
Assassin's Redemption

WARNING: Read ONLY if you are in for a GOOD STORY. Thank You. In the cover: Luke Reinhart ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Synopsis: In a world where power and deception reign supreme, a soul reborn seeks redemption and vengeance. As darkness encroaches and treachery abounds, a lone figure emerges from the shadows, wielding skills honed through lifetimes of strife and survival. Unbound by the limits of mortality and driven by an unquenchable thirst for justice, he defies fate and forges his path amidst chaos. As the forces of the underworld and the realm of nobles collide, he stands as a testament to unyielding will and relentless pursuit. He is a shadow among men, a ghost in the annals of history, and his legend is just beginning. Prepare to enter a tale of unparalleled intensity, where the lines between good and evil blur, and the only certainty is the rise of a force to be reckoned with.

CelestialMountain · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

Mission Complete, Seraphina's Past [1]

Author's Message:

As you can see, the cover of the novel has been changed. The new face on the novel's cover is Luke Reinhart. Who is Luke? Is he tHAt ImPOrtANt? You may ask. I am planning something that will hopefully blow your mind. I promise to do my best. Thank You and keep supporting me.


Kael stepped out of the carnage-stained mansion, the thrill of battle still coursing through his veins. His mission complete, he made his way to the Information Guild, a habit from his previous life. The guild master's room was his destination, and he arrived with blood-soaked clothes and a sense of accomplishment.

Inside the guild master's room, Eren Milwood, an old man with a penchant for eccentric fashion choices, was sound asleep. Clad in girly pajamas and clutching a teddy bear, he snored softly. Kael's arrival was anything but quiet, and the old man jolted awake, eyes wide with shock.

"What the—!" Eren blurted, seeing Kael dripping blood on his pristine floor.

Kael looked Eren up and down, his face a mask of disgust. "I've completed the mission," he said flatly.

Eren's shock doubled as he realized he hadn't even sensed Kael's approach. "Did you… did you break through?" he asked, eyes narrowing.

Kael shrugged. "It just happened. Anyway, the assassination went as planned. But I had to kill few more people other than the target." He gave a brief, blood-soaked account of the night's events.

Eren's mouth hung open, his mind reeling. "You… you did what? How many did you kill?!" he sputtered.

"56, sir." Kael replied with enthusiasm.

Kael's detailed recount of his deeds left Eren pale and trembling. As the old man tried to process the information, he shook his head vigorously. "Enough! Come back in the morning. Let me sleep!" he shouted, waving Kael away.

Kael, baffled by Eren's outburst, shrugged and left the room. He headed to his assigned quarters, took a long, hot bath, and sat on his bed, replaying the night's battles in his mind. He analyzed his mistakes, strategizing improvements, a skill honed from the legendary king of assassins.

Morning arrived, and Kael made his way back to the guild master's room, eager to finalize his report. He slammed the door open, only to be greeted by a sight he wished he could unsee. Eren was stark naked, caught in the middle of changing.

Kael's eyes widened in horror and sympathy. "Oh… dear gods…" he muttered, quickly closing the door.

A few moments later, a fully dressed and visibly irritated Eren called him back in. "Couldn't you at least have breakfast before barging in here?" he scolded.

As if on cue, a waiter arrived with a tray of food. Kael took a seat, still trying to erase the image from his mind. Eren, now somewhat composed, listened to Kael's full report while munching on toast.

Despite the interruptions, the report was thorough. Eren couldn't help but be impressed by Kael's prowess, even if the young assassin's timing was atrocious. "Well, your skills have definitely improved," Eren said, finally swallowing his last bite. "Just… try to be a bit more considerate next time."

Kael stood in front of Eren, his mission complete and his mind racing with thoughts of what he would ask for in return. The old man, now fully awake and somewhat composed after the previous night's ordeal, looked at him expectantly.

"Alright, Kael," Eren said, crossing his arms. "What do you want as your reward?"

Kael's eyes narrowed, and he leaned forward. "Seraphina's past."

Eren's expression shifted from curiosity to alarm in an instant. "Seraphina's past? That again?"

Kael's gaze was unyielding. "You promised me. Now, will you give me what I asked for, or should I take it myself?"

Eren sighed heavily, rubbing the back of his neck. "Listen, Kael, some things are better left unknown. Seraphina... she's made a lot of enemies. Knowing her past might put you in unnecessary danger."

Kael crossed his arms, his patience thinning. "I can handle myself. Stop trying to distract me and give me the report."

Seeing there was no swaying the young assassin, Eren finally agreed. "Fine. Follow me."

Eren led Kael through the guild, down a series of winding staircases and into the depths of the building. They reached a heavy wooden door reinforced with iron bands. Eren produced a key from his pocket and unlocked it.

The room was vast, lined with shelves reaching from floor to ceiling, each packed with scrolls. A soft, ambient glow from magical orbs illuminated the space, casting an eerie light on the ancient parchments.

Kael's footsteps echoed through the corridor as he and Eren made their way to the deeper parts of the room. Eren, trying to make light of the situation, decided to engage Kael in small talk.

"So, Kael, do you always barge into people's rooms at odd hours, or is that just a special skill of yours?" Eren asked, smirking.

Kael raised an eyebrow. "I wasn't aware assassins had to adhere to social etiquette."

Eren chuckled. "Touché. Still, a little warning next time would be nice. You nearly gave me a heart attack."

As they descended further, the air grew cooler, and the stone walls seemed to close in around them.

Eren gestured to the room. "Welcome to the Archive of Lives. Every scroll here contains the life story of someone significant. It's all organized alphabetically. Seraphina's past should be in the 'S' section."

Kael nodded and began to wander through the aisles, his fingers brushing lightly over the scrolls as he passed. He could feel the weight of countless lives pressing in on him from all sides. Finally, he reached the 'S' section and started scanning the labels.

"Seraphina... Seraphina..." he muttered to himself, his eyes darting from one scroll to the next. After a few minutes of searching, his gaze landed on a scroll labeled "Seraphina Draven."

'Draven?!? How is she related to The Empire of Draven??!?'

He pulled the scroll from the shelf and examined it closely. The parchment was old and worn, but the name was still clearly legible. Kael turned to Eren, who had been watching him from a distance.

"This is it," Kael said, holding up the scroll.

Eren nodded slowly. "Just... be careful with what you find in there, Kael. Seraphina's past is not for the faint of heart."

Kael gave a curt nod, his resolve unshaken. "I'll be fine."

With that, Kael turned and left the library, the scroll clutched tightly in his hand. He could feel the weight of the knowledge contained within it, and he knew that whatever he discovered would change everything.

Eren, trying to lighten the mood again, added, "And remember, if you come across any love letters in there, they were probably meant for me."

Kael rolled his eyes. "Noted. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some reading to do."

With that, Kael turned and left the library, the scroll clutched tightly in his hand.

As Kael made his way back to his quarters, he couldn't help but think about the eccentric old man. The image of Eren in those ridiculous pajamas, clutching a teddy bear, was seared into his mind. He chuckled to himself, shaking his head.



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Completion: ????

Rewards: Extra chapters

Failure: Bad Luck for a week