
Assassin's Redemption

WARNING: Read ONLY if you are in for a GOOD STORY. Thank You. In the cover: Luke Reinhart ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Synopsis: In a world where power and deception reign supreme, a soul reborn seeks redemption and vengeance. As darkness encroaches and treachery abounds, a lone figure emerges from the shadows, wielding skills honed through lifetimes of strife and survival. Unbound by the limits of mortality and driven by an unquenchable thirst for justice, he defies fate and forges his path amidst chaos. As the forces of the underworld and the realm of nobles collide, he stands as a testament to unyielding will and relentless pursuit. He is a shadow among men, a ghost in the annals of history, and his legend is just beginning. Prepare to enter a tale of unparalleled intensity, where the lines between good and evil blur, and the only certainty is the rise of a force to be reckoned with.

CelestialMountain · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

Reaching Harrowgate

As Kael and his companions approached Harrowgate, the grandeur of the city struck them. The gates were imposing, guarded by vigilant soldiers who conducted thorough checks on everyone entering. Kael presented his forged documents, and after a brief inspection, they were allowed in.

Inside, Harrowgate was a bustling metropolis. The streets were clean and well-maintained, lined with majestic buildings and vibrant markets. The merchants' stalls overflowed with exotic goods, and the air was filled with the lively chatter of traders and buyers. Yet, as Kael's eyes wandered, he noticed the slums in the distance. Surprisingly, even the slums were clean, and the people there maintained a respectable appearance. The soldiers in Harrowgate were not just for show; they enforced order and kept crime in check, ensuring that only a few dared to step out of line.

As they navigated through the city, Mr. Lothar commented, "Harrowgate is truly magnificent, isn't it, Carl? The city thrives on trade and maintains order better than any place I've seen."

Kael nodded. "Indeed, it's impressive. The balance between prosperity and discipline here is remarkable."

Elsia, walking beside them, added, "We're fortunate to live here. The opportunities are endless, and it's safe for everyone."

Kael smiled. "It must be nice to feel secure. Not many places offer that."

Soon, they arrived at the merchant's residence. Mr. Lothar turned to Kael. "Carl, if you ever have free time, please visit us. We'd love to have you."

Elsia added, "Yes, you must come by. We owe you so much."

Kael nodded. "I will, thank you."

With a final farewell, Kael headed to The Broken Dagger, a notorious bar known for its connections to the underworld. Upon entering, he drew curious stares, but the patrons were cautious and did not underestimate him.

As Kael made his way to the bar, murmurs began to ripple through the room.

"Who's that kid?" a burly man with a scarred face muttered to his companion.

"New face," another whispered, eyes narrowing. "Looks too clean for this place."

Kael approached the bartender and said in a low voice, "I'm looking for something unique. Perhaps a taste of the rare Nightshade Wine?"

The bartender's eyes widened slightly. He nodded and gestured for Kael to follow him. They ascended a flight of stairs to a dimly lit room where an old man sat behind a desk.

"Welcome," the old man said calmly. "I am the guild master, Eren Milwood. What brings you here?"

Kael's gaze was unyielding. "Are you still a virgin, old man?" he said as soon as he entered the room.


The spirit aura of a Spirit Grandmaster filled the room. Kael clenched his teeth as the pressure bore down on him.


The pressure vanished as quickly as it appeared. Kael let out a sigh. He cursed Seraphina for putting him in this situation. He knew something was wrong with the code Seraphina had given him.


The old man started laughing hysterically. "That girl, she sent you, huh?"

Kael nodded.

"What does she need from this old man?" the guild master asked. Kael heard him mutter under his breath, "After ignoring me after that incident."

Kael met his gaze steadily. "Seraphina sent me to gain experience as an assassin."

The guild master leaned back, intrigued. "How is Seraphina doing nowadays?"

"She's well," Kael replied. "She sends her regards."

Kael looked at the old man, curious about how he and Seraphina were acquainted. "How do you know each other?"

The guild master sighed. "That child is like a daughter to me. She was such a bright, cheerful child in the past, but alas, fate had different plans for her."

Kael's interest was piqued. "What happened to her?"

The guild master looked at Kael with an amused expression. "You wish to know about her past?"

"Yes," Kael said. "What can you tell me?"

The guild master smirked. "Information comes at a price, brat."

Seeing that he couldn't get any information about Seraphina for free, Kael decided to focus on the current situation.

"Let's discuss the terms of our contract then," Kael said.

The negotiation was intense, each word carefully chosen. Kael's sharp mind and strategic thinking came to the forefront. He knew that he had to balance between showing his value and not revealing too much about his capabilities. His eyes never left the guild master's, matching his every move and word.

"I seek a mutually beneficial arrangement," Kael began, his tone firm. "I am capable of completing missions for the guild, and in return, I require information on nobles and the outlaws of the world. I propose that in exchange for my services, I receive information at no cost. Additionally, any spoils from the missions will be mine to keep."

The guild master steepled his fingers, his eyes narrowing. "You drive a hard bargain. But I see potential in you. Agreed, on one condition: you will also provide us with any valuable information you come across during your missions."

Kael nodded, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Agreed."

The contract was drawn up and signed, sealing their arrangement. Kael knew he had struck a favorable deal, gaining access to valuable information while using the missions as a cover for his true goals.

As they finalized the contract, Kael asked, "Now, tell me about Seraphina's past."

The guild master laughed. "You think you can just ask for such information?"

Kael remained calm. "According to our contract, I can request any information from the guild."

The guild master threw a file onto the table. "Earn it. Complete this assassination request."

Kael picked up the file, his expression unreadable. "Consider it done."

As he turned to leave, he said, "You won't be disappointed."

The guild master watched him go, a smile playing on his lips. "Interesting boy. Let's see what he can do."



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