
The beginning of new gaming fantasy

Now there's an 18 y/o guy named Alex who's always criticized by his parents , friends , and neighbor for being antisocial.

He's highly game addicted especially for stealth games , special operations, and assassin's Creed ....

When he starts playing games he starts to imagine that this is an actual world and he's real protagonist of game and the game which he's playing is real , he's some kind of agent who's finishing his job trying to complete mission like real life army man or contract killer. When he goes to sleep he keeps thinking about how he completed the levels in the game, how he explored new places and met new people during mission. That addiction caused him sleeping disorder and he lost interest in real life and people around by him, he just play games and listen to music and and start imaginations and keep overthinking over the night , and he asked himself a question that is this world real that I'm seeing right now.

For sociopathic acts his parents left him , his friends left him and his friends made fun of him criticized him as they usually do, even his relatives criticized him for being useless and his relatives had the jobs with high-profile, he became the most hated person in family and most depressed as well.

He just can't handle it the feelings and emotions after being criticized again and again by every single person.

He locked himself in the house and doesn't go anywhere til it's not so necessary.

One day he returned home from library and started his usual daily life routine

after playing a video games he decided to get some rest and take good nap. He falls asleep, and then his imaginations and overthinking extra gaming, all mixed up and weighed his mind in the form of dream but that wasn't any dream that was full of adventure, action and whole new story it was the beginning of new gaming fantasy.