

Adibahari, a Tias devoid of the mystical Astakona powers, is entrusted by his mentor with a crucial mission: to resolve the turmoil plaguing Lombongan, a village in the Apokarpa region. Despite his lack of Astakona abilities, Adibahari's sharp intellect, unwavering determination, and strong moral compass guide him as he tackles the village's challenges. Throughout his journey, he faces numerous obstacles and ethical dilemmas, but his dedication to Lombongan's welfare never wavers.

Mukogilo · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs


Tulip led Kairav to her room. Kairav was quite surprised to see so many people there. He looked at Tatai, who was among the group, a frown creasing his forehead.

"Tatai? Can you explain why there are two young men and a white chipmunk here?" asked Kairav, his voice tinged with concern about the presence of outsiders in a maiden's room. It wasn't proper; they should have met outside, not here.

"Huh?" asked Lantana, realizing the prince was referring to her.

Tatai knelt down, bowing his head. "Forgive me, Your Highness. I had to bring them here because they were being chased by guards outside," explained Tatai.

"It's alright."

Kairav look at Adibahari.

"So, you are the ones bringing news about Meloidee? I've heard from Princess Tulip, but I need evidence to convince His Majesty," Kairav said, his expression softening slightly.

Adibahari stepped forward, approaching Kairav with measured steps, and took out a clear, orange-brown Axinite stone from his pouch. The stone was stunning, glowing softly as it was revealed. It was unlike any Axinite Kairav had seen before, which never glowed.

"How beautiful," Kairav remarked, his eyes widening in astonishment.

He had only heard about Axinite stones from stories. His father, King Lipyang, had once sought the stone to display his power, but the search had been abandoned midway. So, the stone truly existed. He had thought it was merely a legend.

Kairav reached to take the stone, the light reflecting in his eyes, but before he could, Adibahari quickly put it away.

"Forgive me, Your Highness. I cannot give it to you. This stone is entrusted to me by Meloidee. Meloidee wants me to bring the Axinite Antler to her by the guide of this stone." Adibahari stated firmly, his voice unwavering.

"Alright. I will present this matter to His Majesty. But you must come as well to provide evidence that you have met Meloidee. His Majesty doesn't like to make decisions without proof. Do you agree?" Kairav asked, his tone serious.

Without hesitation, Adibahari nodded. "I agree."

"Good. Coincidentally, there is a royal meeting tomorrow. Tulip, at 10 AM, bring him to the royal hall where the ministers and our father will be meeting. I will also be there. Don't be late," Kairav instructed before turning to leave.

"Oh, and Tatai, take these three to your room. It's not proper for men to be in a woman's room. Sleep well. Tomorrow will become a big day for you." he added, glancing around the room once more before exiting.


The next day, Tulip and Adibahari, along with Lantana, Litu, and Tatai, stood outside the royal hall. The grand doors loomed before them, and Tulip's heart pounded with a mix of anticipation and anxiety. Tatai stood beside her, offering silent support, his hand briefly touching her arm in reassurance. Lantana and Litu exchanged worried glances, sensing the tension in the air.

When the doors finally opened with a slow, creaking sound, they were led into the hall, where ministers and King Lipyang himself awaited.

The hall was vast, adorned with tapestries depicting the kingdom's history, and the air was thick with the scent of incense. Golden light from tall windows bathed the room, giving it an almost ethereal glow. Kairav was already there, standing by his father's side, a smug expression on his face.

"Kairav, do you have news for us?" King Lipyang asked, his voice resonating through the hall.

Kairav stepped forward, bowing respectfully. "Yes, Father. I have found the Axinite stone that you have long sought."

Kairav ordered the guards to seize Adibahari and his friends, sparing only Tulip. The guards moved swiftly, their grips ironclad as they restrained the group.

Tulip's heart raced as she watched the scene unfold. As Adibahari struggled, Kairav reached into his pocket and triumphantly pulled out the Axinite stone, presenting it to His Majesty with a flourish, the stone shimmering under the hall's light.

"Your Majesty, here is the Axinite stone that you have been seeking," Kairav said, his voice taking on a darker tone. "I have killed Meloidee with my own hands."

Adibahari tried to speak, to tell the truth, but the guards clamped a hand over his mouth at Kairav's command. Tulip's protests were similarly silenced, her mouth covered by another guard's hand. Her eyes widened in horror, tears beginning to form as she watched the scene unfold.

"Your Majesty. They are traitors to our kingdom. They conspired to overthrow our kingdom by stealing this Axinite stone. They must be executed," declared Kairav, his voice echoing with false conviction.

"And Princess Tulip also planned to kill you, Your Majesty. She intended to murder the entire royal family to claim the kingdom for herself. However, do not blame her, for her mind has been corrupted by the devil's influence," Kairav continued, casting a malicious glance at Tulip.

King Lipyang, blinded by the sight of the Axinite stone before him, believed everything Kairav said, though it was all lies. The stone glimmered in his hand, its mystical allure clouding his judgment. He looked at Kairav with newfound pride.

"Thank you, Prince Kairav. I have long searched for this stone. You have just restored my reputation as a great king. In the past, I hated hearing about Meloidee because everyone called me a failed king for not being able to find this stone. But now, my beloved son, you have saved me. If your grandfather were still alive, he would be very proud of you." said King Lipyang, a touch of admiration in his voice.

King Lipyang then looked at Tatai and his friends, his expression hardening into one of cold authority.

"And all of you. Take them to the dungeons. Execute these traitors by beheading. I believed you to be loyal to the kingdom, Tatai, but I did not expect you to harbor such evil behind your mask." His gaze shifted to Tulip, his eyes filled with a mix of disappointment and resolve. "And Tulip, you will be confined and not allowed to leave this palace."

The guards began to drag Tatai, Lantana, Litu, and Adibahari away, their struggles futile against the guards' strength. Tatai managed to cast a final, sorrowful glance at Tulip before he was pulled out of sight.

Tulip, tears streaming down her face, was left standing in the hall, her world collapsing around her. Her hands trembled as she tried to reach out, but the guard's grip tightened, keeping her in place. The once familiar hall now felt like a prison, its walls closing in on her as despair settled in her heart.

Night fell, and Lantana was crying. She screamed inside the prison, but the guards scolded her harshly. She tried to use her Astakona powers, but failed because the prison was made of Nefroli stone.

Frustrated, Lantana hurled small stones from the ground at the guards, cursing them, insisting she and her friends were innocent, trying to defend herself.

"Lantana," Adibahari said, trying to calm her down.

"Adi, I don't want to end up here. There are still so many foods I want to try. We are innocent. We've been framed by Kairav. How are we going to get out of here?" Lantana cried.

Adibahari felt deeply guilty for bringing his friends into this. Lantana and Litu were both still teenagers, with so much left to explore in life. He then looked at Tatai, puzzled by his lack of reaction. Tatai's face was expressionless, as if nothing had happened.

"Tatai," Adibahari called.

"Adi, if we can't use Astakona, what do we do? You're a Tias, you must be more creative than us."

"If I had a chisel, we'd all be out of here but it take too long time." Adibahari muttered.

"Litu, didn't your father leave anything for you to bring here?" Tatai asked.

"No, but I have a pine stick that my mother gave me," Litu replied.

He pulled out a small pine stick from his pocket. Adibahari sighed, then looked at Lantana, an idea forming in his mind.

"Lantana, can you transform into something other than a rabbit, even with Nefroli around?"

"Yes, but why?"

"I have an idea," Adibahari said.

Adibahari approached the guards, noticing how they struggled with the bugs swarming around them.

"Hey, why don't you guys put out those torches? It looks uncomfortable. Or are you afraid we might escape? There's no way we could; this prison is too solid."

The guards exchanged glances and agreed, extinguishing the torches around them, plunging the prison into darkness. However, they still kept watch by the Nefroli bars.

"Now, Lantana."Adibahari whispered.

Lantana transformed into a baby elephant. She reached out with her trunk and grabbed a still-glowing ember from a torch outside the cell.

Adibahari used the pine stick, smoking it with the ember Lantana brought. He then tossed the smoldering stick at the guards' feet. Within seconds, a swarm of beetles descended upon the guards, attacking them.

The guards screamed and thrashed, bewildered by the sudden onslaught of beetles. Their bodies weakened rapidly.

Then, Lantana with a single powerful push, she shattered the Nefroli bars. They all escaped while the guards were still struggling with the beetles.