
Assassin's Creed [YURI]

A Citrus AU

KangJungAh · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Chapter 2

"I had to," Mei replied.

"You could've asked Kelly to take you here." Sho said.

"There's no time for bickering, how the hell did you lose my mother?" Yuzu asked as she looked at Sho.

"I was sleep at the rooms upstairs, she told me to leave her alone so I did." Sho said.

"You could've have at least just stayed outside her room! Now what are we going to do?!" Yuzu shouted which shocked Shigeko. "All of you has been lying to me all this time and what?! You expect me to believe you like this!" Yuzu shouted as she grabbed her head.

"Can you tell me at least who took her?" Yuzu asked.

"Y-yes, it's L-Lilian. Her ex." Sho said.

"Mom?" Mei asked.

"Yes, we only married for the family name." Sho explained.

"What are we going to do now?" Shigeko asked.

"Is there anyone who knows how to hack from the three of you?" Sho asked.

"Uhmmmm....no but I know someone who does." Yuzu said.

"Matsuri..." Yuzu and Shigeko said in unison.

Matsuri is playing around with couple of her friends.

"Hahahaha! You shits couldn't even beat me!" Matsuri exclaimed as she took the money on his hand.

"Oh come on, it's my first time playing this game." Jakob said.

"Well, it's my first time too so that not an excuse." Matsuri replied.

"Fine fine, here. But don't think I won't want for rematch." Jakob said as he smirked.

"I'd like to see you try." Matsuri said as her phone started ringing.

"Be right back." Matsuri said and answered the phone.

"Yuzu-chan. What's up?" Matsuri asked.

"Can you go at the XXX Hospital? Meet me at the rooftop." Yuzu said.

"Is something wrong?" Matsuri asked.

"Just go, please." Yuzu said as Matsuri heard her took a sigh on the other line.

"Alright, I'll be there." Matsuri said.

"Thanks, Matsuri." Yuzu said then hung up.

Matsuri went back to the others and took her bag.

"Going home already?" Jasmine asked.

"Nah, I need to run some errands so I think you guys should go ahead too." Matsuri said.

"Want me to come with you?" Gianna asked.

"No thanks...Hey Khione! You better hold down your sister before she comes after me!" Matsuri said as she teased Gianna.

"Oh shut it!" Gianna said as she hit her softly.

"Anyways, I'll see you guys around." Matsuri said then left heading to the hospital.

Mei and Shigeko stayed with Sho as they are trying to contact Lilian through his phone.

"It seems that she won't answer her phone." Sho said.

"Well, we can't stop trying can we?" Shigeko said.

"I know, it's just that if she didn't answer 30 times before then she won't answer." Sho said.

"But she reads the voicemail. Isn't that a bit rude? Reading but not replying?" Shigeko asked.

"Let me try." Mei said and took the phone from her hand.

Mei called her mom with trembling hands. She didn't answer but Mei left a voicemail.

"Mom, I miss you. If you get this please just let me see you one last time. Hear your voice.....M-mom please!" Mei said as she cried then entered the voicemail.

Sho took the phone from her and handed it to Shigeko. He then hugged Mei to comfort her.

"H-Hey, calm d- She's calling!" Shigeko said and showed him his phone.

"Here goe- Let me answer it. She might only want to talk to me." Mei said and answered the phone.

"Mei? Are you there?" Lilian asked softly.

"Y-yes, mother. H-how have you been?" Mei asked. "I'm doing alright. Wh-Why didn't you tell me you're still alive?" Mei added as the atmosphere changed.

"I just didn't realize that y-you deserve me." Lilian replied.

"Liar! I saw you with Julian!" Sho shouted.

"Julian? Who's Julian, mom?" Mei asked confused.

"That was long tim-Hah! Sho!" Ume said on the other line.

"Auntie?" Shigeko asked.

"Tell Yuzu to open the box I put on her bag always!-Shut up!" Lilian said as they heard a loud falling of body on the floor.

"Ume!" Sho shouted. "Are you okay?!" He added.

"..." The other line hung up and so Sho cursed under his breath.

"Crap!" Sho shouted as he grabbed his head with frustration.

"Wh-what are we going to do now?" Shigeko asked.

"We wait 'til your friend arrives." Sho replied as he sat down on Ume's bed.

Yuzu waited at the rooftop as she took deep breath to let everything sink in.

I don't know anymore. I'm afraid that something big is going to happen...


Yuzu was about to go to sleep but she heard her mom talking someone on the phone.

"Sho! Please! Just do as I say!" Her mom shouted on the phone.

"She WILL come and I know it! Sooner or later she will!" Ume explained.

"I don't care what happens to me, just protect Yuzu at all cost. That's all I ask, please." Ume said.

"About me?" Yuzu said to herself.

"I'll get going, Sho. I need to check up on Yuzu." Ume said and hung up.

End of Flashback

Matsuri reached the rooftop and saw Yuzu waiting for her there.

"Hey, you okay? You look like you're thinking deeply." Matsuri asked.

"Yeah, I guess I am. Matsuri, be honest with me. Are you one of them?" Yuzu asked straightforwardly.

"One of them? What are you talking about?" Matsuri asked confused.

Does she know about the Shadow World already?!

"The whole Shadow World dumbass. I know you are one because you've been talking about making stories about one!" Yuzu explained as anger flashed through her eyes.

"Y-yeah, I am. But you are too! Besides your mom doesn't want you to know." Matsuri explained.

"But do you know the reason why?" Yuzu asked.

"N-no, if I knew I would've told you by now." Matsuri said as she stuttered.

"I see..." Yuzu said as she sighed.

"Why not ask Auntie Ume?" Matsuri asked.

"She's gone, someone took her and I don't know where to find her first." Yuzu said.

"Auntie Ume went missing? How?!" Matsuri exclaimed.

"I'm not sure. Uncle Sho was here but didn't saw the kidnapper." Yuzu explained.

"That's why we need your help. Hack someone and maybe we can get mom's location." Yuzu explained.

"I w- Yuzu! Come on! We only have ten minutes to talk to Auntie Ume before the taker cuts us off completely!" Shigeko shouted from the door of the rooftop.

The two teens run through the door but Yuzu went to the fire exit and jumped from stairs to stairs.

Matsuri looked amazed at Yuzu and confused at Shigeko.

"Did you know that Yuzu could do that?" Matsuri asked.

"She was born with that talent...let's go!" Shigeko said and followed Yuzu downstairs.

"Mei..." Ume said softly. Mei only looked at her with soft eyes.

"Thank you for putting that on her." Ume said.

"That's the only thing I could do for her, Auntie." Mei replied.

"It will take time for her to get used to her power which I would want you to help her control it." Ume explained.

"But I'm not even a Master yet." Mei said.

"You may not be but you will...you'll get there." Ume said.

"Ye-Mom! Are you okay?!" Yuzu shouted as she went inside.

"I'm alright, sweet pea." Ume replied.

"What's going on! Why did you lie about my life?!" Yuzu asked teary.

"I was not the one who thought of that, Yuzu. But your father." Ume explained.

"He never wanted you to know about our life. He wanted you to grow up like a mundane or more likely a human." Ume continued.

"You do realize that sooner or later I will have to know about this right?" Yuzu asked and Ume nodded.

"But your father was persistent. I don't know how to convince him anymore and that caused him his life. He was killed by my ex." Ume finished.

"None of this would've happened if you only told me from the beginning! So many lives have been lost just to protect me!" Yuzu shouted.

"Our World has gone to chaos because they've been looking for the heir to the throne but they couldn't. Our people assumed that the princess didn't make it so they've been fighting for the throne. I don't want you to get involve there. I can't risk it." Ume said.

"Is that why you fought with Uncle Sho 2 years ago? I heard you two talking about me." Yuzu said.

"Y-yes, it wa- Time's up. Bye bye!" Lilian said and hung up.

"Damn it!" Yuzu shouted. "I still have many questions!" She added.

"Here, there and done!" Matsuri shouted happily.

"I got the place but it looks like we couldn't find it." Matsuri said as she sighed.

"Why? What's wrong?" Mei asked.

"It's in middle of nowhere." Matsuri said as she looked at them.

Mitsuko is on training still even though she's already a Master.

"Ah!" Her opponent shouted as she kicked him across the stomach.

"Still won't give up? Fine then..." Mitsuko said and kicked him forward again getting his opponent out of focus.

She ran forward then jumped kicking him knock out.

"Good job, Mitsuko. Tomorrow again?" Her instructor asked.

"That's what father told me." Mitsuko said as she wiped the sweat on her neck and face.

"I see, your sister is waiting for you outside. Why don't you headfirst?" Her instructor said then left.

Mitsuko then went to grab her things then went out to see Harumi waiting for her.

"Hey, there. Father called?" Mitsuko asked and she nodded.

"He wants you to go at the company. I don't know why though." Harumin said.

"I see. Are you coming with me? Cause I got my motorcycle outside." Mitsuko said.

"No need, I also need to go somewhere. Someone called...girlfriend." Harumin said as she whispered the last part.

"Hahaha, yeah. See you later then sis." Mitsuko then fist bumped her sister then left.

Harumin just chuckled as she was happy that Mitsuko wanted to fix their relationship. She looked at her phone and saw Mei and her on the wallpaper.

Are you okay? Why does it sound you don't know what to do anymore.


"Miss, Taniguchi. Your father is in a council meeting at the second floor. He said that you should go there when you arrive." The woman said.

"I see, I'll get going then." Mitsuko said and pulled her hands away from her as she tried taking it.

Dumb gold digger! I don't see why father would fall for some tart like her...

"Why do you need my hand eh?" Mitsuko asked.

"I also is on my way there so why don't we go together?" Jane asked as she took Mitsuko's hand and this time Mitsuko wasn't be able to take it away.

"You don't want your father getting mad at you again, right?" Jane said as she smirked.

Mitsuko only trembled as she started walking.

Jane only smiled under her breath as she grinned. The two woman reached the meeting room and Mitsuko's father greeted them both fairly which hated Jane.

"Glad you two arrived, we were just talking about the inheritance of the company." Henry greeted as he led them to the table.

"So, who's getting the company?" Mitsuko asked.

"We decided to split it to you and your mom..." Henry said.

"What the hell?! Why would you give it to her! She's a no one!" Mitsuko shouted as she glared at her father.

"Don't speak to Jane like that! She's your mother!" Henry scolded her.

"She will never be my mother! Besides you could've given it to me and Harumin! The rightful heirs!" Mitsuko shouted as she continued.

"That's enough, Mitsuko! My decision is final." Henry said.

"Well, my decision is final too! I'm leaving the family and you won't stop me." Mitsuko said as she turned to leave.

"Heir, huh? You just lost your whole family, Mr. Taniguchi." Mitsuko said then left.

She went outside and drove back home to see guards waiting for her.

"You wanna stop me? Let me see you try..." Mitsuko said as she readied herself.

Harumin knocked on the Aihara Mansion and a blue haired girl opened the door.

"You must be Harumin that Mei's talking about. Come in." The girl said so Harumin went in.

She was led by the girl to a room and she immediately saw Mei.

"H-hey, there." Mei said as she wiped the blood of her face.

"It happened again?" Harumin asked as she went toward her and took a good look on her.

"Y-yeah, I don't know why though." Mei said softly.

"We both know why though. You've been training hard that's why. You'll be a Master soon so don't push yourself too much." Harumin said as she hugged her.

"I love you, babe." Mei said as she buried her face on her neck.

"Me too, please stop pushing yourself. I don't want to see you like this." Harumin said as she held her cheeks with both hands and looked at her.

"Promise me." Harumin said but Mei only leaned forward to kiss her.

Harumin kissed back as she opened her mouth slightly so that Mei could get in easily. The two girls moaned as their tongue intertwined with each other tasting one another.

The two kept kissing and pulled away immediately when the door opened.

"Mei, your grandfa- oh! Who are you?" Yuzu asked confused.

"Harumi Taniguchi, but you can call me Harumin." Harumin replied.

"You saying that grandfather called?" Mei asked and Yuzu nodded.

"I'll be right back then, go and get to know each other." Mei said as she let go off Harumin's hand then left.

"You two have something don't you?" Yuzu asked as she smirked.

"You don't see that as disgusting?" Harumin asked.

"Of course not, besides I know Mei chose you for a reason and that reason is good. I'm Yuzu Aihara by the way." Yuzu answered.

"Aihara?" Harumin asked confused.

"Oh, my mom remarried to Uncle Sho so I'm Aihara now." Yuzu explained and Harumin nodded awkwardly.

"I-I see, well....uhmmm...please don't mention our relationship to anyone, Yuzu." Harumin said.

"Why though?" Yuzu asked.

"People don't accept our relationship especially our family, so please never speak of it Infront of them." Harumin explained and Yuzu nodded.

The two girls fell silent looking at each other so when they realized what they were doing they immediately looked away when Yuzu's necklace started to glow.

"Hey, your necklace is glowing!" Harumin exclaimed.

"Eh? It only glowed earlier when I was in danger but your the only one who's here." Yuzu said then suddenly her eyes glowed and turned lavender.

"Haha, this body is easy to possess. Taniguchi-san, tell me where Mei is if you don't want to get hurt." The woman on Yuzu's body said.

"Like hell I'll tell you!" Harumin shouted and Shigeko went inside.

"What the hell is going on? Who shouted?" Shigeko asked as she hurried inside almost tripping herself as a result.

"Shigeko, can you tell me where Mei is?" The woman said using Yuzu's body.

"Will you stop it? Why use possession if you don't know that person you possessed?" Shigeko said and readied herself.

"Get out of there or we'll get you!" Harumin shouted and Yuzu's eyes suddenly glowed green and she went back to her senses.

"Haah! I'm back? Hmmm? What happened? Why are you in that position? Were you about to attack me?" Yuzu asked confused.

"You're back?" Harumin asked cautiously.

"Yeah? Uhh....what happened?" Yuzu asked.

"You were possessed and we still don't know who was it." Harumin explained.

"Possessed?! As in someone else is controlling my body?" Yuzu exclaimed as the two saw the fear in her face.

"It's fine, we just need to start your training then that won't happen again." Shigeko said and someone's phone started ringing.

"That's mine, be right back." Harumin said and left.

Shigeko took her hand and she led him outside. Shigeko then put her hands on Yuzu's chest and summoned water from somewhere.

Yuzu tried to moved away but Shigeko shook her head so Yuzu didn't dare to move. The water touched her skin and went inside her.

Yuzu could feel the water moving around her body as Shigeko was controlling it. Soon, Yuzu felt nothing as her body started to relax until it was interrupted when Shigeko took the water out.

"My assumptions were right, you really are not baptized. I don't know why Auntie didn't get you baptized but I think I know for sure is...that's a bad idea." Shigeko explained.

"We need to start your training as soon as possible before the Clans started war against each other." Shigeko continued.

"Clans? That just doesn't make any sense to me." Yuzu said as she grinned a little but Shigeko was still as serious as she was.

"There are 4 clans in the Shadow World. There are Fire, Water, Air, and Earth. You are in the Fire Clan while I'm in the Aqua Clan. The baptism of Fire Clan as I can remember is staying on fire for 1 day." Shigeko said.

"What the hell?!" Yuzu exclaimed.

"Well, if you don't want that to happen to you again then you must get baptized. Besides you can't start your training if you're not baptized yet." Shigeko said.

"Why do they want a heir again?" Yuzu asked.

"The Witcher was killed. She was the one who holds the Mother Stone which is the source of all the power in the Shadow World. If it gets in the wrong hands then it could cause chaos." Matsuri explained as she climbed up the fence.

"Who killed the Witcher then?" Yuzu asked.

"We don't know but the rumors tells us that it's the Fire Clan who killed her because they keep the Mother Stone for now." Matsuri replied.

"Maybe this is the reason dad didn't want me involve here. This is full of violence." Yuzu said.

"Well, I guess that's true but what choice do you have?" Shigeko asked. "Violence is the only way you'll survive in both worlds." Shigeko added.

The three heard the front door opening and Harumin went out.

"I'll ask my sister if she could train you. But I need to handle some things first. I'll see you- Who's this little one?" Harumin asked as she pet Matsuri's head.

"That's Mat- Hey, I'm not little!" Matsuri interrupted.

"....Just a bit... Hahahaha!" Shigeko said as she ran after being chased by Matsuri nonstop.

"That's Matsuri, she just doesn't like being called little bit she's nice." Yuzu explained.

"I see, I'll just call you if my sister is available. Tell Mei I already left, okay?" Harumin said as she held her shoulder.

"Of course, I'll see you around." Yuzu said and Harumin nodded then left.

Yuzu was still standing on the same spot as she watch the two chasing each other.

"I'll go back inside, you two continue if you want. I want to rest." Yuzu said then left going inside.

"What the hell is wrong with you?! Why would you wanna kill her?!" Mei shouted.

"She's dangerous! She's an Okogi and you know how the war started 100 years ago that killed your grandma!" Her grandfather shouted.

"I don't fucking care! It's not as if she'll attack us right? She doesn't even know about our world until now!" Mei shouted as she glared at her grandfather.

"Fine! If that's what you choose. Then let me give you two choices. It's either you marry someone or you'll kill the Okogi." He said and Mei stopped. "I'll give you 10 seconds to answer." Her grandfather added.










"Te- Fine! I'll m-marry him!" Mei shouted.

"You were never like this Mei. What made you change? I really don't know what to do with you anymore." Her grandfather said.

"If your done then I'm leaving." Mei said and was about to leave.

"Care to explain? Hmmm?" Her grandfather asked but she only turned to look at him.

"I don't need to explain anything to you. If you are wondering why I'm like this then why not ask yourself? You made me like this." Mei said then left leaving her grandfather shocked.

Mei ran to her room and cried.

"Haah! Harumin! What do I do?! I don't want to lose you!" Mei shouted as she cried.

"Uhhh....did something happen?" Yuzu asked as she turned to look at Mei

"How long have you been there?"  Mei asked as she wipes the tears off her face.

"Long enough to know that your crying because of Harumin." Yuzu replied and Mei turned to look at her.

"Don't mind me...I just had a talk with grandfather that's all." Mei said.

"I know about your "thing" with Harumin so if you won't tell me what's going on then I'll tell gramps abo- No! Don't! Just promise you won't mention this about anyone." Mei said. "Not even Harumin." Mei added as she looked at her seriously.

"Y-yeah..." Yuzu said as she stuttered.

Is it really a good thing to ask her about this? She's so scary when she's serious.

Mei only sighed and looked at Yuzu.

I don't want to lose you too Harumin... Like my mom...