus on. That monster, with its piercing eyes and malevolent presence, sent chills down my spine. It's one thing to plan an attack on such a creature, and another to stand face to face with it, realizing just how insignificant and fragile you truly are.

But then, just as the overwhelming fear threatened to consume me entirely, my attention was stolen by the sight of the two figures.

The girl, who emerged first, was unlike anyone I had ever seen. Despite her seemingly delicate frame, there was an undeniable strength in her posture. She blinked slowly, her gaze fixed on the monster. I could see her tremble, but her face was an inscrutable mask. It was as if she was trying to make sense of the situation, processing the monstrosity before her, yet refusing to let it see any hint of her emotions.

Then the boy appeared. His nonchalance was startling. Without giving the creature more than a passing glance, he reached into his pocket, retrieving a match. He struck it against the side of the manhole, bringing a tiny flame to life. That small, flickering light seemed so out of place amidst the darkness and chaos that it felt almost surreal.

I watched in awe as he took a step back and casually dropped the lit match into the open manhole. The few moments of anticipatory silence that followed felt like an eternity. And then, the ground beneath us shook violently, and a deafening explosion roared from below. The force of it knocked most of us off our feet, and for a brief moment, the world was a blur of smoke, dust, and confusion.

When the dust settled, I looked up to see the two strangers standing their ground, unfazed. But there was something nagging at the back of my mind, a memory that seemed out of place in this chaotic scene. My eyes darted to the boy, and realization hit me.

"That's... That's the guy who stole my damn bike!"