
Assassin in the Multiverse

"Nothing strengthens authority as much as silence." While others are fighting on the front line, he lurks in the shadows. As others risk their lives, he waits for the perfect time to strike. He is a nobody, a man without a face - a man without footprints. This is the story of a young man - a faceless lad delivering the terror of a "nobody" to the entire universe. 1st World: Akame Ga Kil ----- All characters/worlds belong to their esteemed creators. Apart from my OC of course;) The cover art is one I found on the internet. If the owner wishes me to take it down, please let me know. *MC himself is an assassin, and I want to keep it that way. So don't expect him to be able to defeat the mightiest of the various worlds with raw strength.* *Looking for an editor*

ButterFingerL · Anime e quadrinhos
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1 Chs


Today is a pleasant day, or at least what Louis considers pleasant. 

The sky is slightly cloudy, yet the sun greets everyone once in a while before disappearing behind the clouds again.

In a park, several families can be seen having picnics. Among them, a young man sat on a park bench, his cell phone in one hand while his other hand held a refreshing ice cream in a waffle.

Due to the hot summer, Louis enjoys days like these the most. A certain warmth can still be felt on his skin, but the annoying heat of the sun is hardly noticeable due to the light clouds.

"That's how I like it," the young man whispers to himself as he licks his ice cream.

Louis was raised in a regular family in Germany. He barely passed his final school exams, so he decided to study business administration "thanks" to his poor grades.

Since he had been building computers since he was young, this suited him quite well - even if it was a forced choice.

As time passed and his ice cream ran out, he stood up to make his way home. As soon as he got up, a *ring* sounded in his ear, and a transparent screen appeared right in before him.

"Huh?" Louis wondered.

'Did I eat my ice cream too quickly and have an iced brain? No, my head doesn't feel cold. Heat stroke?' He tried to come up with different solutions. 'Don't tell me I'm just going crazy.'

Without much hesitation, he decided to sit down again and take a closer look at the screen. 'In the end, it doesn't matter why I have this screen in front of me, it's there anyway,' Louis reassured himself.

[Congratulations on being chosen. Would you like to bind the system to your soul? Y/N]

Two sentences. Two sentences were all he got as an explanation.

'Chosen? And a system that merges with my soul?'

Even though Louis wouldn't call himself a Weeb or anything like that, he did watch one or the other anime with his friends during his school days, and read light novels here and there to distract himself.

He knows what a system is, but not all the stories are the same. Some helped their host, while others just fucked them up. Not to mention the system that uses and betrays its host.

Now with the choice, Louis recalled a quote written by a wise man.

Power is given only to those who dare to lower themselves and pick it up. Only one thing matters, one thing; to be able to dare! - A quote in which he firmly believes, at least for now.

As soon as his hand touched "Yes", a Void-like hole appeared behind him and pulled him into nothingness.

Once there was no sign of Louis, a bright veil covered the planet, disappearing again after a few seconds. Since Louis is no longer there, he doesn't know, but nobody on planet Earth can remember him anymore.

This phenomenon signals his end, yet at the same time a new beginning for Louis.


Looking for an editor, please contact me if you are interested :)

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