

Adibahari, a Tias devoid of the mystical Astakona powers, is entrusted by his mentor with a crucial mission: to resolve the turmoil plaguing Lombongan, a village in the Apokarpa region. Despite his lack of Astakona abilities, Adibahari's sharp intellect, unwavering determination, and strong moral compass guide him as he tackles the village's challenges. Throughout his journey, he faces numerous obstacles and ethical dilemmas, but his dedication to Lombongan's welfare never wavers.

Mukogilo · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs


The day grew darker as dusk settled over the village. Adibahari, Lantana, and Anang made their way back to the river, where they found Litu fully healed. The once somber atmosphere of the family had transformed into one of joy and relief with Litu's recovery.

Anang immediately began recounting to his wife the events that had transpired in their village. His hands gestured animatedly as he spoke, his voice rising and falling with the intensity of his tale. However, before he could finish, Litu interrupted with a soft but meaningful voice.

"Father," Litu called, his voice gentle yet commanding enough to draw his father's full attention. "May I see your hand?"

Anang extended his hand, confusion etched on his face. Litu carefully placed something in his palm. As the light caught it, a blue Astakona pendant shimmered brilliantly.

Tears began to stream down Uncle Anang's cheeks as he realized what it was. "My child... You are the bearer of the Tanzanite Astakona. No wonder you were always unwell at home," he said, his voice breaking. He pulled Litu into a tight embrace, his arms trembling with emotion. "Forgive me, my child. I was too selfish. Forgive me."

Litu gently shook his head, smiling up at his father. "It's okay, Father. Can I help that brother go to the city of Apokarpa? Can I go with him?" he asked, his eyes shining with determination.

He nodded slowly, realizing that this was his child's destiny. "Yes, my child. Go. Your place is there, not here with us," he said, his voice thick with emotion. He kissed Litu's forehead tenderly, releasing him into his future.

"But son, how will you get there? You've never been there before," Anang said, his voice tinged with concern as he looked at Litu, who appeared visibly disappointed. Having just received the Astakona pendant, Litu's eagerness to help Adibahari was now clouded by uncertainty, not knowing how to harness its power.

Lantana, noticing the tension, stepped forward with a cheerful demeanor. "Oh, it's easy," she chimed in, her face radiant with confidence.

"First, you absorb the energy of your Astakona," she began, demonstrating with her own pendant. "Then, when the energy gathers in your index finger, simply say the place you want to go. Aim at a rock, a tree, or any solid object, and a portal will appear."

Litu, intrigued but still uncertain, looked to Lantana for guidance. "Could you give an example?" he asked, his eyes gleaming with curiosity.

"Of course," Lantana replied, her smile widening. "Astakona Tsavorite, teleportation. Apokarpa City." With a flourish of her hand, a vibrant green light radiated from her pendant. She aimed it at a nearby tree, and in an instant, a shimmering portal materialized before them, revealing the bustling streets of Apokarpa City beyond.

The family stood in awe, marveling at Lantana's remarkable ability. Applause filled the air as they watched the magical display unfold. Lantana, basking in their admiration, couldn't help but feel a swell of pride wash over her.


"Um, Lantana. Aren't you Tias?" Adibahari's voice broke through the applause, his tone filled with genuine surprise and wonder, causing Lantana's smile to widen even further, her eyes sparkling with delight at being recognized for her true identity.

Lantana raised an elegant eyebrow, her lips curving into a mischievous smile as she responded with a hint of playfulness, "Did I ever mention that I'm Tias?"

Adibahari fell silent, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "Lantanaaaa! Why didn't you tell me earlier?" he exclaimed, his tone a mix of frustration and amusement, as he teasingly pinched Lantana's cheek.

Lantana couldn't help but chuckle softly at Adibahari's reaction. "Well, you never asked." she replied with a playful twinkle in her eyes.

Then, Adibahari let out an exasperated huff.

The group erupted into laughter at the lighthearted banter between the two friends. Lantana gently rubbed her tingling cheek, then playfully pinched Adibahari's cheek in return, her eyes dancing with amusement. "Next time, inquire before making assumptions. And remember, I'm a Manubu. Surely you know Manubus are immune to Tias?" she teased, her tone light and teasing.

"Yeah, yeah. But seriously, if I'm mistaken, just correct me immediately. Don't keep me in the dark. It's no fun being clueless," he admitted with a good-natured grin.

"Alright, deal. But with one condition," Lantana said, her expression turning mock-serious. "You owe me a meal after this. I'm famished," she added, rubbing her stomach with exaggerated hunger.

Adibahari couldn't help but chuckle at Lantana's theatrics. "If you're hungry, then I'm absolutely ravenous. And let's not forget, you devoured my bread this morning. That was the last straw." he teased.

Lantana grinned sheepishly, her laughter ringing through the air. "Oops, my bad. Sorry about that," she said, unable to hide her amusement.

"Let's go, Litu. Anang. We're heading out. We'll retrieve the Axinite Antler. That's a promise," Adibahari declared with unwavering confidence, his tone resonating with determination.

Litu embraced his parents tightly, bidding them farewell with eyes shining bright with hope. Anang and his wife nodded solemnly, bestowing their blessings upon their child and his companions.

As they stepped into the portal, a whirlwind of sensation engulfed them, the world spinning around them in a dizzying whirl. Brief flashes of neon hues and dancing lights enveloped them before they emerged in a realm both strange and wondrous.

In the blink of an eye, the magnificent city of Apokarpa stretched out before them, its towering structures and bustling streets inviting them with a myriad of challenges and adventures awaiting their arrival.


Adibahari stared at Lantana as she continued devouring her food. Litu and Adibahari exchanged glances, both of them looking at Lantana's state. She looked incredibly happy there.

"Lantana... How many of those buns have you polished off? They're bigger than you," Adibahari remarked, his eyes widening in amusement as he stole a glance at her.

"Just a little more. My stomach's still empty," Lantana replied between mouthfuls, her cheeks now puffed up like the buns she had been consuming. Crumbs littered her lips, giving her the appearance of a squirrel storing away its food.

Adibahari could only chuckle in disbelief. He had thought he was bringing a friend along, but it seemed he had brought along a bottomless pit instead.

"Ah, the problem is, my wallet's already weeping." Adibahari lamented, patting his nearly empty wallet with a resigned expression.

The bustling atmosphere of Apokarpa City suddenly shifted. What was once a lively hub of daily activities was now besieged by thousands of beetles swarming from seemingly nowhere.

The beetles clung to clothes, streets, shops, and everywhere else they pleased, their presence undeniable and pervasive. Yet, the inhabitants of Apokarpa appeared undisturbed, as if the beetle invasion was just another ordinary occurrence.

"It seems these beetles have come as a consequence of the sins committed by the people here," remarked an old woman, the keeper of the bun shop they had stopped by. Her voice was hoarse, her eyes gazing into the distance towards the darkening sky.

"Have these beetles been here for long?" Adibahari inquired, his gaze still fixed on the swarm of beetles fluttering around.

"Only for about a week. Every nightfall, they start to scatter," the old woman replied, wiping her hands on the apron she wore.

"May I ask you something?" Adibahari ventured, his voice tinged with curiosity.

"Go ahead, dear. I can see you're new here. There must be plenty you want to know, right?" The old woman smiled faintly, though there was a shadow of concern in her expression.

"Have you ever heard of the Axinite Antler in your lifetime?" The question escaped Adibahari's lips with a glimmer of hope.

"Axinite Antler? What business do you have with him, dear?" The old woman's tone shifted, becoming serious and tense.

"I've come here to search him to meet Meloidee. The villagers of Lombongan are in distress. Meloidee will destroy that village and Apokarpa if I don't bring him to Meloidee." Adibahari's face betrayed his worry.

The old woman's expression changed suddenly. Without a word, she began hurriedly packing up her wares.

The shop lights were extinguished, and the door was swiftly locked. Without any explanation, she rushed back to her home.

"What's wrong?" Adibahari asked, watching the old woman anxiously gathering her belongings.

"Go home, dear. If you've encountered Meloidee, know this, Apokarpa is doomed," the old woman replied gravely, her face filled with fear.

"What about the Axinite Antler?" Adibahari pressed, his heart growing more uneasy by the moment.

"It doesn't exist. It's just a ploy by Meloidee to destroy Apokarpa." The old woman pulled her shawl tightly around herself, then hurried towards the open portal ahead. The portal closed as soon as she stepped through.

As soon as the name "Meloidee" was mentioned, the atmosphere in the city shifted abruptly. The previously relaxed inhabitants of Apokarpa now panicked.

Stores were quickly shuttered, traders and shoppers fled in all directions, hurrying back to their homes. The brightly lit streets turned pitch black as all the lights were extinguished.

The beetles continued to flutter about, but now, the city of Apokarpa was engulfed in darkness and eerie silence. Adibahari and Lantana could only stand frozen, trapped in a situation fraught with mystery and peril.

Lantana, who had just finished another bun, looked around in bewilderment at the sudden chaos. She turned to Adibahari, her cheeks still rounded from the buns she had yet to swallow.

"Adi, what's happening?" she asked, her words slightly muffled by the bun still in her mouth.