
Assassin's Redemption

WARNING: Read ONLY if you are in for a GOOD STORY. Thank You. In the cover: Luke Reinhart ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Synopsis: In a world where power and deception reign supreme, a soul reborn seeks redemption and vengeance. As darkness encroaches and treachery abounds, a lone figure emerges from the shadows, wielding skills honed through lifetimes of strife and survival. Unbound by the limits of mortality and driven by an unquenchable thirst for justice, he defies fate and forges his path amidst chaos. As the forces of the underworld and the realm of nobles collide, he stands as a testament to unyielding will and relentless pursuit. He is a shadow among men, a ghost in the annals of history, and his legend is just beginning. Prepare to enter a tale of unparalleled intensity, where the lines between good and evil blur, and the only certainty is the rise of a force to be reckoned with.

CelestialMountain · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

Growing Affection

Author's Note:

The writing will only get better and better as the chapters go by. So please be patient and look forward to the novel.

Please support my work and if you are interested you can join my patreon.



Years passed, and Kael grew under the loving gaze of his parents. At first, he struggled with his emotions, battling the ingrained belief that all humans were selfish. Yet, every day spent with his parents was a day that eroded this belief.

His mother, Lady Elara, was the epitome of grace and kindness. She would spend hours with him, teaching him about the world, reading him stories, and comforting him when he had nightmares. Each act of kindness chipped away at his hardened heart.

Every evening, as they sat by the fireplace, Elara began to tell him a story. "This is the tale of the Brave Knight," she said, her voice soft and melodic. "He was a man of honor, who fought for justice and protected the weak."

Kael listened intently, his eyes wide with wonder. He had heard many tales in his previous life, but none had ever touched him like this. There was something about his mother's voice, the way she spoke with such passion and love, that made the story come alive.

As she finished the tale, she looked at Kael, her eyes filled with love. "Remember, my dear Kael, you have the heart of a knight. You are brave, and you will always do what is right."

Kael felt a lump in his throat. He wanted to believe her, to accept her love without question. But there was still a part of him that clung to his past, that reminded him of the betrayals he had suffered.

Even after Kael learned to speak, he never called his parents mom and dad. His past always held him from moving on. His scars were itched very deep into his soul. Though he began to trust and love both of them, he never brought himself to call them mom and dad.

He once overheard his mother and father talk about this.

"Dear why is my Kael not calling me mummy?" Elara asked her husband with tears in her eyes. "Am I a bad mother? Am I doing something wrong? I am dying to hear him call me mama but even though- even though he learned to speak, he never called me mama."


"Dear, do not worry that's our son. He will eventually call us mum and dad. And you don't you dare call yourself a bad mother." Thorne said. "Even I am dying to hear him calling me dad. Even for once, just once. "

Kael felt bad when he heard his parents talk. He loved them and they loved him but there was something that stopped him from fully accepting them.

His father, Lord Thorne, was a man of strength and honor. He would often take Kael to the training grounds, teaching him the basics of combat. "One day, you will be a great warrior," Thorne would say, his voice filled with pride. "But remember, strength is not just about muscle. It's about heart and mind."

Kael absorbed his father's lessons, feeling a strange sense of pride and belonging. He had never known such unconditional love and support in his previous life. It was a feeling he couldn't quite understand, but it was one he cherished.

One day, while playing in the garden, Kael stumbled and scraped his knee. Tears welled up in his eyes, but before he could cry, his mother was there, her arms around him. "It's alright, my love," she whispered, her voice soothing. "Mama will take care of you."

Kael looked up at her, feeling a warmth in his chest. He had never experienced such care, such unconditional love. It was a feeling that both confused and comforted him.

Never in his past life has he ever heard someone say that they will take care of him. Kael never felt like this before.

'This feeling, it's ....warm.' 

As the years passed, Kael found himself growing more attached to his parents. He began to trust them, to believe in their love. The walls he had built around his heart slowly crumbled, replaced by a sense of belonging he had never known.

One night, Kael was in his room, drifting into a peaceful sleep. His parents slept in the room next to his, the soft murmur of their voices providing a comforting background.

Suddenly, a piercing scream shattered the tranquility. Kael jolted awake, his heart pounding in his chest. It was his mother's scream. Without a second thought, he leaped out of bed and rushed to his parents' room.

The sight that greeted him was one of horror. His father's headless body lay on the floor, blood pooling around it. His mother was still alive, but a knife was buried deep in her heart. She looked at Kael, her eyes filled with pain and sorrow.

"It's alright, my love," she whispered, her voice weak and trembling. "Mama will take ca—"


Before she could finish, the assassin stepped forward and beheaded her. Her head flew across the room and landed in front of Kael. The sight of his mother's lifeless eyes staring up at him broke something inside him.

"M-mom? Dad?", Kael subconsciously spoke. He could not understand what was happening. 

"Why? Why? WHYY??" He shouted.

Kael fell to his knees, unable to tear his eyes away from the gruesome scene. His mother's bloodied body, his father's decapitated form—these were the people who had shown him unconditional love and care. And now they were gone.

The assassin turned to Kael, a cruel smile playing on his lips. "Well, well, what do we have here?" he sneered. "A little lordling, all alone. You'll fetch a good price as a slave."

Seeing the man licking the blood on his knife with a sneer on his face, Kael was enraged with anger he once knew.

"YOU BASTARD!!!!", Kael roared. "I WILL KILL YOU!!"

Kael's heart burned with a new emotion—rage. He clenched his fists, his tiny body trembling with anger and sorrow. He would make this man pay. He would avenge his parents even if it was the last thing he did.


Author's note

The writing will only get better and better as the chapters go by. So please be patient and look forward to the novel.

Please support my work and if you are interested you can join my patreon.


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