

an undiscovered prodigy is left without any options as his injuries eat away at his life and his dreams. However, right as he slips away a chance falls at his feet. Will he raise, becoming one of the best volleyball players in the world or will he fail and be left wishing all over again. note: I don't own the Art in the cover or the Haikyuu story art link:https://www.pinterest.co.kr/pin/599963981596770216/

helmet_boi · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs


Waking up for the first time a smile appeared on Kyo's face, he couldn't move and he wasn't even able to look around the room and see where he was. Yet it didn't matter, he already knew that everything had gone as planned.


The black-haired man stood in front of Kyo with his head in his hands showing a look of immense disappointment.

The man-"let me get this straight, we gave you the chance to go anywhere you wanted, fiction or nonfiction, and the world you chose was Haikyuu. There is nothing even special about it, I mean it's just volleyball. That's it!"

Kyo-"When you say it like that it sounds kind of stupid." he said scratching his head at his own impulsive decision.

The woman-"Dear leave the boy alone, it's his wish and he can do what he wants with it."

The man-"yeah yeah whatever. Is there anything you want to help you out over there in your Normal world?" He made sure to exaggerate the world normal to mock Kyo. however, he just smiled as he answered.

Kyo-"I just want two things, a want you to give me the perfect body for volleyball, tall, high potential, and great reflexes and athleticism, just lots of talent. I also want enhanced perception skills. One that lets me see things others can't and allows me to think at higher speeds."

The man-"Hmmm, well at least you've thought this through. Well alright, I'll make it happen."

The woman- "hehehe, would you look at that well now it's my turn, I'll have a lot of fun creating you so don't worry about a thing."


laying in the hospital for the second time as a newborn baby, his second life was truly beginning. he would need to relearn everything he had once mastered even things that had once come to him as second nature. He was starting all over again, with a new chance to perfect everything from the ground up and blow past his previous self in every way. Not only would it take time, but it will also take an insane amount of effort and firm determination. but he would never allow himself to fail again.



Standing in front of a mirror, staring at his reflection was a small boy no older than five. the top of his hair was a jet-black color, while the tips looked to be a dim shade of purple. his hair fell just above a sharp set of hooded purple eyes. having a thin nose and soft jawline made of baby fat he had yet to lose. the owner of these looks was none other than Kyo Uzumaki, or as of this new life Ren Tachibana.

He has been in this world for four years now and Ren had yet to adjust to his new name and appearance. It wasn't that he didn't enjoy them, in fact, he liked them more than in his previous life. But he still couldn't get used to the drastic change, after all, it wasn't every day that you just suddenly became a completely new person, on the other side of the world, within an anime.

What made it even worse was, that whenever he went out in public someone without fail would comment on his looks, and although his mother Sakura Tachibana enjoyed the attention Ren did not.

The reason for this is mostly Ren's fault in the first place. Before she had become pregnant with him she had been a popular fashion model within eastern Asia. Wanting to start a family was the reason she switched from wearing the clothes to designing them. Even with her still being beautiful, she constantly said she had fallen out of her so-called prime, and Ren was a good sense of pride for her. She is a very loving woman after all never failing to spoil her one and only child.

Ren's father, Taichi Tachibana was strongly against this as he tried to be the strict parent. His father was a recently retired professional Volleyball player, even playing for Japan's national team in the 1992 Olympics which he had a whole shrine dedicated to in his office.

Ren was loved by both of his new parents which took a lot of getting used to but now after four years, he had fully welcomed this new life. With him now being passed the age of four, he felt it was time to finally get started on recovering his past life skills. Last year, on his third birthday he had asked for a volleyball to play with, much to his father's joy. However, his mother was strongly against this idea, and with her habit of always getting her way a deal was set. Ren would have to wait until his fourth birthday before he would be allowed to 'ruin his beautiful face with the awful sport' as she put it.

'Today is the day' Ren thought to himself as he ran down the stairs and rushed to his father's office, making sure to knock before entering. His father knew exactly why his son had shone up in front of him today and quickly threw him the ball he had prepared for him earlier before saying.

Father/Taichi-"A deals a deal."

Seeing the boys smile as he held the Volleyball. Taichi couldn't help but smile at his son following in his footsteps.

His wife on the other hand was currently looking at baby photos of Ren, as what she feared most had come true. Her one and only son had chosen his father over her. she continued to flip through the many photos she had taken, sipping away slowly on a glass of wine on that warm Thursday afternoon.


Away from the current soap opera going on in his house Ren had found a perfect spot on the side of the to practice. The ground was grass so he didn't have to worry about scrapes from falling but it was hard enough for the ball to easily bounce on and for his speed not to be slowed. The wall in front of him was smooth and just far enough away from the house where his parents could see him easily but the noise wouldn't be a problem.

deciding it was best if he reverted to the very basics of volleyball, Ren stood just a foot away from the wall, with the ball in hand. Picking a single spot on the wall his eyes never left the mark as he began to simply volley the ball off the wall and back to himself cautiously. He did this because he wanted to form the necessary muscles in his fingers and arms for setting and passing the ball all while getting used to playing with his new body.

Whenever his arms got tired from being in the air, he switched to Forearm passing, staying in the proper form with every pass and building the necessary muscle memory and strength required for the pass. He did this for just over thirty minutes, switching whenever he got exhausted. He was a little embarrassed by how quickly he had tired himself out completely but it was not beyond what he expected.

sitting on the ground with his back against the cement wall, Ren knew he needed more. his body had to be in great shape as well as his skills, he couldn't let either of them slip behind the other. He needed a plan to strengthen his body while honing his skills.

It didn't need to be done quickly, he had the time to take things slowly but he would not allow himself to slack off. He needed to treat his body and skills like forging a priceless sword, harming away at them too quickly and too hard will break it. The best sword is refined over a long period of time just like one's body.

He had already gone through countless drills and workouts. All the time he had wasted getting rid of bad habits or perfecting the right form or steps could now be put directly into training and honing said skills. Today was only the beginning.

sorry if the ending is a little quick there, I just wanted to add a quick little training section please let me know if I should add more.

also I appreciate all the ideas I'm getting, please send me more it helps a lot when I'm coming up with ideas about the story,


helmet_boicreators' thoughts