
Zion's power!

Zion stopped stretching, and assumed fighting position.

Inspector: Whenever you are ready, my arcane is turned off, so you don't have to worry about losing.

Zion: Underestimating me now, can you see this!

Zion charges toward the Inspector, his sneakers emitting bursts of air from built-in jets, propelling him forward at an astonishing speed. With his velocity amplified, he swiftly positions himself for a powerful kick, his movements a blur as he closes in on his target.

Gin: W-Wow! he's really fast!

Carpet: Zion's footwear is equipped with air-jets that activate when he accelerates, propelling bursts of air that boost his velocity. As he gains momentum, the air-jets intensify, amplifying his speed exponentially with each stride. However, there's a risk: if he pushes the limits too far, he'll find himself unable to halt his rapid motion.

Gin: So there is a downside for so much speed...

Carpet: Precisely.

As Zion launches his kick, the Inspector swiftly sidesteps, evading the attack with ease. Reacting quickly, Zion activates his air jets, propelling himself backward to create distance between him and his agile opponent. With the newfound space, he takes a moment to strategize, his mind racing as he formulates a rapid plan. Meanwhile, Razor remains silent, observing the unfolding duel with keen interest.

Zion: I need to prepare my special attack!

Zion starts circling the Inspector in a rapid motion, his movements growing swifter with each passing moment. As he picks up pace, his air-jets engage, further accelerating him in a continuous loop. With his speed escalating, Zion begins leaving behind multiple afterimages that flicker around the Inspector, creating a dizzying display of motion. The Inspector remains vigilant, tracking Zion's every move with a focused gaze as the whirlwind of activity unfolds around him.

Inspector: Ah, after images, my weakness...

Suddenly, Zion leaps upward, halting his afterimages in mid-air, launching himself from the room's roof. Utilizing his air-jets to control his descent, Zion hurtles toward the ground with precision. As he approaches the Inspector, Zion begins to spin vertically, the air-jets intensifying their output, generating a whirlwind of air around him. With remarkable agility, Zion reaches the Inspector, executing a breathtaking aerial maneuver. The Inspector watches in awe as Zion's leg descends upon him, his expression a mixture of astonishment and admiration for Zion's incredible skill.

Zion: Amazing Zion kick!

As the Inspector is seen, suddenly teleporting away, Zion's powerful kick smashes through the floor, shattering it into pieces and sending a shockwave rippling throughout the room. Gin and Carpet struggle to maintain their footing as they are propelled towards the wall by the force of the blast. In a display of remarkable stability, Razor swiftly embeds his blade into the floor, anchoring himself against the chaos, remaining steady amidst the turmoil. Debris, rocks, and bricks are sent hurtling through the air, adding to the cacophony of destruction that fills the room.

As Zion regains his composure, he surveys the room, taking in the aftermath of his actions. Gin and Carpet also begin to stir, rising to their feet and casting concerned glances at Zion, who stands amidst the wreckage.

Zion: Where did that tall man go?

The Inspector suddenly appears behind Zion, placing his hand on Zion's shoulder.

Inspector: Remarkable speed.

Zion: Zion back kick!

Zion launches a kick towards the Inspector standing behind him, but this time, lacking the usual agility, his attempt is thwarted as the Inspector swiftly catches his leg mid-air.

Inspector: But you lack to understand your opponents ability.

The Inspector flicks his finger at Zion's forehead, causing him to be launched back, tripping on the floor, Zion's sneakers show off a red color, giving off steam as well.

Inspector: Anyways. Good spar, you are definitely strong, just think more before you kick, you get me?

Zion: Yea I do.

Gin: What happened to his last kick? it seemed slower.

Carpet: Well, you see, Zion's air-jets work much like the human respiratory system. There are two small pipes at the back of his sneakers: one longer, one shorter. The shorter pipe takes in cold air, turning it into CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) and releasing the rest of the gases that were present in the air, the CO2 is then released from the longer pipe when increased velocity is detected, this process typically takes a second, so when too much CO2 is released beyond the air-jets comprehension, it completely overheats, causing it to break down for a few minutes.

Gin looks at Carpet, completely dumb founded by the explanation.

Gin: W-What's the human respiratory system?

Carpet gives off an annoyed expression, but sighs.

Carpet: I'm not explaining that to you...

Zion's joins the group once again, happy that he impressed the Inspector.

Carpet: Did you feel any excitement? Zion.

Zion: I should've used my arcane!

Gin: You have arcane?

Zion: Yea I do! what about you pyramid man?

Gin gets annoyed from Zion calling him a pyramid.

Gin: I'm not a pyramid!

Zion: I apologize... pyramid man!

Gin: I'm gonna kill you!

Inspector: Enough enough, Zion, stop teasing Gin.

Zion: Alright tall man!

The Inspector suddenly receives a call, swiftly pulling out his two-way radio. He begins conversing with someone on the other end.

Inspector: Hello! you've reached the line of inspection. Hello, this is the Inspector! anything you need from me?

The person behind begins speaking, their words escalating into screams. The Inspector nods, listening intently, and then a smile spreads across his face.

Inspector: I'll be there with you, one minute.

Gin: What is it?

Inspector: There seems to be a problem, our neighboring allies want me to head over to their island, as something terrible has been happening to their land, crops disappearing, acid rain, livestock is disappearing as well.

Carpet: Really? within what span of time has this happened?

Inspector: They didn't say.

Zion: So, is our training over?

Inspector: Yes- wait, I have an idea!

Razor: An idea?

Inspector: Your training is not done yet, but for what I have in mind, I need to consult the head official... ah this is gonna be a pain.

Zion, Gin, Razor and Carpet suddenly began floating in the air.

Inspector: I guess I'll take you brats with me to convince him.

Gin: I-I'm flying!

Carpet: N-No, you aren't flying, you are floating!

Gin: What's the difference?

Carpet: You idiot...

The Inspector jumps up, levitating towards the roof, and the others follow suit, rising with him. As they approach the closed roof, the Inspector effortlessly passes through it, surprising everyone. The four of them, equally astonished, also pass through the seemingly solid roof, which appears not to be invisible at all.

Carpet: W-What kind of sorcery is this?

Inspector: Its not sorcery, this room wasn't real to begin with.

The room starts to turn white, and the furniture begins to dissolve. Zion watches in astonishment, while Gin and Carpet's jaws drop in disbelief. Meanwhile, Razor wears a satisfied smile as he observes the room turning white and disappearing into nothingness.

Gin and Carpet: IT WASN'T REAL?