
Assassin's Redemption

WARNING: Read ONLY if you are in for a GOOD STORY. Thank You. In the cover: Luke Reinhart ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Synopsis: In a world where power and deception reign supreme, a soul reborn seeks redemption and vengeance. As darkness encroaches and treachery abounds, a lone figure emerges from the shadows, wielding skills honed through lifetimes of strife and survival. Unbound by the limits of mortality and driven by an unquenchable thirst for justice, he defies fate and forges his path amidst chaos. As the forces of the underworld and the realm of nobles collide, he stands as a testament to unyielding will and relentless pursuit. He is a shadow among men, a ghost in the annals of history, and his legend is just beginning. Prepare to enter a tale of unparalleled intensity, where the lines between good and evil blur, and the only certainty is the rise of a force to be reckoned with.

CelestialMountain · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

Assassination Request

Author's Note:

The writing will only get better and better as the chapters go by. So please be patient and look forward to the novel.

Please support my work, and if you are interested, you can join my Patreon:



Kael awoke to the gentle sway of movement. He opened his eyes, and the harsh glare of sunlight forced him to squint. He was lying on a soft surface, a stark contrast to the rough ground of the slave camp. He turned his head and saw the woman who had taken him from Darion. She sat beside him, her piercing blue eyes observing him with a mix of curiosity and pity.

"Where am I?" Kael asked, his voice hoarse.

"You are safe," the woman replied, her voice calm and soothing. "My name is Seraphina. You are in my care now."

Kael's mind raced. He remembered the tent, the overwhelming power she had displayed, and the way she had taken him without a second thought. "Why did you take me?" he demanded, trying to sit up but wincing in pain.

Seraphina placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, easing him back down. "Rest, Kael. Your body needs time to heal. I took you because I see potential in you, a potential that should not be wasted."

Kael's eyes narrowed. "What do you want from me?"

Seraphina smiled, a hint of sadness in her eyes. "I want to help you. But in return, I need your help as well."

Kael's suspicion grew. "Help you with what?"

Seraphina's expression grew serious. "I need someone with a shadow elemental spirit to complete a task for me. It is a dangerous task, one that requires skill, precision, and a heart devoid of mercy."

Kael's heart skipped a beat. "What task?"

Seraphina took a deep breath. "I need you to kill the king of Alzaria."

Kael's mind went blank. The king of Alzaria was one of the most powerful men in the world, protected by an army of loyal soldiers and skilled guards. "Why would you need me for that? Why not hire a seasoned assassin?"

Seraphina's eyes softened. "Because you possess a unique power, a shadow spirit that can slip through the cracks of reality itself. And because you have nothing left to lose. Your spirit circuit is damaged, but I can help you recover and train you to harness your power fully."

Kael's suspicion gave way to curiosity. "And what do I get in return?"

Seraphina's smile returned. "I will train you to become the strongest assassin the world has ever seen. I will help you control your power and give you the means to avenge your parents and reclaim your life."

Kael's mind raced with possibilities. He had nothing left, no family, no home, only a burning desire for revenge. If Seraphina could help him achieve that, then he would accept her offer. "And if I refuse?"

Seraphina's eyes sparkled with amusement. "Then I will let you go, and you can find your own path. But know this, Kael: the path I offer you is one of power and purpose."

Kael considered her words. He had been lost, directionless, ever since his parents were murdered. Now, he had a chance to gain power, to seek revenge, and to reclaim his life. "Fine. I accept your offer."

Seraphina's smile widened. "Good. We have much work to do."

Over the next few days, Kael's recovery began in earnest. Seraphina tended to his wounds with a gentle touch, using her knowledge of herbs and healing arts to ease his pain. As he healed, Kael couldn't help but observe her with a mix of curiosity and suspicion. She was a mystery, a powerful figure with a hidden agenda.

One evening, as the sun set and cast long shadows across the landscape, Kael finally felt strong enough to sit up and talk to Seraphina. "Why do you need to kill the king?" he asked, his voice steady.

Seraphina looked out at the horizon, her expression distant. "That is a story for another time, Kael. For now, all you need to know is that the king's death is necessary for the greater good."

Kael frowned. "And why do you need someone with a shadow spirit to do it?"

Seraphina turned to him, her eyes filled with a mix of sorrow and determination. "Because the king is one of the most powerful person in the world, A spirit king and he is protected by powerful spirit users and skilled warriors. Only a shadow spirit user can slip through their defenses, undetected and unstoppable."

Kael nodded, accepting her explanation for now. " spirit king? Is that a power ranking system? And how do you plan to train me?"

Seraphina's eyes sparkled with excitement. "The spirit users are the people who could awaken and harness their elemental spirits and the ranking system of spirit users are

Spirit Beginner

Spirit Apprentice

Spirit Adept

Spirit Master

Spirit Grandmaster

Spirit King

Spirit Emperor

Spirit Celestial

Spirit Immortal

As the spirit user masters his spirit, he breaks through to the next rank. The peak of the spirit user is Spirit Immortal but the strongest spirit user alive is the Emperor of Draven, who is a Spirit Emperor. And I possess the training methods of the legendary King of Assassins who was also a Spirit Celestial master, a figure shrouded in myth and legend. His techniques require a body with shadows as a spirit and damaged spiritual pathways. You, Kael, are uniquely suited for this training."

"Just Spirit Celestial? If you want to make me the strongest shouldn't it be spirit immortal?" Kael asked with confusion.

"Boy he became Spirit Celestial at the age of 26. And he died at 29." Seraphina replied.

Kael was surprised and asked her the reason for his death.

"He had a nemesis that you too would have when you grow stronger and that 'person' knows you have a shadow spirit." Seraphina said with pity.

Kael was visibly worried but he wanted to focus on the present situation.

Kael's curiosity grew. "You said you needed a body with damaged spiritual pathways but what if my pathways weren't damaged?"

Seraphina's smile turned playful. "Then I would have had to destroy them myself." She said it with a smile on her face.

Hearing her response Kael doubted the decision he made.

'It should be fine...right?'


Author's Note:

The writing will only get better and better as the chapters go by. So please be patient and look forward to the novel.

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